Fesolution orderinu Street fork. ~"'F° ~'
A re8ol~~tior± by the Roaf~~-~. of. Trtz^t P.P.S of the City of Anaheim
orderir.~ done the ~~JOrk o.f paving; a portion of Clauciina Street in
:ai~ ;ity.
Resolved, that the street ~~ork herein described is re~tuired by
the public interest ~trd ^onveniPnce, and. the 3oard. of Trustees of
t1.P :"ity oY' Anaheim, Stag; of Cgliforria, hereby order: the as;tie to
ae c9ane ire ~?^^orn.~~n-,e iT~it13 tY~e 7~lnr, ?nc~ profile for ~-;yid 4arork on
file iri the office of the City Clerk of saki ryity =end in accordance
~~ith SpPCifica.tiarl8 No. ? on file in the o,f.fice of said City Clerk,
~-Jhich :specifications ~~~Pre ?dopted_ by said Boerd of Trustees on June
10th, 1909, and are entitled "Special Specif'i^.ations for Pavinu of
St"'eetfi in the "ity of Anaheim ~JitYl Asphalt Col'1Crete Paverlent,++ a.nd
to the sati;fa^tioll of the Superintendent of Streets of said "ity,
to-?"Jit : That that portion of ."lauding Street in said ..",ity, from the
Southerly liI1P, of Cent Pr Strut to the NOrtl'lerly line of l3road~ray
Street , including all alley inte:rse^tions on said. portion of .paid
:street, be paved. +Frith said Aspclal~ Concrete P2-verrent.
The Orar;.~e Caunty Plgindealer, a =xJeekly ne,usp=~~}er p~zblished and
circulated in 88.14. City, iS herFbyr t~.P..Si~nJ'.tP,d as t~2P_, nP,~rJSpaper In
!~111.ch t117.S rP_,SOlutiOn =?ri(~. nOt].Ce of SBld ~:~rork, inviting 5ea_lE~d pra~
posals, :~17a11 k~e published in the mar~rer And. form and_ by the persons
required ley la:aJ.
The City ^l~rk of sa-id. "ity is herei~y direct Pd to post ^on~-
spicuously for five days, on or near the chamber door of said Board
of Tr+.zatees, ire the manner and. form required by la~*-, a notice, '°Jith
~' ~ ~lz'O'?0.,. .> a ~ J1 _..~ Or ~t a1n_, 1C
,,~J~.. ^i7`'1^`~tlOn , :.IiVltirlU ;e^1~`d "'' r' c`a ~' t `~ ~
~~rork; ~nf1. s=ir? "lark is hF~rc~>>,l dl~''P,^,ted to publish for ttuo days,
in t7le rn~~nr_er and. Form required_ by la~~c, a. noti.^..e of said. ?park, in~-
vitiii~; sealed proposalfi a~Y'bids fo.r doing; said ~JOrk, and referring;
to the specifications posted or on file, in the :~a.id newspaper here--
~y dPSi~na.ted fol° that purpose a.s aforesaid. "aid notice shell re-
~_3uire a ^P,rt7.f].ed check or bond, either, as presnribFd~ by la~-r, and.
.for ~?.n amount not les.~ than tern per nt~rt of the ayre.atP of the
proposal. Said C1Prk is also Pier. eby c~irect~d to publisYl this; resol--
ution f'or two days , i~~ the manner rewired by lave, ire said ne~~rsp?per
d?siyr~at?d for that purr~ose ~s aforesaid,
I hereby certify th^t the fore~;oinG resolution eras, pas,~nd. ~~y
tie ~o~r~a of Trizste~s of the City of Anaheim on the 27th day of
Ja~:uary, 1J10, icy t:he follo-rrin~; Vot?:
Ayes : ~~ r : i :? t ? P, ; ~i.~c~,~, c~1 ~ ~ ~'Lc o-~~~ -~ ~~~ G ~`~ ~.~--a ~-~a
o e s : ~-(-a-v~,,~
~~. ~
City ",lerk of the City of Arl~heim.