WHEREAS, the City of Anaheim and C-D III, a California
general partnership, have submitted to the City of Anaheim a
proposal for the construction and operation of a hotel having
l,600 guest rooms and related faciliti~s, together with a hotel
parking structure and Convention Center replacement parking struc-
ture, which would be located on certain real property owned by the
City of Anaheim and known generally as the Anaheim Convention
Center property (hereinafter collectively referred to as "Project")
which Project is more specifically described in Draft Environmental
Impact Report No. 25l prepared for the City of Anaheim; and
WHEREAS, the City of Anaheim is the lead agency for the
preparation and consideration of environmental documents for said
Project as defined in the California Environmental Quality Act of
1970, as amended, (hereinafter "CEQAII) and the State of California
Guidelines for the Implementation of the California Environmental
Quality Act (hereinafter IIState Guidelines"); and
WHEREAS, said Project is subj,ect to compliance with the
provisions of CEQA and the State Guidelines since said Project re-
quires the discretionary issuance of a conditional use permit and
waiver of off-street parking requirements by the City of Anaheim
and execution of a lease agreement and development agreement by
said City; and
WHEREAS, the City of Anaheim has prepared, or caused to
be prepared, Draft EIR No. 25l (IIDraft EIRII) and has consulted with
other public agencies, and the general public and given them an
opportunity to comment on said Draft EIR as required by the provi-
sions of CEQA and the State Guidelines; and
WHEREAS, on January 25, 1982, a duly noticed public hear-
ing was held by the Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim to
provide a further opportunity for the general public to comment on
and respond to the Draft EIR; and
WHEREAS, on February 16, 1982, a duly noticed public
hearing was held by the City Council of the City of Anaheim to
provide a further opportunity for the general public to comment
on and respond to the Draft EIR; and
WHEREAS, the City of Anaheim has evaluated the comments
received from public agencies and persons who reviewed the Draft
EIR; and
WHEREAS, said comments and recommendations received on
the Draft EIR, either verbation or in summary, a list of persons,
organizations and public agencies commenting on the Draft EIR,
and the responses of the City of Anaheim to significant environ-
mental points raised in the review and consultation process have
been attached to and made a part of said Draft EIR to form the
Final EIR for said Project as required by Section l5l46 of the
State Guidelines.
WHEREAS, said Final EIR has been presented to the City
Council of the City of Anaheim for review and consideration prior
to the final approval of, and commitment to, said Project.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of
the City of Anaheim as follows:
I. That the City of Anaheim does hereby certify that Final
EIR No. 251 for said Project has been completed in compliance with
CEQA and the State Guidelines and that the City Council of the City
of Anaheim has reviewed and considered the information contained
in Final EIR No. 25l prior to approval of, or commitment to, said
2. That the City Council of the City of Anaheim does hereby
find that said Final EIR identifies the following significant en-
vironmental effects of the Project, together with the measures
which will be incorporated into said Project to mitigate or avoid
said effects:
a. Impact: Construction of the hotel basement and
Convention Center replacement parking structure will require an
excavation of an estimated 120,000 cubic yards of earth. It is
anticipated that the grading/excavation operations, as well as the
trucks used for earth disposal will increase the noise and dust in
the immediate vicinity of the site and along the selected haul
Mitigation Measures: Grading operations will be
conducted in conformance with all applicable City of Anaheim grading
regulations. A soils engineer will be consulted during the grading
and excavation operations to confirm the presence or absence of
ground water moisture, and to assure that appropriate shoring
methods are employed to prevent sloughin~ or slumping Which could
endanger adjacent structures. The haul trucks will be cleaned in
order to minimize the dust impact on the local vicinity. Normal
wetting procedures will be exercised on the site during grading
activity to minimize any dust generation.
b. Impact: It is likely that future off-site
seismic events (earthquakes) will cause groundshaking on the
Project site.
,~ ._L
Mitigation Measures: Standard engineering
practices will be employed to ensure structural soundness of
buildings and parking structures. Seismic and peak load con-
siderations will be evaluated in conjunction with structural
design. Detailed soils and geology reports will be prepared
prior to issuance of building permits.
c. Impact: Runoff water quality may decrease as
a result of siltation during construction activities. The
amount of runoff after Project completion will be slightly
reduced by the garden areas in the hotel complex; therefore,
existing storm drain facilities should be adequate. Construc-
tion of the proposed Project will require the removal of exist-
ing storm drains under the Convention Center parking lot; some
modifications to the existing storm drain system will be
required to provide drainage from the Project site.
Mitigation Measures: Parking lot maintenance
and sweeping will be conducted on a regular basis to collect
pollutants before they enter the drainage system. The proposed
project will conform with appropriate surface runoff pollution
and sediment control standards as established by SCAG 208
policies and policies of the City of Anaheim during the con-
struction period. Detailed on-site stOirm drainage plans will
be prepared by the Project sponsor and approved by the City
of Anaheim in conjunction with final design plans.
d. Impact: While no archaeological sites have been
identified, a possibility exists that subsurface sites may be
present. However, if sites are present, they would more than
likely be in a disturbed condition due to previous agricultural
activities and urban development.
Mitigation Measures: If any archaeological
deposits are encountered during construction, an archaeologist
will be contacted and the appropriate measures for the salvag-
ing of these resources will be implemented under the direction
of the City of Anaheim.
e. Impact: A disruption to Convention Center
access, parking and circulation will occur. Incremental in-
creases in traffic, air pollution, noise, shade/shadow and
demands for public utilities and services will occur.
Mitigation Measures: A parking structure will
be built to replace l,538 of the l,604 parking spaces which the
proposed Project would eliminate. Mitigation measures relating
to traffic, air pollution, and noise are discussed in subpara-
graphs 1, m, n, 0, p, and q, hereinafter.
~ ~
f. Impact: A projected temporary drop in occupancy
of 10 - l7% would be noticed by competitive convention-oriented
hotels in the area until the new facilities are absorbed into the
Mitigation Measures: None proposed other than for
the City to pursue an aggressive marketing program to attract more
conventions and tourists to rapidly absorb the new hotel facilities.
g. Impact: The Project will create a demand for 577
full-time new employees who will, in part, be drawn from outside
the local market.
Mitigation Measures: The hotel operator will imple-
ment a local employee recruitment program prior to completion of
the Project.
h. Impact: The proposed Project would increase the
estimated potential public transit usage for the proposed fixed
transit line between the Anaheim commercial-recreation area and
the John Wayne County Airport.
Mitigation Measures: None proposed.
i. Impact: The proposed Project will house an estimated
daily transient population of 2,304 gu~sts.
Mitigation Measures: None proposed.
j. Impact: The lack or deficiency of affordable hous-
ing in Orange County could represent a significant adverse impact
to the prospective hotel employees.
Mitigation Measures: T~ City of Anaheim will con-
tinue to pursue affordable housing within the City through parti-
cipation in government funded affordabl,e housing programs as
identified in the Housing Element of the City's General Plan and
will continue to provide density bonusels and other incentives to
developers who construct affordable housing projects in the City.
k. Impact: The project could interfere with television
signal reception in the surrounding area.
Mitigation Measures: The developer will be required
to incorporate into the Project such measures as are reasonably
necessary to eliminate any signal reception interference if such
interference is, in fact, experienced.
l. Impact: The Project is estimated to generate a
total of 16,800 daily vehicle trips and 1,l70 trips during the p.m.
peak hour. Project traffic will have the greatest impacts on the
intersections of Harbor and Katella, Harbor and Convention Way,
and Katella and Interstate 5.
Mitigation Measures: Improvements will be made to
increase the level of service at these intersections including
dual left-turn lanes at Harbor and Katella, right-turn lanes for
all intersections and dual left-turn lanes for northbound Harbor
Boulevard. The City will continue to pursue mass transit improve-
ments with the Orange County Transit District to reduce traffic
congestion in the commercial-recreation area. As part of the final
Project design, a comprehensive program of guide signing will be
included as approved by the City Traffic Engineer. All taxi, bus,
and truck loading and unloading areas shall be subject to review
and approval of the City Traffic Engineer.
m. Impact: The Project will reduce Convention Center
off-street parking spaces by 70 spaces; however, at least 90% of
the hotel's 3,266 parking spaces will be open for public uses and
can be used for Convention Center parking when otherwise available.
The Project parking involves a waiver of 6% of the Code required
parking spaces; 1,054 of the spaces will be standard nontandem
parking spaces; 874 will be standard tandem spaces; 724 will be
non tandem, small car spaces; and 614 will be tandem, small car
Mitigation Measures: The City will monitor the
parking situation and an agreement will be entered into by the
City and the Project developer wherein the developer will construct
additional off-street parking to cure any inadequacy which may be
found to exist once the facility is in operation. The hotel opera-
tor will utilize valet or attendant parking services to facilitate
parking in the tandem spaces.
n. Impact: Access to the parking structures will be
limited to Convention Way and the access road ("A" Street) connect-
ing Katella Avenue and Convention Way.
Mitigation Measures: Street and access improvements
will be required as part of the approval of the Project to alleviate
traffic congestion as recommended by the City Traffic Engineer.
The City will pursue financing improvements at the Harbor/Ball
intersection with the state, private developers and the City's
Signal Assessment Fund. The intersection of Harbor/Katella will
be improved to include turn lane storage facilities, signing,
channelization and parking removal on Katella Avenue.
o. Impact: Approximately 800 Convention Center parking
spaces will be unavailable for use during the construction phase of
the replacement parking facility depending upon when construction
of the hotel is commenced. There will be traffic congestion during
the construction of the Project.
t... '"
Mitigation Measures: The City will use its best
efforts to contract for the use of other parking facilities avail-
able in the area and provide shuttle service to the Convention
Center where necessary. A construction truck routing plan identi-
fying the routes to be used during peak and nonpeak traffic condi-
tions will be submitted to the City Traffic Engineer for review and
approval. A detailed traffic and parking operations plan will be
developed and approved prior to construction. Said plan will
address location of construction fencing, haul routes, parking
access, traffic restrictions, temporary median access and lane clo-
sures, modification of bus routes, emergency access, and location
of flagmen and construction signing and markings.
p. Impact: Long-term air quality impacts will be created
by motor vehicles, electrical generation and natural gas consumption.
An incremental increase in the cumulative mobile and stationary
emissions will occur as a result of the proposed Project.
Mitigation Measures: The hotel will be developed in
compliance with energy conservation measures as set forth in Title
24 of the California Administrative Code.
q. Impact: The Project will create an increase in traf-
fic noise, particularly along Convention Way. Short term equipment
and construction noise will be generated during the construction
Mitigation Measures: Construction activities should
be limited to daylight hours. Construqtion equipment should be muf-
fled or acoustically shielded wherever possible.
r. Impact: Shadow/shade pqtterns created by the Project
will cause shadows to fall on various portions of the Inn at the Park
hotel premises depending upon the time of day and the season of the
Mitigation Measures: None proposed.
s. Impact: Fire Department's existing facilities and
manpower will be impacted by the proposed Project. Cumulative traf-
fic from the attractions surrounding the Project area could severely
impact the Fire Department's response time.
Mitigation Measures: The Project will be constructed
in conformance with all applicable building codes and include fire
protection features. Fire-retardant building and landscaping mater-
ials will be used where possible. The Fire Marshal will review
specific plans for building design and emergency vehicle access.
e' ..L
t. Impact: The current level of police service is
expected to decrease though an increase in police manpower is not
deemed necessary.
Mitigation Measures: Review and approval of the
security and circulation systems will be made by the Police
Department. provisions for adequate lighting along streets, park-
ing structures and walkways will be made. A parking security
program will be approved by the Police Department and implemented
for the parking structures.
u. Impact: An anticipated 87.6 million gallons of
water per year will be consumed by the proposed Project. Supply
system improvements will be necessary to connect the Project site
to the existing mains. This Project will incrementally decrease
water main pressure during period of peak demand.
Mitigation Measures: An on-site secondary water
system will be reviewed and approved by the City. Water conser-
vation measures will be implemented.
v. Impact: Approximately $6.3 million gallons of
wastwater are projected to be generated annually. The County
Sanitation District's Master Plan has anticipated a smaller quan-
tity for the Project area and, therefore, differs from the actual
projected amount.
Mitigation Measures: Tne Project developer will
work with the City to construct necessary local sewer line improve-
w. Impact: The estimated natural gas consumption for
the proposed hotel is 178.5 million cu. ft. per year. No signifi-
cant adverse effects are expected to impact the existing gas
company facilities.
Mitigation Measures: Building construction will
conform to Title 24 of the California Administrative Code for
energy conservation standards.
x. Impact: An estimated 19,400,000 kilowatt hours of
electricity is anticipated to be consumed by the Project. No major
impacts upon existing facilities are e~pected.
Mitigation Measures: To achieve proper utility
design, the developer will submit detailed site development and
building design plans to the City Elect,rical Engineering Department.
Title 24 conservation measures should be incorporated into the
building design.
y. Impact: The existing visual characteristics will
be altered by the construction of the proposed hotel primarily by
an intensification of the existing urban environment. Present views
from the hotels surrounding the Project site will be restricted as
well as the existing view of the Marriott Hotel.
~', Mitigation Measures: Final site plans will be in
conformance with the City of Anaheim requirements regarding develop-
ment standards for hotel uses.
z. Impact: The proposed Project is expected to generate
approximately 6 tons per day of solid waste. No significant impact
is anticipated by the commercial collection company.
Mitigation Measures: Adequate on-site storage facili-
ties will be provided and meetings will be held between the hotel
operator, the City of Anaheim and Anaheim Disposal, Inc. to ensure
adequate disposal truck access.
aa. Impact: The Project will cause an increase in demand
for telephone service and usage but the Project is not expected to
imput the Telephone Company's present service capabilities.
Mitigation Measures: None proposed.
3. That the City Council does her~by further find that
changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into,
the Project which mitigate or avoid, in whole or part, the signifi-
cant environmental effects specified in subparagraphs a, b, c, d, e,
g, j, k, l, m, n, 0, p, q, s, t, u, v, w, x, y, and z of Paragraph 2
above. A statement of facts supporting such finding is as set forth
under the heading "Mitigation Measures" for each of said environmental
effects as hereinabove respectively set forth.
4. That the City Council of the City of Anaheim does hereby
further find that specific economic, social or other considerations
as set forth in Paragraph 5 below make infeasible other further
mitigation measures or Project alternatives identified in the Final
EIR for the following significant environmental effects:
a. Increased traffic congestion on nearby streets and
b. Increased noise and air pollution resulting from the
increased traffic. An increase in the cumulative mobile and station-
ary emissions will occur.
c. Increased requirements for water, gas, electricity,
wastewater and solid waste disposal facilities.
d. Increased requirements for public services for
employees of the facilities.
e. Traffic congestion, noise, dust and air pollution
caused by construction activity during the construction period.
f. Permanent loss of 70 off-street pariing spaces under
the control of the Anaheim Convention Center.
g. Decrease in water runoff quality as a result of
additional silts and sediments created during construction.
h. Temporary loss of a large amount of Convention Center
parking during the construction phase of the Project.
i. Temporary decline in occupancy percentage rates for
competitive hotels in the area.
j. Increase in the transient population in the vicinity
by approximately 2,304 persons per day.
k. Increased requirement for, and current lack of, suf-
ficient affordable housing in the area to house Project employees
from outside the area.
1. Decrease in fire and police service response time
and level of service and possible increase of criminal activity in
the area.
m. Proposed structures will periodically cast shadows
onto surrounding land uses.
n. Decrease in available water pressure during periods
of peak demand.
o. Intensification of urban character of the area and
alteration of existing views from surrounding land uses.
p. Increase in potential public transit usage for the pro-
posed fixed transit line between the Anaheim commercial-recreation
area and the John Wayne County Airport.
q. Increased telephone service demands and usage.
5. That the City Council of the City of Anaheim has balanced
the benefits of the proposed Project against its unavoidable environ-
mental risks in determining Whether to approve said Project. The
City Council of the City of Anaheim does hereby further find, deter-
mine and state, pursuant to the provisions of Section 15089 of the
State Guidelines, that the occurrence of those certain significant
_.~, environmental effects identified in the Final EIR and set forth in
Paragraph 4 above have been found acceptable and will be permitted
without further mitigation due to the following overriding
...... t:..
a. The Project will result in the following substantial
economic and social benefits to the City of Anaheim and the surround-
ing cormnunity:
(1) The Project will generate (in terms of current
dollar values) the following net economic benefits to the City of
Anaheim during the fifty year lease term (plus any extensions
thereof) :
Initial Year**
Annual Net Fiscal Impact:
City Financed Parking
Developer Financed Parking
*Upon achieving 78% occupancy (estimated to occur in 1987)
**Based upon 65% occupancy
(2) The aforesaid net e~onomic benefits may be dimin-
ished by a projected decrease in room tax revenue from existing hotels
of approximately $1,250,000 for the initial year of Project operation
which decrease will diminish each subsequent year as the occupancy
rates of such hotels return to current levels.
(3) The Project will create additional long term
employment for 577 full-time employees and 211 parttime employees
with annual combined wages (in current dollars) estimated at over
(4) The Project will create short-term construction
employment estimated at 200 man-yea~s with annual combined wages
(in current dollars) of approximately $1,736.400 for the estimated
three-year construction period.
(5) The City of Anaheim in conjunction with the
Community Center Authority is currently undertaking an approximately
185,000 square foot addition to the Anaheim Convention Center
("Betterment II") for which bonded indebtedness has been incurred in
the amount of $35j655,000. Debt service payments on said indebted-
ness in the form of increased lease payments on the expanded facility
will be due in the following annual amounts:
*Annual debt service continues through fiscal year 20ll
(6) The Betterment II expansion will enable the
City to attract more and larger conventions to the Anaheim
Convention Center which will in turn generate additional reven-
ues to the City and the community provided sufficient hotel
accommodations are available in the area to house the additional
guests the expanded Convention Center facilities can be expected
to attract. The City currently has insufficient hotel/motel
accommodations for such purpose.
(7) The Project will prQvide sufficient revenues
to the City commencing in fiscal year 1985-86 to enable the City to
meet the debt service obligations on the Betterment II expansion with-
out requiring a commitment of other City revenues for such purposes.
b. The City Council finds that the following economic
and social considerations make infeasible implementation of the
Project alternatives identified in the Final EIR:
(I) The no project alternative would result in a
complete loss of the revenue to the City which a hotel project would
generate and would result in annual rev~nue shortfall of over
$4,000,000 commencing in fiscal year 1985/86. This alternative would
generate no additional employment opportunities in the community.
(2) Implementation of the reduced size alternative
would result in significantly less revenue to the City which revenue
would be insufficient to cover the shortfall resulting from the City's
debt service obligations for the Betterment II expansion. A smaller
hotel would generate proportionately lower employment opportunities
and resulting revenues to the community.
(3) The Wrather Corporation has proposed expanding
its Inn at the Park by approximately 500 rooms in lieu of the pro-
posed Project. Primary disadvantages relate to significantly less
revenue to the City; loss of approximately 1,100 additional guest
rooms with a full range of ancillary facilities7 and a decrease in
employment opportunities.
(4) The Wrather Corporation had offered the City a
6-acre parcel of land near the Disneyland Hotel as an alternative
to proceeding with the proposed Project. The City could sell the
parcel for approximately $4,000,000. The primary disadvantage to
that alternative is that such action would not be as economically
viable to the City as securing the proposed Project. Without dis-
posing of the parcel, the City could lease the land to a hotel
developer. The primary disadvantages to such action relate to the
length of time which would be involved in securing a new Project;
.~ loss or delay in securing groundlease payments; potential loss of
the Hilton Hotel's worldwide reservations and convention experience,
and creating a need for more vehicle transportation to and from the
Convention Center.
(5) Implementation of any of the Project alterna-
tives hereinabove discussed would result in significantly less
revenue to the City which revenue would be inadequate to offset
the existing debt service obligations for the Betterment II expan-
sion. The City neither has nor anticipates having in the future
excess revenues sufficient to cover the revenue shortfall which
would occur by implementation of any of the aforesaid Project
alternatives. Said revenue shortfall would require a diversion of
funds from other City programs and services which would adversely
affect the community.
(6) The alternative site offered at the Anaheim
Convention Center could potentially produce the same revenue as
the proposed project. Primary disadvantages relate to access,
the site's relationship to surrounding land uses, and the fact
that this location would block the most logical site for any fur-
ther expansion of the convention exhibit space.
(7) The increased sized hotel alternative is
subject to supportive market conditions which are presently lack-
ing in the Anaheim Commercial-Recreation Area. City revenue
from a larger project would increase generally in proportion to
the size of the increase.
c. For the reasons hereinabove set forth, it is not
economically feasible to further mitigate or avoid the environ-
mental effects hereinabove identified.
City Council of the City of Anaheim this 9th day
by the
JUV: fm
I, LINDA D. ROBERTS, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that
the foregoing Resolution No. 82R-l24 was introduced and adopted at a regular
meetinc provided by law, of the City Council of t~e City of Anaheim held on
the 9th day of March, 1982, by the following vote of the members thereof:
AYE-S: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Overholt, Kaywood, Bay, Roth and Seymour
AND I FURTHER CERTIFY that the Mayor of the City of Anaheim signed said
Resolution No. 82R-l24 on the 9th day of March, 1982.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the
Ci~ of Anaheim this 9th day of March, 1982.
I, LINDA D. ROBERTS, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that
the foregoing is the original of Resolution No. 82R-l24 duly passed and
adopted by the Anaheim City Council on March 9, 1982.
'lll'lllll ~