Resoliktio~l of Intention Ido. 9*,,. ~ 7 .
Resolved. b3- the Board of Trusteer~ of the City of Anaheim, State
of Ca1i~'ornia:
lst. That it is thR intention of_ said Board of Tri~.stee~ to
order the Pollo~rin~ street work to bP dome in said city, t,o_wit : To
x~den Broae~ray Street in skid ^ity of ~ a:-~ei~.
s ~ ~ ~ .~ ~~ , . .-
2d. That the ~' ~ ~~t~+~~~zrd of Trustees deemed
ft~- ~ .:
necessary to be take M1 ter, +~; this Board of Trustees
intends to take tine ~~ ~ .; ~;~,,~~~, .~~ follows, to-wit
All that certain 1?9,rid situates,, lying anti being in said "ity
of AnahPir~, and particzzlarl~- describPCi as follows:
?~irst : Beginning; at a point 21.75 feet Nardi 15 1~2 deg. Kest
from t.i2e Southwesterly corner of vineyard Lot ~6, a8 silo~tn on a map
recorded iu Book ~ Of` neP,ds, pages 629 and 630, Records of Los An-
geles Gounty, California, and running t~~ence Northerly along the
~esterl~- line of laid jineyard Lot 20 'feP,t; .thence Rasterly and par-
. allel to the Southerly line of. Sa7.d ~jine~-ard ~,ot 200 feet ; thence
Southerly and parallel ~!~ith the Westerl~r line of said vineyard Lot
20 feet, ~ant~. thence tiesterly and parallel to the Southerly line of
said Fineyard Lot 200 feet to ti:e point of beginning.
3d. That the exterior boundaries of. the district hereby estab-
lisped, and the exterior boundaries of the district of lands hereby
declare to be affected and benefitted by said work or improvement,
and to be assessed to pay the damages, cost and expenses ther.F~of,
deg. Fast. 200 feet; thence South 15 l~ 2 deg. EEast 374.~'S feet; thence
South 74 1l2 deg. ?hest 546.5 feet to a. point 20 feet Sotxth 15 1~2
deg. East from the Southeasterly corner of Lot c of saki. Went Broad-
way Tract; ti~en~~e North 15 1/2 deg.. hest 372,9 fg~st to the point of
beginning; excepting therefrom tYie land hereinbefore ci.esaribed as
the land to be taken for widening said Broadway Street, and excepting;
also any l~.nd within said boundaries container which ie no~~ part of
a public; street or alley.
The Anaheim Gazette, ~. ~~rePkly newspaper p1z.blisYipd and circulated
in said. city, is hArPby designated as 'the ne~~Aa~paper ir. whic2i the
Superintendent of Streets of said City shall cause to bP published,
in file manner and form required by~ lair, notice of the passage of
this resolca.tion, and the said Superintendent of Streets is hereby
dirent~d to c',atzge notices of the pas:~ac;w of thin resoli~,tion to ire
posted in the manner and form required. b~T 1a~~, and to cause a notioe
similar in s~.Lbstanc;e ~o be published in said nP~~rspaper by f.'our stzc~
cessiv? insertions therein in the manner required. by law.
I hereby ^ertify that the for going resolution was pa.ssP.d by
tine Board of Tr?zstees of .the City of Anaheim, on the 13th day of
August, 190x3, by the followiri~ jTOte:
..yes : ^rtzstees { ~_P~c
:~ o e s : ~'~,yxQ_
~~ ~~~~
. ...---
City Clerk. and ex-officio Clerk of the
Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim.
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