12/13/1904-004,~"~ r p ~:~ Resoltzt ion of lnt ent ion, ?io . 4l . i The B~~rd of Trustees of_ the Cit~P of Anahpitn do hereby rE;solve and declarE; that the ptzb,lic ~:nterPSt ,and canv~:riE?nce rP,Cjtl3re, and that. it is the: intention. of. said. ~,oar_d ofi: `~ru:3tros to order. fire 1'CJI~.'~3''r yeti Tyo?'~ t,,7 ~~ daTte, t,O~:~it 1, `"hat a ..cement ~~idE~walk five feet in width and. ~ ce~rtPnt curb be constrtlctecr ~,lonU thE? Fist side of Hpdwig Street in said r,1.ty, from a Iaoirtt ..two fe~;t .South. of the North line of CE;nt~r atreet to tlta ;;ozlth curb line of Syc.~ore atre;~~t. ;. ~"hat a cpr~tPnt sa.de~^ra3,k fief? feet. in width, ancL a certert rt4rb be const:~~u^t.Pd. along the 'test side of Hodt~vig Street in said Cit~T, from ~ paint two f'E3t~t Sautll Of tf:F' NOrtl± line, Of Ceriter Street to the So~lth curia ling o f ChartrQS Street , ..and ~'ros ~ tlz~; I1ort1, ctlr', 1int~ of,Cy~resv at~rPe t, to the Saut.h curb line Of. SSf~'AT!]ore Str.E;et. . 3. ~'t~at a cer~tant sieie~~valk rive ffrt in ~r~_dth aIte.`i. a. cer~pnt, ci;rb by constrtlcteci along the ~Eafit Side., aid along thc~ ~r~est ride af. Ftnily Street .i.i. ~;?-1Ci ri tM,, fI''aT'~1 ~ point t,l"r0 f. f',P,t Soi1t71 Of the I~Iaz'th l; Tt~ o:f ~;pnt~:~_r StrF1ot to the South cure line of Ch-lrtrfs Street; anr_i from tl.e ?~3orth curb line of C~mrE~SS Street to the South curb line Of Sycamore" Stre(~t , (r~xcE~pt that no curb bP constrllctect along the East side of ~H'rnily street front the South Line of.. Adele StreEat to a point 102 feet South thereof. 4. That. a cement s ~.df~walk five f. eet in width, and a cement curb 'kre constructedy. alone the ?~tortla side of Cypress Street in said City, from the Fast line of Lemon Str.?et to +h( 'Y?st 1i_n? of Olive Street. 5. That a cement side~~ralk fiV? fE',F;t in width, r~rd a ce:~t"ant c~lrb be c•mstr~-1rtPC-1 s~.lon; the So~lth side of Cypress Street in said City, fl'OI'rl the w,?St la.rle Of LE3T~iOTi atrF,P,t t0 a ~aoint l20 f PE•',t ~~lP,Eyt Of tYl.f-; Nest line (af. Hermine Street, s.nd from the East line of. Hedwig Street to the Nest ? ~irtj~ of 01~avF 4 t.x•ept . ~; A 'ghat s. cement sic~.e'~ralk five feet in width and a CP,T~iP,71t curb be constructed along ti.e Aiort2~ side of Chart~~es Street in said City, °`,