1975-096ATTY -18 -C (Page 1 of 1 page)
WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission of the City
of Anaheim did hold a public hearing in Reclassification Pro-
ceedings No. 74 -75 -21 to consider an amendment to Title 18 of
the Anaheim Municipal Code relating to zoning, and to consider
a change in the boundaries of the zone or zones hereinafter
mentioned and described, and at said hearing did receive evidence
and reports from persons interested therein and from its staff;
WHEREAS, within a period of forty days following said
hearing, the Planning Commission did duly adopt a resolution
containing a report of its findings, a summary of the evidence
presented at said hearing, and a recommendation that the proposed
amendment be adopted by the City Council and that a certain zone
or zones be changed as hereinafter set forth; and
WHEREAS, upon receipt of said resolution, summary of
evidence, report of findings and recommendation of the City
Planning Commission the City Council did fix the 18th day of
February 19 75, and continued to the day of
19 as the time, and the City Council Chambers in the City
Hall of the City of Anaheim as the place for a public hearing
upon said proposed amendment to Title 18 of the Anaheim Municipal
Code, and the exclusion of said property, hereinafter described,
from the zone or zones in which it is now situated and the incor-
poration thereof in the zone or zones hereinafter set forth, and
did give notice thereof in the manner and form provided in said
Title 18 of the Anaheim Municipal Code; and
WHEREAS, at the time and place fixed for said public
hearing the City Council did hold and conduct such public hearing
and did give all persons interested therein an opportunity to be
heard, and did receive evidence and reports, and did thereupon
consider the summary of evidence presented at said public hearing
before the Planning Commission, its report of findings and
recommendation; and
WHEREAS, the City Council does find and determine that
the amendment to Title 18 of the Anaheim Municipal Code should
be adopted and that the property hereinafter described should
be excluded from the zone or zones in which it is now situated
and incorporated in the zone or zones as hereinafter set forth.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of
the City of Anaheim that Title 18 of the Anaheim Municipal Code
be, and the same is hereby, amended and that the following
described property, situated in the City of Anaheim, County of
Orange, State of California, to wit:
-1- 74 -75 -21
That parcel of land located in the County of Orange,
State of California, described as follows:
Beginning at a point in the existing City limit line
of the City of Anaheim, said point of beginning being
in the northeast corner of the Winston Road No. 1
Annexation to the City of Anaheim; thence leaving
said City limit line S 89° 55' 36" E, 761 feet, more
or less, along a line parallel with and 20 feet south-
erly of the centerline of Winston Road to an inter-
section with the Rancho Santiago de Santa Ana Rancho
line as described in the deed recorded in Book 10974,
page 56 of Official Records of said Orange County;
thence N 41 00' 00" E, 550 feet, more or less, along
said Rancho line to an intersection with the westerly
prolongation of the centerline of Taft Avenue; thence
S 89 32' 37" E, 365.53 feet, along said prolongation
to an intersection with a line parallel with and 20
feet west of the centerline of Wasser Road; thence N
16° 23' 44" E, 30.75 feet along said parallel line to
an intersection with a line parallel with and 30.00
feet north of the centerline of Taft Avenue; thence S
89 32' 37" E, 768 feet, more or less, along said par-
allel line to an intersection with the southeasterly
terminus of that certain course described as N 72 50'
35" W, 52.20 feet, as Parcel 3 C in the deed recorded
March 23, 1967 in Book 8205, pages 807 through 814 of
Official Records of said County; thence following along
a portion of the boundary of the land described as Par-
cel 3 -C in said deed the following courses and distances;
N 72 50' 35" W, 52.20 feet; thence N 89° 32' 37" W,
75.82 feet to a point in a curve concave southeasterly
and having a radius of 1000 feet; thence Northeasterly
along said curve through a central angle of 28 40'
10 an arc distance of 500.38 feet to an intersection
with the westerly line of the land described as Parcel
3B in the last mentioned deed; thence following along
the westerly line and the southerly line of said Parcel
3B, S 0 28' 07" W, 41.51 feet; S 43 54' 59" E, 65.76
feet to an intersection with a line parallel with and
20 feet west of the centerline of Eaton Way; thence S
0 28' 07" W, 317.16 feet along said parallel line to
an intersection with a line parallel with and 30 feet
north of the centerline of Taft Avenue; thence S 89°
31' 53" E, 40 feet along said parallel line to an in-
tersection with a line parallel with and 20 feet east-
erly of the centerline of Eaton Way; thence S 0 28'
07" W, 30 feet along said parallel line to an inter-
section with the easterly prolongation of the center-
line of Taft Avenue, said point of intersection being
a point in the northerly line of the land described
as Parcel 2B in the deed recorded May 10, 1968 in Book
8598, pages 732 through 738 of Official Records of
said Orange County; thence S 89° 32' 37" E, 1,380 feet,
more or less, along a portion of the northerly line of
the parcel described as Parcel 2B in the last mentioned
deed, and the easterly prolongation thereof, to an in-
tersection with the westerly annexation boundary line
of the City of Orange, as established by the Annexation
No. 273 to said City; thence following along a portion
of said westerly annexation boundary line S 16 00' 55"
W, 910 feet, more or less, S 21° 57' 27" W, 380 feet,
more or less, to an intersection with the southerly
right of way line of the Southern Pacific Railroad
right of way, said point of intersection being a
point in the northerly annexation boundary line of
the Douglass Katella Annexation to the City of
Anaheim; thence leaving said City of Orange Annexa-
tion boundary line and following along a portion
of the southerly right of way line of said railroad,
also being a portion of said northerly annexation
boundary line S 89 28' 50" W, 548 feet, more of
less, to an intersection with the southerly prolong-
ation of the easterly line of the land described in
deed recorded February 22, 1972 in Book 10009, page
28 of Official Records of said County; thence leav-
ing said annexation boundary line and following
along said prolongation and said easterly line, the
northerly line and a portion of the westerly line
of the land described in the last mentioned deed the
following courses and distances: N 15 58' 50" E,
577.76 feet; S 87° 44' 20" W, 494.07 feet; S 20° 15'
40" E, 321.42 feet to an intersection with the north
line of the land described in the deed recorded
October 2, 1974 in Book 11256, page 1557 of Official
Records of said Orange County; thence following
along the northerly and westerly boundary line of
the land described in the last mentioned deed and
the southerly prolongation of said west line the fol-
lowing courses and distances: N 88° 36' 25" W,
626.48 feet; more or less: N 16° 00' 00" E, 363.11
feet; N 88° 36' 25" W, 181.08 feet; S 16° 51' 37" W,
175.83 feet; S 17 11' 39" W, 480.36 feet to an in-
tersection with the southerly right of way line of
the Southern Pacific Railroad; thence Southwesterly
along said railroad right of way line 30 feet, more
or less, to an intersection with a line parallel
with and 20 feet westerly of the centerline of Doug-
lass Road, said point of intersection also being an
angle point in the northerly annexation boundary
line of the aforementioned Douglass Katella Annexa-
tion; thence along said Douglass Katella Annexation
boundary line and said parallel line S 0° 33' 45" W,
51.45 feet, to an intersection with a line parallel
with and 20 feet southerly of the centerline of Cer-
ritos Avenue; thence leaving said Douglass Katella
Annexation boundary line and following along said
parallel line the following courses and distances:
S 76° 19' 04" W, 1,313 feet, more or less; thence
S 13 40' 56" E, 20 feet to an intersection with a
line parallel with and 40 feet southerly of the cen-
terline of said Cerritos Avenue; thence S 76° 19'
04" W, 266 feet, more or less, along the last men-
tioned parallel line town intersection with the
easterly annexation boundary line of the Placentia
Cerritos Annexation to the City of Anaheim; thence
following along a portion of the easterly annexation
boundary line of the Placentia- Cerritos Annexation
N 29° 00' 00" E, 163 feet, more or less, to an in-
tersection with the northerly right of way line of
the Southern Pacific Railroad right of way line,
said point of intersection being at the most north-
easterly corner of said Placentia- Cerritos Annexa-
tion boundary S 76 26' 00" W, 127 feet, more or
less, along the northerly right of way line of said
Southern Pacific Railroad right of way line to an
intersection with the easterly annexation boundary
line of the aforementioned Winston Road No. 1 Annexa-
tion to the City of Anaheim; thence leaving said
Placentia- Cerritos Annexation boundary line and follow-
ing along the easterly annexation boundary line of
said Winston Road No. 1 Annexation N 0° 14' 24" E,
1,166 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning.
be excluded from County of Orange Al, GENERAL AGRICULTURAL, DIS-
TRICT, and incorporated in City of Anaheim "ML" LIMITED INDUSTRIAL
ZONE subject to the following conditions:
1. That a preliminary title report shall be furnished prior
to the adoption of the ordinance rezoning the property, showing
legal vesting of title, legal description, and containing a map of
the property.
2. That dedication shall be made to the City of Anaheim of
all streets within the area, according to the Circulation Element
of the General Plan Highway Rights -of -Way and any other area devel-
opment plans adopted by the City Council.
3. That all engineering requirements of the City of Anaheim
such as curbs and gutters, sidewalks, street grading and paving,
drainage facilities, or other appurtenant work shall be complied
with as required by the City Engineer and in accordance with stand-
ard plans and specifications on file in the Office of the City En-
gineer; that the owner(s) of subject property shall install street
lighting on all streets within the area as required by the Director
of Public Utilities; and that a bond in an amount and form satis-
factory to the City of Anaheim shall be posted with the City to
guarantee the installation of the above mentioned requirements.
4. That trash storage areas shall be provided in accordance
with approved plans on file with the Office of the Director of Pub-
lic Works.
5. That fire hydrants shall be installed and charged as re-
quired and determined to be necessary by the Chief of the Fire De-
partment prior to commencement of structural framing.
6. That subject property shall be served by underground
7. That drainage of subject property shall be disposed of in
a manner satisfactory to the City Engineer.
8. In the event that subject property is to be divided for
the purpose of sale, lease or financing, a parcel map, to record the
approved division of subject property shall be submitted to and ap-
proved by the City of Anaheim and then be recorded in the Office of
the Orange County Recorder.
9. Prior to the introduction of an ordinance rezoning sub-
ject property, Condition Nos. 1, 2 and 8, above mentioned, shall be
10. That Condition No. 3, above mentioned, shall be complied
with prior to the issuance of a building permit.
11. That Condition Nos. 4, 6 and 7, above mentioned, shall be
complied with prior to final building and zoning inspections.
12. That ordinances reclassifying the property shall be adop-
ted as each parcel is ready to comply with conditions pertaining to
such parcel; provided, however, that the word "parcel" shall mean
presently existing parcels of record and any parcel or parcels ap-
proved by the City Council for a lot split.
13. That the property must be removed from the Agricultural
Preserve prior to the reading of an ordinance rezoning the property
to the ML Zone.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Attorney be, and he
is hereby, authorized and directed to prepare and submit to the City
Council an ordinance amending Title 18 of the Anaheim Municipal Code
to accomplish the objects herein found and determined to be neces-
sary and proper.
THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is approved and signed by me this
18th day of February 1975.
FAL JR:fm -5-
AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Kaywood, Sneegas, Seymour
I, ALONA M. HOUGARD, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do
^hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 75R -96 was intro-
duced and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council held on
the 18th day of February, 1975, by the following vote of the members
AND I FURTHER CERTIFY that the Mayor Pro Tem of the City
of Anaheim approved and signed said Resolution No. 75R -96 on the
18th day of February, 1975.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed
the seal of the City of Anaheim this 18th day of February, 1975.
I, ALONA M. HOUGARD, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do
hereby certify that the foregoing is the original of Resolution No.
75R -96 duly passed and adopted by the Anaheim City Council on
February 18, 1975.
City Clerk