1973-025 ,,..,,.,, I-mSOLUTION NO. 73R- 25 <,ro............ A RESOLU'l'ION OF 'TIlE cr..cY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF Ai~2\HE:nl l\HENDING RESOLUTION NO. 7lR-478 PERT1\nnlJG TO HATES l RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR THE SALE AND DISTRIBUTI0l1 OF ELEC'rRIC ENERGY. \lHEP..EAS, thE: Ci-cy of A..na.hei:m does distribute electric energy t.o certain customers in the City of Anaheim; and \lHEREAS ,the City of Anaheim has recently acquired approxL'1ately 4,000 electrical services from the Southern California Edison Company; and mfEREAS, 'the Utili ties Director of the City of Anaheim has recommended to the City Council that the City of AnaheLu establish a. general water and sewerage plliuping schedule comparable to the SouD1ern California Edison rates for that service; and lTHElllill"S f the Utilities Dire,ctor of the City of Anaheim has also reco~nended to the City Council that an appropriate outdoor lightiag schedule be adopted comparable to the schedule which several customers were served by the Southern California Edison Company and are now customers of the City of Anaheim; and ffrtEP~ASl the utilities Director has also recommended a rate reduction for certain street lighting service, and VVIIEREAS,the City Council finds and determines that it would be in the best interests of the City of Anaheim to adopt the reconunendations of the Utilities Director. flOW, THEIlliFORE, BE 1'1' RESOLVED by the Ci,ty Council of ~le City of fulaheim that Resolution No. 71R-478 is hereby amended as follows, to wit; -""-~ -1- 1. Page No. ii is amended as follows: -- RATES, RULES .Al~D REQULATIONS TABLE OF CONT~ 'r ITLE 'fi-tle Page Table of Contents n Electric Utility Policy Rate Schedules Schedule DS; Domestic Service ~~" " n Schedule No. GS-lj General Service i"i " ,., I; Schedule No. GS-2; General Service !i' " ;~ :1 " Schedule No. PC; Power-Connected Load Basis L 11 :. L' !i Ii Schedule No. PD; Power - Demand Basis Schedule No. PAl Power - Agricultural ,: " I! Schedule No. LS-li Lighting - Street and Highway, City-OWned System Schedule No. LS-2; Lighting - Street and Highway, Customer-OWned Installation Schedule No. LO; Lighting - Outdoor Area; City-OWned System H ,~ii1 ;. Schedule No. MS: Mlli1icipal Service Rules and Regulations Rule No. I, Definitions ,....-. i! .. L n n If :1 (Continued) -2- - EFFECTIVE DA'fE ll'-14-7l 11-14-71 II II 1l-14-7l 11-14-71 11--14-71 II 11-14-71 II 1l-14--71 " 11-'14-7l 1I ll-14-7l 1-16-73 11-14-71 II 1-16-73 ll-14-71 1-16-73 II 11-14-71 11--14-71 11'.-14-71 II II ii PAGE NO. i ii iii iv 1.0.1 2.0.1 2.1.1 2.1.2 2.2.1 2.2.2 2.3.1 2.3.2 2.4.1 2.4.2 2.5.1 2.6.1 2.6.2 2.6.3 2.7.1 2.8.1 2.9.1 2.9.2 2.10.1 3.0.1 3.1.1 3.1.2 3.1.3 2. Page No.2. 6.1 is aIuended as follows; 8;~' 2.6.1 SCHEDULE NO. PA POWER - AGRICUL~URAL APPLICABILITY Applicable to power service for general agricultural purposes or for general water or sewerage pumping. RATE (24) Size of Annual Service Installation tiP Charge per HP ENERGY CI:lARGE IN ADDITION TO SERVICE CHARGE P,l\TE PER :Eam FOR CONSUI1.PTION PER liP PER YEAR 1st ]000 2nd lOOO Allover 2000 _~ l\."WH KWH .-. to 4.9 $8.50 .::; 5 \:0 14.9 8.00 15 to 49.9 7.50 50 to 99.9 7.00 100 and over 6.50 1.7<: 1.6<: 1.5<: 1.4<: 1.3<: 0.88<:: 0.88<: 0.88<: 0.88<: 0.88<: 0.68<: 0.68<: 0.68<: 0.68<: 0.68<: .l:-iinimum Charge: The annual minimum charge shall be the service charge, but in no case will the total annual service charge be less than $17.00 for single phase service nor less than $25.50 for three phase service. SPBCIAL CONDITIONS A. The rate applies to service rendered at 240 or 480 volts at the option of the consumer. 746 watts shall be equivalent to 1 HP. B. The agricultural year upon which this rate is based shall consist of twelve consecutive months, the start of the first month being the first regular met.er reading taJeen during the month of May and the end of the last month being the last regular meter reading taken during the month of April of the succeeding year. c. 'l'he service charge is payable in six monthly installments during tile months of ~lay to October, inclusive. Consumers, whose normal use of energy does not occur within the period !1ay through October, may elect, if satisfactory to the City of Anaheiru, another six months within \'lhich to pay the service charge, provide':, such period shall not begin later than t,he mont:h of October. T:L1e energy charge is payable monthly as energy is used. (Con"tinued) ~.- -3- - :"'~ 3. Page 2.7.1 is amended as follows; 2.7.1 SCHEDULE lm. LS-l LIGHTING - STREET AND H~GlnvAY; CI'rY -OW'NED SYS'rEM APPLICABILITY Applicable to lig-lrting districts for street and highway lighting service supplied from overhead lines where the City owns and maintains the street lighting equipm~nt. RATE (26) LM<lP SIZE & TYPE RATE PER LAHP PER rvroNTH ALL NIGHT SERVICE 1,000 Lumen Incandescent 2,500 Lumen Incandescent 4,000 Lumen Incandescent 6,000 Lumen Incandescent 10,000 Lumen Incandescent 15,000 Lumen Incandescent 10,000 Lumen Sodium Vapor 7,000 Lmnen Mercury Vapor 20,000 Lumen Mercury Vapor 35,000 Lumen Mercury Vapor $ 2.10 3.00 3.65 4.40 6.20 8.35 6.85 3.35 6.70 9.80 SPECIAL CONDITIONS A. Standard Equipment Furnished. Bracket or mast arm construc- tion will be furnished. vlhere feasible with existing facilities, center suspension cQnstruction may be furnished. Enclosed luminaries will be furnished for lamps of 2500 lumens; or larger, and open reflectors lighting units will be furnished for lamps of 1000 lumens. Such standard light- ing equipment will be attached to wood poles. B. abler Than Standard Equipment. vfuere the customer requests the installation of other than the standard equipment and such requested equipment is acceptable to the-City, the City will install the requested equipment provided the customer agrees to advance the estimated difference in cost installed between such equipment and standard equipment. Advances made for this purpos~ will not be refunded. Facilities installed in connection with such agreements become and r~uain the sole property of the City. C. Hours of Service. Appri2~ately 4140 hours per year. -4- .. -- -" u. ,......1 '- . .#~ 4. A Page No. 2.9.1 and 2.9.2 are added as follows: 2.9.1 SCHEDULE ao. LQ LIGHTING - OUTDOOR AREJ.~ CITY-OWNED SYST:$H APPLICABILITY Applicable to outdoor area lighting ~ervice, other than street and highway lighting service, supplied f~om overhead lines where the utility owns and maintains ti1e area lighting equipment. RA'I'E (27) Luminaire Charge: LAMP SIZE & TYPE RATE PER LN1P PER MONTH 7,000 Lumen Mercury Vapor. . . . . . .$ 4.80 .$ 7.95 20,000 Lumen Mercury Vapor. . . . . . . . Pole Charge (to be added to Luminaire Charge) : PER POLE PER MONTH For each additional new wood pole installed. . . . . . . . . . . . .$ 2.20 SPBCIAL CONDITIONS A. Area lighting service \'lill be furnished from dusk to dawn, approximately 4,140 hours per year, by utility-owned lumi- naires supplied from b~e utility's existing 120/240 volt overhead circuits and mounted on existing utility-o~1ed wood poles as standard equipment. :^i'here the service requested requires the installation of additional new wood poles, not more than one new wood pole will be installed for each luminaire in the installation. Where the customer requests the installation of other than the standard equipmenf furnished by the utility and such requested equipment is acceptable to the utility, the utility will install u1e requested equipment provided the customer agrees to advance -the estinated difference in cost installed bet:ween such equipr":ent and s-tandard equipment. Advances made for this purpose \vill not, be refunded. Facili- ties installed in connection r..vi th such agreements become and remain the sole ~)roperty o:f -the utility. This service will be in accordance with utility's specifica- tions as to equi~~entf iYlstallation, maintenance and operation. D. TilE.: utility will replace lall1ps on a scheduled basis, and indi- vic:~ual lamps vvill be replaced upon service failure, as soon as practical after notification by the customer, subject to utilityis operating schedules. (Con-tinued) --J- 2.9.2 .~ SCHEDULE HO. LO LIGHTIl:'JG .- OUTDOOR .AREA CITY-OvRJED SYS~ (Continued) SPECIAL CONDITIONS (continued) E. A 'dri-i:ten contract for a term of one year will be required by utility when service is first established under this schedule. F. This service will be furnished only where the installation is considered by -the utility to be of a permanent and established character. BE D.' FURTiiE}(. RESOLVED -that the rate adopted by this Resolution shall be charged to all customers billed after the effective date of this resolution. TIill FOREGOING RESOLUTION is approved and signed by me ~~is 16th day of January, 1973. A'f'l:'EST: ......-- .ARW : k'Vl -6- ~ STrATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORN~GE ) CITY OF Ai~AHE L-i ) Sc ..,. --.. I, DENE 1.1. DAOUS~, Cit:y Clerk of the Ci-ty of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution Ho. 73R- 25 was passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 16th day of January , 1973 , by the following vote of the members thereof; --- AYES: COUNCIL):1EN; Sneegas, Pebley, Thorn and Dutton NOES: COUNCILHEN ; None ABSENT. COUNCILl:1Ej\: Stephenson &~D I FURTHER CERTIFY ulat the Mayor of the City of ~1ahella approved and signed said resolution on the _16thday of January , 19 ~. IN WI'rNESS WHEI~OF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the City of AnaheiIn this 16th day of January , 1973 JL)( j)~ CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIH {SElu,} I, DENE M. DAOUST, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing is the original of Resolution No. 73R-25 duly passed and adopted by the Anaheim City Council on January 16, 1973. MLJn.~ City Clerk --... IF!-'" .. I .....