92-033 RESOLUTION NO. 92R-33
BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Anaheim that:
1. The Enterprise Zone Application Area, as shown on the map entitled
"Enterprise Zone Application Area", attached hereto as Attachment 1, is hereby
proposed as an Enterprise Zone for application to the State of California pursuant
to Government Code Section 7073; and
2. The said Application Area is found to be a depressed area, based upon a
determination that the Eligible Area, as shown on said Attachment 1, meets the
Urban Development Action Grant criteria of the United States Department of
Housing and Urban Development; and
3. The designation of the said Application Area as an Enterprise Zone is found
to be necessary in order to attract private sector investment to the Application
Area; and
4. The City of Anaheim agrees to complete all actions stated within the
preliminary and final applications should the said Application Area be awarded
conditional designation as an Enterprise Zone.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the preliminary application to
the California Department of Commerce for designation of an Enterprise Zone
presented herewith is approved, and the Executive Director of the Community
Development Department is authorized and directed to execute such documents,
certifications, and assurances, as may be necessary, and provide clarification and
information to the State of California, and take such other appropriate and
necessary steps as may be required to have the said Application Area be designated
as an Enterprise Zone by the State of California.
THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is approved and adopted by the
City Council this 25r. h day of February, 1992.
I, LEONORA N. SOHL, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that
the foregoing Resolution No. 92R-33 was introduced and adopted at a regular
meeting provided by law, of the Anaheim City Council held on the 25th day of
February, 1992, by the following vote of the members thereof:
AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Simpson, Ehrle, Pickler, Daly and Hunter
AND I FURTHER certify that the Mayor of the City of Anaheim signed said
Resolution No. 92R-33 on the 26th day of February, 1992.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the
City of Anaheim this 26th day of ]February, 1992.
i, LEONORA N. $OHL, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that
the foregoing is the original of Resolution No. 92R-33 duly passed and adopted
by the City Council of the City of Anaheim on February 25, 1992.
Marketing the Zone (250 Points)
A. Marketing Goals
1. Existing Business Retention & Expansion (75% of Total Effort)
Establish awareness and identity of Enterprise Zone and its
exceptional benefits, including both state and local incentives, for
existing businesses
Reinforce Anaheim's pro-business attitude and commitment to
commerce and industry
Position, promote, and reinforce Enterprise Zone as a dynamic,
evolving business center
Job retention
2. New Business Attraction (25% of Total Effort)
Target regional and national businesses looking to relocate,
consolidate, or expand
Establish awareness and identity of Enterprise Zone and its
exceptional benefits, including both state and local incentives, for
new businesses
Promote Anaheim's pro-business attitude and commitment to
commerce and industry
° Position, promote, and reinforce Enterprise Zone as a dynamic,
evolving business center
Job attraction
B. Action Plan - Existing Business Retention and Expansion
1. Enterprise Zone Sub-Areas
Divide Enterprise Zone into sub-areas to include Anaheim Center,
Plaza Area, Commercial-Recreation Area, Stadium Business Center,
and East Anaheim Business Corridor
2. Research
Interview key players in the development and brokerage
Schedule business forums by industry and/or sub-area
3. Position Statements
Develop a position statement for each sub-area to serve as its
"verbal logo" and provide an identity to serve as a base for
marketing efforts
4. Enterprise Zone Logo
Develop and design a logo which serves as the visual identity for the
Enterprise Zone
5. Sub-areaLogos
Create distinctive logos to provide a visual theme and identification
for each sub-area
~, 6. Enterprise Zone Benefit Ads
Design an ad series promoting Enterprise Zone and its benefits,
including both state and local incentives, for existing businesses
7. Testimonial Ads
Design an ad series featuring testimonials from presidents or CEOs
of Enterprise Zone companies explaining why their firm intends to
stay in Anaheim
8. Ad Placement
To underscore Enterprise Zone's desirability as a business center
among current tenants, place ads in local newspapers, journals, and
trade publications such as the following:
Anaheim Bulletin
Los Angeles Times, Orange County Edition
Orange County Business Journal
Orange County Register
9. Slide Show
Develop a slide presentation targeted to existing businesses to
highlight the Enterprise Zone's commercial and industrial uses,
amenities, growth opportunities, etc.
~ 10. Newsletters
Develop a newsletter to provide information on Enterprise Zone
benefits, new area development, and other news of general interest
Develop newsletter inserts or flyers geared toward sub-area
businesses to provide information on roadway improvements,
redevelopment efforts, and other news of local interest
11. Press Releases
Prepare and distribute press releases to focus on Enterprise Zone
benefits, successful efforts to retain businesses, etc.
~,~ 12. Public Service Announcements
Prepare Enterprise Zone public service announcements for
distribution to local radio stations for free air time
13. Cable Television
Utilize local cable television station to disseminate information on
Enterprise Zone benefits to business and to potential job training
program participants
14. Media Kit
Prepare and distribute media kit to provide background on city,
Enterprise Zone, redevelopment activities, etc.
C. Action Plan - New Business Attraction
1. Enterprise Zone Sub-Areas
Divide Enterprise Zone into sub-areas to include Anaheim Center,
Plaza Area, Commercial-Recreation Area, Stadium Business Center,
and East Anaheim Business Corridor
2. Research
Interview key players in the development and brokerage
3. Position Statements
Develop a position statement for each sub-area to serve as its
"verbal logo" and provide an identity to serve as a base for
marketing efforts
4. Enterprise Zone Logo
Develop and design a logo which serves as the visual identity for the
Enterprise Zone
5. Sub-area Logos
Create distinctive logos to provide a visual theme and identification
for each sub-area
6. Enterprise Zone Benefit Ads
Design an ad series promoting Enterprise Zone and its benefits,
including both state and local incentives, for new businesses
7. Testimonial Ads
Design an ad series featuring testimonials from presidents or CEOs
of new Enterprise Zone companies explaining why their firm
decided to locate in Anaheim
Design an ad series featuring testimonials from the area's top
brokers describing opportunities for new users
8. Ad Placement
To promote Enterprise Zone's desirability as a business center
among potential new businesses, place ads in regional and national
journals and publications such as the following:
California Business
Development Magazine
National Real .Estate Investor
Real Estate Forum
Southern California Business
Southern California Real Estate Journal
Southwest Real Estate News
Western Real Estate News
9. Slide Show
Develop a slide presentation targeted to new businesses to highlight
the Enterprise Zone's commercial and industrial uses, amenities,
growth opportunities, etc.
10. Marketing Center
New facility in City Hall West, currently under construction,
intended to provide a focal point for city's business attraction efforts
11. Press Releases
Prepare and distribute press releases to focus on Enterprise Zone
benefits, successful efforts to attract new businesses, etc.
12. Media Kit
Prepare and distribute media kit to provide background on city,
Enterprise Zone, redevelopment activities, etc.
13. Broker Map
Develop a map showing Enterprise Zone sub-areas, freeways,
housing, and retail, restaurant, and entertainment amenities for
distribution to area brokers
14. Location Brochure
Develop a brochure with detailed information, photos, and copy
about the area's business, locational, housing, retail, entertainment,
and other benefits
D. Sales Plan for On-site Visits
1. Identify Target Industries and Businesses for Visitation
Determine priority industries and businesses by identifying
Major job provider
Major generator of tax revenues
Major utility user
Known industry cutbacks
2. Initial Contact
Send personalized correspondence to major employers encouraging
meeting with key staff
Make contact with other Enterprise Zone businesses through
business forums, referrals, or through response to advertising or
other promotional efforts
3. Meet with Business
Meet with business to ascertain business's present and anticipated
needs and intentions in Anaheim
Inform business of available benefits to Enterprise Zone businesses
4. Inventory Needs & Develop Plan to Address Needs
Inventory specific needs of business and develop a plan to address
each need from available programs and resources
5. Offer Assistance to Business
Coordinate provision of assistance to business and serve as interface
with Enterprise Zone service providers
6. Business Follow-up
Follow up with business to make certain that assistance provided
substantially met needs
E. Enterprise Zone Staffing, Organization, and Budget
1. Staffing
New Position - Enterprise Zone Project Manager
Existing Staff - Economic Development, Redevelopment, Job
Training Program, Utilities Department and City Manager's Office
to provide staff support to Enterprise Zone effort
2. Organization
Enterprise Zone Program and Program Manager to reside in
Community Development Department
3. Program Budget
Anticipated Annual Budget
$ 70,000 Salary & Burden, Enterprise Zone Manager
~,~ 10,000 Operating Budget
80.000 Marketing Budget
$160,000 Total Annual Budget
Funding Sources - Redevelopment, Utilities, Economic
Development, Job Training Program
F. Examples of Successful Efforts to Retain and Attract Businesses
1. Microtech
2. Southern Plastic Mold
3. Pacific Bell
G. Enterprise Zone Commercial Real Estate Brokers
1. 38 Commercial Real Estate Brokerage Companies Currently Active in
Anaheim Market (see listing)
Available Property & Businesses (200 Points)
A. Number of Businesses in Application Area
B. Location and Square Footage of Vacant Buildings on Land Zoned Industrial
C. Location and Square Footage of Vacant Buildings on Land Zoned Commercial
D. Location and Acreage of Vacant Land Zoned Industrial
E. Location and Acreage of Vacant Land Zoned Commercial
Job Development (175 Points)
A. Agencies Responsible for Job Training Partnership Act (JTPA), Targeted Jobs
Tax Credit (TJTC), and Greater Avenues for Independence (GAIN)
1. Anaheim Private Industry Council (PIC)
2. City of Anaheim, Job Training Program Division
3. Employment Development Department (EDD), Anaheim Office
4. County of Orange, Social Services Agency
B. Job Training Service Providers & Contractors
1. North Orange County Community College District (NOCCCD)
2. North Orange County Regional Occupational Program (ROP)
3. Anaheim Union High School District
4. Advanced Institute of Pest Technology
5. Brownson Technical School
6. DMC Automotive Training School
7. Electronics Publishing and Graphics Institute
8. Gendarme LTD.
9. Martial Arts Security Training Academy
10. MS Data
11. MTI College
12. Practical Schools
13. Southern California Institute of Technology
C. Other Participants, Referral Sources
1. Department of Rehabilitation
2. Employer Advisory Council of Orange County
3. Salvation Army
4. Senior Citizens Center
D. Existing Programs
1. Anaheim Private Industry Council, City of Anaheim Job Training Program
On-the-job Training
Customized Training
Dislocated Worker Program
Older Worker Program
Vocational Skills Training
Remedial Education
Youth Development Program
Try-out Employment
Pre-employment Skills Training
Summer Youth Employment and Training Program
Gang Intervention Program (in cooperation with Project Save-A-
Operation Bootstrap (in cooperation with Anaheim Housing
2. Employment Development Department
Job Match Service
Targeted Jobs Tax Credit Certification
Services to special groups including veterans, youth, disabled, older
workers, minorities, welfare recipients, migrant farm workers, ex-
offenders, homeless
Labor Market Information
Assistance to victims of plant closures and layoffs
Interviewing Facilities (mobile)
Planning and Local Incentives (125 Points)
A. Development Processing
1. One-stop Development Processing
2. Inter-departmental Review Committee
B. Redevelopment
1. Site Assembly
2. Land/Lease Write-downs
3. Funding of Traffic & Infrastructure Improvements
4. Parking Structure/Support Retail Development
5. Commuter Vanpool & Carpool Assistance
6. Child Care Center Development
7. Rehabilitation Loans
8. Technical Assistance Including Site Planning and Environmental Analysis
C. Economic Development
1. Direct Loans for High Volume Sales Tax Generators
2. Industrial Development Bond Issues
3. City Land Leases at Subsidized Rates to High Volume Sales Tax
4. Property Tax Rebates Through Redevelopment
5. Grant/Loan for Thermal Energy Storage
6. Utility Discount Rate for High Voltage Uses; Loan for Purchase of
7. Land Write-downs
8. Industrial Rehabilitation/Modernization Grants for Replacement of
Obsolete Machinery & Equipment
9. Technical Assistance, Including Architectural and Engineering Services, to
Existing Businesses to Maximize Site Utilization
D. Utilities
1. Commercial & Industrial Lighting Program
2. Electric & Water Audit Program
3. Thermal Energy Storage Program
4. Lower Average Energy Rates
5. Natural Gas Cooperative
6. Undergrounding Program
E. Capital Improvement Program
F. Housing
1. First-Time Homebuyer Program
2. Mortgage Credit Certificate Program
3. Affordable Housing Program
Density bonuses
4. Operation Bootstrap (in cooperation with Anaheim PIC)
5. Section 8 Certificates and Vouchers
6. Rehabilitation Program
Owner-occupied and rental
G. Transportation
1. Traffic Management Center
2. Commuter Services Program
Vanpool and carpool assistance
3. Commuter Rail
4. Fixed-Route Clean Fuel Shuttle
5. Anaheim Regional Transportation Intermodal Complex (ARTIC)
Financing Programs (100 Points)
A. Redevelopment
1. Site Assembly
2. Land/Lease Write-downs
3. Funding of Traffic & Infrastructure Improvements
,4. Parking Structure/Support Retail Development
5. Commuter Vanpool & Carpool Assistance
6. Child Care Center Development
7. Rehabilitation Loans
8. Technical Assistance Including Site Planning and Environmental Analysis
B. Economic Development
1. Direct Loans for High Volume Sales Tax Generators
2. Industrial Development Bond Issues
3. City Land Leases at Subsidized Rates to High Volume Sales Tax
4. Property Tax Rebates Through Redevelopment
5. Grant/Loan for Thermal Energy Storage
6. Utility Discount Rate for High Voltage Uses; Loan for Purchase of
7. Land Write-downs
8. Industrial Rehabilitation/Modernization Grants for Replacement of
Obsolete Machinery & Equipment
9. Technical Assistance, Including Architectural and Engineering Services, to
Existing Businesses to Maximize Site Utilization
C. Santa Aria Economic Development Corporation
1. SBA 504 Loan Program
D. Listing of Financial Institutions Making Business Loans to Application Area
Unemployment &' Area Income Levels (100 Points)
A. Eligible Area Information
Census Tract 1980 Percent 1980 Per Capita
Unemployment Income
873 11.8% $4,922