1981-151RESOLUTION N0. 81R- 151
WHEREAS, the Human Resources Director has met and conferred
with officials and employee representatives of recognized employee units
to discuss wages, hours and working conditions; and
WHEREAS, as a result thereof, the need exists to rescind the
following resolutions and amend Resolution No. 63R-910 by adding new rules
in their place: 69R-609, 72R-476, 72R-503, 73R-503, 73R-504, 76R-4, 76R-182,
76R-183, 76R-185, 77R-fa00, 77R-801, 77R-80~?,77R-803, 77R-804, 77R-805,
78R-35, 78R-52, 78R-337, 78R-673, 79R-267, 80R-428, 80R-497, 80R-557, 80R-5~'8,
81R-24, and 81R-37; and
WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Anaheim does find that
the adoption of the recommended new rules is in the best interests of the City
of Anaheim.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City C~u.ncil of the City of
Anaehim that the following Personnel Rules be amended as follows, to wit:
Section 4.0 The pay plan for the City of Anaheim, shall be as provided
in the Salary Resolution.
Section 4.1 Regular, full-time employees shall be eligible for consideration
for merit pay increases as follows:
4.11 To the "B"
of six mon
4.12 To the "C"
in the "B"
4.13 To the "D"
in the "C"
4.14 To the "E"
in the "D"
step of the salary schedule after completion
:hs of service in the "A" step.
step after completion of six months of service
step after completion of one year of service
step, except as provided in Section 4.17.
step after completion of one year of service
step, except as provided in Section 4.I7.
4.15 In such cases as may occur wherein an employee shall demonstrate
exceptional ability and proficiency in performance of his
assigned duties, said employee may be given a special merit
advancement to the next higher step without regard to the
minimum length of service provisions contained in this
resolution upon the approval of the employee's department
4.16 For purposes of Rule 4 of this resolution, "six months"
shall be construed to mean thirteen complete biweekly pay
periods; and "one year" shall be construed to mean twenty-
six complete biweekly pay periods.
4.17 Certain job classes in the classified service,
upon recommendation of the Human Resources Director and
approval of the City Council shall be designated in the
Resolution establishing rates for job classes by an "S"
before schedule numbers. Employees in these classes shall
be eligible for consideration for merit pay increases to
the "D" step after completion of six months of service
in the "C" step. They shall be eligible for consideration
for merit pay increases to the "E" step after completion
of six months of service in the "D" step.
Section 4.2 Merit pay increases shall be granted upon approval of the.
employee's department head for continued meritorious and eff icient service
and continued improvement by the employee in the effective performance
of the duties of his position.
~-- 4.21 Merit pay increases and pay adjustments for department
heads shall require approval of the City Manager. A department
head denied a merit pay increase or pay adjustment shall
be compensated at his present rate of pay.
4.22 Merit pay increases for the City Manager, City Attorney
and City Clerk shall require approval of the City Council.
4.23 The effective date of the merit pay increases shall be
the first day of the pay period following approval as provided
in Section 4.2 and completion. of the minimum required service
in the next lower step as provided in Section 4.1.
Section 4.3 An employee who is being paid on a salary step higher than
the "A" step may be reduced by one or more steps on the basis of unsatisfactory
work performance or conduct. Such action shall require the specific recommendation
of the employee's department head and the Human Resources Director and
the approval of the City Manager.
4.31 The employee shall be notified by his department head not
later than two calendar weeks prior to the effective date
of the action. The notice shall contain a statement of
the substantial reasons for the action, and shall inform
the employee that he may file a reply with the department
head and the Human Resources Director no later than one
calendar week prior to the effective date of the action.
Such reply shall be reviewed by the City Manager for final
action .
4.32 The employee may be returned to his former salary step
such time as deemed appropriate by his department head.
Section 4.4 Newly hired employees shall normally be compensated at the
"A" step of the salary schedule of the job class for which he was tired.
4.4I When economic conditions, unusual employment conditions,
or exceptional qualifications of a candidate for employment
indicate that a higher hiring rate would be in the City's
best interest, the City Manager may authorize the hiring
at a higher step in the salary schedule, upon request of
the Human Resources Director.
4.42 When economic conditions or unusual employment conditions
indicate that a lower hiring rate would be in the City's
best interests, the City Manager may authorize hiring at
a rate of 5% below the "A" step, identified as the "J"
step, upon request of the Human Resources Director. This
rate shall apply only to those job classes with the letter
"J" preceding the schedule number. Employees shall be
eligible for consideration for a merit pay increase to
the "A" step of the salary schedule after completion of
six months of service in the "J" step.
4.43 The provisions of this section shall also apply to reemployed
and reinstated employees.
Section 4.5 An incumbent employee reclassified with his position to a
lower job class shall retain his rate of pay and his anniversary date for
purposes of merit pay increases, or shall be placed in the step of the
lower salary schedule closest to his rate of pay. If the "E" step of the
salary schedule of the lower job class is lower than the incumbent's rate
of pay, the rate of pay shall be identified as the "Y" step of the lower
salary schedule. An employee compensated at the "Y" step because of a
downward reclassification shall remain in the "Y" step, until such time
as his job class is assigned to a salary schedule in which the "E" step
is equivalent to or higher than the "Y" step, at which time the employee
shall be placed in the "E" step.
An incumbent employee reclassified with his position to an equivalent job
class shall retain his rate of pay and his anniversary date for purposes
of merit pay increases.
Section 4.6 An employee who is promoted or reclassified with his position
to a higher job class shall be placed in the step of the higher salary
schedule that will provide a pay increase of not less than 4% except when
the "E" step of the higher salary schedule provides a pay increase of less than
4°~, or when the "A" step of the higher salary schedule is more than 4%
higher than the employee's current rate of pay. The employee shall be
given a new anniversary date for purposes of merit pay increases in accordance
with the provisions of Section 4.1.
4.61 An employee shall be placed at the entry level step in
the salary range when promoted to Police Officer Trainee
and Firef fighter.
4.62 An employee promoted to a formal apprenticeship class if ication
ma.y be appointed above the entry level step and may remain
in the step to which he is appointed longer than the time
provided in Section 4.1.
Section 4.7 An employee who is demoted shall be placed in the step of the
lower salary schedule that will provide a reduction in pay of not less than
4%. The employee shall be given a new anniversary date for purposes of
merit pay increases in accordance with the provisions of Section 4.1.
Section 4.8 An employee in a job class which is assigned to a different
salary schedule as a result of a pay adjustment shall retain his same salary
step status in the newly authorized salary schedule and shall retain the
same anniversary date for purposes of merit pay increases.
Section 4.9 When more than one personnel action involving changes in an
employee's salary step status become effective on the same day, all such
changes shall be in accordance with the provisions of the preceding sections
of the Rule, and. shall take place in the following order of precedence:
(1) merit pay advancement or reduction in salary step; (2) adjustment to
same salary step in newly authorized salary schedule; (3) promotion, demotion,
or reclassification.
Section 6.0 An employee in the classified service who performs authorized
work in excess of his normal work period, regular work week, work day or
shift shall be compensated for such work at the rate of one and one-half
times his regular hcurly rate of pay. A temporary, seasonal, or part-
time employee in the exempt service who performs authorized work in excess
of forty (40) hours in his regular work week shall be compensated for such
overtime work at the rate of one and one-half times his regular hourly
rate of pay.
6.01 Overtime shall be calculated to the nearest one-quarter hour
of overtime worked, except any overtime of less than one-half
(1/2) hour durection shall be calculated to the nearest one-
half (112) hour.
6.02 All overtime must be authorized by the appropriate division
6.03 Compensatory time off at the overtime rate for employees in
the job classes listed below may be authorized by the appropriate
public safety supervisor in lieu of pay on the basis of the
best interests of his department and the City of Anaheim; but,
the employee shall have the option of being paid in cash for
any overtime work performed, and shall have the option of accruing
up to a maximum of eighty (80) hours compensatory time per year.
Such compensatory time shall be paid off to a balance of forty
(40) hours on the last payday in June of each year. A terminating
employee shall be compensated in cash at his current rate of
pay for accrued compensatory time.
Police Officer
Police Off icer - Detective
Police Officer - Hazard
Police Off icer - Master Advanced
Police Officer - Master Intermediate
Police Off icer - Senior Master Advanced
Police Off icer - Senior Master Intermediate
Police Off icer - Helicopter Pilot
Police Off icer - Helicopter Pilot Master Advanced
Police Officer - Helicopter Pilot Master Intermediate
Police Officer - Helicopter Pilot Senior Master Advanced
Police Off icer - Helicopter Pilot Hazard
Police Officer - Helicopter Pilot Senior Master Intermediate
Police Sergeant
Police Sergeant - Helicopter Pilot
Police Sergeant - Helicopter Pilot Hazard
Police Sergeant - Helicopter Pilot Post Advanced
Police Sergeant - Detective
Police Sergeant - Hazard
Police Sergeant - Post Advanced
Polygraph Examiner
6.04 Certain job classes in the classified service shall be exempt
from the above overtime provisions upon the recommendation of
the Human Resources Director and the approval of the City Council.
These job classes shall be designated in the resolution establishing
rates for job classes by an "X" before schedule numbers. Compensatory
time off (at the rate of straight time) for overtime worked
by employees in these job classes may be authorized and administered
by the appropriate department head.
6.05 Notwithstanding the above overtime provisions, there shall be
no compensation for the time spent in attending meetings of
any kind which are for the purpose of education or training;
Police Lieutenants shall be compensated at their regular hourly
rate of pay for required court appearances during off-duty hours;
and Fire Battalion Chiefs assigned to suppression shall be compensated
at their regular hourly shift rate of pay for required shifts
over and above the annual schedule.
6.06 Volunteer off-duty Police Department employees in the job classes
listed below shall be compensated at their present regular hourly
rate of pay for the first eight (8) hours of work performed
when engaged in internal security for Anaheim Stadium Rock Concert
events. At events where such assigned work exceeds eight (8)
hours in duration, such employees shall receive compensation
at the rate of time and one-half their regular hourly rate for
all time over eight (8) hours.
Police Officer
Police Off icer - Detective
Police Officer - Hazard
Police Off icer - Master Advanced
Police Off icer - Master Intermediate
Police Off icer - Senior Master Advanced
Police Off icer - Senior Master Intermediate
Police Officer - Helicopter Pilot
Police Officer - Helicopter Pilot Master Advanced
Police Officer - Helicopter Pilot Master Intermediate
Police Officer - Helicopter Pilot Senior Master Advanced
Police Officer
Police Off icer
Police Sergeant
Police Sergeant
Police Sergeant
Police Sergeant
Police Sergeant
Police Sergeant
Police Sergeant
Polygraph Exami
- Helicopter Pilot Hazard
- Helicopter Pilot Senior Master Intermediate
- Helicopter Pilot
- Helicopter Pilot Hazard
- Helicopter Pilot Post Advanced
- Detective
- Hazard
- Post Advanced
6.07 Employees in the following job classes who are assigned to perform
overtime work in accordance with the situational manning concept
shall be compensated for such overtime work at their regular
hourly rate of pay.
Fire Captain I
Fire Captain II
Fire Captain III
Fire Captain IV
Fire Engineer I
Fire Engineer II
Fire Engineer III
Fire Engineer IV
Firefighter I
Firef fighter II
Firefighter III
Firefighter IV
Section 6.1 An employee assigned to standby duty for purposes of being
on call to handle emergency situations arising at times other than during
normal working hours shall be guaranteed two (2) hours of pay at his regular
hourly rate of pay for each calendar day of such standby duty.
Section 6.2 Call out compensation shall be in accordance with the following
6.21 When an employee is called out for emergency work, he shall
be paid at the rate of one and one-half times his regular rate
of pay for such emergency work.
6.211 When an employee in one of the following Utilities Department
classification is called out for emergency work, he shall
be paid at the rate of two times his regular rate of
pay for such emergency work.
Apprentice Electric Meter Technician
Apprentice Line Mechanic
Apprentice Maintenance Pipefitter
Apprentice Pump Repairer
Apprentice Substation Electrician
Area Distribution Operator
Cable Splicer
Customer Service Representative
Electrical Helper
Electric Meter Supervisor
Electric Meter Technician
Equipment Operator
Line Crew Supervisor
Line Mechanic
Maintenance Pipef fitter
Maintenance Pipefitter Working Supervisor
Meter Reader
6.243 Employees in the following job classes who are
notified of cancellation of planned overtime after
the close of their regularly scheduled work shift
immediately preceing the planned overtime, shall
receive one-half (112) hour pay at the appropriate
overtime rate:
Apprentice Electric Meter Technician
Apprentice Line Mechanic
Apprentice Maintenance Pipefitter
Apprentice Pump Repairer
Apprentice Substation Electrician
Area Distribution Operator
Cable Splicer
Customer Service Representative
Electrical Helper
Electric Meter Supervisor
Electric Meter Technician
Equipment Operator
Facility Air Conditioner Repairer
Facility and Event Electrician
Lead Facility Air Conditioner Repairer
Lead Facility and Event Electrician
Line Crew Supervisor
Line Mechanic
Maintenance Pipefitter
Maintenance Pipef fitter Working Supervisor
Meter Reader
Pump Repairer
Pump Repairer Supervisor
Senior Customer Service Representative
Senior Service Center Assistant
Service Center Assistant
Service Crew Supervisor
Substation Electrician
Substation Electrician Supervisor
Substation Test Technician
Substation Test Technician Supervisor
Underground Line Crew Supervisor
Underground Service Crew Supervisor
Utilities Dispatcher I
Utilities Dispatcher II
Utilities Field Assistant
Utilities Service Worker
Utilities Troubleshooter
Utilities Troubleshooter Special Hours
Utilities Yard Working Supervisor
Water Laborer
Water Meter Repairer I
Water Meter Repairer II
Water Meter Working Supervisor
Water Service Maintenance Pipeffitter
Apprentice Electric Meter Technician
Apprentice Line Mechanic
Apprentice Maintenance Pipef fitter
Apprentice Pump Repairer
Apprentice Substation Electrician
Area Distribution Operator
Cable Splicer
Customer Service Representative
Electrical Helper
Electric Meter Supervisor
Electric Meter Technician
Equipment Operator
Line Crew Supervisor
Line Mechanic
Maintenance Pipefitter
Maintenance Pipefitter Working Supervisor
Meter Reader
Pump Repairer
Pump Repairer Supervisor
Senior Customer Service Representative
Senior Service Center Assistant
Service Center Assistant
Service Crew Supervisor
Substation Electrician
Substation Electrician Supervisor
Substation Test Technician
Substation Test Technician Supervisor
Underground Line Crew Supervisor
Underground Service Crew Supervisor
Utilities Dispatcher I
Utilities Dispatcher II
Utilities Field Assistant
Utilities Service Worker
Utilities Troubleshooter
Utilities Troubleshooter Special Hours
Utilities Yard Working Supervisor
Water Laborer
Water Meter Repairer I
Water Meter Repairer II
Water Meter Working Supervisor
Water Service Maintenance Pipef fitter
6.242 Employees subpoenaed to appear during off-duty
hours as a prosecution witness for court matters
within the scope of their employment and who receive
such subpoena before 5:00 P.M. the calendar day
prior to the date of court appearance shall receive
overtime compensation according to the planned
overtime provisions.
Pump Repairer
Pump Repairer Supervisor
Senior Customer Service Representative
Senior Service Center Assistant
Service Center Assistant
Service Crew Supervisor
Substation Electrician
Substation Electrician Supervisor
Substation Test Technician
Substation Test Technician Supervisor
Underground Line Crew Supervisor
Underground Service Crew Supervisor
Utilities Dispatcher I
Utilities Dispatcher II
Utilities Field Assistant
Utilities Service Worker
Utilities Troubleshooter
Utilities Troubleshooter - Special Hours
Utilities Yard Working Supervisor
Water Laborer
Water Meter Repairer I
Water Meter Repairer II
Water Meter Working Supervisor
Water Service Maintenance Pipefitter
6.22 All emergency call-out time shall be calculated to the
nearest one-quarter (ll4) hour of time worked.
6.23 A mininmum of two (2) hours (including travel time) of
pay at the rate of one and one-half times the employee's
regular rate of pay shall be guaranteed for each emergency
6.231 Employees subpoenaed to appear during off-duty
hours as a prosecution witness for court matters
within the scope of their employment and who receive
such subpoenas after 5:00 P.M. of the calendar
day prior to the date of court appearance shall
receive overtime compensation according to emergency
callout provisions.
6.24 A minimum of two (2) hours pay at the rate of one and
one-half times the employee's regular rate of pay shall
be guaranteed for planned overtime, except when such
overtime occurs immediately before or after a regular
work period.
6.241 A minimum of four (4) hours pay at the rate of
~~- one and one-half times the employee's regular
rate of pay shall be guaranteed for planned overtime,
for employees in the following Utilities Department
classes, except when such overtime occurs immediately
before or after a regular work period.
6.25 Forty-five minutes time shall be added to the time worked
to compensate the employee for travel time incurred for
each emergency callout.
6.26 Off-duty fire suppression personnel who are called out for
emergency work shall be guaranteed a minimum of four (4)
hours work, calculated from the time of personal notification
until the end of said work period, unless the work continues
into the regular scheduled shift.
Section 6.3 A11 eight-hour periods, regularly scheduled to begin at
3:00 P.M., or thereafter, but before 3:00 A.M. shall be designated
as night shift.
6.31 A premium of 5.0% of the employee`s regular hourly rate
of pay shall be paid for work performed in the night shift.
6.32 A premium of 5.0% of the employee's regular hourly rate
of pay shall be paid for each hour worked in his regular
rate of pay between 3:00 A.M. and 6:00 A.M.
6.33 When a shift premium is applicable to time worked at the
overtime rate of pay, the overtime rate shall be applied
to the applicable shift premium.
6.331 When an employee is required to work continuously
without a break beyond the end of his night shift,
the overtime rate shall be applied to the applicable
shift premium.
6.34 Shift premium shall be payable only for hours actually worked
and shall not be paid for non-work time, such as vacations,
holidays, sick leave, etc.
6.35 Employees in the following job classes shall be exempt from
the provisions of Section 6.3.
Police Lieutenant
Police Officer
Police Officer - Detective
Police Officer - Hazard
Police Officer - Master Advanced
Police Officer - Master Intermediate
Police Off icer - Senior Master Advanced
Police Off icer - Senior Master Intermediate
Police Officer - Helicopter Pilot
Police Off icer - Helicopter Pilot Master Advanced
Police Officer - Helicopter Pilot Master Intermediate
Police Officer - Helicopter Pilot Senior Master Advanced
Police Off icer - Helicopter Pilot Hazard
Police Officer - Helicopter Pilot Senior Master Intermediate
Police Officer Trainee
Police Sergeant
Police Sergeant
Police Sergeant
Police Sergeant
Police Sergeant
Police Sergeant
Police Sergeant
Polygraph Exami
- Helicopter Pilot
- Helicopter Pilot Hazard
- Helicopter Pilot Post Advanced
- Detective
- Hazard
- Post Advanced
Section 6.4 Temporary upgrading shall be defined as the temporary assignment
of an employee to work in a job class which is assigned to a salary schedule
higher than his regular job class.
6.41 Employees temporarily upgraded to certain job classes shall
be compensated at the lowest step in the higher salary schedule
that will provide a premium of not less than 4.0% of the
employee's regular hourly rate of pay for each hour worked
in the higher job class during normal working hours if they
are assigned to work in the higher job class for a minimum
of two (2) hours of each day. Employees temporarily upgraded
to job classes during other than normal working hours shall
be compensated at the lowest step on the higher salary schedule
that will provide an upgrade premium of not less than 4.0%
of the employee's regular hourly rate of pay for all time
worked in the higher job class. The "E" step in the higher
salary schedule shall be the maximum upgrade premium when
the "E" step of the higher salary schedule provides an upgrade
premium of less than 4.0%. Such job clsses shall be designated
in the Resolution establishing rates for job classes by a
"U" before schedule numbers.
6.42 Employees temporarily upgraded to the following job classes
shall receive a five percent (5%) pay differential for all
time worked in the higher job class during normal working
hours if they are assigned to work in the higher classif ication
for a period of one complete work shift (8 working hours)
or longer. Employees temporarily upgraded to any of these
job classes shall receive a five percent (5%) pay differential
for all time worked in the higher job class during other
than normal working hours:
Fire Marshal
Police Lieutenant
Police Sergeant
Police Sergeant - Helicopter Pilot
Police Sergeant - Helicopter Pilot Hazard
Police Sergeant - Helicopter Pilot Post Advanced
Police Sergeant - Detective
Police Sergeant - Hazard
Police Sergeant - Post Advanced
Polygraph Examiner
6.43 Employees temporarily upgraded to the following job classes
shall receive a five percent (5%) pay differential for all
time worked in the higher job class during normal working
hours if they are assigned to work in the higher job class
for a period of four (4) working hours or longer. Employees
temporarily upgraded to any of these job classes shall receive
a five percent Z5%) pay differential for all time worked
in the higher job class during other than normal working
Fire Battalion Chief
Fire Captain I
Fire Engineer I
6.44 Upgrade to a vacant position shall be limited to six months,
except in cases of extended sick leave, industrial accident
leave or leave without pay.
6.45 Employees in the following job classes who are temporarily
assigned as Field Training Officers shall receive a two
and one-half percent (2-IJ2%) pay differential for all time
worked while assigned as a Field Training Officer.
Police Officer
Police Officer
Police Officer
Police Officer
Police Officer
Police Officer
- Detective.
Master Advanced
- Master Intermediate
Senior Master Advanced
- Senior Master Intermediate
Section 6.5 Short shift changes as def fined herein shall be compensated
at the rate of one and one-half the employee`s regular rate of pay.
6.51 The first work day on a new schedule after transf er from
one schedule of working days to another without not if ication
of such transfer at least twenty-four (24) hours in advance
of the starting time of the new schedule.
6.52 The first shift after transfer from one eight (8) hour working
shift to another without notif ication of such transfer at
least twenty-four (24) hours in advance of the starting
time of the new shift.
6,53 Whenever required to transfer from one schedule of working
days to another with but eight (8) hours off between shifts
more than once in a work week,
6.54 No overtime compensation shall be paid for any hours worked
on a second shift in any twenty-four (24) hour period, which
hours are worked as a result of the regular shift rotation
or which hours are worked as a result of shift changes or
changes in days off mutually agreed upon by employees for
their convenience. Any changes in days off must be in the
same work week.
Section 6.6 When employees in the following job classes perform overtime
work between the hours of 12:00 Midnight and 8:00 A.M., they shall be
paid at the rate of two times their regular rate of pay for each hour
worked between the hours of 12:00 Midnight and 8:00 A.M.:
Apprentice Electric Meter Technician
Apprentice Line Mechanic
Apprentice Maintenance Pipef fitter
Apprentice Pump Repairer
Apprentice Substation Electrician
Apprentice Tree Trimmer
Area Distribution Operator
Cable Splicer
Customer Service Representative
Electric Meter Supervisor
Electric Meter Technician
Electrical Helper
Equipment Operator (Electrical, Water or
Parkway Maintenance Division)
Equipment Operator - Streets
Heavy Equipment Operator - Streets
Laborer (Street Maintenance or Parkway Maintenance)
Lead Asphalt Paving Worker
Lead Sewer Maintenance Worker
Lead Street Cleaning Worker
Lead Street Maintenance Worker I
Lead Street Maintenance Worker II
Lead Tree Trimmer
Line Crew Supervisor
Line Mechanic
Maintenance Pipef fitter
Maintenance Pipef fitter Working Supervisor
Meter Reader
Motor Sweeper Operator
Parkway Maintenance Worker I
Parkway Maintenance Worker II
Pump Repairer
Pump Repairer Supervisor
Senior Customer Service Representative
Senior Service Center Assistant
Senior Welder Mechanic
Service Center Assistant
Service Crew Supervisor
Sewer Machine Operator
Street Maintenance Worker
Street Painter
Substation Electrician
Substation Electrician Supervisor
Substation Test Technician
Substation Test Technician Supervisor
Tree Trimmer
Underground Line Crew Supervisor
Underground Service Crew Supervisor
Utilities Dispatcher I
Utilities Dispatcher II
Utilities Field Assistant
Utilities Service Worker
Utilities Troubleshooter
Utilities Troubleshooter - Special Hours
Utilities Yard Working Supervisor
Water Laborer
Water Meter Repairer I
Water Meter Repairer II
Water Meter Working Supervisor
Water Service Maintenance Pipef fitter
Welder Mechanic
When employees in the above job classes perform overtime work as Registered
Disaster Service Workers at the time of a declared disaster under the City
of Anaheim Disaster Plan, they shall be paid at the rate of one and one-half
times their regular rate of pay for each hour worked between the hours of 12:00
Midnight and 8:00 A.M.
Section 6.7 Employees in the following job classes shall be paid at the rate
of two times their regular rate of pay for all continuous work time in excess
of sixteen (16) consecutive hours:
Apprentice Electric Meter Technician
Apprentice Line Mechanic
Apprentice Maintenance Pipeffitter
Apprentice Pump Repairer
Apprentice Substation Electrician
Area Distribution Operator
Cable Splicer
Electrical Helper
Electric Meter Supervisor
Electric Meter Technician
Equipment Operator
Line Crew Supervisor
Line Mechanic
Maintenance Pipeffitter
Maintenance Pipeffitter Working Supervisor
Pump Repairer
Pump Repairer Supervisor
Senior Service Center Assistant
Service Center Assistant
Service Crew Supervisor
Substation Electrician
Substation Electrician Supervisor
Substation Test Technician
Substation Test Technician Supervisor
Underground Line Crew Supervisor
Underground Service Crew Supervisor
Utilities Dispatcher I
Utilities Dispatcher II
Utilities Troubleshooter
Utilities Troubleshooter - Special Hours
Utilities Yard Working Supervisor
Water Laborer
Water Meter Repairer I
-~- Water Meter Repairer II
Water Meter Working Supervisor
Water Service Maintenance Pipef fitter
6.71 For employees in these job classes, a rest period of six (6)
consecutive hours or more shall be considered to be an
interruption of continuous work time.
6.72 Employees in these job classes shall be paid at the regular
rate of pay for all regularly scheduled work time which
falls during the first six (6) hours of rest period.
6.73 Employees in these job classes required to return to work
during such rest periods shall be compensated at the
appropriate overtime rate of pay for all time worked. Such
overtime pay shall be in lieu of, and not in addition to,
pay received under the provisions of Section 6.72.
6.74 Meal time will not be considered as an interruption of
consecutive work time and will not be considered as part
of consecutive work time, except when such meal time is
paid meal time. The meal period which occurs during the
regular work hours of employees in these job classes will
be included in the computation of the six (6) hour rest
6.75 The appropriate supervisor shall determine. when rest periods
shall take place.
6.76 Rest periods of less than six (6) consecutive hours shall
be counted as work hours for purposes of calculating
eligibility for provisions of Section 6.7.
Section 6.8 Employees in the following job classes shall be exempt
from the provisions of Section 6.23 and 6.25:
Apprentice Electric Meter Technician
Apprentice Line Mechanic
Apprentice Maintenance Pipefitter
Apprentice Pump Repairer
Apprentice Substation Electrician
Area Distribution Operator
Cable Splicer
Customer Service Representative
Electrical Helper
Electric Meter Supervisor
Electric Meter Technician
Equipment Operator
Facilities Air Conditioner Repairer
Facility and Event Electrician
Lead Facility Air Conditioner Repairer
Lead Facility and Event Electrician
Line Crew Supervisor
Line Mechanic
Maintenance Pipefitter
Maintenance Pipefitter Working Supervisor
Meter Reader
Pump Repairer
Pump Repairer Supervisor
Senior Customer Service Representative
Senior Service Center Assistant
Service Center Assistant
Service Crew Supervisor
Substation Electrician
Substation Electrician Supervisor
Substation Test Technician
Substation Test Technician Supervisor
Underground Line Crew Supervisor
Underground Service Crew Supervisor
Utilities Dispatcher I
Utilities Dispatcher II
Utilities Field Assistant
Utilities Service Worker
Utilities Troubleshooter
Utilities Troubleshooter - Special Hours
Utilities Yard Working Supervisor
Water Laborer
Water Meter Repairer I
Water Meter Repairer II
Water Meter Working Supervisor
Water Service Maintenance Pipefitter
6.81 Employees in these job classes shall be guaranteed a minimum
of two (2) hours Zincluding travel time) of pay at the
appropriate overtime rate for each emergency call out.
6.82 Ca11 out time for employees in these job classes shall be calculated
from the time of arrival.
6.83 One hour, compensation at the appropriate overtime rate, shall
be added to the time worked immediately prior to the time of
arrival to compensate employees in these job classes for travel
time incurred for each emergency.
Section 6.9 Employees required to speak, read andJor write in Spanish as
well as English as part of the regular duties of their position will be
compensated at the rate of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) per month in addition
to their regular pay.
6.91 The appropriate department head shall designate which positions
shall be assigned bilingual duties.
6.92 The Human Resources Director shall conduct a test of competency
for employees whose positions have been assigned bilingual duties
to certify these employees eligible for bilingual pay, except
that operating departments with authorized bilingual certifiers
may conduct their own test of bilingual competency and notify
the Human Resources Director of the outcome of the test.
6.93 Bilingual pay eligibility shall continue in accordance with the
above provisions during any period of leave with pay.
Section 6.10 An employee working in the classification of Meter Reader
who has completed 8.0 units of meter book value shall be compensated at
the rate of one and one-half times his/her regular hourly rate of pay for
each completed unit of meter book value or portion thereof that is assigned
on the same day. 1.0 unit = 1.0 hour
6.101 An employee working in the class if ication of Meter Reader
who is assigned to work his/her regularly scheduled day
off shall be compensated at the rate of one and one-half times
his/her regular hourly rate of pay for each completed unit of
meter book value or portion thereof.
Section 7.0 Appointments to vacant positions in the classif ied
service shall be based on merit and fitness as determined by the
competitive examinations andJor evaluations. Minimum standards
of employment for each job class shall be recommended by the Human
Resources Director and approved by the City Manager.
Section 7.1 Vacancies in positions above the entry level shall
be filled by promotion whenever one or more qualified candidates
are available, except when a qualif ied, work-disabled employee
is placed in such position according to the Vocational Rehabilitation
Administrative Regulation. Promotions shall be on a competitive
basis except when the Human Resources Director finds that the
number of employees qualified for promotion is insufficient to
justify competition. Appropriate consideration shall be given
to promotional candidates' qualifications, record of performance,
and seniority, in that order.
7.11 Advancement to a higher paid job class shall constitute
a promotion.
Section 7.2 Examinations for appointments and promotions shall
be in such form as will fairly test the abilities and aptitudes
of candidates for the duties to be performed, so that such appoint-
ments and promotions will be solely based on qualifications without
regard to race, color, national origin, religious or political
affiliation or belief,membership in or attitude toward any employee
organization, sex, age, or physical disability, except where sex,
age, or lack of physical disability is a bona fide occupation
Section 7.3 Candidates who qualify for employment or promotion
shall be placed on an eligibility list for the appropriate job
class. At such times as a department management evaluation is
included in the establishment of a promotional eligibility list,
the list shall rank the eligible candidates in the order of final
evaluation, and appointments from that list shall normally follow
rank order.
Section 7.4 When an appointment is to be made to a vacancy, the
Human Resources Director shall submit to the appropriate department
head the names on the appropriate employment list. Appointments
to vacant positions shall be made by the appropriate department
head, with the concurrence of the Human Resources Director.
7.41 The appropriate department head, with the concurrence
of the Human Resources Director, may order names removed
from an eligibility list for good and Buff icient reasons.
Section 7.5 Any appointment or promotion to a department head position
shall be made by the City Manager with the approval of the City Council.
Section 7.6 In the absence of appropriate employment lists, a provisional
appointment may be made by the appropriate department head (with the
approval of the Human Resources Director and the City Manager) of a
person meeting the minimum qualifications for the position. An eligibility
list shall be established within six months for any regular, full-time
position filled by provisional appointment. In the event that any provisional
appointee fails to qualify on the eligibility list as established within
six months of his provisional appointment, said provisional appointee
shall have his employment terminated at the close of the first complete
biweekly pay period following the establishing of the eligibility list.
Section 7.7 Appointments to certain grant funded positions as designated
by the City Manager may be made without competitive examinations and/or
evaluations. Such appointments may be made by the appropriate department
head (with the approval of the Human Resources Director and the City
Manager). In the event that a grant funded appointee fails to complete
competitive examinations and/or evaluations and is not appointed to
a city funded position during his period or employment under the grant,
said grant funded appointee shall be terminated from City employment.
Section 9.0 Employees appointed from eligibility lists, reinstated employees
and employees reassigned according to the Vocational Rehabilitation Administrative
Regulation shall be subject to a period of probation. The regular period
of Probation shall be thirteen (13) complete biweekly pay periods unless
otherwise specified for certain designated job classes.
9.01 Certain designated job classes in the classified service shall
have a regular period of probation which begins on the date of
appointment and ends twenty-six complete biweekly pay periods
after completion of recruit training.
These job classes shall be:
Firefighter I
Police Officer
Police Officer-Trainee
9.02 In the event an employee is assigned to light duty status or is
absent from work due to a lengthy illness or injury during his
probationary period, said employee`s probationary status may be
extended beyond the regular period of probation in the amount
of one complete biweekly pay period for each complete biweekly
pay period assigned to light duty status or lost due to such illness
or injury.
9.03 Employees in the Police Department classes listed below shall
be exempt from the provisions of Section 9.02 and shall be covered
by the following rule:
9.031 In the event an employee is absent from work due to a lengthy
illness or injury during his probationary period, said
employee's probationary status may be extended beyond the
regular period of probation in the amount of one complete
bi-weekly pay period for each complete bi-weekly pay period
lost due to the illness.
Police Officer
Police Officer
Police Officer
Police Officer
Police Officer
Police Officer
Police Officer
Police Officer
Police Officer
Police Officer
Police Officer
Police Officer
Police Officer
Police Officer
- Detective
- Hazard
- Master Advanced
- Master Intermediate
- Senior Master Advanced
- Senior Master Intermediate
- Helicopter Pilot
- Helicopter Pilot Master Advanced
- Helicopter Pilot Master Intermediate
- Helicopter Pilot Senior Master Advanced
- Helicopter Pilot Hazard
- Helicopter Pilot Senior Master Intermediate
Police Sergeant
Police Sergeant - Helicopter Pilot
Police Sergeant - Helicopter Pilot Hazard
Police Sergeant - Helicopter Pilot Post Advanced
Police Sergeant - Detective
Police Sergeant - Hazard
Police Sergeant - Post Advanced
Polygraph Examiner
9.04 Upon successful completion of a probationary period,
an employee shall be granted regular status in the
classification in which the probationary period is
Section 9.1 The work and conduct of probationary employees shall
be subject to close scrutiny and evaluation, and, if found to be
below standards satisfactory to the appointing authority, the appropriate
department head may reject the probationer at any time during the
probationary period. Such rejections shall not be subject to review
or appeal unless such a rejection is alleged to be contrary to the
provisions of the Personnel Ordinance andJor Personnel Resolution.
9.11 An employee rejected during the probationary period from
a position to which he has been promoted or transferred
shall be returned to the classification in which he has
regular status unless the reasons for his failure to complete
his probationary period would be cause for dismissal from
City service.
9.12 The appropriate department head shall request the Human
Resources Department to prepare a Personnel Action Form
to separate or return to a former classification any employee
to be rejected during a probationary period.
Section 9.2 An employee shall be retained beyond the end of the
probationary period only if the appropriate department head affirms
that the services of the employee have been found to be satisfactory.
Section 10.0 The tenure of every employee shall be conditioned on good
behavior and satisfactory work performance. Any employee may be
suspended, demoted, or dismissed for good and sufficient cause.
10.01 When in the judgment of the appropriate department
head, an employee's work performance or conduct
justifies disciplinary action short of demotion or
dismissal, the employee may be suspended without
pay. Upon taking such action, the department head
shall file with the employee and the Human Resources
Director a written notification containing a statement
of the substantial reasons for the action. No employee
shall be suspended for more. than two calendar weeks at
any one time, except as provided for in Section 10.021.
10.02 An employee may be demoted or dismissed upon recommendation
of a division head or other appropriate supervisor whenever
in the judgment of the appropriate department head, the
employee`s work or misconduct so warrants. Upon taking
such action, the department head shall file with the
employee and the Human Resources Director a written
notification containing a statement of the substantial
reasons for the action and the effective date of the
I0.02I Suspension without pay pending further action
shall be the status of dismissed employees
appealing dismissal under provisions of Rule 31,
Grievance Procedure. Such suspension shall not
exceed 90 calendar days.
10.03 The demotion or dismissal of any department head shall
require the approval of t'he City Council before such
action is taken by the City Manager.
_ Section 12.0 An employee who terminates his employment in good
standing may be reinstated to a vacant position in his former
job class within three years of his termination date without
requalifying for employment by competitive processes.
12.01 An employee reinstated within thirty days of his term-
ination date shall be considered to have continuous
service and shall be credited with the amount of accu-
mulated sick leave he had at the time of termination.
He shall be placed in his former salary step and shall
retain his anniversary date for purposes of merit
pay increases. If his anniversary date has occurred
during the period of his absence, his new anniversary
date shall be the first day of the next biweekly pay
period following reinstatement.
12.02 An employee reinstated after thirty days of his termina-
tion date may be considered to have broken service
for purposes of salary step status, and shall be con-
sidered to have broken service for all other employee
Section I2.1 An employee who has taken a voluntary demotion
to a lower job class may be reinstated to a vacant position in
his former job class within three years of the effective date
of the voluntary demotion without requalifying by competitive
12.11 An employee reinstated to his former job class from
a voluntary demotion shall retain his rate of pay.
If his rate of pay is not included in the salary schedule
of his former job class, he shall be placed in the
salary step of that salary schedule which is closest
to his rate of pay. He shall retain his anniversary
date for purposes of merit pay increases; however,
if he is placed in the "A" or "E" step of the salary
schedule, he shall be eligible for a merit pay increase
after thirteen complete biweekly pay periods or his
regular anniversary date, whichever is sooner.
Section I2.2 An employee who has been suspended, demoted, or
dismissed may be reinstated to his position as a result of a
successful appeal through the grievance procedure. In the event
of such reinstatement, the employee shall be returned to his
former status of employment, including reinstatement of seniority
and accrued fringe benefits. In such cases, the City Manager
may order the payment of back pay to a reinsttated employee in
any amount up to payment for the full period of time involved.
In implementing an arbitrators award, the City Manager shall
order the payment of back pay to a reinstated employee in the
amount provided in the arbitrator`s award. It shall be conclusively
presumed that there is no award of back pay to a reinstated employee
unless specifically set forth in the written order of the City Manager.
Any earnings of the reinstated employee from other employment during
his period of suspension shall be deducted from the amount of back
pay ordered by the City Manager.
Section 12.3 An employee may be reinstated under the provisions
of the Vocational Rehabilitation Administrative Regulation to any
vacant position for which he/she meets the minimum qualifications.
Section 12.4 The provisions of the RULE shall apply only to regular,
full-time employees in the classified service.
Section 13.0 If an employee takes a voluntary demotion as a result
of a downward reclassif ication of his position, his salary step
status shall be in accordance with the provisions of Section 4.5.
Section 13.1 Voluntary demotions as a result of impending layoff
shall be in accordance with the provisions of RULE 11.
Section 13.2 An employee may request a voluntary demotion for any
reason. Such a voluntary demotion shall require the approval of
the department head under whom the employee will serve, the Human
Resources Director, and the City Manager. An employee taking such
a voluntary demotion may be placed in any salary step of the appro-
priate salary schedule that does not provide an increase in salary.
He shall be given a new anniversary date for purposes of merit pay
increases in accordance with provisions of Section 4.1.
13.21 Voluntary demotions in accordance with the Vocational
Rehabilitation Administrative Regulation shall be in
accordance with the provisions of Section 13.2.
Section 14.0 A change of an employee's place of employment from
one division to another or from one department to another shall
.,,~ be considered a transfer. A change of an employee`s place of
employment to a vacant position in a job class on the same salary
schedule as his own job class shall also be considered a transfer.
14.01 A transfer from one division to another or from one
department to another shall require the approval of the
head of the division or department to which the employee
is transferring, the Human Resources Director, and the
City Manager. Such a transfer shall be initiated by
request of the employee to the Human Resources Director.
14.02 A transferred employee shall retain his rate of pay and
-his anniversary date for purposes of merit pay increases.
14.03 In order to be transferred to a job class with minimum
standards of employment substantially different from
those of his own job class, an employee shall be required
to demonstrate his eligibility for employment in accordance
with the provisions of RULE 7 and shall serve a new
probationary period in accordance with the provisions
o f RULE 9 .
Section 14.I Transfers for the betterment of employees and the
best interests of the City shall be encouraged by all echelons of
Section 15.0 The following days shall be recognized as holidays, and
regular full-time employees in the classif ied service, with the exception
of employees in those job classes listed in Section 15.2, shall have
these holidays off with pay:
January 1st, New Year's Day
Third Monday in February, Washington`s Birthday
Last Monday in May, Memorial Day
July 4th, Independence Day
First Monday in September, Labor Day
November 11, Veteran`s Day
Fourth Thursday in November, Thanksgiving Day
Friday after Thanksgiving
December 25th, Christmas Day
Every day designated by the City Council for a public feast,
thanksgiving, or holiday
Section 15.1 In the event that any of the above holidays falls on
an employee`s scheduled day off, said employee shall observe the preceing
work day or the following work day as scheduled by the department head
to provide maximum regular service to the public.
Section 15.2 Certain designated employees may be required to work
an any of the above holidays or days observed in lieu of those holidays.
Any employee required to work on any of the above holidays or days
observed in lieu of those holidays shall receive additional compensation
equivalent to one and one-half times his regular rate of pay. Employees
in the following job classes and the job classes exempt from overtime
provisions of RULE 6, PREMIUM PAY, shall be exempt from the provisions
of this Section:
Police Off icer
Police Off icer Trainee
Police Off icer - Detective
Police Off icer - Hazard
Police Off icer - Master Advanced
Police Off icer ~ Master Intermediate
Police Officer - Senior Master Advanced
Police Officer - Senior Master Intermediate
Police Off icer - Helicopter Pilot
Police Officer - Helicopter Pilot Master Advanced
Police Officer - Helicopter Pilot Master Intermediate
Police Officer - Helicopter Pilot Senior Master Advanced
Police Officer
Police Off icer
Police Sergeant
Police Sergeant
Police Sergeant
Police Sergeant
Police Sergeant
Police Sergeant
Police Sergeant
Polygraph Exami
- Helicopter Pilot Hazard
- Helicopter Pilot Senior Master Intermediate
- Helicopter Pilot
- Helicopter Pilot Hazard
- Helicopter Pilot Post Advanced
- Detective
- Hazard
- Post Advanced
Fire Battalion Chief (assigned to suppression)
Fire Captain I
Fire Captain II
Fire Captain III
Fire Captain IV
Fire Engineer I
Fire Engineer II
Fire Engineer III
Fire Engineer IV
Firefighter I
Firefighter II
Firef ighter III
Firef ighter IV
Section 15.3 An employee in any of the Police Department job classes
listed in Section 15.2 shall receive an additional eight (8) hours
pay at his regular rate of compensation or shall accrue eight (8) hours
holiday time for each holiday listed in Section 15.0, providing said
employee works on the holiday or day observed in lieu of the holiday.
15..31 An employee in any of the Police Department job classes
listed in Section I5.2 shall receive an additional eight
(8) hours pay at his regular rate of compensation or
shall accrue eight (8) hours. holiday time for February
I2, Lincoln~s Birthday and September 9, Admission Day,
providing said employee works on the holiday or day observed
in lieu of the holiday.
15.32 An employee in any of the Police Department job classes
listed in Section I5.2 shall receive an additional four
(4) hours pay at his regular rate of compensation or
shall accrue four (4) hours holiday time for Good Friday,
providing said employee works on the holiday or day observed
in lieu of the holiday.
15.33 An employee in any of the Police Department job classes
listed in Section I5.2 may request holiday time off.
The gxanting of holiday time off shall require prior
approval of the employee`s supervisor and will be granted
in accordance with the best interest of the City of Anaheim
as determined by the Police Chief. The maximum amount
of holiday time off that may be taken at any given time
shall be that amount that has accrued to the employee
concerned. The minimum amount of holiday time off that
may be taken at any given time shall be one (1) hour.
15.34 Once each year an employee shall be compensated in cash
by separate check at his current rate of pay for any
holiday time off accrued but not taken at the close of
the biweekly pay period that includes December 1.
15.35 Upon termination, an employee shall be compensated in
cash at his current rate of pay for any holiday time
off accrued but not taken.
Section 15.4 An employee in any of the Fire Department job classes
listed in Section 15.2 shall receive additional compensation equivalent
to 1/10th of his regular biweekly compensation for each holiday listed
in Section 15.0 and for February 12 (Lincoln's Birthday) and September
9 (Admission Day), and 1/20th of his regular pay biweekly compensation
for Good Friday. Employees in these class if ications shall also have
the option to accumulate 11.2 hours per holiday except Good Friday,
when 5.6 hours will be accumulated, and to take time off in 24 hour
increments. Under the option, any hours accrued but not taken will
be paid off at the employee's regular hourly rate of pay as of the
end of the pay period including October 1. Selection of the Holiday
option shall be made on September 1 of each year.
Section 15.5 In order to be eligible for holiday pay, an employee
must be either at work or on paid leave of absence on the regularly
scheduled work day immediately preceding the holiday or day observed
in lieu of the holiday and the regularly scheduled work day immediately
following the holiday or day observed in lieu of the holiday. No employee
who is on suspension or unpaid leave of absence on either the regularly
scheduled work day immediately preceding or immediately following the
holiday or day observed in lieu of the holiday shall receive compensation
for said holiday or day observed in lieu of the holiday.
Section 15.6 The following days shall be recognized as flexible holidays;
and regular, full-time employees in the classified service, with the
exception of employees in the job classes listed in Section 15.2 shall
accrue additional paid vacation in accordance with Section 16.0 in
lieu of having the following holidays off with pay:
February 12, Lincoln's Birthday
Good Friday
September 9, Admission Day
Employee`s Birthday
Section 15.7 The City Manager, City Attorney, City Clerk and City
Treasurer shall also be subject to the provisions of this RULE.
Section 16.0 Regular, full-time employees in the classif ied service
with an average work week of forty (40) hours shall receive annual
vacation with pay in accordance with the following provisions which
include vacation earned at the rate of one (1) hour for each co~~plete
~~ biweekly pay period, in lieu of the designated flexible holidays outlined
in Section 15.6.
16.01 For the first four years of continuous, full-time service
such employees shall accrue paid vacation at the rate
of four (4) hours for each complete biweekly pay period
plus two (2) hours of paid vacation at the close of the
final complete biweekly pay period of each fiscal year
(106 hours or 13.25 working days per year).
16.02 Upon completion of four years of continuous, full-time
service, such employees shall accrue paid vacation at
the rate of five (5) hours for each complete biweekly
pay period (130 hours or 16.25 working days per year).
16.03 Upon completion of eight years of continuous, full-time
service, such employees shall accrue paid vacation at
the rate of six (6) hours for each complete biweekly
pay period (156 hours or 19.5 working days per year).
16.04 Upon completion of fourteen years of continuous, full-
time service such employees shall accrue paid vacation
at the rate of seven (7) hours for each complete biweekly
pay period (182 hours or 22.75 working days per .year).
16.05 Upon completion of nineteen years of continuous, full-
time service, such employees shall accrue paid vacation
at the rate of eight (8) hours for each complete biweekly
pay period (208 hours or 26 working days per year).
Section 16.1 Regular, full-time employees in the Police Department
job classes listed in Section 15.2 with an average regular work week
of forty (40) hours shall receive annual vacation with pay in accordance
with the following provisions:
16.11 For the first four years of continuous, full-time service
such employees shall accrue paid vacation at the rate
of three (3) hours for each complete biweekly pay period
plus two (2) hours of paid vacation at the close of the
final complete biweekly pay period of each fiscal year
(80 hours or TO working days a year).
I6.I2 Upon completion of four years of continuous, full-time
service such employees shall accrue paid vacation at
the rate of four (4) hours for each complete biweekly
pay period (104 hours or 13 working days a year).
16.13 Upon completion of eight years of continuous, full-time
service, such employees shall accrue paid vacation at
the rate of five (5) hours for each complete biweekly
pay period (130 hours or 16.25 working days a year).
16.14 Upon completion of fourteen years of continuous full-
time service such employees shall accrue paid vacation
at the rate of six (6) hours for each complete biweekly
pay period (156 hours or I9.5 working days a year).
16.15 Upon completion of nineteen years of continuous, full-
time service, such employees shall accrue paid vacation
at the rate of seven (7) hours for each complete biweekly
pay period (182 hours or 22.75 working days a year).
Section I6.2 Regular full-time employees in the classified service
with an average regular work week of fifty-six (56) hours shall _
accrue annual vacation with pay in accordance with the following
16.21 For the first four (4) years of continuous, full-time
service such employees shall accrue paid vacation at
the rate of four (4) hours for each complete biweekly
pay period plus twenty-five (25) hours of paid vacation
at the close of the final complete biweekly pay period
of each fiscal year (129 hours or 5.375 shifts a year).
16.22 Upon completion of four years of continuous, full-time
service such employees shall accrue paid vacation at
the rate of five (5) hours for each complete biweekly
pay period plus sixteen (I6) hours of paid vacation at
the close of the final complete biweekly pay period of
each fiscal year (146 hours or 6.083 shifts a year).
16.23 Upon completion of eight (8) years of continuous, full-
time service, such employees shall accrue paid vacation
at the rate of seven (7) hours for each complete biweekly
pay period., plus two (2) hours of paid vacation at the
close of the final complete biweekly pay period of each
fiscal year (184 hours or 7.666 shifts a year).
16.24 Upon completion of fourteen (I4) years of continuous
full-time service, such employees shall accrue paid vacation
at the rate of eight (8) hours for each complete biweekly
pay period plus eleven (lI) hours of paid vacation at
the close of the final complete biweekly pay period of
each fiscal year (219 hours or 9.125 shifts a year).
°°`-~ 16.25 Upon completion of nineteen (19) years of continuous,
full-time service, such employees shall accrue paid vacation
at the rate of nine (9) hours for each complete biweekly
pay period plus twenty-two (22) hours of paid vacation
at the close of the final complete biweekly pay period
of each fiscal year (256 hours or 10.666 shifts a year).
Section 16.3. Paid vacations shall continue to accrue in accordance
with the above provisions during any period of leave with pay, except
that Public Safety employees who remain on Industrial Accident Leave
in accordance with Personnel Rule 18 INDUSTRIAL ACCIDENT LEAVE after
exhausting State mandated 4850 benef its shall accumulate no vacation.
All vacations shall be scheduled and taken in accordance with the best
interests of the City of Anaheim and the department or division in
which the employee is employed. The maximum amount of vacation that
may be taken at any given time shall be that amount that has accrued
to the employee concerned. The minimum amount of vacation that may
be taken at any given time shall be one (1) hour.
Section 16.4 An employee shall be eligible to take any accured vacation
upon completion of thirteen (13) complete biweekly pay periods of service.
Section 16.5 Each employee shall have one (1) hour deducted from his
accrued vacation time for each hour of~vacation taken. An employee
with a regular work day of eight (8) hours shall have eight (8) hours
deducted from his accrued vacation time for each day of vacation taken.
An employee with a regular work day of eight (8) hours shall have eight
(8) hours deducted from his accrued vacation time for each day of vacation
taken. An employee with a regular work shift of twenty-four (24) hours
shall have twenty-four (24) hours deducted from his accrued vacation
time for each shift of vacation taken. Vacation which is accrued,
but not taken, shall be accumulated.
Section 16.6 Maximum vacation accumulations for employees with an
average regular work week of forty (40) hours with the exception of
employes in the Police Department job classes listed in Section 15.2
shall be as follows:
16.61 For employees accruing vacation at the rate of one hundred
six (106) hours for every twenty-six (26) complete biweekly
pay periods, the maximum amount of vacation that may
be accumulated shall be one hundred ninety (190) hours.
16.62 For employees accruing vacation at the rate of one hundred
thirty (130) hours for every twenty-six (26) complete
biweekly pay periods, the maximum amount of vacation
that may be accumluated shall be two hundred forty (240)
16.63 For employees accruing vacation at the rate of one hundred
fifty-six (156) hours for every twenty-six (26) complete
biweekly pay periods, the maximum amount of vacation
that may be accumulated shall be two hundred ninety
(290) hours.
„-., 16.64 For employees accruing vacation at the rate of one hundred
eighty-two (182) hours for every twenty-six (26) complete
biweekly pay periods, the maximum amount of vacation
that may be accumulated shall be three hundred forty
(340) hours.
16.65 For employees accruing vacation at the rate of two hundred
eight (208) hours for every twenty-six (26) complete
biweekly pay periods, the maximum amount of vacation
that may be accumulated shall be three hundred ninety
(390) hours.
Section 16.7 Maximum vacation accumulations for employees in the Police
Department job classes listed in Section 15.2 with an average regular
work week of forty (40) hours shall be as follows:
16.71 For employees accruing vacation at the rate of eighty
(80) hours for every twenty-six (26) complete biweekly
pay periods, the maximum amount of vacation that may
be accumulated shall be one hundred sixty (160) hours.
16.72 For employees accruing vacation at the rate of one hundred
four (104) hours for every twenty-six (26) complete biweekly
pay periods, the maximum amount of vacation that may
be accumulated shall be two hundred eight (208) hours.
16.73 For employees accruing vacation at the rate of one hundred
thirty (130) hours for every twenty-six (26) complete
biweekly pay periods, the maximum amount of vacation
that may be accumulated shall be two hundred sixty (260)
16.74 For employees accruing vacation at the rate of one hundred
fifty-six (156) hours for every twenty-six (26) complete
biweekly pay periods, the maximum amount of vacation
that may be accumulated shall be three hundred twelve
(312) hours.
16.75 For employees accruing vacation at the rate of one hundred
eighty-two (182) hours for every twenty-six (26) complete
biweekly pay periods, the maximum amount of vacation
that may be accumulated shall be three hundred sixty-
four (364) hours.
Section 16.8 Maximum vacation accumulations for employees with an
average regular work week of f fifty-six (56) hours shall be as follows:
16.81 For employees accruing vacation at the rate of one hundred
twenty-nine (129) hours for every twenty-six (26) complete
biweekly pay periods, the maximum amount of vacation
that may be accumulated shall be two hundred seventy
(270) hours.
16.82 For employees accruing vacation at the rate of one hundred
forty-six (146) hours for every twenty-six (26) complete
biweekly pay periods, the maximum amount of vacation
that may be accumulated shall be three hundred ten (310)
16.83 For employees accruing vacation at the rate of one hundred
eighty-four (I84) hours for every twenty-six (26) complete
biweekly pay periods, the maximum amount of vacation
that may be accumulated shall be three hundred ninety
(390) hours.
16.84 For employees accruing vacation at the rate of two hundred
nineteen (219) hours for every twenty-six (26) complete
biweekly pay periods, the maximum amount of vacation
that ma.y be accumulated shall be four hundred sixty (460)
16.85 For employees accruing vacation at the rate of two hundred
fifty-six (256) hours for every twenty-six (26) complete
biweekly pay periods, the maximum amount of vacation
that may be accumulated shall be five hundred forty (540)
Section 16.9 Upon termination, an employee shall be compensated in
cash at his current rate of pay for any vacation accrued but not taken,
provided that he has successfully completed his probationary period.
Section 16.10 In the event that any recognized holiday occurs during
any employee`s vacation, with the exception of employees in the job
classes listed in Section 15.2, the holiday shall not be charged against
the employee's accrued vacation. The only vacation hours that shall
be charged against any employee`s accrued vacation shall be those hours
that the employee is regularly scheduled to work.
Section 16.11 The City Manager, City Attorney, City Clerk and City
Treasurer shall also be subject to the provisions of this RULE.
Section 17.0 Employees in the classified service shall accrue
annual Sick Leave with pay in accordance with the following
17.01 Regular, full-time employees with an average
regular work week of forty (40) hours shall
accrue paid sick leave at the rate of three
(3) hours for each complete biweekly pay period.
17.02 Regular, full-time employees in the classified
service with an average regular work week
of f fifty-six (56) hours shall accrue paid
sick leave at the rate of four (4) hours for
each complete biweekly pay period. In addition,
each such employee shall be credited with
eighteen (18) hours at the close of the final
complete biweekly pay period of each fiscal
17.03 Paid sick leave shall continue to accrue in
accordance with the above provisions during
any period of leave with pay, except that
Public Safety employees who remain on Industrial
Accident Leave in accordance with Personnel
Rule 18 Industrial Accident Leave after exhausting
State mandated 4850 benefits shall accumulate
no Sick Leave.
17.04 An employee requesting sick leave for an absence
from work as a result of any injury or disease
which comes under the State of California
Worker's Compensation Insurance and Safety
Act after eligibility for Industrial Accident
Leave has ended shall receive maximum compensation
from the City in an amount equal to the difference
between temporary disability payments mandated
by the State of California Worker`s Compensation
Insurance and Safety Act and his regular basic
rate of pay.
Section 17.1 Each employee shall have one (1) hour deducted
from his accrued sick leave time for each hour of sick leave
taken. An employee with a regular work day of eight (8)
hours shall have eight (8) hours deducted from his accrued
sick leave time for each regularly scheduled working day
that he is on paid sick leave. An employee assigned to work
twenty-four (24) hour shifts shall have twenty-four (24)
hours deducted from his accrued sick leave time for each
complete shift missed while on paid sick leave. The minimum
amount of Sick Leave that may be taken at any given time
shall be one hour.
Section 17.2 Sick Leave that is accrued, but not taken,
shall be accumulated.
17.21 Regular, full-time employees with an average
regular work week of forty (40) hours shall
be paid at their regular hourly rate of pay
for all hours accumulated beyond one hundred
seventy-five (1.75) in each calendar year.
Payment shall be made in January of each year,
or upon the employee's termination of employment
for any reason. A maximum of one hundred
seventy-five (175) hours shall carry over
from year to year.
17.22 Regular, full-time employees in the classified --
service with an average regular work week
of fifty-six (56) hours shall be paid at their
regular hourly rate of pay for hours accumulated
beyond two hundred and forty-five (245) but
not used according to the following formula:
one hundred and nine (109) hours minus total
sick leave hours used during the calendar
year equals hours paid. Payment shall be
made in January of each year. Employees who
terminate employment for any reason during
the year shall receive cash payment for unused
sick leave beyond two hundred and forty-five
(245) hours based on the following formula:
4.192 times complete pay periods worked minus
sick hours used. A maximum of two hundred
and forty-five (245) hours shall carry over
from year to year.
Section 17.3 An employee who has completed six (6) months
as a regular full-time employee. and is continuously and totally
disabled for more than one (1) calendar month, shall receive
a disability benefit of net sixty percent (60%) of his/her
base rate of pay, after withholding taxes, and less deductible
benef its. Such disability benef it shall continue during
total disability up to a maximum of six months from date
of disability.
17.31 Deductible benefits include salary or other
compensation paid by any employer; Worker`s
Compensation Act or similar law including
benefits for partial or total disability,
whether permanent or temporary if benefits
being received are for the current disabling
condition; a pension plan toward which the
City contributed.
17.32 Total disability means an employee's complete
inability to engage in his/her regular occupation.
17.33 Benefits are not payable unless the employee
is regularly seen and treated by a licensed
physician or medical practitioner who certifies
to the continuing disability.
Section 17.4 In the event that any paid holiday occurs during
a period when any employee (except for employees in the job classes
listed in Section 15.2) is on paid sick leave, the holiday shall
not be charged against the employee's accrued sick leave. The
only sick leave hours that shall be charged against any employee's
accrued sick leave shall be those hours that the employee is -
regularly scheduled to work.
Section 17.5 An employee eligible for paid sick leave shall
be grated such leave for the following reasons:
17.51 Illness of the employee or physical incapacity
of the employee due to illness or injury.
17.52 Enforced quarantine of the employee in accordance
with community health regulations.
17.53 Medical and dental appointments during work hours.
Use of sick leave for scheduled medical and dental
appointments shall require prior approval of the
employee's supervisor and will be granted in ac-
cordance with the best interest of the City of
Anaheim and the employee's department or division.
17.54 Temporary disabilities caused by pregnancy and
17.55 Up to twenty-four (24) hours of sick leave per
calendar year shall be granted for illness of the
employee's immediate family.
Section 17.6 An employee who cannot perform his assigned duties
due to illness or physical incapacity shall inform his immediate
supervisor of the fact and the reason therefore as soon as possible.
Failure to do so within a reasonable time may be cause of denial
of sick leave with pay.
Section 17.7 In the event that an employee is absent on sick
leave in excess of twenty-four (24) consecutive working hours,
the employee's department head or division head may require that
the employee submit to him a written statement by a physician
licensed by the State of California certifying that the employee's
condition prevented him from performing the duties of his position.
Failure on the part of the employee to comply with such a requirement
may be considered cause for disciplinary action.
Section 17.8 In the event that an employee becomes ill during
working hours and is placed on paid sick leave prior to the
~' close of the work day, such paid sick leave shall be calculated
to the nearest hour.
Section 17.9 Effective December 19, 1980 accrued Sick Leave
hours shall be entered in a new Sick Leave plan.
17.91 Regular full-time employees with an average regular
work week of forty (40) hours shall have up to
one hundred seventy-five (175) hours transferred
to the usable Sick Leave account. The remainder
(over 175 hours) shall be credited as follows:
seventy-five percenter (75%) to be reported as _
service credit at retirement; twenty-five percent
(25%) converted to cash value at the employee's
current (December 19, 1980) regular hourly rate
of pay and paid with interest at retirement, layoff
or to hislher beneficiary, as designated by Public
Employee's Retirement System records if the employee
dies while employed. Employees who retire during
calendar year 1981 shall receive cash payment
at their current hourly rate of pay for twenty-
five percent (25%) of up to one hundred seventy-
five (175) hours. The remaining hours shall be
applied as service credit. Employees who retire
during calendar year 1982 shall receive cash payment
at their current hourly rate of pay for sixty-
six and two-thirds (66-2J3%) of twenty-five percent
(25%) of up to one hundred seventy-five (175)
hours. The remaining hours shall be applied as
service credit. Employees who retire during calendar
year 1983 shall receive cash payment at their
current hourly rate of pay for thirty-three and
one-third percent (33-IJ3%) of twenty-five percent (25%)
of up to one-hundred seventy-f ive (175) hours.
The remaining hours shall be applied as service
credit. Employees who retire in calendar year
1984 or thereafter shall receive service credit
for all hours up to one hundred seventy-five.
17.92 Regular full-time employees with an average regular
work week of fifty-six (561 hours shall have up
to two hundred forty-five (245) hours credited
to a usable Sick Leave account. The remainder
(over 245 hours) shall be credited as follows:
seventy-five percent (75 %) to be used as service
credit at retirement; twenty-five percent (25%)
converted to cash value at the employee's current
(December I9, I980) regular hourly rate of pay
and paid with interest at retirement, layoff or
to hislher benef iciary, as designated by Public
Employee's Retirement System records, if the employee
dies while employed. Cash payment other than in January of each
year shall be in accordance with Section 17.22. Employees who
retire during calendar year 1981 shall receive cash payment at
their current hourly rate of pay for twenty-five percent (25%)
of up to two hundred forty-five (245) hours. The remaining hours
shall be applied as service credit. Employees who retire during
calendar year 1982 shall receive cash payment at their current
hourly rate of pay for sixty-six and two-thirds percent (66-
2/3%) of twenty-five percent (25%) of up to two hundred forty-
five (245) hours. The remaining hours shall be applied as service
credit. Employees who retire during calendar year 1983 shall
receive cash payment at their current hourly rate of pay for
thirty-three and one-third percent (33-1/3%) of twenty-five percent
(25 %) of up to two hundred forty-five (245) hours. The remaining
hours shall be applied as service credit. Employees who retire
in calendar year 1984 or thereafter shall receive service credit
for all hours up to two hundred forty-five (245) hours. _
Section 18.0 In the event that any employee in the classified service
is absent from work as a result of any injury or disease which comes
-~- under the State of California Worker`s Compensation Insurance and Safety
Act, such absence shall be considered to be Industrial Accident Leave.
Section 18.1 Any employee on Industrial Accident Leave shall receive
compensation from the City in an amount equal to the difference between
temporary disability payments mandated by the State of California Worker's
Compensation Insurance and Safety. Act and his~her regular basic rate
of pay.
18.11 In the event that an employee who has received or is receiving
Industrial Accident Leave benefits files a civil legal
action against a third party for alledgedly causing or
contributing to the cause of the injury which resulted
in the absence from work, the employee is required to inform
the Risk Management Center of the filing of such legal
Section 18.2 Industrial Accident Leave shall begin on the first day
of such absence as defined in Section 18.0.
18.21 Industrial Accident Leave shall continue during all absences
due to a single injury, but not to exceed one year of accumulated
18.22 Industrial Accident Leave benefits provided by this RULE
shall apply to each injury or disease as def fined in Section
18.23 The effective date of a permanent disability rating as
awarded by the Worker`s Compensation Appeals Board ends
eligibility for industrial accident leave for that particular
injury or disease.
18.24 A written statement from the treating physician that the
employee`s condition is permanent and stationary or separation
from City service ends eligibility for Industrial Accident
Leave for that particular injury or disease.
18.25 Industrial Accident Leave for absence due to injury or
disease as defined in Section I8.0 shall be granted to
employees only upon presentation of a physician's certif icate
of treatment.
Section 18.3 No employee shall have accrued sick leave deducted while
on Industrial Accident Leave. Vacation and sick leave shall continue
to accrue for any employee on Industrial Accident Leave in accordance
with the provisions of RULE 16 and RULE 17.
Section 18.4 The provisions of this RULE shall apply also to the City
Manager, City Attorney, City Clerk, and City Treasurer.
Section 20.0 City policy relating to military leave and compensation
therefore, for employees in the classified service and the City Manager,
City Attorney, City Clerk, and City Treasurer shall be in accordance
with the provisions of the Military and Veterans Code of the State
of California, and with all Federal provisions (Public Law 93-508),
The following are excerpts from the Military
and Veterans Code of the State of California
which apply to the City of Anaheim:
Any public em~,loyee who is a member~of the reserve corps of the armed forces
of the United States or of the National Guard or the Naval Militia shall be
entitled to a temporary military leave of absence while engaged in military
duty ordered for purposes of active military training, encampment, naval
cruises, special exercises or like activity as such member, providing that
the period of ordered duty does not exceed 180 calendar days, including time
involved in going to and returning from such duty, and provided that military
leave of absence is not authorized for periods of inactive ai.litary duty.
He shall have an absolute right to be restored to his former office, or position
and status formerly had by him in the same locality and in the same office,
board, commission, agency, or institution of the public agency upon the termi-
nation of such temporary military duty. If the office or position has been
abolished or otherwise has ceased to exist during his absence, he shall be
reinstated to a position of like seniority, status, and pay if such position
exists, or if no such position exists he shall have the sane rights and privi-
leges that he would have had if he occupied the position when it ceased to
exist and had not taken temporary military leave of absence.
Any public employee who has been in the service of the public agency from which
the leave is taken for a period of not less than one year immediately prior.
to the date upon which his temporary military leave of absence begins, shaJ_1
receive Che same vacation, sick leave, and holiday privileges and the same
rights and privileges to promotion, continuance in office, employment, reappoint-
ment to office, or re-employment that he would have enjoyed had he not been
absent therefrom; excepting that an uncompleted probationary period, if any,
in the public agency must be completed upon reinstatement as provided by law
or rule of the agency. For the purposes of this section, in determining the
one year of service in a public agency all service of said public employee
in recognized military service shalJ_ be counted as public agency service.
Any public employee who is on temporary military Leave of absence and who Ira.=_
been in the service of the public agency from which the leave is taken for a
period of not less than one year immediately prior to the day on which the
absence begins shall be entitled to receive his salary or compensation as such ~
public employee for the first 30 calendar days of any such absence. Pay for
such purposes shall not exceed 30 days in any fiscal year. For the purposes
of this section, in determining the one year of public agency service, all
service of said public employee in the recognized military service shall be
counted as public agency service.
Every officer and employee of a public agency who is on military leave other
than temporary military leave of absence who has been in the service of such
~ ~ public agency for a period of not less than one year immediately prior to
'~ the date on which the absence begins shall be entitled to receive his salary
or compensation as such officer or employee for the first 30 calendar days
f while engaged in the performance of ordered military duty.
As used in this section only, the terms "officer" and "employee" mean an
officer or employee who
(a) Is ordered into active military duty as a member of a reserve
component of the armed forces of the United States;
(b) Is ordered into active federal military duty as a member of the
National Guard or Naval Militia; or
(c) Is inducted, enlists, enters or is otherwise ordered or called into
active duty as a member of the armed forces of the United States.
No more than the pay for a period of 30 calendar days shall be allowed
under the provisions of Sections 395.01 and 395.02, or both, for any one
military leave of absence or during any one fiscal year.
(a) Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, any
officer or employee of the State not subject to Civil Service or any Public
Officer, deputy, assistant, or employee of any city, county, city and county,
school district, water district, irrigation district, or any other district,
political corporation, political subdivision, or governmental agency thereof
who, in time of war or national emergency as proclaimed by the President or
Congress, or when any of the armed forces of the United States are serving
outside of the United States or their territories pursuant to order or request
of the United Nations, or while any national conscription act is in effect,
leaves or has left his office or position prior to the end of the .war, or
the termination of, the national emergency or during the effective period
of any such order or request of the United Nations or prior to the expira-
tion of the National Conscription Act, to join the armed forces of the United
States and who does or did without unreasonable and unnecessary delay join
the armed forces or, being a member of any reserve force or corps of any of
the armed forces of the United States or of the militia of this State, is or
was ordered to duty therewith by competent military authority and served or
serves in compliance with such orders, shall have a right, if released, sepa-
rated or discharged under conditions other than dishonorable, to return to
and re-enter upon the office or position within three months after the termi-
nation of his active service with the armed forces, but not later than six
months after the end of the war or national emergency or military or police
Section 395.1. (Cont.)
operations under the United Nations or after the Governor finds and proclaims
that, for the purposes of this section, the war, national emergency, or '~""""
United Nations military or police operation no longer exists, or after expi-
ration of the National Conscription Act, if the term for which he was elected
or appointed has not ended during his absence; provided, that such right to
return to and re-enter upon the office or position shall not extend to or
be granted to such officer or employee of the State not subject to Civil Service
or any public officer, deputy, assistant, or employee of any city, county, city
and county, school district, water district, irrigation district or any other
district, political corporation, political. subdivision or governmental agency
thereof, who shall fail to return to and re-enter upon his office or position
within 1~ months after the first date upon which he could terminate or .could
cause to have terminated his active service with the armed forces of the United
States or of the militia of this state. He shall also have a right to return
to and re-enter upon the office or position during terminal leave from the
armed forces and prior to discharge, separation or release therefrom.
(b) Upon such return and re-entry to the office or employment the officer
or employee shall have all of the rights and privileges in, connected with, or
arising out of the office or employment which he would have enjoyed if he had
not been absent therefrom; provided, however, such officer or employee shall
not be entitled to sick leave, vacation or salary for the period during which
he was on leave from such governmental service and in the service of the armed
forces of the United States.
If the office or position has been abolished or otherwise has ceased
to exist during his absence, he shall be reinstated in a position of like
seniority, status and pay if such position exists, or to a comparable vacant
position for which he is qualified.
(c) Any officer or employee other than a probationer who is restored to
his office or employment pursuant to this act shall not be discharged from
such office or position without cause within one year after such restoration,
and shall be entitled to participate in insurance or other benefits offered
by the employing governmental agency pursuant to established rules and practices
relating to such officers or employees on furlough or leave of absence in effect
at the time such officer or employee left his. office or position to join the
armed forces of the United States.
(d) Notwithstanding any other provisions of this code, any enlisted
person who was involuntarily ordered to active duty (other than for training)
for a stated duration shall not lose any right or benefit conferred under the
provisions of this code if he voluntarily elects to complete the period of
such duty. ....,a~
Section 23.3 The City of Anaheim shall contribute a portion of the
cost of employee retirement benefits in accordance with the provisions
of the contract between the City of Anaheim and the Public Employees'
Retirement System.
23.31 The City of Anaheim shall contribute a portion of the cost
of employee survivors' benef its in accordance with the
provisions of the above contract. Employees who have reached
their seventieth (70th) birthday shall be excluded from
such life insurance coverage.
Section 23.4 The City of Anaheim shall pay a portion of the premium
for employee group life insurance coverage in accordance with the provisions
of any contract between the City of Anaheim and any company or companies
providing such coverage.
Section 23.5 The City of Anaheim shall pay the premium for employee
group long term disability insurance coverage in accordance with the
provisions of any contract between the City of Anaheim and any company
or companies providing such coverage.
Section 28.0 In order to be eligible for employment with the City
of Anaheim, candidates shall be required to pass a physical examination,
the character of which shall be in accordance with standards established
by the Human Resources Director.
Section 28.1 In order to be eligible for promotion or transfer to
a job class in a category requiring greater physical qualifications
than his present job class, any employee must pass the appropriate
physical examination.
Section 28.2 The City Manager, the City Attorney, department heads,
and other employees as may be designated by the City Manager shall
undergo a physical examination once each calendar year.
28.21 In the event that any department head fails to pass an
annual examination, his employment status shall be determined
by the City Council, following a recommendation by the
City Manager.
28.22 In the event that any other employee designated in Section
28.2 fails to pass an annual physical examination, the
employee`s department head, with the concurrence of the
Human Resources Director, shall prescribe reassignment
of duties to fit the employee`s physical condition. If
no appropriate position is vacant, such employee shall
be recommended for disability retirement if he is eligible.
Section 28.3 Any employee in the classif ied service who returns to
work after an absence in excess of forty-eight X48) consecutive working
hours due to illness or physical incapacity may be required by his
department head to undergo a physical examination.
28.31 Any employee who fails to pass a physical examination
required under the provisions of Section 28.3 may be transferred
or demoted to a position requiring lesser physical qualifications,
recommended for disability retirement, or terminated.
SPC_tlon 28.4 All physical examinations required under. the provisions
of this RULE shall be performed by a physician in active practice licensed
by California State Law and within the scope of his practice as def fined
by California State Law.
28.41 Exceptions to the provisions of Section 28.4 may be made
only in the case of out-of-state candidates for employment.
In such cases, the physician performing the examination
may be a physician licensed by the state in which the
candidate resides.
Section 28.5 The City of Anaheim shall pay for any physical examination
required under the provisions of this RULE.
Section 28.6 Members of the City Council may undergo a physical examination
once each calendar year. Such physical examinations shall be paid
for by the City of Anaheim.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, except to the extent amended, Resolution
No. 63R-910 shall remain in full force and effect.
AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the effective date of this
resolution shall be October 10, 1980.
THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is approved and adopted by the City
Council of the City of Anaheim this 31st day of March
BY ,~~L.~~i :Goa+-
Robert 0. Franks
Assistant City Attorney
I, LINDA D. ROBERTS, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify
that the foregoing Resolution No..811t-1.51 was introduced and adopted at a
regular meeting provided by law, of the City Council of the City of
Anaheim held on the 31st day of March, 1981, by the following vote of the
members thereof:
AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Kaywood, Roth and Overholt
AND I FURTHER CERTIFY .that .the Mayor ;of .the City ;of Ana'_~eim signed said
Resolution No..81R=151 on the.3lst-day,of March, 1981."
IN WITNESS:WHEREOF; I have-hereunto.set.my hand and affixed the .seal of
the City.. of Anaheim ..this 31st day ;of March, I98Y.'.
I, LINDA D. ROBERTS, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that
the foregoing is the original of Resolution No. 81R-151 duly passed and adopted
by the Anaheim City Council on March 31, 1981.