08/08/1907-014~ . R,~ Resolution of Intention No, A resolution declarirt~ it to be the intention of the Board of Truste?s of the City off` Anaheim to order cement si~walks and ce-- mPnt curbs to be constr~zeted. on ~ to n, peons off' Chart~ress Street, t~~k Street ChestnutF~ StreetA''°S'~~`i y, ., The Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim, Stete of Califon- .: ~ . w f^ xta, do hereby resolve end declare that the publi4~.ntprest and ~,, GortvRnienee require, amd that it is thA intention ~3f the said Board ~,~ Trta,stees to order, the following v~ork to be done, to-wit: ~~; ~.. That a cement m3dewa.lk five fP,P.t in width, and S cement czzrb, be constrtxctp~d along each side. of ChartressStreet ~ said City, fron the.. ~P,£3t line of Luton Street to the East G~lrb lines of Pala Street. Said work t~; be done in~_accordance .with thA plans, ~ ~~rofiles anct cross $ect_~ons .therefor., heretofore duly adopted 'qy ysaid Board of Trustees and on file in the office of the City Clerk of said City, and in accordance with the specifications er~brac?d ~.n Ordinance No, ;~., l6~ of said City, i` ~. That a cement s~.clewalk five feet in width, end a cement curb, bP con~$rueted along c~abh sid.P of Chestnut Street 1~. Heid City, from ~- G the hest line of. ~ treat to the k;ast czzrb 1in=` of Pale Street Staid. work to b? done in E~r,COrdance with the plan, profiles and duly cross sections therefor' heretoforP^a.ddptpd by saidoard. of Trusties end on file in the offide of the City Clerk of said} Ctyr, z3nd in accor~?:ance ~+ith the sp~ifications ertbrfleed. in Ordi~t~nce No, 16B of said City, y 3. 'ghat a cement sidewalk five feet in !~idth, and a cerrtent ~ curb, be construct?d alor:g Path side of Oak Street in said. City, frost ~~ the ^~ASt line of LP~ton Strut to the East curb line of PAlm Street. Said work to be done in ac~^ordence with the plans, profiles and cross ~ections therefor- heretofore duly adopted by said Board of ;, ..x„~:i Y1 ,~'.i (l S.~c'. tr~:1..~d. ii La {y'.,S .v ~,' a.i T - ,., i-,. s ~. ,.: C3 €:. ca ..i ? # ~~~ ; .a h::y}. ~ a. ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ T ;~ e: ~ i~r i `s.a ~ I.l ti ~ ,.'`J %. r9 T ' 7 '? T,.r +7~ var.; " ~.~ t.:~*.~ Yi.A'. r:s~l~} -; ,t) ii! ..w,::5: ,~, T" ~ .~'ti ~i~ .~r ~~~~i~~, t.~.t.>~~'1 3 qY~ 'J.~ y JA: ~.Ifi~. C 43 tJ ~~"S °..),j ~.` d, 'x, r~xr "_. Y~o~-~ L. (,~, ~ ,, . ,. a '`