11/28/1905-002j~f_{,~ ~,~a. Resolution ~'"~ SS OrdPrin the work a~' ~-idPnin~ Lemon Street from the So~xthPrly line of Oak Street to the Northerly line of Santa Ana Street, and anpointin~; cora~rnisgianers to assess the benefits and dana~es, and have general su~aervisian of said work. Resolved, by the Beard off' ~rust~;es o.f. the City of AnaliPim, State of California, that the public: interPst~ and ronvei~ience re- ~~ quire, and, that the said 3oard of Tru~~tees hrr~*by order to he done .~ tie work of widening Lpr~on Street in said City, from the Southerly line Off' Qak StT'P,,P,t to the 2~ortherly line O:F Sang Ana Street, in acAo.rdan~e with resolution of intPntio~1 i~tv. 50 der,Iarin~ thr~ in- t~sntion of said 3oard of Tru€~tees t~ order said Rork to be done, and it. is hPr~;by vxderQd that said work be done in €~.rcordance with said rwsol~ztion of intentipn. Rpsalved, that, sttb~Pct to removal by said. Beard of ~ri~stees at any _ time for c~ au c~n u,,...rC ~~~ ~-~:E ~,,,,•~c.~ . ~-z~,u,r~~ 4.... at, ~.~,.4t~ ~C be and they are hereby appoint Pd ~:or!mmissionPrsto assess the benefits and damages, and have gPnPra1 sti~aervisian o:~ said ~rork until the comPletian thereof, in ^ompliance with an Act of the Legislature of the State of "~lifornia, an~arovPd ~dar~h 6, 18t~9, and entitled pAn act to provide for iayin~ vtzt, opening, extending, ~-ric~.enin~;, straz~ht- enin~;, or clasin~ t1p, in whole or in ~.~art, €~ny street, •square,.~ane, alley, oo?~.rt or y~laoe within municipalities, and to condemn tine acquire any and all land and property necPgsar,r vr. convenient t'or that p~irpose. n for their services said coml~issioners shall receive - .~`ca _ _ as ~:o?~~~ensa.t .i.~n the ism off' ~,,;~' per d for thA dafs upon whi^:~ they are aotually pnga ed in pPrformin~; paid ser. vices. r3~:fore ~~ro- ^Pedin~ with the pPrfo.rman~;e of their duties, each of said coru~nis- sioners shall file ~i~~ith the Clerk vf. this Board of. `~rl-ietPes an af- fid.avit and a bond to tie State of. California in the sum of ~5Qp0.00 to faitht`!all~l perform the duties of his ofz"icse, in thF manner and form re~:l:iir^d b.r law. I hereby ;art ify that. the fore~oin~ resolution wasp parsed by the Bo?~rd of Tr~asteee of the City of Anaheim on the a8~ day of ~~~~,.~--19Q5, by the Qol-!o~rin~ vote: Ayes: eT~o -di..-~-.,C=, ~- City Clerk of the City,o/f Anaheim. ~~