12/14/1894-001~~~ Notice of St~rteet. Ti~url;;!;~~ (. ` Pursnnat. iP Nhrtne nud to Re.selutioa nuwbur - ll, adopt e~ligy the 1111, day of Iecember. fn!:+, by the 11,y~irdtrblrnstcea of the city of ~ n~iheim, directing thin uouce, the uudersikned invites and dill reoeiveat his o111ce iu the e`.ty hull up to ~; ei~-ht o'clock p tn., ou the'3r,'Lh day of Decem- ber, i sa I, sealed prepos:,lx or bid, :or the fulluw- ing.rrcetwurkduhe d~~ueaccordingtothespec- ihcutiuas posted and on rile therefore adopted: '''"' That a cement sidewalk seven feet six inches in width be constructed along the east side of Los Angeles Street from a point eighty- , eight feet north of the north line of Center , Street, to the south line rot Cypress Street; That: n cement curb be constructed ~nlnn62he cost line of the roadway of said Los- Al1i,e1cA8h•eet, frutc a point eighty eight feet not th of toe Korth line of (;eater Street„to tie south line of Cypress Street; c es- That a cement sidewalk seven feet find nud-six inches in width be coustrGeted alo~g- ie-wcatsidC of Losnugelea 6treet, from Lhe. iidrth `}iau'rif Ccuter Street to the south line of CyEiress Street, (except thnt portion of said street bettveepr a point one hundred and seventy three Peetsix inches north of the north 1 line of Center~treet, ar.d a point two •hundred ~~ and sixty four feet three inches worth of the, north line of Center Street;) I That n cement .curb bo constrncted along the west side of the roadway of said~Lne~ Augoles Sheet, from the north lino of Ceutpr.,, Strict to the aunt![ line of Cypress Street ~~,:i~ ceptiug that purtiou of said street between a point one hundred and screnty three feet six inches north of the north lino of ~,euter Street and n point two hundred trod sixty fnur:ect three inches-north of the north lice of Ccuter Street;) ~ - I3iddersmust file with each proposal or bid a check payable to the order of the President of the guard of '1'rnatoes of the city of~:litnla6fi3t; codified by rtrespousihle bank for aii'atnount whinh shall be not lesathau feu per spot of the rtggregnte of the proposal or a bond for the said amount, and sit Inq•able argued by the bidder and two sureties, who shall }uatify before any otlicer cuulp~~uut to admLtistt•r sn oath; iq~, doable tiicsui amount, and over ~:uui;above qll stth:Uirv e.~cy~,ptiona: ..-,' :. :l ~,thcurva7ccewber l lth, l8!bl, ~' ~~,, 1' DI. Nli1~1;LCiNG t .'. t .•f ~ Clerk of the City of Aunhuun, ~. y i ~;~ i~ ~~i fl t r ~~~~~~ , l~ego~~~tio~i No • 1 N • '1'lie Bol~rd :>b'f 'rrnstees of ~t11e City of A.n~,lleim tlo I>vesolva ns 1+~olloWS: The Iloar[~ of Trusteos G; the city of Anaheim do resolve as follows: 'That the public interest and cones .ieuce re- quire the work herein desoribedand the hoard of '1'ruetees of the city o; Anaheim, hereby orders th@ f [!lowing street work [o be dodo kc-~ cordiugrtn the apeciflcatious therefore adopt-~ ed and;iovy on tile,lu the Clerks office, 71t~t: a' cement side wafk aeggen fecr~~. and slY tuclits iu width be constructed nloh~ the. tact side of Loa Angeles Streit, from a point eighty-eight feet north of the _7 north line of Center street, W toe south flue. of Cy- press Street. That a cement corn bo couetrucied along the east line et the roadway of said Los nngcles Street, from a point eighty-eight feet north of the uarth lme oP Center Street, to the south lice of Cypress Street. . That a cement aidewal:r seven feet sad stx iucheaia width be constructed along the west aide of Los Augelea Street, from the north line of Ccuter Street to tlw south lino of Cy- press street (excepting that purtiou of satd street between a point one hundred and seventy three feet six inches north of the north line of Ccuter ,trees, and a point two nun fired and -sixty-tour feet three innhes north of the north line of Ccuter Street). That a cement curb be construetefl~ ~ along the Sweat side of the roadwayaf said Loa ingeles Street, from the lwfth liu of Center Strout to the south line of 1 !Spiess Street (ea- ce~tutg that purtiou of sold- street between- a putnt ono hundred and seventy-th ee feet six inches uortli of the north tine of Ccuter Street, °nud apotnt ;t yo huudrEd and sixty-,four feet[ throe in ltes~li!rrth of the north line of .Ccuter street). ' s 'Cho Clerlt of the cite of Anaheim, fk hereby directed to ~ibplish Chia reaolutioµ for two days auckuptice oP s;tid work iuvitin~: sealed pro-~ you is or b1:J ~ifor doing the w~rkeand retKrrlu to to appt c,f~:atloua, posted and on tile, als~ forwo daysp oth iu the Analieitd Ind~lpoendent; a tyeekly n a•spaper, printed, published am eirculutad 1 the city of Anaheim, hereby de~~ ignated for 1 tat purpose. Sid notice shall re-. guide a certilfed cher.k, ;or a b' nd, either, .as prescribed bylaw nud fpr au n~itonut nnE lera~ ttinu ten pe- cent o6 the aggre~ate of the piss pose!; IIe is alyo directed to st said uotico- wtth apeciricatioua for flue day on or near the ~~ couuc 'Chamber door. ldopted this 14th day of December, 1894. ' i O. U. RUST, President of the Board, of i'ruatees o; the Citp of wuaheJm. I hereby certify that the abov© Resplutioq t was adopted by the Board of Trusteos of the City o,gAUaheim ai its regmar meeting 4teld ou, f the 14th daybf December, iS94, by the follows' ling vote: Ayea,'l'ruateea Rus'r, Lt.wltl, .Ht.LM• ! sEx and 111c1NtLLleala. J That the Preaidaut of the hoard of Trustees of the City of Anaheim signed 6he same on the` 14th day of December, 1&94. y lYi. NF BELLING a -_ - .~~~ ,~Ch~ k of the GttY qt Auahehn.