03/12/1901-004RFc_~O7~I3TXON "1;T;~I!~rP ~ ~''"
";-er8as,di~plicstian has been rl~de far a ±'ranctiiise tp cc~nst,r~~ct
,._Aintain and c}1~r,rate moles and xire~ lines far .the transmission of
electric current j'or~ lac-Zt ~;d dower, tzpan the public streets of
tP~e City of Anah~~itn~~-
21ow therefore, bA it =7~~o~veci ley tlc; Yaard of ~ Tru~tses of the
City ofeinr, tit tYi'~+'~erk, be artd h~"'is here' instr~act-
ecl to .~,3~~~tise in tii~~ t~~~ ~'~!"~:,~ttG, a vleek3y new:'~p~ae~r print~:i,
i;ublishea end circulated `#.n they City af' ~.naP,ei~, Cap-zizty of (:r~~,n~,F:
:at?ate afi ~$lif'ornis*~ fa.r fozY~* successive weeks- thr~ falla'~in~ natic~.
ai' irrt;nton to a~°~s,rcl a franchi$e ~;r~~ntint tlz~~- aj'aresaid ~rivile~~~:~
'~C7 tt1L' highest P)i::tder', in tie ~or~u lallawiri`~; tQ-1°rit:--
PJatiee of ai~i~licatin f+~r .franc~risc, ~~~~ the ~~~:nta Ana Ga.~ ~znd
°~' i;lect~ric Ga~~ij;any, in the ~~ty .t~•f ~n~P?eirn.
11atics is hereby ~~irt that the =~anta ~1na Gas and electric
t~arripanv a~plizo a1' Trustees cthe Ci~~f t~ns.heim
Q~°~ri~;~v ~q,~tnty, ~alifc?rrii~} ~ ~~~'ranc;hise to construct, r~~aintain
an:1 aperatte i%ales I rJir~a 1~.~2s fc~r ttte trarzsznission of` electric
current far heat ,end I}owl gn- t;:e i}rzE~Iic strgets aS' the City of
~, ~,
T-i~t Yt is l.x•ckpc;s~:3~'b~ saa~d ~oar~i of Trustees of the City of
11n~..:~eirn, ~Q grant sai:i `i'il~t~se:; ~'k-gut the t3rm of its QontinuarZC
as pra7~C~~~d is i'ilty Year!"~l~t~~ s.n;l .zfter the dat ~ of p3~~a~e of
_ ~~~~ ,.~
tx~e ar ~.tce ~~rt-~.rit~~'1~ ~~~~~, s,nd tY:~.t sai_~,, franchi~ i:' of t:~r
~'~; :~,.
. c.::.r ~,ct '- f' el ec; t ' c t ' ~S~ on lines, ant will b ~ s~zh~ ect to
all oi' "` i~ravisi4z~s, ,,.~, F ,- and req'zirarr~a~its zxrn.i-~ are speci-
e _ -ti. .?~ f.
~:n~i th&t they s~'iall exa7~iinc~ st:i:i ~,roj}o.~ed cry°:iin~~nce S'cr i'urt?ier
t Grrris, eon:ii tiaras an:i 1 i~ni tat ions;
,~~ptice is f'~~rtY~er ~;iv<,n that sesie~ bites or ten3grs ~•ri11 be
re~eivad at tri~-, office of t ~:-Y City Berk oY the City of ~1nar;eir~~,
;a.ntil Tues,iay, the- , cisy a~' ~ia;~ I~'Ot, at ei-~,zt «' cl:pek P.i:~. for
sai' i'rancr~ise, and treat sai3 fr~.nc?iise is exposed. far sale tc
t he ~~it cash ~i~. therefor; dzd that on an~:~ ~zf er ~a.id date sail
>>oard pf Trzz.~tees pf tYln City ai' anti+_rei~r., brill gr~.nt said f'razchi:>e
tC; tl"it?, person, "firm ar cC~ri(;1^;~.tlan l~I~"iG s}Z ~~.~ t'k1~~',"'. t~`13 X12£"~]~st C:~,¢1
~~i::i t~ier$~'ar; pravx~l~:1 only, t4iat wt t~~~ ti~-~:e of the op,enin{~; of
avid i~~3s :any r~~.>ponsi~~ly -E'irrYl or cc;~^;:oratio:i present., or rep+•esunt=
pd, :t1~.y bid for said i'r.•anclise ar privilege a s?an. not less than
t n per cent al~uve the; h~.~ 1~:;st sealei ~-~i1 t~~erefar, and s~iid bi:i
so u.aae rna.;; t~t~ _r•uisea ten ~a scent ~>y any othf~r respansibl~,bi:ldnr
1~rPsE;nt, s,n:.i s:~i~. fr~~,nc~aise c; r• j%}=ivileE*e shall f'in:~lly be struck
cuff, r, anci t r•antr~ci by s~,ii Baar:-i of '.Cr~uste;s,ta t}~e hs~~iest
;j ].::i::.c'r t~~.;T°E'f'Ur, ].I1 ~0~.:~. ca?Pl C)f ~_~1~.: 11?'.t ~C'L :>tStE?S, c'~Il~. •`.'~~].:~ Sl_1C-
ce.;s.i'~.zl bi-l4ier• :ah~ll ~~e z•Fry?~iri tt~ d;pasit wit?: ~~ic~tx~~*~~Y~c~xx~~~,.
'~x~~~~~~tx~i~x~~x~~~~cxa~x.a~txa~€~x~;~ t,~1~; Cz;;~rk of tl~n City taf Ana~aeir~t
tk~e i'ull ~i:~launt of 'nis or its bid ~~Jitl'liYl ti^~enty falxr 'ha~zrs thAr,~-
after; ~.ni i:~ cu;~e ~r~ ar it s1~~a11 f:~il to :ia sa, try<~n th<:; ~s:wid
franc~iise s~,all tie f r~;nte•:i to the, next highest biic3.ar therefor;
The grantee of sai:~. ~'r=~.nc l~isa, :=~~:-11 fill :~ ~~and rn~nnin{; to
tF~c ~,~.ty`af :'1n~,~:,~im, ~~rith at 1 ~~~.:~t tivo ~;aod said suffi~isnt `sureti~,s
tc~ be approver. by .tr ig; ~~aar;l of ^r~TSt;es of thQ City o'f Ana~leir~i,
,. r~- +~-
~" ~
a ` -,
on i t i
in a 1 su~:: aw - e3 rJO.
----- sai:~. bon
- c~ne
be c
s,:zreties,tzpc~r~ s<~,id }~an:i; :~ai~ boni sn~.ll l:~e f'ile:l writl"i st~:et~ ~over-
nir1F ~~()~:y.witi:in five :Lc.;;ts u~'t~r s~~c'1 E'r:a.'t1C:!"iiSe l.s ~.}rar:i~33, and
ii ca ;e said bare shall nat ?~~; :>a i'ilc;i., t~;e ~.tvar:i of such. f'r~z.n-
ci is: sha,11. be sf.;st asilr,, c~.n~ t~~~~ saan~~ rri_~y '~e ~rs.nte:i to th~~ next
lo~=rest i~i33er, o~"• again. cf'ffre~~ ;'oN sale, n the :IiscrAti~n of
s~.id saar~ of "~'.riz:~tees af~ the ~:ity af' 1'1r.ai'~ei7~i; .
'~'h~:cessfuid~er a~:.3 .his assigns rn <s;t, ;3,a.rl'z~.,til:e life
cf sai:i ktnchise,pay tt) the C;it;t of tin=heirn,at least twb- ~~er ce2Zt
a1' t1-Yr (~pss anf~1,_aal receipts of the Ller•r~c;n,z.artne-rs=~~iis or carpc~r-
tion to wht3rn thy; said. f'r•anc'~iis~; Yria~,T lie aitrarde3,arisin~; from its
u~~;,a,ierat:icn or I)ass~~ssicn; ?10 ~,ercenta~;e shall. b~v I)aid for tYiv
first five years, succe~~clin~: t:F.e :late c)f sai~' fr. an chi se: btrt t~Ler•e-
af'tnr stieYi ~~ere;enta.~;e ..'nail re I;ayal~le ~ziztliz.allY'; aria in "t:~:e event
sal ~ p:~yment is riot t~~a:Ie s~.ia f'rar~chise shall be for•fe.ted.
;;y flr3f.r oI` the ~c;~.ri of 'Cr~tstees cf the City of A.naheiri,
~,s set- i~ in itresoluticn n.arik~er• 3? to ti,~hich ref'erance is
r_f,rciy, : .
1 f
~~ }3oa c
is n of t, e
~~~ Of t,~;e ~2t;y` Cif 1'1n3r_~1T~1• ~~~
I hereb;)T certify tfit~,t t~~e a~avc; re.~al~ation iras .lapted lay ti~i
:~,oar~i of Triz.~ tees Qf ttie City of ~'~n~:.r,eirl at ~, re~,zl.ar tnegtr.~- ai'
thF~r,o~.rd nf' ir~zst~es trf' the `~'ity of ~nar;eirn, hel~~. on the I~ -1aTl
oi' ;iar~~ ~~GI , ?~y the fc~lloj~°rin~ vote:
A;;t4~G 1'rizste88 ~/C7~.~i~yt/a ci.1~, o~.,tc.~~s~-,~. ~ ! £--~~~a.~+~-cda-t.~
Clrx•~: ai' tr~~; City aj' ~ln=~~:e~.rz.