1967-447 -- ,lJ:.~SOLL?i;IO:'i LIe). 671">-447 r- ~'~ HE SULU'J.'IC I OF 'lEE CITY COUNCIL OF 'I'EE CI'rY OF "~"",,N.i:uLLL, ]';l-.,EUDING PESOLu'rION NO. 7443 IN PECLASSIFICATIOlJ PH,OCEEDINGS :TO. 61-62,0,44. .JIIErJ:;AS, t):e City Council c~id heretofore, to 'ivi t, on December 1.2: 1961[ ao.opt B.,esolution No. 7443 in Reclassifica- tion Proceeding3 I~o.Gl-62-'.44 tinding and determining that the property and area therein uescribecl should be changed from R-A, P-ESIDLNTIAI,--AGJUCUL'l'Uh..AL :00j\:2 to C'.3, HEAVi--CQJ:.1LIERCIAL ZONE anc~ C-l, l'JEIGH30H,HOOD--CO;/~iliRCli,-L ZOTJE r as more particularly set forth in said resolution, sujject to certain conditions therein set fortll i an,;, \.TiBHB,c\"S, COl1(:d tion -<"-0. 7 of said resolution provides that the O'irners of subject .c.)rol.ier-t:,{ shall Jlace of record City of Anaheim C-18eec :'Zcstric-tions covering the C-l portion of said property f ',vhich shall lird t the uses of said C-l property to -the numerous uses listed in saiG. resolution" and "IiEPJ:-:AS, sail.[ C--l ;)escl r~estrictions '1tlere duly recorc.eu in tl1e Office of -elle (-range County Eecorder on Eay 3, 1962, in Book 6097, Pages 40 to 43, bot,Ii inclusiverJocul1ent No. 2723; E.i.Il CL ,:i.ir,:;plAS, on or aJ)out the 12th day of June, 1967, the owners of subject property filec c.c petition ;''lith the City Plannins Cormnission requesting -tha-t consent of the City be '.:)-iven to the rsuoval of said C-l Deect Restrictions to permit the opera-tion of a coin-operated car 1i'.Jash on b18 C-l portion of subject property; ane I,EEHLAS ,the Ci,ty Planning Commission did, on July 6, 1967, hold a pU_blic hearing on said petition after having given due no,tice thereof in the manner and as j.Jrovided by law, and did, within a Jeriod of forty (40) days following said hearing, auopt Resolution No. 2?C67--l54 recolll:mending" to the City Council tha't said request~ for reL,oval of saie:, deed restrictions be c.enied.' o_ne:' ,,)}IEPiLS, u::.:)on receipt of the report and recommendation of the City Planning Cmrn~ission the City Council did thereupon fix the 8th da;,' of August, 1967 as tile time and the Council Chc;uubers in the Ci tYLlall of -the City of J:..naheirn_ as the place for a pU:')lic i1earinj on saiL: ...Jctition for removal of said deed restrictions, o.n2 di6 give due notice thereof in the manner ane, as :c,roviue(- in 'l'i tIe lb of t,:,1G lmaheir:l ~unicipal Code; anG. ,..- \ 'LERLIl.S ," at tne tL-:e CLUe. ~>lace fixed for said public hearing the City Council ;::(i,:~ dul::/ :1OlQ anc conduct such heariDJi and Jid qive all persons interested therein an opportunity to be heard, and aiu receive evidence and reports; and l~':'LFJisi--it::, I' tl"':.l?: cit~! CO"\lI-:cil \-Joes filla. a11ci that saic C-l Leed Restrictions snould be amended coin-operated car wasnes in the Jcrmitted uses of l~~,rcl?ert~{ -that tIle CClJ1EjSI1,'t (if t.Ll~..:; ~Ci ty 0:[: }~rla.JleihL deten,line to include the C-l should be '1- 61-62-44 ,~, ./""'- ::jiven to Sd1.Cl c,-Li,cn6;,lC_lt. :Y" t.ia,t Conci tion No. 7 of Resolu- tion No. 7~43 snoulG._ add ins coin-operated car ~,1a.s11es t~() tiLe 'uSE::;:; tc ~,1l1ic!.1 ~3a.iu c:~-l :)rOrjc~r-!:~"fO sh.all be rebtricb>J. HOI'!, 'IIHj~':Fj::FOi:m f jj-G IT H.LSOLVi.:~D DY the City Council of the City of l\.nahein th.at Con{ition No. 7 of Eesolution :No. 7443 in Reclassification Procee6ings No. 61-62-44 be, and the sarne is hereby amende(', by adding coin-operated car washes to -tIle US2S t.G HIlle>. sai C,-l ,'ro~);:'r'l::{ shall be n:;stricte(,. 00::: I~' 2r}}~'l':-,0:F. PJ,:i3Ji'-'\T:.!. t: ai: in 0.11 o-t::ler respects, except ,~~1 C,I',,~n' e' <;sclution :.':c. 7444.. saie- Lesolutionr,~o. 74..J:3 -"", all; reI :,C3_lr:. :Ln full force and effec't. 1'., :,.'U:-,'l'!-l PI:~)OLV:~;:u that COL,sent of the City of I Dcl:lei: h,e.- ;:m~ Jche E::;-~::le i:; , ;',jiven to the araenc'iLlent of s&.i6 C-l Deed Festrictions recorcied on ~/i.ay 3, 1~}62, in Book 6C'37, Pages 40 to 43, botb, inclusive, DocumE~nt_ No. 2723, in the Office of 'CL.C CC)ULt:! f?,::corder of Orange County, by ad6in'J COL1"opE:ra~ce~, car ';as.<2S toc',c ;x::rLni tte6 uses of said C-l i.-ToLJert:/ . ;~;E r Fu"r,:.:' .,i.>;\ IN~; La-t the i'layor and City Clerk DC l an:J. they an"; :nere;:i i::uthoriz<2c:: to sis.,;'n such consent for drh.> on ;~~'el1alf c.ci.:.h'.::: l_'ity of !:x1a.llC-:>i,'\. . ~. ,,-~ " ~C.lll S (; .c. L;. 'l'E.I~ F~()PLCX)I}':;C; of kUSLl.st_; :;'J~::";')I.,TJ~eI()l;- lS al.JL)rOVC~cf arlO, signed by 1"-1;~:; l%7'~. y~ ,.:,y.::::: T . crmy ~.. ,','re C~1:it,' 1 .. _ 1" i\_Trr~C S T ; LI _kr~.~____ .,.. ; ~:-' T-;" 'D~-" ,"'1""-:1 r;; -:TT7 m t Tj1 ":\ ':'; ~\ T'j' " C.l..!., CL~,U'I. ,~l:' .LL~ CI.LY 0", """Ji',.."~I,, ,~ --2.. - - "~- STATi OF CALIlORNIA ) CQftITY Of QtAJGE ) 55. CITY OF AlWElM ) .~ I, DEllE II. WIIJ.IAIIS, City Clerk of the City of Anaheia, do hereby cert1 fy that tile for8901ag lesol~tion .0. 671-447 _ s lntrGducecl and adoptecl at I r8f'l1ar ..etint previded by law, of the City CftDCil of tile City of Antheia, h~ld Oft the 8th day of Aut_st, 1967, by tile followift9 vote of th......!"s the.reofa AYES I CClJJI:IUElh Krein, Schutte, Chandl.r and Pebley lQ1Sa CallCIUElh Dutton AlSENTc CWJl::IUIElh None .... I PUaTND CaTIFY tMt the JlIayor of the Clty of Anaheia atprcwed aad siped said aesolutio" 110. 67R-447 on the ltal day ef A....st, 1967. III WInlESS WHElEOF, I have hereunto .et IIY band and affixed tae .fficial seal of tAe City of ....heia this 8th day of Aupst, 1967. ~ ; ~" . :,.. c -JOt! ~~OP ~ (SEAL) I, DENE M. WILLIAMS, City Clerk of the City of Anahe~, do hereby certify that the foregoing is the original of Resolution No. 61R-447 duly passed and adopted by the Anaheim City Council on August 8, 1967. ~ Ar. ~~..:,.~ City Clerk " -