09/12/1907-004Resolution of Intention, No. F~esolved, by the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim, State of California: That i~ is the intention of. said noarcY of Trustees to order the following street ~eork to be done in sa.icl City, to~wit : To widen Los Angeles Street in said City of Analieirt. '~h~t, the lanr~. which i~ by said Board of Trustees deemed nea-- es:~ary to be taken therefor, -end ~rThioh thin Board of '~rzistPPS in- tends to take therefor, is described as follows, to--wit : Beginning at thF SoizthwF~stQrly corner of Los Angeles a.nd. North Streets in said City of Anaheim, and running; thence Southerl~r along the ~~-esterl;~ line of Los Angeles Street to the Northwesterly corn~;r of Los Angele:t and Sycamore Streets; thence ~esterlYr along th® Northerl~l Iinp of Sycan-orp Street tc~n feet; thence ~Tortl~erly ax',d p~.rA.llRl with the ~estPrlYl line of Los Angeles St~^FPt to a point on the Sot~thPrly line of North Street, ten feet ~t~estPrly from the Southw west?r1YT corner of Los Angeles and North Streets, and thence Fast erly a.lon~ the Southern line of. North street ten feet to the n3.aae of beginning. Also, beginning at the 5outheasterl`1 corne~~° of Los Angeles and ~iorth Streets, in said City of Anahei.ra, acrd running thence Soutli~erly along the Pasterl;r°line of Los Angeles Street to a point 1118.82 feet 5o~ztherly •froz~ the said point or '~PUinning; thence Easterly and para11e1 with the Southerly line of. ~Jorth Street, ten feet; thence liortherllr a.nc~. parallel with the E€~ster3~r line of Los Angeles Street to a point on th? goutherly line of North Street ten feet Ea-stPrly fror_t the Southeat~terly corner o:f' Los Angeles and Nart11 Streets; thence ~estPrly along; the ao~ztherl~r line of North Street ten Feet to the point o{` beginning. Reference is hereby r~sde to the OffiCi Rl reap Of the City of AnRheirn on file in the office of the City Clerk of said City. 1`hat the exterior 1~o~zndsriPS of. th? district hereby efitablished, and. the exterior "boundaries of the district of Viands hereby declared ~:, to be affected and benefited by said fork or improvement, and to be as~essPd to pay the damages, cost And expenses thereof, are descri- bed. as follows, to-wit Be~;innin~ a.t a point on the Southerly line of North Street,in said city of Anaheim, distant 130 feet ':~e4tRrly from the Sotztht!-est-- erl~f corner of North and Los Angeles Streets, and ~ ing thence Southerly and parallel with the ~le~sterl~r line of !! ~ treet to a point on the Northerly line of Sycamore Street, distant 130 feet Westerly from the Northt~esterly corner of Sycamore and Lo€~ Angeles Streets; thence ~astPrl~r alon; the iortherly line of Syca more utreet 130 fe®t to the Northwesterly corner of. Syaamorp and Los Angeles Streets; thence Northerly along the Westerly line of Los Angeles Street to a point di:~tant lll~.£3~ feet Southerly from the Southwesterly corner of Loa Angeles and North Streets; thence at right angles FastPrl~r and parallel with tii? South~3rly line of ltorth Street ,~~} feet; thence Northerly and parallel ~~ith the ~asterl~r line of Los Angelet~ Street to a ~~oint on the Southerly line of 2iorth Street, distant 130 feet ~a.aterly from the Sozztheasterly eOrner of North and Los An~g'les Streets, and thence ',FrPStPrlr Rlon, the So~ztherl~- line of North Street Afeet to the place of be- ginning, Reference being; made to the off. ieial -map of the City of Anaheim on file in the o#'f ice of the City Glerk of said Gity. fix- opting therefrom the land hereinbefore described as the land to be taken for ~videnin~; .said Los AI1t;eles Street, an<i excepting also any land ?~ithit~ s~.id. boundaries contained which is now part of: a ~~tzblic street or alley. ~hP Orange County PlaindealPr, a vrePkly netgspaper ~~ublished and circulated in said City , is hereb;,r designated as ttte newspaper in ~.t*hich the Superintendent of Streets of said City a:nall cau~;e to be PltbliHiied, in the manner and form regtzired by law, notice of 4 the passage of this resolution, end the ssic~ SuPPr. intendment of StTPPt$ is hereby directed to cause notices of the ~aar~sage of this resolution to be Posted in the manner and forz~ rewired bar law, and to cause' a notice, similar in substance, to ue fal.ibli€~hPd in said ne~sspR~?r by four successive in;~ertions therein in the manner re- ~,uired by law. T hereby ^prtif_y that the f0?'P,~oiri~ resolution was passed ~y the Board of Trustees of the City of. Anahoim on tl:~ 1~th ci.ft~r of Se}~tpmher, 1807, by the following vote; Ayes ; ~ ~ ~G -~ ~ ~ , NO~°r % -~'r~~i ~~ C~.~ Cam...-~~ City Clerk and ex-offioiotl Clerk of thg £ioard of Trustees of t~~e City of Anaheim.