Resolution of Intention.
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Resolved, bf the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim,
State of California:
?~ 1st. mhat it is the intention of said Board of Trustees to
close up, vacate and a~andon, for a1lef purposes, ~ parts of two
certain €~llefs in Block D of the Hotel del Campo Tract, in said
City of A~1ahAim, reference being made to a map flf said. tract re-
corded in Book 24, pages 69 and 70 of Miscellaneous Records of Los
~ An7eles Count California. The
~, y, parts of said alleys which it is
proposed to close up, vacate and abandon are described as follows,
to-grit :
(a) Beginning at the Southwest corner of Lot 68 in said Bloc.t
D and r~.tnning thence Easterly along the Southerly boundary og Lots
58 to 48 inclusive in sac? Block to the 'hest line of 1lelrose Street;
the7zce at right angles Southerly 20 feet; thence at right angles
~lestarlf to the East line of Olive street; thence at right angles
Northerly 20 feet to the point of_ beginning.
(b) Beginning at the Sout~zwest corner of Lot 24 in said Block
D and running thence iVortizerlf along the '~Yesterl~r boundary of hots
24 to 29 in said Block to the Northwest corner of said Lot 29;
thence at right angles Westerly 20 feet to the Northeast corner of
Lot 47 in said Block; thence at right angles Southerly to the South-
at right angles
east corner of Lot 42 in said Block; and thence~Easterlf 20 feet to
boint of beginning.
2nd. That the exterior boundaries of_ the district of land to
be affectf;d bf ~~aid work or is?~provement are hereof specified and
declared to be as follows, to-wit: Beginning at the 'northeast corner
of saic.~ Block D, hereinbefore mentioned, and running thence Southerly
along the West line of ~felrase Street to the Southeast corner of
said Block; thence Westerly slang the North line of Sang Ana Street
to the Southwest corner of said Block; thence Northerly along; the
East line of Olive Street to t'ne Northl'~P,St corner of• said Block;