Resolution of Intention No.~~
A res®lution declaring it to be the intention of the Noard
of Trustees of the City of Anaheim, in Orange County, State of Cali-
fornia, to order aA alley to be opened, running in and easterly and
westerly direction,through Original Building Lots twenty-five, twen-
ty-six, twenty-nine and thirty of the City of Anaheim, as shown on
a map recorded in Book four of Deeds, at pages 629 aaad 630,records
of Los Angeles County, California, on file in the office of the coup
ty recorder of Los Angeles Caunty,California.
i'he Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim, State of Cal-
if ornia do hereby resolve and declare that the public interest and
convenience require, and that i~ is the intention of the said Board
w of Trustees to order the following work to be done, to wit;
~ W lstlThat an alley eighteen feet in width, be opened and exten-
~ U
3 a ded through original building Lots 25, 26, 29 and 30, of the City of
a .-
'' ~ < Anaheim,as said Lots are shown on a map of Anaheim,r ecorded in
~ ~ W Book four of Deeds, a~ pages 629 and 630, records of Los Angeles Coun-
Z m x
a o i ty California, on file in the office of the county recorder of said
N ~' a
p o Los Angeles County, that such alley shall be opened and extended
w a through said lots, along the boundary line, where said lots adjoin,
separating said lots 25 and 26 from said lots 29 and 30, commencing
on the west line of said Lots 26 and BQand extending through said
lots and late 25 and 29, in an easterly direction to the east line
of said Lots 25 and 29.
2nd: That the land which is by said Board of Trustees deemed
necessary to be taken therefor, and which saial Board of trustees
intends to take therefor, is described as follows;
(a)Commencing at the South-west corner of Original Building
Lot 25, as the wane is shown on a map recorded in Book 4 of Deed s, at
pages 629 and 630, records of Los Angeles County, Calif ornia, on file
in the office of the county recorder of raid Las Angeles County,
thence in an easterly direction along the south line of said Lot
25, 132.25 feet, to the west line of Los Angeles Street, thence in
a northerly direction along the West line of Los Angeles Street,
~ s
~ xiine feet to'a point, thence in a westerly[ direction and paralell
-:, ~
with the south line of said Lot 25, 132,25 feet to the fast line
of said Lot 25, and thence in a southerly direction along; the west
line of said Lot 25,nine feet to the south-west corner of said lot.
(b) Commencing at the North-wost corner of original Building
Lot 29,as the same is shown on a map recorded in Book 4 of Deeds,
at pages 629 and 630,recorais of Los Angeles County, California, thence
in an easterly direction along the north line of said Lot 29,
132.25 feet to the west line of Los Angeles Street, thence in a south-
erly direction along the west line of Los Angeles Street, nine Feet
to a point, thence in a westerly direction =:nd paralell with the
North line of said lot 29,132.25 feet to the West line of said lot
29, and thence Northerly along the west 1i ne of said. lot nine feet
,: to the North-west corner of said lot 29.
(c)Commencing at the South-east corner of original Building
} 3 Lot 26, as the same is shown on a map recored®d in Book 4 of Deeds,
3 ,~
at pages 629 and 630,records of Los Angeles County,California,then-
m ~ ce in a westerly direction along the south line of said Lot 26,
U m W
w 3 < thirty f eet, to a point, thence Northerly and paralell with the east
d o z
N ~ a line of said lot 26,nine feet to a point, thence easterly and paral-
w ell with the South line of said lot thirty feet to the east line of
a -said lot, and thence southerly along the east line of said Lot 26,
nine feet to the south-east corner of said lot 26.
(F) Commencing at the south-west corner of ,Original Building
Lot 26,as the same is shown on a map recorded in Book 4 of Deeds,
at pages 629 and 630,records of Los Angeles County,California, theneC
in an easterly direction along the south line of said lot 26, sixty
feet to a point, thence Northerly,. and paralell with the west line
of said Lot 26,nine feet to a point, thence at right angles westerly
and paralell with the south line of said lot 26, sixty feet to the
west line of said Lot, and thence southerly along the west line of
said lot nine feet to the south- west corner of said Lot 26.
(G)Commencing at the North-west corner of original Building
Lot 30,as the same is spawn on a map recored in Book 4 of Deeds, at
pages 629 and 630,records of Los Angeles County, California, thence
easterly along the north Zinc of said lot 30, sixty feet to a point,
w ~~ .e
thence southerly and paralell with the west Line of said Lot thirty,
nine feet, thence westerly and paralell with the North line of said
lot, sixty feet to the west line of said Lot thirty, and thence
Northerly,along the west line of said lot nine feet to the north-
west corner of said lot thirty•
3rd:That the exterior boundaries of the. district hereby
established, and the exterior boundaries of the district of lands
hereby declared to be affected and benefitted by said work or
improvement, and to be assessed to .pay the damages, costs and expen-
ses thereof,are described as follows, to wit;
Beginning at the south-west corner of Original Building Lot
30, as the same is shown on a map recored in Book 4 of needs, at pag-
w es 629 and 630, records of Los Angeles Ooixnty, California, thence in
W a Northerly direction along the westerly line of Original Building
~ O
3 ~ Lots 30 and 26, 363 feet to the North-west corner of Building Lot
~ ~ a26;thenee easterly along the Northerly line of said Lot 26, sixty
~ c U
v m W f set, thence southerly, paralell to the easterly line of said lot 26,
a o z 172.5 f set, thence easterly, paralell to the southerly line of said
~ o Lot26, 50.25 f set, thence Northerly paralell to the easterly line of
'` a said Lot 26,81.75 feet, thence easterly,paralell to the southerly
dine of Buildings Lots 26 and 25,162.25 feet; thence southerly,
paralell to the easterly line Buildings lots 25 and 29,272.25 feet,
to the southerly line of Building lot 29,thence westerly along the
southerly line of Building Lot 29,132.25 feet to the westerly line
of said Lot 29, thence Northerly along the westerly line of said lit
29,172.5 feet, thence westerly,paralell to the Northerly line of
Building Lot 30,80.25 feet, thence southerly paralell to the west-
erly line of said lot 30,172.5 feet to the southerly line of said
lot ~O,thence westerly along the southerly line of said lot 30,
sixty feet to the point of beginnings excepting therefrom the land
in section two hereof described,in subdivisions a,b,c,f, and g,
as the land to be taken for opening said alley, also excepting
that portion of said Lots 26 and 30 heretof ore deeded to the City
of Anaheim for alley purposes, and excepting also any land within
said boundaries contained, which is now part of a public street or
4th' The Orange County Plain Dealer, a weekly newspaper
published and circulated in said City of Anaheim, is hereby des-
ignated a s the newspaper in which the street superintendent of said
City shall cause to be published in the manner and form required
by law notice of the passage of this resolution, and the said
street superintendent is hereby directed to cause notices of
the passage of this resolution •to be posted in the manner anal
form required by law, and to cause a notice similar in substance, to
be published in said newspaper for four successive insertions
in the manner and form required by law.
I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was passed
w by the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim,on the 13th. day
W ~a .1~o9~by the followin vote;
3 ~,~ « Ayes:
a .-
"' ' a Noes: None.
i O K
W ° ~ *'~
U m w
z = City clerk and ex-of icio Clerk of the
w ; Board of Trustees of the City of
o. o z
N W a Anaheim.