WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission of the City of
Anaheim did receive an application for a conditional use permit
from THE CITY OF ANAHEIM, owner, and C~D III, a California general
partnership, agent, to permit an eleve~-story (plus mezzanine),
160 foot high, 1600 room hotel and related uses, including on-
premise sale and consumption of alcoholic beverages, with a waiver
of the minimum number, design and type of off-street parking spaces,
on certain real property owned by the City of Anaheim situated in
the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California, more
particularly described as set forth on Exhibit "A" attached hereto
and incorporated herein by this reference as if set forth in full;
WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission did hold a public
hearing upon said application on January 25, 1982, in the Council
Chambers of the Anaheim Civic Center in the City of Anaheim, notices
of which public hearing were duly given as required by the provi-
sions of Title 18, Chapter l8.03 of the Anaheim Municipal Code; and
WHEREAS, on February 8, 1982, said Commission, after due
inspection, investigation and studies made by itself and in its be-
half and after due consideration of all evidence and reports offered
at said hearing, did adopt its Resolution No. PC82-l6, granting
Conditional Use Permit No. 2288 with a waiver of minimum off-street
parking requirements; and
WHEREAS, within the time prescribed by law, the City
Council, on its own motion, caused the review of said Planning
commission action at a duly noticed public hearing on February l6,
1982, notices of which public hearing were given in the manner re-
quired by the provisions of Title l8, Chapter 18.03 of the Anaheim
Municipal Code; and
WHEREAS, at the time and place fixed for said public
hearing, the City Council did duly hold and conduct such public
hearing and did give all persons interested therein an opportunity
to be heard and did receive reports and evidence, both oral and
documentary; and
WHEREAS, the City Council bereby finds, after careful
consideration of all evidence and reports offered at said public
hearing, as follows:
'4'" ~
1. That the proposed use is properly one for which a
conditional use permit is authorized by the Anaheim Municipal
Code for the following reasons:
a. The real property which is the subject of said con-
ditional use permit application is owned by the City of Anaheim
and is located in the "PR" Public Recreational Zone of the City of
b. Section l8.86.050 of the Anaheim Municipal Code
provides that the City may allow such buildings, structures and
uses in the "PR" Public Recreational Zone as the City Councilor
Planning Commission, by resolution, determines are for the benefit
of the health, safety and general welfare of the citizens of
Anaheim provided a conditional use permit is obtained therefor
subject to the conditions and required showings of Section
l8.03.030 of the Anaheim Municipal Code.
c. The City Council hereby determines that the proposed
hotel and accessory uses which are the subject matter of this con-
ditional use permit application are for the benefit of the health,
safety and general welfare of the citizens of Anaheim.
d. Parking complexes and parking lots which constitute
a portion of the proposed hotel use are a permitted use in the "PR"
Public Recreational Zone of the City of Anaheim pursuant to Section
18.86.020 of the Anaheim Municipal Code.
2. That the proposed use will not adversely affect the ad-
Jo~ning land uses and the growth and development of the area in
which it is proposed to be located for the following reasons:
a. The surrounding land uses are mainly urbanized with
relatively few undeveloped parcels remaining in the area.
b. Existing land uses in the area include, among other
uses, the Anaheim Convention Center, the Inn at the Park Hotel, the
Marriott Hotel, Disneyland, the Jolly Roger Inn, the Quality Inn,
the Holiday Inn and restaurant, numerous other commercial and hotel/
motel uses, the Riviera Mobilehome Park, an agricultural site of
approximately 56 acres, an 8.6 acre commercial site, the Disneyland
Hotel, the l6.5 acre Sherwood Village residential condominium
development and other single-family residential properties.
c. Adjoining land uses are hotel/motel, Anaheim
Convention Center, Jolly Roger Inn, Inn at the Park and the
Marriott Hotel.
d. The adjoining land uses are commercial recreational,
public recreational, and tourist-oriented which uses are compatible
with the proposed project.
e. Impacts to the residential areas south and west of
the project site will be mitigated by the commercial land uses
adjoining the project which provide a buffer between the project
site and the residential areas.
f. The proposed project will provide economic benefits
to surrounding restaurants, financial institutions, service stations,
retail facilities, and the Anaheim Convention Center.
3. That the size and shape of the site proposed for the use
is adequate to allow the full development of the proposed use in a
manner not detrimental to the particular area nor to the peace,
health, safety and general welfare for the following reasons:
a. The project site is apwroximately 8.68 acres of land
currently devoted to surface parking lots for the Anaheim Convention
b. Current off-street parking spaces which are displaced
by the proposed project will be substantially replaced by a multi-
level parking structure of 1534 spaces together with an additional
3,266 off-street parking spaces to be provided in connection with
the proposed use.
c. The total floor area for the hotel and accessory uses
will be l,297,626 square feet.
d. The project design will allow for future expansion of
the Anaheim Convention Center in a so~therly direction if warranted.
e. The hotel tower will be visible from much of the
surrounding area but will not be detrimental to the area due to the
compatible nature of the adjoining land uses and the distance of
the project from residential areas.
f. The proposed hotel will have a favorable impact on the
adjacent Anaheim Convention Center and the general welfare by provid-
ing a large number of guest rooms and support facilities in proximity
to the Convention Center which should improve the ability of the
Convention Center to attract major conventions to the City.
4. That the traffic generated by the proposed use will not
impose an undue burden upon the streets and highways designed and
improved to carry the traffic in the area for the following reasons:
a. The project has a planned frontage and access on
Convention Way. Convention Way is an east-west street of three
lanes in each direction with raised, landscaped medians and left-
turn lanes. No parking at any time signs are posted on both sides
of the roadway. Convention Way currently terminates at Harbor
Boulevard on the east and the Anaheim Convention Center on the
west. Convention Way is located approximately one-quarter mile
south of Katella Avenue.
.. :.
b. Harbor Boulevard has three through lanes in each
direction with raised, paved medians and left-turn lanes at spec-
ific locations. North of Disneyland, Harbor Boulevard narrows
to two lanes in each direction across the Interstate 5 overcross-
ing. South of Katella Avenue, Harbor Boulevard is striped for
three lanes in each direction. At the intersection of Harbor and
~- Katella, single left-turn lanes are provided on all approaches.
Right turns are executed from the rightmost lane with through and
right-turning traffic combined.
c. Katella Avenue, east of Harbor Boulevard has three
through travel lanes in each direction with a two-way median left-
turn lane transitioning to a raised median creating the left-turn
lane for westbound Katella onto southbound Harbor. Between Harbor
and West Street, Katella continues three lanes in each direction
with a virtually continuous raised, paved median with breaks at
only a few points, including the entrances to Disneyland and the
Convention Center. West of West Street, Katella Avenue transitions
from three lanes to two lanes in each direction with a two-way
median left-turn lane west of Walnut Street.
d. Orangewood Avenue is an east-west street predomin-
ately serving residential areas southerly of the project site.
West of West Street, Orangewood provides one-lane of traffic in
each direction with parking on both sides of the street. East of
West Street, Orangewood is striped to provide one through lane in
each direction with parking on both sides of the roadway and a two-
way median left-turn lane. Residences front directly on Orangewood
and have direct driveway access to the street. East of Mallul
Drive, the roadway widens to two travel lanes in each direction
with a two-way median left-turn lane and no parking permitted.
e. Chapman Avenue is an east-west street located south
of Orangewood Avenue. Chapman provides access through the City of
Garden Grove and the City of Orange with only the northeast quad-
rant of the Chapman/Harbor Boulevard intersection lying within the
City of Anaheim. Chapman provides two travel lanes in each direction
with separate left-turn lanes at Harbor Boulevard. Parking is per-
mitted on both sides of the street.
f. Euclid Street, located west of the project site,
extends north-south through the City of Anaheim, through Fullerton
north of the Riverside Freeway and on through Garden Grove to the
south and beyond. Euclid is primarily a four-lane street with
separate left-turn lanes and parking on both sides.
g. The project is estimated to generate a total of
l6,800 daily vehicle trips and l,l70 trips during the p.m. peak
~- hour based on the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) trip
generation rates.
h. Convention Way serves as access for the Anaheim
Marriott Hotel, the Anaheim Convention Center and the proposed
project. All traffic using Convention Way must also use Harbor
Boulevard. A majority of this traffic from Convention Way, an
estimated 70 percent, travels north on Harbor toward Katella
i. Cumulative project area traffic generation has the
greatest impact on the intersections of Harbor and Katella and
Harbor and Convention Way. Improvements will be made to the inter-
section of Harbor and Katella as a condition of approval of this
permit in order to minimize traffic impacts occurring at that loca-
tion. Said improvements shall include turn lane storage facilities,
signing, channelization and removal of on-street parking on Katella
j. Traffic delays and congiestion on the area streets
will increase but will not constitute an undue burden upon the
streets and highways due to implementation of the aforesaid
improvements and mitigating measures.
5. That the granting of this conditional use permit under
the conditions imposed will not be detrimental to the peace, health,
safety and general welfare of the citizens of the City of Anaheim
for the following reasons:
a. The additional traffic volume generated by the
project will not substantially alter the existing traffic noise
environment in the project area except along Convention Way. Even
along Convention Way, however, no adverse traffic noise impacts
are anticipated to affect the project or land uses south of
Convention Way.
b. The project is consistent with the Air Quality
Management Plan for the South Coast Air Basin since the proposed
site is an 8.68 acre parking lot (urban land use) which will be
converted to a commercial hotel (urban land use). The contribution
of the project to the estimated air quality emissions of the 1987
Orange County emission inventory is less than one half of one per-
c. The project will be constructed in conformance with
all applicable building codes to ensure maximum protection against
fire hazards. Fire protection features will include smoke de-
tectors, water reservoir and automated sprinkler systems wherever
required by the building code. Fire retardant building and land-
scaping materials will be used wherever possible. The City of
Anaheim Fire Marshal will review future detailed plans prior to
issuance of building permits with regard to building design and
accessibility of emergency fire equipment.
- ~ ~ ......-..
d. The central Anaheim police facility is located
approximately 1.75 miles north of the project site. Response to
calls can be answered by an area police car within three minutes.
The impact on police service is expected to be minor and no in-
crease in manpower or equipment is anticipated. Police service
will be enhanced through review of the security system and circu-
~'- lation aspects of the project by the Police Department prior to
final construction plan approval. provisions for adequate lighting
along streets, parking structure and walkways will be made to the
satisfaction of the Police Department.
e. Increased traffic generated by the project will be
mitigated by project design and revisions to traffic signalization
and street improvements within the project area as hereinabove
f. The City of Anaheim Public Utilities Department
has determined that current service systems are adequate to serve
the project's water and electrical demands.
g. The project can be expected to generate approxi-
mately 2,l90 tons of solid waste per year which can be accommo-
dated by existing landfill sites in the vicinity.
h. The Southern California Gas Company has indicated
that the project will not create a significant impact upon the
company's existing service facilities.
i. The project is projected to generate approximately
86.3 million gallons of wastewater per year. Sewer line improve-
ments shall be made in conjunction with said project, which will
significantly reduce the impact of the project on existing sewer
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the
City of Anaheim that Conditional Use Permit No. 2288 be, and the
same ~s hereby, granted permitting an eleven-story (plus mezzanine),
l60 foot high, l600 room hotel and related uses, including on-
premises sale and consumption of alcoholic beverages, on the here-
inabove described real property with a waiver of the following
provisions of the Anaheim Municipal Code:
SECTION l8.06.050
SECTION 18.06.060
- Minimum number, design and type of
parking spaces. (3488 spaces required;
3266 spaces proposed as follows: l054
standard spaces (8 1/2'x19'), 724
small car spaces (7 1/2Ix15'), 874
tandem standard spaces, and 614 tandem
small car spaces)
'..... .'..--1
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED by the City Council of the City
of Anaheim that the aforesaid waiver of minimum number, design
and type of off-street parking spaces is granted based upon the
following findings of fact:
1. That there are special circumstances applicable to the
~, property, including size, shape, topography, location or surround-
ings, which do not apply to other property under identical zoning
classification in the vicinity for the following reasons:
a. The project will be the only hotel located within
the "PR" Public Recreational Zone of the City of Anaheim and will
be located immediately adjacent to, and upon the same property as,
the Anaheim Convention Center.
b. The minimum off-street parking requirement is calcu-
lated by adding up the code specified parking requirement for each
individual use within the hotel project as if each were a separate
unrelated use, to wit: 1600 guest rooms - 960 spaces; food service
areas - 234 spaces; lounge/bar - 56 spaces; retail uses - 135
spaces; multi-function room - 837 spaces; ballroom - 837 spaces;
and meeting rooms - 429 spaces.
c. Special circumstances are present with regard to
parking for said hotel project since it is a multi-function hotel
complex which will have many overlapping uses with a substantial
number of hotel guests using the other related uses for Which a
separate parking requirement has been calculated. A Parking Code
Review Study was recently prepared for the City of Anaheim by
Linscott, Law and Greenspan, Inc., Engineers, which addresses and
recognizes this problem of overlapping uses in connection with
multi-function hotel complexes and reCommends that parking require-
ments for such facilities, be addressed on a case-by-case basis.
Since the proposed hotel is a convention-oriented hotel, a signi-
ficant number of overlapping uses can be anticipated which will
obviate the necessity for the amount of off-street parking spaces
which would otherwise be required.
d. The project will provide a total of 3266 parking
spaces on-site (94% of the code requirement) in as-level, 50 foot
high parking structure located adjacemt to the north wall of the
proposed hotel. l054 spaces will meet standard code requirements;
874 spaces will be of standard size but will be tandem (one located
behind another) spaces; 724 spaces will be small car (7 l/2'x15')
spaces; and 614 spaces will be small car tandem spaces. Valet or
attendent parking services will be provided by the hotel in connec-
tion with the use of the tandem spaces.
= - ..I-
e. The location of the project in proximity to the
Anaheim Convention Center provides special circumstances justify-
ing the utilization of small-car parking spaces. A study conducted
by PRC Voorhees indicates the following percentage of small cars
being parked on a typical day at each of the following facilities:
Anaheim Convention Center - 36%; Disneyland Hotel -39%; and Marriott
Hotel - 51%. It is further found that a significant number of
convention guests and convention-oriented hotel guests arrive by
rental cars. The percentage of small cars that are currently being
rented by various rental agencies are as follows: National - 40%;
Budget - 30%; and Hertz - 40%. Therefore, the provision for 42.49%
of the spaces in the project to be small-car spaces is reasonable
due to location of the project and its convention-oriented nature.
2. That, because of the special circumstances shown above,
strict application of the zoning code deprives the property of
privileges enjoyed by other property under identical zoning classi-
fication in the vicinity for the following reasons:
a. Similar, or more significant parking waivers, have
been granted by the City of Anaheim fo~ other properties in the
commercial-recreation area and within the same vicinity on the
basis that a substantial number of guests may arrive and depart by
means of public transit rather than personal vehicle and that park-
ing requirements are duplicated for various uses within a convention-
oriented hotel complex.
b. Three similar parking waivers were approved for
properties in the same vicinity in 1981 as follows:
i. Conditional Use Permit No. 2130 permitted
a lOOO-room hotel with a waiver of 32% of the required
parking spaces. (This project wa!s the Wrather/Hilton
Hotel project Which was never constructed.)
11. Conditional Use Per!mit No. 2265 permitted
a 300-room expansion of the Marriott Hotel with a waiver
of 25% of the required minimum parking.
iii. Conditional Use Permit No. 2282 permitted a
90-room expansion of the Howard Johnson Motor Lodge with a
waiver of lO% of the required minimum parking.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that said conditional use permit
and waiver of minimum off-street parking requirements be, and the
same is hereby, granted subject to all of the following conditions:
1. That a qualified archeologist and/or paleontologist
shall be retained on site, as needed, to monitor grading operations
on subject property.
2. That the traffic signal assessment fee for commercial
buildings shall be paid in an amount determined by the City Council
(Ordinance No. 3896).
3. That a bond, certificate of deposit, letter of credit or
cash in the amount of Forty Thousand Dollars ($40,000) shall be
posted with the City of Anaheim to gua'rantee improvements at the
intersection of Katella Avenue and Harbor Boulevard. Said improve-
ments shall include turn lane storage facilities, signing, channel-
ization and removal of on-street parking on Katella Avenue.
4. That the number, type, and location of replacement parking
spaces for the Anaheim Convention Center shall be subject to the
review and approval of the Anaheim City Council.
5. That a Development Phasing Plan shall be submitted for
review and approval by the Convention Center Authority. Said plan
shall set forth an acceptable schedule interfacing construction ac-
tivities with Convention Center activities.
6. That a Parking Security and Control Program for operation
of the proposed parking structures (proposed hotel and Convention
Center replacement parking) shall be submitted to the City Police
Department for review and approval.
7. That an Emergency Access Plan shall be submitted to the
Fire Chief for review and approval.
8. That a detailed Traffic and Parking Operations Plan shall
be submitted to the City Traffic Engin!eer for review and approval.
Said plan shall address location of construction fencing, haul routes,
parking access, traffic restrictions, temporary median access and
lane closures, modification of bus routes, emergency access, location
of flagmen and construction signing an,d marking.
9. That a construction truck routing plan for the construction
phase of the hotel, hotel parking and Convention Center replacement
parking shall be submitted to the City Engineer for review and approval.
10. That a comprehensive Signing Plan for vehicular and pedes-
trian circulation shall be submitted to the City Traffic Engineer for
review and approval.
ll. That the design and location of all taxi and bus loading
and unloading areas shall be subject to review and approval by the
City Traffic Engineer.
l2. That an on-site secondary water system shall be reviewed and
approved by the Public Utilities Department.
13. That trash storage areas shall be provided in accordance
with approved plans on file with the Office of the Executive Director
of Public Works.
l4. That the developer shall confer with the City to construct
the necessary sewer line improvements to the satisfaction of the
City Engineer.
IS. That subject property shall be developed substantially in
accordance with plans and specificatiGns on file with the City of
Anaheim marked Exhibit Nos. 1 through 2l provided, however, that all
parking spaces designated as "standard" shall have minimum dimensions
of 8 l/2 I x19' .
16. That the proposed hotel shall comply with all signing re-
quirements of the "CR" (Commercial, Recreation) Zone. No sign or
other advertising devices shall be placed so as to exceed the height
permitted by the Height Standard Guideline for such zone (156 feet
at subject location).
17. That appropriate water assessment fees as determined by
the Office of Utilities General Manager shall be paid by the devel-
oper to the City of Anaheim prior to the issuance of a building
18. That prior to the issuance Qf building permits, the
developer of subject property shall s~bmit a letter requesting
termination of Conditional Use Permit No. 2130.
19. That Conditions No.2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, ll, and l2,
above-mentioned, shall be complied with prior to the commencement
of the activity authorized under this resolution, or prior to the
time that the building permit is issued, or within a period of one
year from date hereof, whichever occurs first, or such further
time as the Planning Commission may grant.
20. That Condition No. 10, l3, l4, l5, l6, 17, and 18, above-
mentioned, shall be complied with prior to final building and zoning
2l. That the developer shall prQvide and maintain a televi-
sion antenna or cable system, without charge to the residents, to
assure satisfactory television reception to any residences which
are unable to receive a satisfactory level of television signals
as a result of interference caused by the project structures.
JI. .....
THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is approved and adopted by the
City Council of the City of Anaheim this 9th day of March,-.
". .~
COutn'Y OF ORANGE ) ss.
I, LINDA D. ROBERTS, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that
the foregoing Resolution No. 82R-l25 was introduced and adopted at a regular
meeting provided by law, of the City Council of the City of Anaheim held on
the 9th day of March, 1982, by the following vote ,of the m~mbers thereof:
AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Overholt, Kaywood, Bay, Roth and Seymour
AND I FURTHER CERTIFY that the Mayor of the City of Anaheim signed said
Resolution No. 82R-125 on the 9th day of March, 1982.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the
City of Anaheim this 9th day of March, 1982.
I, LINDA D. ROBERTS, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that
the foregoing is the original of Resolution No. 82R-125 duly passed and
adopted by the Anaheim City Council on March 9, 1982.