'`~ r~r~as,, application tla~s been glade fc~r a franchise to con-
e,. .
~F~,,4~. v}~ ~~~t~, and r:~aint ain a street rail~~rs,y, to b e op crated b y
.der electricity or super-l~~e~ited stored vrater~ :~.n:i to construct
~h~ : .
~~ e r~eessary turnouts and s~vt css along; the rolz~t F: ,~ ~ .
f;. f,.
~, "~~~~, of Ana?~reim, tie ro~zt e to be &,r~versed by said
,,t ~ ,.
,- _ _.
i;~~,~.~~~~~'".., i ~` n~ at thy; intarsectiUn or Sias Art~;el.es street and
h .. ~ 1 _ _
,;,~~'~~ w~icri last na~~iek street, i.> the south boundary of
~` e~.~=~~~'~~ ` ~=#,°e xi~~lits of t:~P Gty cif Anal~eirn, thence north on saii
. -. .
~~: ~.re~,~t to the north line of the coo .rate lirrl:its of thr~~
~ _
<_ _,. ~~,r~e~~r. e, be it resolved k);T tl~e 1~oarti of Trustees of the
~f~- 111 1:~ the City Clerk, be an:i h~ __i s hereby in-
~` e ~ ~ p ~
,,.; ~~~~~~.~'',mdYertl~@ In thf.' flll~r'iGlril ~c~..IG'tte, 8 weekly ne~v~i~)aper,
i ~ ~-~: ~~~ ~ '''~r~,~~,xshea an.i c i:rculs.ted in t.~ze C;it y of :~na~leim, Col-int;~
E.:- ,-~~.~; ~~~te of Cali'arnia, f'or fatzr sz~cces:sive weeks t:he
` ,..4 i ,,~,~~,. ~Dtice Qf intention. to a~Ararl a frar~.~3hise ~~rantin~; the
~ w , d,M t
{~, ;: '~lz~~ privileges to the 1-righest bifde;r, in tl~ie ~s~ords folla;~rin~
~~ , _ ~ }.,
~ ~ t ~~1 i
;~' ,
~ ,} ~
~~~ ~ -
~_: ~, ,,~
. ~ ,_ __
~<f N~ ~~~~tlotict. ai' a-plicatic>n for fr~.ncnise by l). H,Thor:ias, in the
Clty Gf ~.ncirit;12:1•
i~ctice is hereby €ivan the.t D.Ii.Thar~as, has applied to the
~aar:l of Truatees of tho City of ~1na"t3eirn, Crane Cat1nty, Califa:r-
nia, for a franchise to canstrzact, apers,te, and maintain a street
ra.l~vay,to be oper~~i. by yither electricity ar-" superheated stored
zFrater,and to ccnstr~;ct sni r::aintain the necFrss~ry,turnauts and
switct~.es alon€; t~3e rout? in s:~i:i City ai' Anzh~im; the route to br
traversed .by s.~.id street railGVay is as falla~vs-~--
Car~i~ncing at the intF~rse.cticn of Los ~1n~eles street and
goad street, which last n~r~~ed street is th;; sou.th ba~zxiaary of the
cox'~~ar_-cte liidiits of the Cit1~ of r'1nal-~aim, tYience nort~i on said Los
Angeles :=street to the xiorth ling. of the caY~~or~,t ~* lirriits of the
City of Anaheim;
That it is l~rased by said Poard of Truat$es of the City of
Anaheim to grant said fY~anchi se; That the term of its continzzar~ce
as propasei is fifty years f'rat-n anal ~~.fter the dotA of the passage
of t:~ie ar~.inance ~;rantin€; the surne, a.nd txlat sai d franchise; is
af' the character of an ordinary sin€;le ar da~zb']:~ track electric
street rail~ti~ay f'rsnchise, and ~:~ill be s~~zbj ect to all of t:ha pro-
visions, canitions ana reclulrernents ~~rhich are specified in t43
1aroposed ordinanca grant in€ the same, aria that a ciraf't of the or-
dinance leaving tie nai-ia cif the ~;r«ntee blank:, ~~~Yzieh it is pra-
posed by s4 id ?o`-Lr~af mr~~.zst~s to (;rant, ~vil~e foun:i ~n file
in the afficr, of the City Clerk of the City of Anaheim,clnci opera to
r.,cF,::ivec~. at thFy office o1:' the City Clerk oi' the City o1' Ana:~ieii~,
until. Tu~:s:iay, t?~P~~ day o=" Ajri1 IvOI , at eight o ' clock I'.?:~.
:f'ar said franchiseanu that sai:i i'ranchise is exr~osed f'ar sale to
t-V-r~: hi€hest ~~i.:4:3er; an~i that on
Tr•u:~ter,s oi' th~~ laity of f~naheiri,
-~-,~_ _
r1igl~est ?:~ia:Iar; '
T~1o bid:~ wi11 received of
all bias must be fir t~:e payrrtent
end ~~1:'t er said ~
;rill grant said
. ,, -, ~~~
` ~ .. ~ ~ C ... _.,-e...-
a~ ~ingle~ Num;C
In 1a,tu-i'ul rna:~~~~
:tt e said ~a :zrd a f
f'rwnchi se to the
~.rirount stated, beat
of the United
tates,oi' a ~t~~ted per cent, of t:he gross annual receipts of the
F; ~,rson,partnersh:ip pr corpgratiorl or other authority to 17har the
franchise i:~ 3~:'~'u'.rC~@~:, :.rising fw()C1 its use, c~peratian ar pa:~sessiarz~
P1o perc~:nta~;e s~~all be pail i'ar the f'irwt five yes.rs sueceed-
ing th ds.te aI' the S'ranchise, but ti?ereai'ter, such percentage
shall be pug,<~,;.~le anntz:~lly, and wall in na cuaa be le;~s than three:
per ~~~€~~ cent per ~.nnttrrl upe~n s?zeh grass _reeeipt~ the fran-
e~ise to be 1:'arfeite:i by f'ailu:re +,a make t1;~~--~~ayrnents stated in
the; bids u~>an ti=rhich -thp at=rard ma.y be r~is.df„;
iJatice i::~ :['urther givers, tF~at unlf~ss the bidder s}-fall file
ti~~ith riffs bid, ~. bond to the City af' 1~naheirn, ~,"th at les.st ttra
gaol and sa.i'.f'icient sureties, to be approvei by the ward ai' 'Crtzs-
~'' 00
te`3S a tYi Clty of I~Y1~::.hG.:trT1, In the ptn31 sl;t:'1 Qf ~J~Q'_ ~ ~, ~ _
~ti~.d.rik sold band :~r_.11 be cC)Y1dit1.G21e~, t.~l~.t St7G'ii ~Jl.:~:t~$-~' ~~'i°sll 1'Jell anal
traly observe, fu1#'i11, an.l pErj'arr.~ each and all of the ty~r:?s,
conditions, anu a~~i{;ationu of such f'rs.nc hisc~, in case the yarns
,l;all ~~a i~rar:Ii: : t -:iirn, ant that in c.:.use qt' Y brc:src;h Ui' can-
dition of s?acrl 'nand, the whale ai-~tount of the penal stzrrr therein
~'Jl.~l thl.`.~ 1)rUV1S~j pig, lYi t'1e :~1SCretlGri Uf' the P.U<~,?"~ G{' ~~ri1.St.°,G:.i
Gf trie (pity Gf ar~:~;he'irn, ~~11 ~~i~:s r~iy®®.~€ set a:;ide an:i rej ecte3, ~[~
:~ t1 ~ ri P,1'I }:)1~ 5 3,:1 V e i't ~, S v tl f'O 7' s ~ ~•-~. /G-c.G A',-t~Al!~WS~ ~..*.. 2~. C~,~+/~'~"~' I ~ -
~; r,r:l.~:r c_' t41e F~c;~.r_~ Gf `.Cr~zste~~~s Gf tt.e City nt An~.leir.i, as
:i@t f'U F'-T.1:. ]. 2^i 1tS ~"eSCi!-~..~1~7.O:k'1 riUY~1~78r~1 tG '.'J}il C~7lr I'UT'eriC° iS ,e?"e-
~ y ri~.1~'y .
alit; Gf the ~3card of Trustees
Gf~ t}i~ C1ty U~''+flri~blf'1T_'1.
I hereby certify t7io.t t11e ~.bavv~ resolution eras ~.~oF;te3 by
the Poari Gf' Trustees of the Cit;~ Gi' a~n~l~e im ~,t~~ ~ .,d i<ieet-
ink held on tie ~$'i, aa~ Gi I~'ebrtzary I~-{CI, by the follG~ving votQ:
Aye ;~ , Trustees ~. rv-~~..-~- ` o~.c-c~~ ~ -l -~-~'. ~ ._ ~. , ..r
- ____ ~ _ ___ ~ _~ __ ._ _r .__.__
Clerk o1 the JCit of Anaheit~i.