11/12/1895- _
°T;SQT TJT U?~ C).l+' A1rlARD,
12esolved, '~:+lat the Bc~~~~~c1 0~' Trus~~q~s Uf° tb.C Cit;T of Ana,.tiira,
hdvin~; in U~e3n ;_essie~n an the I~th, ~.ai of '.~Iovelnbc~~• I~~~ ~, opc~zzd,
oxa~line~:i :-end publicly dccla~„cd all sealc3 ~;roposala or bids of-~
f'C~„'•,~'~ fiOv. ±YlF: ~''C; 1 ~.6)~"dwn~ 4vC)'"};, t0'-`.'dlti
That c-3TSiF~xit si3m~valk sc~v.~n faet and. six inches in wi~.th, be
ccnst~r~ze`.c;d alor,~ tale nUrth side of Center street, f~•or~l the
west line Uf' Los Angeles 5,rcet, to a point UA7@ hzzn3Npd anal thirty
tWU ~ ~'.3t, and Il].YL~.•: t':~lths Of` 3 fOCt WF,'St f?^UL?: tYi~ tvvSt line Oi Ii03
T~zat a cw~:c~~n.t garb be constmzcted along the nUrt:~ ~~i:~e Uf th4
rOai~lv;~.`f O{' S~~,1;~ C~nt~•r atreP?t, i'rOi;1 tylt? !`~~`.~`^"..~ l~."». of LUS ~~"alm,q~
5tr^~et tU a point Unc htzndr~d .i.na t:hirt~ tt`vo feet and nine tenths
Uf a ±oUt wc~s*~ f~•Ur~z the ~rr~sa line of Los .An`vle5 St`^~:~.'t; he~^eb°{
rej~;-c;ts ~z11 v:~ s~~i~:l bi~,~. Nxcept that ne:.+, ~~ae;~~•in LYlentioned ana
Yie reb'y a`.`I,~.,r::l ; tit ~3 CUnt tact f'Or Said ~ ark Ci t...h' low~St Y'C~i.11 S.~°' ~"C-.• ,
SpUnSl.ble biller, ta-•~"11.t: t0 - - - - _ ~*"d'~"" _ ~t 'ti~~
p .ricer speci~'-i q;i in his nropUSal on file fo~• said vrork.
The C1N~^l, Uf this Ci+.~ is :h~*rf~b~f direc:te3 to post notice of
this arvs,r3 c~nspic~zousl;~ f'U~~• five days an ar Hoar the chamber dear
o#' tre Boarl of T.~zstees ai' the ~`-it~ of Ana'r.~'iri, .and also publish
Sold nC7t1G•"+r Ivi ±~LO' AL'la.~i?1T'1 CiaZ~±;t,,C a. 18C'±l'lf nC?'VS~J."'3~) ?'• ~~ttr3~1S'.~1f.C1
and cir~•~zlate:i in th3 ~'it~ of Anahei~l, therei'or Anl heNEb;r dcsig~
Hated by ane lnser~lUT1~ in said. Anaheirl GaxAtte we<-:l~iy paper;
Pr~';i ~!~nt. of fhr• Rna ~•.~j n~f' Tti.~a~t. rs~~G
j her~;~~~T ~;;~tifJr tYl~~.t the above ~esr.lution,~vas a:iopted by
t~`13 Boav'd U.`' r~~,~~5uc:mS ~1Cj-F t~_h1E'. G'1j~ U~ ~11i..1C1IT1, :fit 1~S '.'C•.~ll~.cri'.^ Tll~'3C't-'
~f ~- t ` oo -f' 1 n t ~
} ink; held c?n. t41~° .~O~C• day off' Nover~ioe~^ 2895 by ..n., c~l_o rind vo .~,
~: ~- - --
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,~-~ ~r_~e,+' the pr~.s;~":Ti* r,i' ±~~~~ Beard of Teas+.,ces of the City of
~Yl it i ~ ]. T11, S j. _;':'1'v'a ± ;? ~ S ~iT`_1'° O n +~ lh ~. • I"s s • • :~.;~.~ O f ~ ~f? V ^ l~h "O i" 13:~ J .
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Cle ^k oi' t:~e City of An. i tn.
A~provr~~i tti, i s .` . day afi' Navet.ib~:_~ I~3S~5 by
pr,~mSi:~,.srit O~. t~7~ ~oa~"d oi' T~ust"~'~S
o the ~"ittJ o~ Anaheim.
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