08/09/1904-012r-~ ^~,
Resolution, of TritPntion.
No, 3$r, 3~
~~ ,
The Bo~.rd of Trustees of t~~e City of Anaheim do hereby, resolve
and declare that tyre public interest and convenignce r. egta.re, and
that it is the ir~tentior~ of the Board of. Trustees of t;1e ~r,~:fi,g of
Anaheim to or~.er the following work- done, to-~vit:
That a cement sidewalk ~_ feet in width, ~.nd a cement curb
be constr?.zcted along tl~e South?rl;,r side of Center Street in said
City, from the Easterl;,r curb Line of Olive Street to the ~lesterly
curb li~1e of Atchison Streeto Said work to be done in accordance
~i y'
with the Mans, profiles and cross sectionsn file in the office
of the City Clerk of said City, end in accordance ~~ith the speci-
fications embraced in Ordinance No. 162 of saki City.
That a cement sidewalk ~~d ~ feet in width`, and a cement
curb be constructed along the Nortl~~r1y side of Center Street in
said City, from the Easterl~r curb line or Olive Street to the
t~esterly curb line of Atchinson Street, Said work to be done in
• X.u y:
accordance t~vit.h t7ie plans, profiles and cro:.s sections~on file ire
the office of the City Clerk of said City, and in 2.ccordar~ce with
t~.e specifications embraced in Ordinance No,~ 162 of said City,
Th~.t a. cement curb be constructed along the Northerly side of.
in said City
CelitP,r Street,, f'Z'(}j?1 the Fasterlrr curb line of Hermine atrePt~O
the ;~esterl~r curb line of Eerily Street, and from the Easterl;r curb
line of HPdwig Street to the ~resterly curb line Qf Olive Street.
Sated work to be done in ~c.^.ordanee with the p1a„ns, profiles s.nd
,~ 7,
cross 5ectionis~on file ir. the office of the City Clerk of said
City, and in accord~.nce with the specifirations embraced in Ord--
finance Na.?62 of said City.
That a cerzer.t sidewalk r O feet in width, and a cement curb
be constructed along the Northerly side of Center Street irl sair?.
Cit~f, fr0??'1 t11P, Easterl~r curb line of ~ni1y Street to the ~!~esterly
curb Lire of Hed~vig street . Said ~id~w~i~xan~t~satatx~x~ work to be