03/16/1910-010.~ ~.. .<; >' ~. .- ~~~.. r~~ Resolved, That the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim, having in open session on the 10th day of larch, 3910, opened, ex- amined and publicly declared all sealed proposals or bids offered for the following work, to-wit: The paving of that portion of Claud- ina Street in said City, from the Southerly line of Center Street to the Northerly line of Broadway Street, including all alley iriter- sections on said portion of said street, with Asphalt Concrete Pave- "`` mint in,~accordance with the plans and profiles for said work on file in. the Cfffic~ of the City Clerk of said City, and according to Speci f~,~ations No. ? on file in the office of said City Clerk, which sp~cificatians were adopted by said Baardof Trustees oS June loth, 19`Q9, axed are entitled "Special Specifications for Paving of Streets ,, ~ inthe C~.ty of Anaheim with Asphalt Concrete Pavement", hereby awards the contract for said work to the lowest responsible bidder, taTwit : Fairchild.--4ilmore-1Pilton Company, at the price specified in~,~their proposal on file for said work, to-wit: ~~~~... ~~~' The City Clerk is hereby directed to post notice of this award conspicuously for five days on or near the council chamber door of this Board of Trustees, and also publish said notice by one inser- tion in the Orange County Plaindealer, a weekly newspaper published and circulated in this city, and. hereby designated for that purpose by this Board of Trustees. Passed by the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim on ,~ ; n March 1, 1910, by the following vote: rt_ Noes : ~~.*~c. ,,.t-~- c~.~A ~-- City Clerk of said City of Anaheim. Approved this 1Qth day of larch, 2910. President ~f the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim.