08/18/1899-002P~SOLUTIG" :U.;iTFR ~~
A ~esol~ztiol: fixing and levying; a property tax on all pro-
perty v1it=~lin tie co ate lirlits a:' t'_~^~e City of AnaheiTTl for the
fiscal year of I~~99~I900;
Tho ~oar:i o' Trustoos of tale City of Ana~leim ~.o resolve as
ollo~rrs : --
Secticn, I---- That t.:ere be and i s l~le~~y fixed anti levied
a propart;r tax for° the fiscal Near of I~99~I90Q of . ~y~,,,
cants ol~ each one 111zndred ~-:altars of t~~e assessed valuation of all
real and porsanal property ~~ithin t:e co}~porate limits of the City
ai' Analleir,~l for t?le crdin~.rT annual exx~enditzares of said City;
SLctl.Un, ~---- That Mere be ~-;nd is "_Zereb fixed and levied
a prop ~~rty tax 1'or the fi seal gear of I~C9~I9p0 of -jrv_1iC~_
cents on ~acl~ cn~ =l~rndred collars of the assessed valuation of all
real anti personal property ~~ritlzi~l t~~.e corporate li3_~,its of the City
of A1:-1:iC1TT1, :t'ar t~~1e purp)oSe Cf jiu,,*1:^~t" t~:i`~ u.1ZY1Li?..1 i;ltereSt/Of t!iv
izael~te::lnc,~ss o1' t!o City of Ans.~~eiTn incu~rod f'or t~;e pa.rpose of
Canstractix~z; w City ~-gall, ~'or t'~=~ exteTZSion any car.~plotiar~,of t'_~~e
City 1'le.ter ~~-corks, i'or t~~~o~ ~;raairl~; an:.i ii~:provernont of streets, arl:i
tfze purcii~sL of property for th~~~ fire aepa~~•tTlent, tor~;ether Frith
one t~~rentieth of said indebtedness.
Sect ion,---- That Chore be end hereby^isQfixel and leviod
proz)arty tax for tllo ±'iscal year of I~J~'~I900, of _~'~~ - ~ _
cents oar eac~a oYl~: {lundred :collars of the ausossed valuation of x;11
real ..znc? y:,:;rscn~~,l property "i1.th1T1 the corpor.,;~t,~ lir.lits of ~~e amity
constr~-zcti~t an:~ erecti?~4° a city electric li€,ht plant, to{othor
~."rith one fc?rtietl} of such inaebted:zoss;
u,.ction,~~---- That t~~er~~ ~.ae ant ti_~,~pNNby ,,is fixed and i=.~~vio:I
a ~,rop::rty tea: i'or th:,~ fiscal gear oI' I~~`O~I900,of +~ ~~Gr~~
cents orY e~,c~~ oY~~; nxzY~_~red dallars of the assessed valuation of all
real and personal property ~rithin the corporate limits of the City
of ~'ina-heim, f'or the p,zrx~~ose of paying.; the annual interest of the
inc;~;bto:i°ness of t~~: e City of E~r~.aheirn, incurrod for tho parpose of
the ext~,nsion ana ir~YprovernF~~nt of the City E'~s.ter l`lorks, and for tl.
extensio~Y of trig City Electric Li~;~.t Plan', to~et~rYer ','fith ane for-
tiet~ of s~xcr~ indebtedness,
Presi.?.ent of the BGard of Trustees
of the City o Anaheim.
I ~;ereby ce~~tify t~,~at ti'le fore~;ain~ resolution tivas aaaptea
by tl~e ~oe.ra of `l'rtxsteos of the Cite of ,Anaheim, at its -re~alar
neetiYY~; bola oY: t.e I~th, aay of Aut xst, I3~9 y the fOllOZ"rln~;
vote, _ _~, _~~~~-- __ ._- - - -~ --
Ti,«;,t the Pr°~~~sidc;:~t o t~ze ;:~oard of T3^xstees of t:Ye City of
AnatYeiY-: si=--ze:~ t1e sGrYe o<~~ the I3th, ~ ay of u~;ust I<~00.
_ _ _~_ _ _
Clerk of thy-Cit---- ~ - ----