11/29/1907-003Resolution o~~dering Street 4~ork, rto. ~~ A resolution by the Boa.rci. of Tr~zs~tees of the City ~f Anaheim ordPrin~ rement sidewalks '~.nci cement curbs to be constructed on certain portions of. Bhiladelphia Street, ChRrt~es Street, Cler.~f~ntine Street , Helena. Stre a.nd Center Street in €~a.id City, Resolved, That the Street fork herein descri~~pcY i e r. ecYtzirPd by the rnzhlic interest and convenience, anc~ the Board of Trustees pf the "ity of Anoheiln; State of '^alif'o`rnia, hereby ord.Rrs t}ie same to be done according to the specifications rontainecY iz~i its OrC~iIl- arce No. 16~', and. i.znd?r the direction a.nd to the ~;~.tisf. action of the SuY?erintendent of Streets of 5~id "ity, ~E~]t7~X a.nd in a^cord- ano? with the plans, profiles and cross sections therefor heretofore duly Adopted. by said Board. of Trustees and on file in the office of the City Clerk of said City, to-uit ~a ~ ~~' ~~ rei'se of ~: tS#tg _. ~; <_~+outri d'~ ~ ~ "'' e'lr~t ~ ` . ~ '~` t&e ~ - ~ TM r.,...r. e'x3Wrth,..~ ~ 1' ~ • ~ Thstt a coAYti~l'C e~~Qs ~ Atit ~7v'e t15eL !21 tti. 61Yd & Q~gY~tiE G17 ~, h0 ~dIJ LY~ _ ,~ ash s~c+e R~Era~ ~~. ,H ~. ~. y ttreire ~ ,~ ' r ~~ '~~1'11dk8Q~n1@IIt ~AC~,F~ ~n~P~~~~r r C _ trala Th~, a a~, _ i i ~f-CL~ ~. ~ _ tad`'. ~y~~ t~~ ~,$ YJ _ Li~vfwoiela.ticulihr ~ ~:. - ,r ... ~ ~,~ , ~`s _ ~i ; '., : ,~° ---.._. _.._.._~.__ _. _._-____.___._._.~ _ _._ --- ~__..~.~..,. __.. ___ _._...~.,._...~.. __~._.~._r.._~..___ _ ....___._______.... _____..- __.- "'he Urange Gounty Plaindealer, a ~seekly newspaper T~uY~lished and circt.ilated in said oily, is hereby designated ae the newenaper in ~~rhi~}a this resolution 6tSd. notice of said ~:~ork, invitin~~. sealed proposals, ~s]Zall be ptiblishPd in the manner ancY. form s~.nci. by the persons required by la~~, The ~it~T r,1Prk of said City i€~ hereby di~eeted to post c;on-- spicuously for five dAyfi, on or near the ohaFnber door_ of said Board of Trtz~stePs, in the manner a.nd form rPC~~ured by law, a notice, with specificat ions, inviting sealed rroposal~s or bide for doing said work; and s~?.id C1Prk is hereby directed to publish for two da~Ts, in th? manner and form required by la!~r, a notice of said work, ir1~- v:iting sealed proposals or Y~id:~ for doing .paid. work, and ref. erring to thQ speoifications posted or on file, in thc~ said news~~a~~er her_P-~- b~r designated for that pixrpose ar afarPSaid. Said notice shall r. ~:- ~,uire ~: certiS'iE;d check or bond, either, as pr~'srribed 3~y law, and for an arno~znt not less that. ter, per cent of the aggregate of the pro}~osa.l. Said Clerk is also hereby ciirerted to publish this resolu- tion for two dayfi in the manner required b;,r law, in said newspaper designated for that purpose a.s aforesaid. I hereby ^ertify that the foregoing; resolttti on was passed by ~. '~ the Board of i'rustee~s of the City of Anaheim on the i#~ day of November, 1907, by the following vote: .~~rl-?~.,: `~'r1,Zt3tPP,fi /U~o<..rG ~U~ c,-~yrya~ ~ `l'~.oc..--~-a Noes : ~-~„~ City C1Prk anc3 ex-off'i~io '"leek of the Board of Trustees of the rit~r of Anaheim