1907-078~ ,~
Resolution No. ~_
Resolved, by the Board. of TrtzstPes of the Cit,~ of Anaheim,
State of Cali~'ornia, that tYie clerk of acid City be, axad. he hereby
is, authors?ed and directed. to give notioe of the filixig of tY1A re-
port of. the cornrnissioners heretofore appoint pd by thin }Board. of
T utnes by ordinance No. 199 to asseas the benefits a.nd delhages axut
~` avP general ,,t~tiiaervision of the *~ork of opening a street through~'~,
Orinal Buil~.ing Lots 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39 and 40 in +~he City
' of -Anaheim, ~~ozn the hest line of I,as Angelez~ Street to the Fast line
rv of ~,emon Strut, by ptahlioation of. such notioe, in the Manner anti
form required by la~:v, by three suaressive insertions in the Anaheim
~~EYa~`ett'~e-, A weekly npwsY~a;~er of ~;enPrAl circulation, printed, ~ub-
~' li~hec and. circulated in sa.ic~ citMr, and hereby desi~;na.ted ~'or that
purpose, requiring all persons interested to show caizae, if any, on
or before Thursday the 19th day oi' November, 1903 , why said report
should not be ^onfirmed, ~hPfore said. Board. of Trtxateea.
I hereb-;,r certify that the Foregoing resolution was pt~ssed 'ay
the Board of Trustees of. the City of Ana.heiiri on the 8th da;,~ of Oeto-
ber, 1908, by the following vote~2.,
Afes: `T'russtees ~~~,/C -~J~c~o
Noes: ~o-s-~~
City C,1Prk and px-officio Clerk of the
Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim.