1968-170RESOLUTION NO® 0,-;-17J
WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission of the City of
Anaheim did hold a public hearing in Reclassification Proceed-
ings NO 67--55 to consider an amendment to
Title 18 of the Anaheim Municipal Code relating to zoning, and
to consider a change in the boundaries of the zone or zones
hereinafter mentioned and described, and at said hearing did
receive evidence and reports from persons interested therein
and from its staff; and
WHEREAS, within a period of forty days following said
hearing the Planning Commission did duly adopt a resolution
containing a report of its findings, a summary of.the evidence
presented at said hearing, and a recommendation that the pro-
posed amendment be adopted by the City Council and that a
certain zone or zones be changed as hereinafter set forth; and
WHEREAS, upon receipt of said resolution, summary of
evidence, report of findings and recommendation of the City
Planning Commission the City Council did fix the 26th day
Of .larch 1906 as the time, and the City Council
Chambers in the City Hall of the City of Anaheim as the place
for a public hearing upon said proposed amendment to Title 18
of the Anaheim Municipal Code, and the exclusion of said
property, hereinafter described, from the zone or zones in
which it now situated and the incorporation thereof in the
zone or zones hereinafter set forth, and did give notice there-
of in the manner and form as provided in said Title 18 of the
Anaheim Municipal Code; and
WHEREAS, at the time and place fixed for said public
hearing the City Council did hold and conduct such public
hearing and did give all persons interested therein an oppor-
tunity to be heard, and did receive evidence and reports, and
did thereupon consider the summary of evidence presented at
said public hearing before the Planning Commission, its report
of findings and recommendation; and
WHEREAS, the City Council does find and determine
that the to Title of the Anaheim Municipal Code
should be adopted and that the property hereinafter described
should be excluded from the zone or zones in which it is now
situated and incorporated in the zone or zones as hereinafter
set forth.
of the City of Anaheim that Title 18 of the Anaheim Municipal
Code be; and the same is hereby, amended and that the following
described property; situated in the City of Anaheim, County
of Orange, State of California, to wit:
PaL 0
t•:.t intol:sctio of tno Loutnoz17 .)Lolon :,:i=
of tn.o :..t tnc:: .Dol.,linuoz lstc.tu as
snowl, 0,i =,,n in :::oo: oayo 13 of :::.acorJ of S•rvoys
in the office of the Count aceore of said County, v:ith
the (J,utherly _Line of the Sal Li ValI.,:oi I:fria'tio Coanyi.:3
rifjht of way, as shown on a Li.a filccA ih Look 4, ..:;age e3.of
said I:ecorc of Surveys: tnence Lasteriv alch saia outnal:ly
lino to its intol7scotion ;,7itn tno L;outnorI7 z;rcionation. of
tno ijostariy line of the lan conveved C0 lio7;.: L. f;u('±,loncl
et ux, b7 deod reeorded 2e3ruary 14, 1961 in ,3c3;1
12 of Official ::soors 0f sai Count77, tnencc: :ortn aJon:: last
sai prolohation and Westeri line, anc alon the Lortherly
prolonation thereof, 1410 feet, IJore or less, to the I4orth-
east corner of tno lanL L.:oilvveL to .L;ahiel S.
13, 1936 in *oc S41, ..:,ae 134 of sal...,.
thencs South 69° 30 00 ;'7 alon t le
saiL lana of halladay, 237.20 feet to the
cornc:r Jlereo, Lnence Jortn '6° 0','
the iortheriv proionation of the Vfeoterl• lina Of sai lan
of hailaLay, S7 feet .[dore or loss, to a poiht in the Sout
erly line cf the lan conveyed to Joe Leung Younc et ux by
deed recorea J_ .arch 3I, 19'31 in E0(3 693 3age5 S33
01 said Official 1 i thence along last sai. Southerly
line, 'Jorth 07° 30' 00' :,lest, 933.07 feet to an angle 2oint
therein, thence 1orti 36° 30' OU ,4cst. 920.27 feet to a
point in tne Easterly line of the la: ccnveyo to t State
of California by aced recoracc, Octc 14, 1:)52 in Soo 2393,
of said Official aecords; thence aionTj last said
Easterly line, Soutn I° OS 33 West, 413 feat, thence South
37 11' 07' Last, 13 feet, :ore or less, to tne iJort:loast
corner of the iana conveyea tc Lfnuifo 0. .)mainTuez by deeJ
recorded .L;eceer 1, 111 in :3ook 193, i3aQ7e 323 of
records 01 said Orahce County, tnence South I° 30' 00' West,
aloh9; the Easterly line 01 said land of .Jomingues, and its
Southerly proionation, 730 feet, more or less, to a ;,)oint
111 tho Aiortherly line of Lot 3 of said Do:ilinaes Estate;
thence alon(4 said iTortnerI7 line, South 6i° 35' 00' East, 95
feet, iiiore or less, to the ,:siortnwest corner of Lot 4 of said
a.iliaeL, Estate, thence South lono thc est lin0 of said
Lot 4, 1226 feet, :lore or less, to the ;?oint of bein:,minc.
Leed recorded Luust
Official Recore.si
isorthorly line of
E•9inning at the Southwest corner of Lot of Tract ,1o. 936,
as shown on a La recorded in 3ook 36, 1pas 1 and 2 of
isccilahcous 1Japs, records of sai(f, County, thence 'iorth 0°
lS' 06" Last alon9 a oortion of the Westeriv line of said
of 6, 1097.67 feet, iore or less, to an intersection witi:" a
line in a curve concave 1:Ortnerly and having a radius of 450
feet, a radial line o0d1iflJ outh 17° 14' 34" Uest 7Dasses
throucih saiL point of intersection, thence :Oasteriv alon
portion 01 said curve through a central angle of 75 44' 34"
an arc ai of 62.1L feet i.r... r:ir less; thence South
30' 03" East 202 feet, raore or less, tangent to saLL
curve to an intersection witn the East line of saiL Tract
10. 936; thoce 2crth I° 09' 37' .L]ast 9is feet, laore or less,
aioncj a .3ortion of tne Easterly line of said Tract 'j36 to an
intersection wit.: the Soutneriv lino of that certain State
iiigilway C0 i± .nowl i. tzL: 3a0 t Lna Callcl lIoaL, sai
point of interoecticn 00111 in a curve in soi Southerly
riht o 7EIL: lihs, c:onoLv c01 6.1 V100 0 100103 01
2,110 feat, c. raLial lino bearing Soutn 1° 39' 37' 7 ,70st
i2asses throuh saiL point of intersection thence Lasteriv
along a portion of saia curve, tnrouqn a central ancJ_ of
12° 37 17', an arc of L43 fee=t, more or less, to
an intersection ii the Southerly prolonatic: of the ::iest-
er17 line of Lot 4 of tne .Jo71,inu bstate, do shown on a
na2 file in ..00j: page in of Record of Surveys in tic
office of the County Recorder of said County; thence North
along said Southerly prolongation to a looint in the Soutor17
line of the S'anta Ana Vallav irri:4ation Colany's rignt of
wav as shown on. a :ia fileU in :Ooon 4, r.)aq 4S of sat ecorU,
of Surveys, thehce Easterly along saiu Soutnerly line to an
intersection with tnn Soat orolontio of tie Jesteriv
line of lan convev to howara l,. buloi et ux by
eorea February 14, 1961 in ,:o 3629, .,age 12 of Official
lecorLs of saia Countv; tnenee 1orti alon last sai South-
arly roicnjation to the Soutwest cor= of saia lan.. of
3uL1onc7, t,aence Lort. 74° JI' .,at alch:,, tie Sout,ierly linc
of saiU lan of i:_,:ualon, 317.37 feet to the Southeast corner
tneroof, tionce 1:ortn 74° 02' :Last along tne Southerlv line
of inn an ccnv to Gar-Lo Inc., by Ca&.:. recorUe
January 3, 19'66 in nook 779, ,z, 666 C sai Official
Recoras, 726.17 feet to Inc beinnin of a tanent curve,
oenuuve -.2e_.,el 'y anu ic.vinj r.:, :7: ef 0 feet:
.nice ,A)rtneasterly along oaia curve, tnrouh a central anc,le
of 13° 47 26 an arc istanee of 469.33 fect tnence tanant
to said curvo, .1:orth 60° 30 02' Last, 60 feat, more cr less,
to an intersection with the Northorly ,Drolongation of the
Westerly lino of the lana conveyeU to Fannie Aherns bv deeU
raccraea Lril 29, 19.63 in 3oo 6327, .L:•occe z,93 of saia Offi
cial Recor(s, thence Soutn 29° 13' 11 'East along last sai.
)ro1o1gation ana alon sai. estariv line, feet, faore or
less, to the Soutnwest corner of saiL lanu o itherns, thenco
along the Southerly lino of said lah, South 78° 20' 33' Last,
203 feet, moro or less, to an intersection with tne ::Ort.:...-_1
yroionation of tn::, ;;et=1; lino of the lanU conveve to
aal2n „L. Pon et ux bv deeU recorded Juno 1, 1966 in Yook 7947,
page 914 of said Official Records thence South 11° 33 20"
est 40 feet, more or less, along sai prolongation to an
intorsoctioh with the Southorly line of the Santa Ana Valley
irrigation Caza;pany's rignt of way lino as shown on a ',iap filed
in Book 26, page 20 of Record of Surveys in the office of the
County Recorder of °rah:43 County, California; thence lforth
7° 26' tO' West 646.3 feet, aore or leSS, along a portion
of the Southerly right of way line of said Santa Ana Vailov
irrigation Coircoahy to an intersection with the centerline of
that certain sorvice road co=lonly k3own as Walnut Canvon
acaa, as said centerline is aescribaL in Parcel One in the
deea to the City o nnin recorLe6. I•k)velaber 19, i964 in
.eook 3769, page 776 of Official Records of Orange County,
California, said point of intersection cinc in a curve in
said conterlino, conoave Ostorly and havinc a radius of 400
fact, a radial lino Bearing' South 78 26' 40' Last ?asses
through said ooint of intersection, thence 3outhar17 along
said curve through a contra' angle of 31° 37' J5" an arc
tance of 334.53 feet tnence bout n 16° 30' 00' West 219.44
feet tangent to saicl curve to the beg;inhino of a tano curve
concave Laster; ana having a radius of 600 feet, thence South-
erly along said curvo through a contral ar“71e of 13°
an arc alstance of 16::.7 nc tnence Scutn 0° 21 57" West
710.00 feet tangeRt to said curve to a point thence iast
378.76 feot, leavin tho said conterlino of said Walnut Canyon
Road, to an intorsection with the st=17 line of i::::.at certain
urcol of land. shown on a RecorL of Surve'L fileL in ::;rook
62, 1 )acj e 23 thencr Sout q° 37 37' last 200 feet, lucre or
less, to an anle saie. Uesterly line, o the lanL
snown on saiu 1.ecore, of Survev thence followin(4 alon a
ortion of bounLaris (J the 1an1 shol.1 on saiL 1iocr9:
of Survey, the follovJin courses ahu distances South 33°
32' 17' Last 273.7 feet, .„!orth 63° 43' 5C' East 29t.1 fast,
rth 3° L.Z3' 02' 1 .est
4J.31 SrJuti 47°
Last 233.63
boutn 44° 34' 46' Last Ll7.13 Sout 1°
fect, 16J.J0 fc-et .ort. 2)
it' 6J' Last lJt.lt fcct 4S' 9'
L-Aput 9° It' fs, ort 12'
310.'27 feet tc corncr of tnle a.roel of land
shown in the last mentioned Record of Survey; thence 1Ortn
6 30 00" West 050 fat, more or less, to the Southeast
corner of that certain arcei of iii. :ri as !?arcel
Ohe ih tnie Lea to ant:. Llla
iusSahL aha Zu. al, rfocr'...ea i:tct.Sor 1(961 in 29ock
t'9t4, 'JJO t.400rs of Co=t:
fornia tionct 414.71 ftet, aloz E921 trz
t-J9 Lcsori,..)ec. 1h 1,areti Ohs of ts.c last
to t9.e Sofitnt saia Ohc, sai Lout
W2t corhcr also t.Lt nort,:nct corner of tliat cert.:7.in
of 'm t:. conv to ::ary by a':3c. foccraci
July 1330 in Sock 394 z,J.1.:t ::70 of Official ;:iCOr5 of
Jrano Couty, Caiiforia c. co121 nuinc SJ.29 fest,
aloncj tie i ortS.(2.L y i1-3f tn anC co to saia
to thc. corer o i. ti
Souts. rc•t, tjf1C of
ia ht. convcyca to to t9J. Soutiwest
corner of said of lanic. salt: Soutiwest corner also Soinci
tie Southeast cornor
snown on a lecord. of
feet, more or less,
372.0_feet, 1..iorn b2" 3t' fast
t7 t3 Last ftt, J2° 16
cf of thc: Sstate, as
'6urvev fils in Loca 2, 13 of
corraor of
California, n,T :7-41co t° 3J' 7 io:3t 974.32
I:eooro. of Survevs
or or aionc:5 the Southerly line of Lot 2 of
said LiaTtinuez Lstate to tno Sou'thwest corner of saia it 2,
saiL Southwest corner of Lot also beihc; tic Southast cornsr
of Lot 1 of said 1.;01 Estat, as snown on the last Ji
Lion. Record of Survey, t::1.ence 13ortn S3° 53 West .1024.12
&LcLJ the Southerly line of said Lot 1 to
the Scut nwct corner of said Lot 1, sai. Southwest corn:: aJ
tne Soutnneast corner of Lot 6 o. Tract o. 936, as shown
on a au recorded 113 Look 30, .9ages I ana 2 of Liscellancous
recorLs of Ural County, California thence Soutn 09°
51 32[3.4'. feet, ..lore or less, alon.c.j the Soutl.1 lin.
J,ot 6 of said. Tract o. 936 1:0 'L:Lo oit of.
ticrefro tio descri;De „Darcels of lana,
desichated as Parcels A, J an6.
Parcel A: Ail of ract 50, as shown on rcor
in 3ook 232, saes 31 anC. 32 of Liscilaneous liaTDs, records
of Orange County, California.
Parcel L: Ail of lzact o. 3J3, as sown on a Lat recores
in Look 232, 1 an- 33 of ,fisciiaheous rt
of Orane Couht, California.
Parcel That ._.;ortion Cl Lots 1 and 2 of the iiolainc.:uez
Lstate, in the Countw of Orance, State of California, as per
files. in
as fOliS.
;Ja., 13 of :',:ecord of Surve in the
ecorder of Oran'J;e County, and describe
:&einnin at a :oint, sai ,2oint in tne intersection of
tie lortherly ri of way line of Cicero load, 64 feet in
wiatn, with tne ',?rolonation of the I esterly boundar7 line
of Tract Lco. 6363; tnence along said Drolonqation
650.03 feet to a point, sai6. •i:)oint tLs intersection of
said LJ;rclongation witn tne Southerly riht of way line of
Santa iina Canyon 1 thence Southwester17 a1onc7 said rignt
of way line 673.00 feet, 1ILore or less, thence Southerly an
2arailei to the hasterlv line of the lana as describaL per
deed recoreci in iook 324, sago 24 of Deeds, C5i:).03 feet,
thence rtneasterly and 2arallel to said. South= of
wav 4:''na Canyon RoaL to a point, sai Qoint
being the intersection of the 'orther17 richt of way line of
Cicero Road, 64 feet, in win, with the lierthc;r17 prolonga-
tion of tne 'Pesterly boundary of Tract fo. 6303, saiL
also being the true cint of beginnin.
That .)ortion of tots 1 and 2 of the Dominguez Lstatc, in thc,
Count: of Oran;c, State of CaliLorhia, as per file. 1:.
JOO 2, sacs 1:3 of acr oJl Surve i 441oc. of t
1cerdr of Orans County, an LoscrioL as follo
s, at a saiL point bein tne intersection
tne ortnerlv riht of ,/,,a v of Cicero hoac 64 feet in
wiCLth, with the JroIonation of the esterly bounar7 lin nf
'raot 2o. 6363, thence fort', aion
feet to a :zeizit, bein
1,rolonation tno SoatLlorly riht of •a lie of Santa
Canyon aoaci, tnence Southwesterly alolu said rig of way lin
673.J0 feet, Dore or less, 'Lichee Soutrl ari J. parallel to
the Lasteri: line cL tns: lanL as escribs rcor
o- foot:
an saiL South=17 richt of way of
Santa Ana CarLyon oaO. to a '::)oLr,t, sai LZsc,r-
seetion of t:91z: rint of
61 fa t in wjn:t norfLn: ozoi of 1:Lo 7:705t-
or17 bountLary of 2:coot als
true 7)o 4 nt of bein
pAac'LJ:, roul
That sortioh of Section 1, Soutn, nal',;.9 9 Y
L., in the 2oa:1 of L;to,t;:-. of Califoria„
crie s as fcilows
:Soginninq at tne intsrsection of t:cis l'iest:=1 line of
3.66 acr Dareel so;-;n on a 26,
cord of Sarvc:s in t'zLe office of tnia Count 4ecorSir of
sai Orane County, with the seut.1 t
way, snown act sai
iianoc 11 33' 20' ,Isst foot, 7,10= or less,
Li e 1 the land conveye:L to L. PoL
and wife, b2 LoOL recorcI- June 2 1966 ih oo2 7!
914 of Official liecorcss of saa Orane CountJ, to te Taost
Southwesterly corner of land, thonoo Soot
Last U. feet, :Lor.71 sr less, a1o7. a :L.,crtion of na Soutn-
ri line of the I conv::::2e to sai. :a'1.:,h L. Poil wifs
to a oint, Jai: L ;.)ein::: in the Lortheri r:Anus of a
line bearing Lortn 27° 56' 03" Last ana Ilavinu a f:.iistnee of
2J2 .S3 feot, as shown on a .La;_; of Survo fileC. in Sook
i7;age 26 of I1ecord of Survoys In tne office cf tho
of Uranc_::e C=t ria. tneLC e fol1ow1n along
a portion of tie bounLaries of the lanL shown on the last
1 2:eccra of Survev the followin courses and Listances
South 27° 36' 03' West 2.3 feet, .:ortn. 47° L5 17 Yfe:;t
l'J9.92 feet and Soutn 1° 37' 37' Last 549.44 foot thence
West 37.76 feet to tne centerline of ;:alnut Canyon Roac, as
aescribeL in the dee recor&e 2:ovelaber 19, 1964 in
7309, page 71 01 SP1(:_ lyecords t alonc saiL
centerline the followin describe coursez .Cort n 6° 21' 57
Jest 710.00 feet to tne beinning of a taneht curve concave
naving a raaius of '500 feet .iortherly 163.70 feet
aLoni sai curv. throu4h a contral al of 13 :JortL
13° L7' 26' Last, tangent to saia curve, 219.41 2eet to
be of a tanent curve, concave Westerly, navinii
radius of 600 feet anL Lortnerly 334.39 feet alon.7 saia curve
tnrouc,ih a central an:. of 31° 37' 05' to said Southerly ricfht
of wa7 lihe thence, loavihc: saiL centerline, South 7:!°
:3ast 646.3 feet to the oint of becinnihq.
Tnat L .L ortion of at 936 a5 shown on a recor6.e in 3ook
30, pacjes 1 and 2 OL :_2iscellanc0u5 La records cf Orane
County, California, describoL as follows:
I.oginnin at the oin of intersoction of Liie line of
saiL Tract o. 36 with tho Southeriv lino of Santa Ana Canyon
RcaL, as shown on a rocordea in LyJck 74, 2 of Jeco7
of Surveys in tne office of no Count aaacr cf sa± Or:
County, California tnence Soutn 1° 09' 37' ,'lest 33.00 fet,
aioncJ a ,3ortion of n ia .bastor17 line of saiL Tract o. 36 to
a iJcint thence South 17° z3 :fest 332.L2 foat to an intor-
section with the Westerly line of Lot of sai Tract 936
thonce lorth 1° 14 24' Last 4 .Feet ;-,lon a :.)crtion of
cio lino of Lot of saiL z.ract to an inter-
section with the Southerl/ line of Santa "Ana Can
;3° 3S)' 12' a.et aion a
a5t utorl iillo of sai(t. i Ina Con o n
to the beginnin(.; of a tanont curve concave 1;:orto].71 a•,.1L
navinrj a raLias of 2:i1 0. foot: to:Lco :30uthcast=1
sLij curvo ootral ahylc of 'J' 17" an :cf
of 2 foot to olnt of
of 'fraot on a roc in
'Look 5. ..Dar..:oo 1 of ..LT... 3, rocora:z of ca
at t.:It flf
saia ?raco lino cf Sa:Lta Ana
Canyon i?.caa, a shown on a recorac in •Sook 74, Tpacje 2 c2
Cora of Survol73 in cffice of the Count.7 of
tLonco Scut... 1°
f of of
to tno tf
of a
tannt L. cooavo .!avilic. =11.i.
tnrcu CdW a1J,Io of lb° :.:J1 arc aistac of
123. fet to an intrsctl6n tno '::oL;to:21 11.1•1
of saiL. .rac t 9'3:.5, a railal 17°
2oLt of ntorot_li
L::‘" fot alon a .:%ol
lin o sa iat •J of: LL to aoil7t th=o
or tzi 77° f,ast 331;',f to• trui ooint of
ZO A-1,
IT ZC;r anL
is :ler3y autncriz an r:::ct to :7)1 c,a= aac sublait to
Citv Council an crina:ao aii1a J.LIE L]: of
M;Lnic1ai to acco1: octo 5L1 :CuflT and
to ,Je acai: cr.
FORLCOIG 1- is arove. an yoy
26L, ui flarcn,
Ci4I.L.K 01 Tf CITY Uf
I, DENE M. WILLIAMS, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do
hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 68R -170 was intro-
duced and adopted at a regular meeting provided by law, of the City
Council of the City of Anaheim, held on the 26th day of March, 1968,
by the following vote of the members thereof:
AND I FURTHER CERTIFY that the Mayor of the City of Anaheim
approved and signed said Resolution No. 68R -170 on the 26th day of
March, 1968.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed
the official seal of the City of Anaheim this 26th day of March, 1968.
AYES: COUNCILMEN: Dutton, Krein, Schutte, Chandler and Pebley
I, DENE M. WILLIAMS, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do
hereby certify that the foregoing is the original of Resolution No.
68R -170 duly passed and adopted by the Anaheim City Council on March
26, 1968.