04/22/1909-009~. µ
Resolution of Awarci . ~° ~ ~"~
Resolved., That the Board of trustees of. the City of Anaheim,
havs~n~ in open session on the 8tit d.ay of April, 1909, opened, exam
fined a.nd ~rniblioly declared all sealed i~r. oposala or bids offPrf,ci for
the followin ~vork, tea-^vit:
4 jr.
~; ~ ';
~, '~
a~iua+. itne. ots ;~~ic-n t, 7a~ua
~..~'„ At akea~@~ i+ c. t:4 ~eAeffi~Rbl
"' " ,~ ~ ~~e L afddvrslk BtSt fe'~t fire se#~sh.
a ~s~tkrxment dare bE~uuatrµgted t,5e nartII
>tlt~e ~ 13mad~vxy 8trbet fn the b'tLy of Atta-
riiatta, bttw'Ceu PR17n"QLt~Ebt attd 8£18ti-StteEty
from iti< VPest' tilde of f!@leua Street to tbe,,
I~tst nurb ilne of P&1m 9t L
». '!`tai a cement siclpgwxlk ~Re fceL to vridth
"anQ a Cement cf}cb betoaattveted on the Laat
atd~e;ef xot~ei<a Street Sn the UftS rrf Apghe3p,,
ErO~i the Setttt9: fine of .Ghartrer etrset to the
Nbrtff lire of tenter altreet; that two 'Dement
rileyy cre~dngge 13 feet to ~aidttt Ae COtlsttticted
tst vgeEaaL aide of eatd.Tope}ra Street, betxveen
ChartreA a d Center 9treeta, the center Line
of one of said otoesinta being t+r6.b6-feet eotth
of-the south tin9,uf-Chartrey~fttreet aad tht
neater bide of fibs other df eaM eroa8lnue beinx
.,..,,.~,.~rwwwr~....~...,w.Am....,._ . _.._...,~-
hereby re~ects~ all of saki bidt~ except that next herein mentioned
and hereby s~wa.rds the contract fox said work to the lo~-est re~,~zlar
responsible bidc_ier, to-wit : at tide pri^e
gpP,r;ifj.ed in hi.~ proposal orl file for sai~.i ~to?'k, to-~vit
city Cl .,rk is hereby direct .d. to post notice of. this a.~aard
conspictzotxsly for Five day: on or neAr cizr~mber door of this Board
of Tx~z~stPes, and ai~so nublis2~ said. nati~~ by one insertior, in the
Anaheim (~azt~tte, a wP,P,~C.1y n~w~pa~er ntlbli~hed anti. c;irculat,ed in this
city, anti. hereby designated for that purpose by this Board of Trustees.
pa~spci b;,T the Hoard. of Trla~i,teeg of. t7ie city of. Anaheim, April
22d, 19Q9, by the following vote:
Ayes : CJ^~.o ~l ~.s~,~,,, ~ ~ , ~~ ~ ~ ,<..z ~, R~~~.1C ~ .~-° ~,`-."°
~o eti : ~-.
C-c_._.-~,-r~. ~>/=n~r qty C :Lerk .
Approved this ?2.d day of April, 1999.
President o._~ e o of r1rt1S e
FOPS of the City of Ana
115,26 feet north of the n4rtb line, of Ceuter