09/12/1907-004Resolution of Intention, No.
F~esolved, by the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim,
State of California:
That i~ is the intention of. said noarcY of Trustees to order
the following street ~eork to be done in sa.icl City, to~wit : To widen
Los Angeles Street in said City of Analieirt.
'~h~t, the lanr~. which i~ by said Board of Trustees deemed nea--
es:~ary to be taken therefor, -end ~rThioh thin Board of '~rzistPPS in-
tends to take therefor, is described as follows, to--wit :
Beginning at thF SoizthwF~stQrly corner of Los Angeles a.nd. North
Streets in said City of Anaheim, and running; thence Southerl~r along
the ~~-esterl;~ line of Los Angeles Street to the Northwesterly corn~;r
of Los Angele:t and Sycamore Streets; thence ~esterlYr along th®
Northerl~l Iinp of Sycan-orp Street tc~n feet; thence ~Tortl~erly ax',d
p~.rA.llRl with the ~estPrlYl line of Los Angeles St~^FPt to a point on
the Sot~thPrly line of North Street, ten feet ~t~estPrly from the Southw
west?r1YT corner of Los Angeles and North Streets, and thence Fast
erly a.lon~ the Southern line of. North street ten feet to the n3.aae
of beginning.
Also, beginning at the 5outheasterl`1 corne~~° of Los Angeles and
~iorth Streets, in said City of Anahei.ra, acrd running thence Soutli~erly
along the Pasterl;r°line of Los Angeles Street to a point 1118.82
feet 5o~ztherly •froz~ the said point or '~PUinning; thence Easterly
and para11e1 with the Southerly line of. ~Jorth Street, ten feet; thence
liortherllr a.nc~. parallel with the E€~ster3~r line of Los Angeles Street
to a point on th? goutherly line of North Street ten feet Ea-stPrly
fror_t the Southeat~terly corner o:f' Los Angeles and Nart11 Streets;
thence ~estPrly along; the ao~ztherl~r line of North Street ten Feet
to the point o{` beginning.
Reference is hereby r~sde to the OffiCi Rl reap Of the City of
AnRheirn on file in the office of the City Clerk of said City.
1`hat the exterior 1~o~zndsriPS of. th? district hereby efitablished,
and. the exterior "boundaries of the district of Viands hereby declared
to be affected and benefited by said fork or improvement, and to be
as~essPd to pay the damages, cost And expenses thereof, are descri-
bed. as follows, to-wit
Be~;innin~ a.t a point on the Southerly line of North Street,in
said city of Anaheim, distant 130 feet ':~e4tRrly from the Sotztht!-est--
erl~f corner of North and Los Angeles Streets, and ~ ing thence
Southerly and parallel with the ~le~sterl~r line of !! ~ treet
to a point on the Northerly line of Sycamore Street, distant 130
feet Westerly from the Northt~esterly corner of Sycamore and Lo€~
Angeles Streets; thence ~astPrl~r alon; the iortherly line of Syca
more utreet 130 fe®t to the Northwesterly corner of. Syaamorp and
Los Angeles Streets; thence Northerly along the Westerly line of
Los Angeles Street to a point di:~tant lll~.£3~ feet Southerly from
the Southwesterly corner of Loa Angeles and North Streets; thence
at right angles FastPrl~r and parallel with tii? South~3rly line of
ltorth Street ,~~} feet; thence Northerly and parallel ~~ith the
~asterl~r line of Los Angelet~ Street to a ~~oint on the Southerly line
of 2iorth Street, distant 130 feet ~a.aterly from the Sozztheasterly
eOrner of North and Los An~g'les Streets, and thence ',FrPStPrlr Rlon,
the So~ztherl~- line of North Street Afeet to the place of be-
ginning, Reference being; made to the off. ieial -map of the City of
Anaheim on file in the o#'f ice of the City Glerk of said Gity. fix-
opting therefrom the land hereinbefore described as the land to be
taken for ~videnin~; .said Los AI1t;eles Street, an<i excepting also any
land ?~ithit~ s~.id. boundaries contained which is now part of: a ~~tzblic
street or alley.
~hP Orange County PlaindealPr, a vrePkly netgspaper ~~ublished
and circulated in said City , is hereb;,r designated as ttte newspaper
in ~.t*hich the Superintendent of Streets of said City a:nall cau~;e to
be PltbliHiied, in the manner and form regtzired by law, notice of
the passage of this resolution, end the ssic~ SuPPr. intendment of
StTPPt$ is hereby directed to cause notices of the ~aar~sage of this
resolution to be Posted in the manner and forz~ rewired bar law, and
to cause' a notice, similar in substance, to ue fal.ibli€~hPd in said
ne~sspR~?r by four successive in;~ertions therein in the manner re-
~,uired by law.
T hereby ^prtif_y that the f0?'P,~oiri~ resolution was passed ~y
the Board of Trustees of the City of. Anahoim on tl:~ 1~th ci.ft~r of
Se}~tpmher, 1807, by the following vote;
Ayes ; ~ ~ ~G -~ ~ ~ ,
NO~°r % -~'r~~i
~~ C~.~ Cam...-~~
City Clerk and ex-offioiotl Clerk of thg
£ioard of Trustees of t~~e City of Anaheim.