09/12/1907-005Resolution of Intention loo. ~_"_
Resolved by the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim, State
of r,ali~'ornia;
That it is the intention of said Board of Trustees to order
the following &treet work to be done in said City, to•-wit; To widen
Los Angeles Street in said City of Anaheim,
That the la.ncl. Tvliich ire by said Bo€~rc1. of. ?'rtis~tees domed nec-
essary to be taken therefor, and which tlxis Board of 'IrizstF~NS ins
tends to take therefor, is~ der~cribed a.s follows, to~wit:
Beginning at the Southwesterly corner of. Santa. Ana and Los
helps Streets in said city of AnahPir~z, and running; thence Southerly
along the ~a'estPrly line of Loa Angeles Street to the P;orth~vesterly
morner of Los Angles and Broad Streets; thP]ZcP,. '~,~Pstprly along tha3
Northerly line of Broad Street nine feet; thence northerly and par-
allel xith the ~'estArl~T ling of Los Anl;eles Street to a point on
the So~ztherly ling of Santa Ana Street, nine feet Westerl~r front the
SotzthE~AStPrly corner of Santa Ana and Los Ang~:les Streets, and thence
Easterly along the Soutl,P.rly line of. Santa Ana Street nine feet to
the po~.nt, of beginning.
Also, beginning at the Southeasterly' carnPr of. Sants~ Ana incl.
Loy AnuAles Streets, in said Citvr of. Anaheim, and running tY]ence
uolxtherly along the_FastQrly line of Los Angeles Street to the l~orth-
t'asterl~r oorner of Los Angeles and Broad StrE'.ets; thonce 3+sasterly
along the northerly line of Broad Street ten feet; thence northerly
and parallel with the FastP_r_ly line of Los Angeles Street to a point
on the 5outh~;rly line of Santa Ana Street ten feet r~asterly from
the So!~.thRastArlsf c~brnpr of Banta Ana and Los Angeles Streets, and
thence Westerly along the So~:ztherl~,~ line of Santa Ana Street ten
feet to the point, of beginnin ,
Hef9rence iU hereby made to the off.iciai map of the City of
AnahPii~- on file in the off. i^P of_ the City Clerk of said City.
That the exterior no~zn~iaries of the district hereby Pst~blished
and tha ?xtprior Boundaries of the district of lands hereb;,T cl.pclared
to by a.ff. ectPd, and benPfitted by paid ~~*ork or improvement, and to
be assessed to pay the dama~,es, cost and expenses t}1ere~$, are dPS-
cribed as ~'ollo~a-s, to-wit
f3eginriing s.t s~ point on the Southerly line of Santa Ana Street,
in said City of Anaheim
distant 130 feet Easterly from the Souther~eterly earner of Santa Ana
and Loft Ang~:les Streets, and running; thencs? Southerly and parallel
vrith the Easterly line of Los Angeles Strf~et to a point on the
~tortherly line of ~3road Street, distPnt 130 feet Pasterl~r from the
from the Northeasterly corner of Los Angeles and Broad Streets;
thence ~,~resterly along the Northerly ling; of Broad Street 309.50 feet;
thence Northerly and pe.rallel ~+~ith the Westerly line of. Los Angeles
Street to -t point on the Southerly line of Santa .Ana Street, dis-
tant 130 :e'P,P,t ~destArl,- from the Soutfi?~esterly corner of Los ~lgeles
and Santa Ana streets; tilF'.nr!e Fasterl~* alon the Southerly line of
Santa Ana Street 309.50 feet to the place of beginning. Reference
being rnadp to the official map of the City of Anaheim on file in
the office of the G3ity Clerk of said ^ity. Excepting therefrom the
land hereinbefore described as the land to be taken for widening
said Los Angeles Street, and excepting also any land within raid .
boundaries containP.d which is now part of a public street or. alley.
The Orange County Plaindealer, a weekly ne~rspaper published
and circulates in s~ict City, is hereby designated ae the ne~~spaper
in `1'tiliCh the Superintendent of Streets of said City €3h~.11 oa~.zee to
be p~zblis,ted, in the manner and forrznregtzired bar law, notice of
the passage of this resolution, and the s~airt Superintendent of
StrPeto is herebf dir~:ctec? to cause notices of the passage of this
resolution to b? po~tPCi. in the me.nner a.nct form required b;T law, and
to cause a notice, similar in substance, to be published in said
ne~rspaper by four successive insertions therein, in the manner re-
quired by la~~.
I horPb~~ certif'yr that the foregoing resolution teas pa.~sed by
the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim on the 1?t,1~ d~~r of
September, 1907, by the f_ollo~rir~ vote:
~` - C `Ln ~. ~`~ ~,c.o ~ Noes : ~:
Ayes : C'~~ ~-~ ~,Ln~~ _~
~+i t~ Clerk and ex-off' ioio -Clerk of. the Board of
TrizstPes of the Cit~t ~f Anaheim.