1967-373 ~ /~ f ....." ,......, RESOLUTION NO. 67 - 373 A USOLUTION OF THE CITY CO CIL OF THE CI'l'Y OF AllAHBIM AUTHORIZING TIlE EXECUTION OF AN AMDlDMBNT TO THAT CER AIN COQ'MCT FOR GEOLOGICAL ENGl:NEERING 1> CONSULTATION SERVICES ENTERED INTO ON J GARY 26, 1965 BETWEEN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AND DAlG:S AND MOORE . WHEREAS, a contract was ent tile City of Anaheim and Daaes and Moo January, 1965, wherein Dames and Moor City of Anaheim geological eDgineerin tiOD services in connection with the canyon reservoir and dam; and WHEREAS, as work progressedJOD said reservoir facility, it was revealed that' necessary invest~gation of dam foundation Nterial warranted additional geologi~al engineering services; &ad , I ad into by and between e on the 26th day af agreed to furnish to the inspection and consulta- onstruction of the Walnut WHEREAS, the City Council h~s approved amendmeats to said agreeaent authorizing the extens~on of slIchservices to be ~~n.d; and . WHEREAS, the City Council f~nds thatitisnec~sary that such services be furnished over a farther peri0d of~ime, aDd that said contract be further amezlded; and NHEDAS, it is estimated th~t for the pertod A.pkil 29, It67 through September 29, 1967, the ~stimated completiQndate, oaly part~time services of Dames and ~oore will ~ required; and WHEREAS, the City Council f~nds that the additional services, not included in the origina~ estimate of costs neceasi- tate an increase in the total amount oIf aaapensatian for such services beyond the present estimated !amount. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLv;ED by the City Council of the City of Anaheim that Paragraph 18 of the agreement made and entered into between the City and lOames and Moore on January 26, 1965, be amended to provide that the total amount of compen- sation shall not exceed $110,000.00; a!nd that the cost to the City shall not exceed this amount without i~s prior written approval. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that !the Mayor and City Clerk be and they are hereby authorized to eKecute an amendment to said agreement dated January 26, 1965, for and on behalf of the City of Anaheim, as hereinabove provid~d. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is approved and signed' by ae this 5th day of July, 1967. i: -~. , " , ~ tiiit~~t ~IM -1- ai' f ..,- 5-n llllft .'r\cI , .'-3 . Jf() ~<_jov r I · U r- -. ~ rIa '*l!.........~~.."lIU I SSe CI1Y . . .... { Si&) ,III I,l)EQM.WILLIA.II$, City Clerk ~f <the City of An,~i., doher~y certify that the foregoing is th, original of Res~luti.o~ No. 67R-3?3 du.1y passed and adopted by theiAnaheimCity Council on July 5, 1.67. L . .'2ld..'7..-'/ C ITY CLE~ ~. r