03/11/1909-005R~ssi~lizton ro. g3 tr:ie±-:inf' Strs,~t ~vr,rk.
T'.esci.ved, that tree street work r,~;r-,:in descY•ibe:i ia, ~~~q'a.irui ;by
cn: p~tk~.lic int;4.:rest anti cc~nv;insnce,ana tre Boar:1 of T~•,tstees e~f
thy. City of An:~:n=~im, St ~,tN os' Cali+~ornia, h8~eby t~rders tY~e same to
be :ic;ne accrr;iin~ tc. the :specifications contained in its prdl.rl!1C:',
~`~Jc>.17~,of' sai.i City 3n:i und,r th;3 :~1reCt].Gn an,I tc the s:~tis~'ac-
tion of the Superintendent oz Streets uf' said City, to wit:
1•. That a cement sidew~:lk five f'e:~t in width an:i a ceY~ent
cu.rt~ be cc~nstrueted cn t:kze ~,ast side of South Lemon •`>tre~t in
Said city b~twe:~n F~.m Svrs~st and Santa .'1n:~ Street, ~xc;~r,tint' alan~;
such i~ortians oi' tl'~a s yid I+,ast line of sa~ar,h Lemon St re<~t upun
a ~~~hicY, a c en1ent side~rl:~~c and cement c ~~rb .;eve `:mil rea:iy b n~.n const °^~ze-
~ 3 ted to t,~:e of'f'icio! line and t';ra~e.
3 a
~ ~ a ~, That ~ cement 4idewalk six f'e~:.~t in width ,and a cement c:z~•b
~ c
U m W b~ constr~zcted on the TJc,'^±, r1 silly o-f Proadway Strut in sai:t
Z x
W 3 a }~( r
a g z City, bGt,w:~:~n Palr.} St rest and ~'alena Street,from the e.~t 11rLe
~ a
o ~ c~i' ~ielana Street to tl.c; East c~~.rb line oi' Pa1r~Street.
3. That a cement side~xralk !`ivc; .Peet in width and a cement cT~rb
~ b: conatr•tlcted on the East side of Tcp~ka Ctreet in said City,'_'rom
the Su~atY, line cf~ Chw.rtres Strc;et to the ~tlprth line of ~yenter
Street;tt~at twa cement alley crossiniTs,13 feet in width be can-
stri.a.ct~d on the Feast side of sai.i Topeka :treet,between Chartres
and Canter Streets,th~~ cHnter line of one of said crossin~:s bint
w ~~r- r t±:r: sc;~atli ii.n-, :. (.her., _ c..sx t _ .. .. .. _i ~._a.,
l .:jo • ,t~ # ;i=~t .,Ci.ltl'. .., lir.l
centa» line cif' the at~~er af' said crossings bei:z~'; 13`~.N`a felt i~do?~th .
oa' t4i~ iJc~rtri line of rentQr Street.
4•Th~t ~ c~r~lent sider~ralk rive et in widtJ~ and a cement c~~,..b
be canstr~zcte:i on the ~"rest :•i;ie of Atckbi~on Suer-~t between.
~hartrs and CP,nt er Stri3~~ts in sai:i ~;i ty, frc:am t~jeso,~th line cif
v1' Chiartres Street to thr; ~'Jcrtt1 line o~' Center Street,ana that
cerrtcnt curb b~: constN,~c*.,ea on t::a Fast sine of .~tchinsan "t ~:;~.;t
_ ,...
,. ,
._,~. -~w ~ __°~.
betwef,n (;har~%ra8 Strc~st tc. °rGadwsa;~ Str~us;t, frUi:i the :'c~ut;h line ~af
l;~i;~"tY'",~,5 Stre<,t t0 tfi~, r+il}rU~l lines Ci~ ~%s.'Yltt;'Y' litre@t, end f'rOtil tr'?
~~c~;att~ lit1~ of C~:.~nter Str=u :,t to +.ne ?`3cxrth ling Ui Rrof~d~,r,:y Strew+,,~
t11t c.~f th. ~vUrk above ueac'•ibei s~:al.lbe dune in accnrd:<xnce
~ U
~' 3
~ r J
_ Q
u D
~ z
k! ~ ~_
V m W
Z ~ x
a ~ Z
. a
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'Jith thu jia.3Tls,~:r0:.'l.lr~8 ant C:rU~S-s2Ct1C.nS therefor,}1~-,?~"rYtUFC)Y'y
dtzl;,r c~dc+~te:l by the :~ax:i ~3c~ard c; f' Tr,.istees and can 1~'il~; in the
c;a_E'ic~. :. f.' tia~ (~~ty i;1 ~+'k u.~ sates ~:ity.
Thc; `~'~~.i~-;im Gaac;~te,a weekly ne~~rspaper p~~liaish?:I .na ei~
ctzlated in ~'~.ici Ci* Ur' r~n_.~i~;ir~~, is h~reb:~ desit;:~ated ss the
r-a~asl~aper in ~~r:;ic: ,l~.is rNSUl'~at1Un '_in~ nc:r.ice Uf' s~i:i work, invi°
t ink; s gal ea p f°c~posal3, ;ri:~11 bE~ ~z~xblished in the m.~nn:r -in:i !'U "r'1
3114 ~y t~".~ p E'.rst~2ls r~gral rid k)'i ~,~,w„
`~Yi City Cleric is Hereby ~direr,ted to past cc~nsliicic}~auly f'c~r
five days, ~~n Ur near the chaTnbBr dUUr U `.' the s:~id RUard UI' Tr~l~t°
ees,in tr.e m_~nzzer an.~ fUrm req~-lire:i by laws nt~tice,~vitt~ spwci-
f'icatii;ris, inviting; :~~:aled propclsals or bids t'i~r dc?in~, bai3 work;
-~r1d s<:~ia c1Ar1: is her~:by directed tc publish fcrr twU days, in the
~r~ann r a:xd form req~zir~::i by law, a notice Ui' said ~'rork, inviting
sea.tea ~>r'apos~,.ls Ur bids i'c:r a.cin~, said ~•rork, x.111 referin{~ 1U th«:
specifications pUS~ei car on file, in tY1e said. newspapsr hereby =i~,s_
ig;ndted cr tY1at p~.zr'pose as _~i'c;resaid. Said nUtice shall T•egzaire
:~ ce~'tii`i e,~ ck~eck c;r bUnd, eithar, ~,s prescribs:l by law, =~n3 f'~r :gin
~.ncnznt nest :less than teii per cent Uf' ti-e a~;~;rr,:~at.:~, c;i the p,~.o_
~USrzi. Said clerk is a1~;U rar=;by directed tc; ~i~xblirh ':,?-~i:- ~e:~czljz~-
Lion for twv days, in tr.e ms,n~~eH req~xirf~d by la~•r, iri :: 3.id n~!vsp~per
desig;nate:l z-'cr that Iiu~os;; ~fc~rrsaid.
I ;~.reby cer•tif'~r tr.at thi: fC;rg~Cin~'; rc;sc~-i.~~tic%n tiN~s Iz;asse3 ?~:,r
tY1F: (;,~ttT ;~U~~°a U.I' Tr11st,E3~:5 of Gr:e l:l.ty' Uf' tt1:i;.,@1T:1, C~T7 t?79 lift"~.
lay of r.~iaY•ch,1~Ov, bar she 1U11U~~riri~ vat e: ~a ~~~o
Ayas : eJ~a -C.r4..u /2<..,,C. ~ ~ ~.(..-=~ ,7fh o-E9 v~~ .Q.t"~.~-/C
'tom -~ 'l;ity._Clerk17n ~; ;srk ct': t- F',c.arci
~, t,. ,~, Nu r t P ~+ r „ ~' t ~ r,; l; 1 t ,~ ~'+11 "3 -'; r:1 tT1.
U :E'