Resolution of Intention, No. 43.
A resolution declaring it to be the inte,ztiar~ a~: ~,l~' Bo:?r~ of.
Trustees of the ;ity of An~11Pim to order cement sideiv~-ilk and cement
curb to be constructed QIi certain portions off' Olive street in said
ille Board of Trustees of. the city of Analleiin do r:F~?°~~l:;;r ~r~~;~~;n1vF~
~: ,.
and ciF„lace that the public interest an~i convf~nience require, acid
that it is the intention of the^rso=zrd of TTllstBes to order, the
fall.Qp~in; work to be done, to-wit
1. That a cement sid!~~~alk fi~~f~ :['Pet in ~.~idth, ~~nd a cement
curb, be constr~.zcted along the Easterly ~.iue of Olive, Street ixz said
Cit,~r, from the Solzthgrly rilrh line of AdP1P Street to th? Northarly
cur? line o.f Broadway Street. Saul zrra?•k to b? done in ac^orclanre
Frith thF plans, profiles and cross sections therefor heretofore
duly adcY;t;f->~. b~~ s~.ic~. board of TrzifitE~Pfi and on file in the Of:~if;P, of
the City Clerk of said City, and in acnorda.n~~o .,„i th the specifica-
tions embraced in Ordin-zncP No, ls2 of said City.
~. That a cement side~,+v?lk ~d~af_ i~rP feet in !~aidth, and %t cement
curb, he constructed, alon th? Westerly ~i~.e of said Olive 5trE;c;t,
fror_i tiie Sctztherly line of Broader=z~r Street to t:re ldortherly curb
line of Santa Ana Street. Said work to be done in ~:~corda.neP with
thA ~nlans, profiles and ^,ross sections therefor heretofore duly
ado~nted ley ~~aid Boarcl of Trustees and on file in the office of. tl;e
City Clerk of said City, and in ac^ordanre !with the s;~PC~_fication^
embranPd ii: Ordinan~;P No. 162 of said ~;ity.
The Oran,e COUrit f Plairldealer, ct ~'YF'!;Yi1y 11e ~YSpi~l)r7~"' of NnPr~.l
circ~.zl?tion ?~rintpd, published and ^i~Clzlatfd in said City of Ana
helm, is hereof designated a>> the nP~-rsps~pPr in which this resolu-
tion of intention and notice o7 the passage thereof shah. ~~r ~!tz1~-
3ishPd in the manner and. by the :persons requirFC~. }~j~r ?-aw.
The SupBrintendent of Streets of said City is 1`:e?~°Fh~~ directed
to post notices of the passage of this resolution in the manner and
in the forts regtzirecx ??y 1•=,w, ~znd to caz~.se a nOtire similar in s».lr