06/13/1907-006.~ ~:~y ~~ Resolved by the Board of Trustees of the City of AnaheiM, ,tats d {e`' of CaliforniA., that the clerk of said Board- of. Trustees be, and. he hereby is, authorized and dir?ated to give notice of the filing of the report of the Co~nissioners heretofore appointed by this Board of Trustees by a~a~~#~a Ordinance ~To. 19$ to assess the ben~f'its and damag~s and have general supervision of the work of widening t~, Brc~adwy ~trePt in 'said City, from the Test line. of bemon Street-e ~.o ~ ~.. ~~ ~° >; .f ~• ""; the ~~t 1~.nP o~ F,t~i Street , by publication of. such notice., in~- ': tai ~~n~ and f'orn~ required by law, by three successive insertions 9 'rin the Orange ~pun~ty Plaindealer, a weekly newr~paper published and »'- ei~cuaty in~;'said City, and hereby designated for that pur}~ose, ruia~.n~ -a11 persons interested to show cause, if any, on or befor® Th~.r~day, July /~ ~ 1907, why said report should not be confirmed, ;~ °beforP said Board of Trustees. Z hereby certify that the foregoing resolution eras passed by the Board of Trustees of. the city of Anaheim on the lath day of June, 1907, by the following vote: Ayes: Trustees ~~ , City Clerk and Px-officio Clerk of the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim, 4 ';, .___