91-174 RESOLUTION NO. 91R-174 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM REVISING RATES. WHEREAS, the City Council has heretofore adopted Ordinance No. 5204, adding Chapter 10.18 to Title 10 of the Anaheim Municipal Code relating to water shortages, and Resolution No. 91R-69, finding the existence of a water shortage and ordering the implementation of Water Shortage Plan II to address such water shortage; and WHEREAS, under Water Shortage Plan II, the City Council may adopt, by resolution, rate revisions to pay for costs to the Public Utilities Department associated with the Water Shortage. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AS FOLLOWS: 1. That the city Council hereby adopts the Rate Revisions set forth in the tariff schedules which are attached to this Resolution as Attachment "A" and are incorporated as though set forth in full. 2. That Resolution No. 91R-148, adopting a revised Drought Surcharge, is hereby rescinded. 3. That the Rate Revisions set forth in Attachment "A" shall take effect July 1, 1991. 4. Capitalized terms used in this Resolution shall have the meanings set forth in Section 10.18.020 of the Anaheim Municipal Code. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is approved and adopted by the City Council of the City of Anaheim this 11th day of June, 1991. ATTEST: CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM JLW: lm I:\DOCS\ORDRES\R17RATES.12 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) SS. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, LEONORA N. SOHL, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 91R-174 was introduced and adopted at a regular meeting provided by law, of the Anaheim City Council held on the 11th day of June, 1991, by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: simpson, Ehrle, Pickler and Hunter NOES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Daly ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: None AND I FURTHER certify that the Mayor of the City of Anaheim signed said Resolution No. 91R-174 on the 12th day of June, 1991. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the City of Anaheim this 12th day of June, 1991. CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM (SEAL) I, LEONORA N. SOHL, city Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing is the original of Resolution No. 91R-174, duly passed and adopted by the City Council of the City of Anaheim on June 11, 1991. CITY CLERN OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM Uu'~t~es F~n~c~d Se~'~ces ~N~ 200S An~e~m Bl~d Angels, CA 92805 Page No. T~L~ OF ( Con~ ~nued) ~FFECTI~ ~ DATE PAG~ NQ. Schedule W-R; Residential serv=cm - S~ngle-F~1ly Acco~oda=~on 7-1-91 9 12 9C 2.2.1 Schedule W-R; Reslden=lal Service - Mul~I-F~I!y Acco~oda=~on ~-1-91 9 12 90 2.3.1 ~ Schedule W-G; General Wa=er'Service 7-1-91 9 !2 99 2.4.1 Schedule W-RO; Resaden=ial Service - Outslde C~=y Llm~=s 7-1-91 9 [2 90 2.5.1 7-15-80 2.5.2 Schedule W-GO; General wa=er Service Outside Cl=y Limi=s ~-1-91 9 !2 90 2.6.1 " 7-15-80 2.6.2 Schedule W-I; Agriculture Water Se~ice 7-1-91 9 " 9-12-90 2.7.2 Schedule W-~FL; 9riva=e Fire Linm Se~ice 9-12-90 2.8,1 " " 9-12-90 2.8,2 Schedule W-T; Te~ora~ Semite T-1-91' 9 12 90 2.9.1 9-27-88 2,9.2 Schedule W-M; ~iciDal Water Service - ~e=ered Semites 7-1-91 ~ 12 ~0 2.10.1 Schedule w.~; M~ici~al wa=er Se~ice - U~etered Se~ices 9 -12 -90 2.11.1 Schedule W-F; Flat Rate Charge 7-15-80 2.12.1 Schedule W-RI; Residential/Agriculture Wa~er Service ?-1-91 ,~ 12 ,~ 2.13.1 Ce~e~lute W DRCIIT, D~U~I%Z Cu~h~ ~ 31 91 2.1%.1 ~ .I{ .7 2.1,.0 Con= inued) ISSUED BY Ed Aghjayan Effective 07-01-91 By Resolution No. 91R- Dated__ General Manager Superceding Resolution No. 9 IR- 148 Dated 05-21-9 Ut~lmes Financul Sen'ices AND REGL'LATIONS 200 S -kneetin Bird Anaheim. CA 92805 Page No. SCHEDULE RESIDENTIAL S~RV2CE - SINGLE-FAmILY ACCOMMODATION APPL-'-~iLITY Applmcable to all consumers of water within the c~ty limits of ;%naheim for general ~omestmc and household purposes mn a smngle-fammly accommodat&on. PER METER RATE { 31 ) ~R MONTH 5/8" X 3/4" Meter $ 8.40 1" 28.05 1 1/2" 34.50 2" 91.40 Co.edify CharGe: (To be added to Customer Charge) ~ ~er 100 Cubic Feet $ .203 .329 The current commodity adjustment an~ou4~t and Dumping surcharge amount, as applicable, shall be added to .the above co~od~ty charge. The explanations of the current commodity ad]ustme~n~ and pump&ng surcharge amounts are located in Schedules W-CA and Minimum Charue: The minimum charge shall be the monthly customer charge. $~CIAL CONDITION This schedule is subject to Schedules W-CA, W-PS and rules and regulations of the Utility. ISSUED BY Ed Aghjayan Eftactive 07-01-91 By Resolution No. 91R- Dated__ General Manager Supetching Resolution No. 9tR-148 Dated Q5-21-91 ~n~e~m Blvd ,4n~e~m. CA 92805 Page No SCH~D~ w-~ ~S~E~I~ $RKVIC~ - ~T%F~ILY ACCO~ODATION$ APPLI~ILI~ Applicable to all consists of wa~er wi%hin the c%~y limits of ~eim for ~enera% dcmestlc use ~o ~wo (2) or more dwellln~ ~i~s using wa~er through a co~on servzce and occupy%ng premises held ~der one o~ersh~p such as apartment houses, houslng courts, mobile home cour:s, also to planned units and developments ser'z~ced ~hrough a co.on service. PER ~TER Customer 5/8" X 3/4" Mm~er $ 10.90 % %/2" 29.15 2" 42. 3" 8~ .20 6" 291.20 8" 116.9~ 10" 667.90 CO~Odi=v Charge: (To be added =o Cus=~er Charge) ~er 100 C~ic Fee= $ ,22~ ~e ~rren= c~odi=7 adjul=mmn= ~o~= ~d 9~ing surcharge ~o~=, as applic~le, shall be added =o =he ~ovm c~odi=7 charge. ~e e~l~ations of =he curten= co~odi~y-adjustmen= ~d ~ing surcharge ~o~=s are loca=ed 'in Schedules W-~ ~d W-DS. ~inim~ Charge: The minim~ charge shall be =he mon=hly ~s=omer charge. SPECI,=~, CO~ITION ~is schedule is I~jec= =o Schedules W-~, W-PS ~d ~les ~d re.is=ions ISSUED BY Ed' Aghjayan Eff~gtivs 07-01-91 By Resolution No. 91R- Dated__ General Manager Superceding Resolution No. 91R-[48 Dated 05-21-9 CITY OF .~,NAHEIM WATER RATES, RULES Utilittes Financial Services AN'D REGL'LATIONS 200 S. Anaheim Blvd ~,naheim. CA 92805 Page No. 2 ~.; SCHED~/LZ W-G APPLiCAbILITY Applicable to all commercial and ~ndustrial consumers of water withan =he c~ty l~m~ts of Anaheim and for all water service not covered by other specific schedules including landscape watering. PER M~TER ~ATE {33) PER MONT~ Customer CharGe 5/8" X 3/4" Meter $ 9.40 1" 13.95 I 1/2" 21.55 2" 30.60 3" 99.35 4" 97.25 6" 195.75 8" 2?9 .09 10" 44S. 70 Commodity Charc~e: (To be added to Cu,~r. omer Charge) Per 'tOO Cul=ic Feet $ ..~? .2'13 The current co~nod£=y adjustment amount and 9u~ing surcharge amount, as applicable, shall be added to the -Move co~nodity charge. The explanations of the current co~m~odity adjustment and Du~ing eurcharge amounts arm located in Schedules W-CA and W-PS. Minimum CharGe: The minimum charge shall be =he monthly customer charge. SPECIAT. CONDITION This schedule is subject to Schedulms W-CA, W-PS and rules and rmgulatione of the ISSUED BY Ed Aghjayan Effective 07-01-91 By Resolution No. 91R- Dated~ General Manager Superceding Resolution No. 91 R- 1,,8 Dated 05 -21-91 Utilities Financial $e~'~ces A.'~I) REGL'LATIONS 200 S -Xnaheim Bird Anahetm..CA 92805 Page No : ~ ' SCHEDULE W-RO R~SIDENTIAi S~RVICS - 0UT$ID~ CITY LIMITS AR~LICABILITY ApDl~cable to all consumers of water outside of the City l~mits of the City cf Artabe Lm for general domest =c and household purposes in a s:ngle- family accommcdat:o~, or to two (2) or more dwelllng units using water through a common serv=ce, and occupy:ng Drem~ses held under one ownersh~D such as apartment houses, housing courts, mobile home courts, also to Dlarined units and condomLmlum developments serviced through a common service. PER M~TER ~J~T~ (~) PER MON~ Customer Charge 5/8" X 3/4" Meter $ 8.90 1" 19 . 60 1 1/2" 37.%5 2" 58.85 3" 126.60 4" 215.75 6" 447.55 8" 643 .70 Commodity Charge: (To be added to Customer Charge) Per 100 Cubic Feet $ .3~3 .]29 The current co~modity adjustment amount and 9ua~ing surcharge amount, as apDlicable, shall be added to the above co~a~odit¥ charge. The explanations of the current commodity adjustment and ~um~ing surcharge amounts are located in Schedules W-CA and W-PS. ~inimum Charge: The minimum charge shall be the monthly customer charge. S~£CIA~ CONDITION This schedule is subject to Schedules W-CA, W-PS and rules and regulations of the Utility. (Continued) ISSUED BY Ed Aghjayan Effective 0T-01-91 By Resolution No. ~)IR- Dated General Manager Superceding Resolution No. 91 R- 148 Dated 05-21 -q 1 Uttlities Financial Ser,;ices ,-~NT) REGL'LATIONS 200 S ~.nahe~m Blvd. Anaheim, CA 92805 Page No : ~ : SCheDULE W-GO GENeRAl, WATER SERVICE ' OUTSIDE CI?Y LIMITS APPLIC-A~ I LITY ADplicable eo all consumers of water outside =he city limits of the City of ;%~aheim for all waner service non covered by onher speclflc schedules. PER M~TER RATE (39) ~ER MONTH Cus=omer Charoe S/@" X 3/4" Meter $ 10.25 i" 15 . 15 1 1/2" 23.35 2" 33.15 3" 56.10 4" 68.85 6" L?0 . 65 8" 268.90 10" 367.00 Co~oditv Charos: (To be added to Customer Charge) Per 100 Cubic Feet $ .227 .273 The current commodity ad]ustment a~aount and Du~ing surcharge amount, as applicable, shall be added to the above co~odity charge, The ex]planations of the current commodity ad3ustment and Dumping surcharge amounts are located in Schedules W-CA and W-~S. Minimu~ Charoe; The minimum charge shall be the monthly customer charge. (Continued) ISSUED BY Ed Aghjayan Effective 07-01-91 By Resolution No. 91R- Dated__ General Manager Superceding Resolution No. 91 R- 14.8 Dated 05-21-9 CITY OF -kNAHEIM WATER RAT'F~. RLLF_..,5 Utilities Financ:aA $er',,~ces A..~;D REGL'LATIONS 200 S Anaheim Blvd. Anaheim, CA 92805 Page No. : ' ' SCHEDULE W- I AGR I CUL?JR~ WATER APPLiCA~ ILITY Appllcab!e ZC all areas served by the Utility for irrigatlon of agr~cuitura!, horticultural, or florzcultural crops produced pr:marily for the market, and shall not be supplied for com]D~ned irr~gat=on and domestic use. P'eR METER ?~TE (35} P~R MON~ C'JSTOM~R CI{ARG~: 2" Meter $ 30.60 3" Meter ~9.35 4" Meter 97.2S 6" Meter 19S.75 Commodity Chares: (To be added to Customer Charge) Per 100 cubic feet $ ~ .235 Per acre foot 22.C~ 103.$? The current agriculture co~m~odity adjustment amo%unt and pushing surcharge amount, as applicable, ~all be added to the above co~nodity charge. The explanations of the current cormnodity adjustment and pumping surcharge amounts are located in Schedules W-CA and W-PS. Minimum Charge: The minimum charge shall be the monthly customer charge. SPECIA& CONDITIONS A. This schedule is subject to Schedules W-CA, W-PS and rules and regulations of (Continued) ISSUED BY Ed Aghjayan Effective 07-O1-91 By Resolution No. 91R- Dated__ General Manager Superceding Resolution No. 91R-148 Dated 05-21-9 l Lrtfiines Financial Services ~~'O I~GUI.ATIONS 200 S AnaheJm Blvd. Anaheim. CA 92805 Page No. ? '= : SCHEDULE W-T TR~ORARY SERVICE Applicable for construction work, circuses, Christmas tree lots, bazaars, fairs, plumking pressure testmng, or other smmmlar uses, where the mnstallatmon of a perraanent service connectmen is consmdered impractical. Temporary meters wmll be used for this tylDe of service after an appropriate application and depoemt have been made. ~ATES PER M~TER RATE A (48) - Metered Connections P~R MQNT~ Customer Charqe: Per inch of meter size $ 19.25 Commodity Charts: Per 100 cubic feet $ .32~ .273 The current commodity adjustment amount and pumping surcharge amount, as applicable, shall be added to the a~ove commodity charge. The explanations of the current commodity adjustment and Dumping surcharge amount are located in Schedules W-CA and W-PS. Minimum Charue: The minimum charge shall be the customer charge. ~ATE B (4?) - Unmetered Connections Customer Charqe: For each permit issued $ 19.90 Co~oditv Charts: 1) Tank wagon, per 1000 gallons $ .%0 2) Hose connections for ditches only: a) For depths four felt and less, $ .01 9er lineal foot b) For depths over four feet, $ .02 9er lineal (Continued) ISSUED BY Ed Aghjayan Effective 07-01-91 By Resolution No. 91R- Dated General Manager Superceding Resolution No. 91R-148 Dated 05-21.91 Uulmes Fin~c~ Se~'~ces ~ ~GL~ONS An~e~m Blvd. &n~eim, CA 92805 Page No. SCHED~E W-M ~%CIP~ WATER S~RVIC~ - ~T~R~D S~RVICRS ARPLI~ILI~ Applicable ~o wa~er service for buildings or facilities operated and maintained by ~he City cf PER ~TKR ~T~ (45) P~R Customer Char:e 5/8" X 3/4" Meter $ 17.90 i 1/2" 48.00 88.90 6" 8" 10" 637.20 16" Commodity Charqe: (To be added to Customer Charge) Per 100 Cubic Feet $ The current co~nodity adjustment amount and pu~ing surcharge amount, as applicable, shall be added to the above commodity charge. The explanations of the current co~nodity adjustment and pushing surcharge amounts are located in Schedules W-CA and W-PS. Minimum Charqe: The minimum charge shall be the monthly customer charge. SPECIA?, CONDITION This schedule is subject tO Schedules W-CA, W-PS and rules and regulations of the Utility. ISSUED BY Ed Aghjayan Effective 07-01-91 By Resolution No. 91R- Dated__ General Manager Superceding Resolution No. 91R-148 Dated -~ Cuirass Fin~claJ Services AND REGULATIONS 200 $ Anaheim Blvd. An~etm. CA 92805 Page No. - SCHED~E W-RI ~SID~I~,'AGRI~ WATER S~RVIC~ APPLI~ILI~ Applicable =o all cons~ers of water w~hin ~he c%~y 1imlts of ~ahelm for general domestic and household pu~oses wl~h ~he irrigation of a= leas= f~ve acres for agricultural, horticultural, or flor~cul=ural crops produced primarily for ~he market. PER ~TER ~TE (38) PER MO~ Customer Charts: 5/8" X 3/~" Meter $ 8.40 1" Meter 18.0~ 1 1/2" Meter 3~.50 2" Meter 3' Meter 12%.95 4" Me=at 198.20 6" Meter 410.90 8" Me~er 590.90 Commodity Charge: (To be added to Customer Charge) Per 100 Cubic Feet $ .102 .238 Per acre foot $ 22.C: 103.67 The current agriculture co~modity adjustment amount and pu~ing surcharge amount, as agplicable, shall be added to the above c~odity charge. The explanations of the current commodity adjustment and pumping surcharge amounts are located in Schedules W-CA and W-~S. Minimum Charge: The minimum charge shall be the monthly customer charge. SPECIAL CONDITION This schedule ie subject to Schedules W-CA, W-PS and rules and regulations of the Utility. ISSUED BY Ed Aghjayan Effective 07-01-91 By Resolution No. 91R- Dated__ General Manager Superceding Resolution No. 91R-148 Dated 05-21-9 aTTaCHMENT B 3.~'w04S 0 S 1.1:too RATE REPLACEMENT ,~CHEDULE CURRENT WATER USE HCF (60 days) 10 20 30 40 50 '60 70 80 100 120 140 200 300 Cun'enl Bill (1) $21.83 $2686 $31.89 $39.13 $47.84 $56.55 $65.26 $73.97 $91.39 $10681 $126 23 $178 49 $265.5 NdV~N Bi $22.29 $27.78 $33.27 $,38.76 $44.25 $49.74 $55.23 $60.72 $71.70 $82.68 $93.66 $126.60 $1815 % Change: New rs. Cun'ent 2% 3% 4°,(, -1% -8% -12% -15% -18% -22% -24% -26% -29% 15% LESS WATER USE HCF (60 days) S5 17 25.5 34 425 61 59.5 68 85 102 118 170 255_ New011 $21.47 $26.13 · 630.80 $.:...............~5.47 $40.13 $44.80 $49.47 $54.13 $63.47 $72.80 $82.13 $110.13 I~w. Cun'ent -2% ~ -3% -9~ -16% -21% -24% -27% -31% -33% -35% -38% -41% (1) Based on 2-block inverted rates put into effect May 31, 1991. REPLACEMEHT,~CHEDULE CURRENT WATER USE HCF (60(Mys) 10 20 30 40 ~0 60 80 100 120 140 ~ 200 300 450 CUnM'~BilI(1) $41.13 $4616 $51.19 $M~.22 $61.25 $69.22 $86.64 $10406 $121.48 $138.90 $19116 $278.26 ~408.91 New Bill $41.59 $47.00 $62.57 $~:~8.06 $63.66 $,69.M $6002 $91.00 $101.9(~ $112.96 $145.90 $20080 $283 15 % Ct'mnge: New rs. CUlTerlt 15% LESS WATER USE HCF (60 days) &5 17 25.5 34 425 51 68 85 102 119 170 255 382_5 NewBi $40.77 $45.43 $50.10 $54.77 $..r~.43 $64.10 $7343 $82_77 $92_10 $101.43 $129.43 $176.10 $246~ New rs. Current -1% -2~ -2% -3% -3% -7% -15% -20% -24% -27% -32% -37% -40% (1) Based on 2-block inverted rate~ put into effecl May 31, 1991. CURRENT wATER USE HCF (60 d~y~) 2O 40 60 SO 100 t20 t40 2O0 30O 40O 500 75O ;,00~ Curfrei Bi (t) $44.44 $53.3~ $62.32 $71.26 $80.20 $94.45 $109.29 $15381 $228.01 $302.21 $37~6.41 $5~1 91 $747_41 New Bill $45.36 $56.22 $66.08 $74.94 $84.80 $94.66 $104.52 $134.10 $183.40 $232.70 $28200 ~K)5 25 ~528 5( % Change: New rs. Cu~en~ 2% 3% 4% 5% 6% 0% .4% -13% -20% .23% -25% -28% -29% 15% LESS WATER USE HCF (80 days) 17 34 51 68 85 102 119 170 255 Io 425. 637,5. 85 New Bill $43.88 $52_26 $60.64 $69.Q2 $77.41 $85.79 $94.17 $1~9.31 $16122 3. t2 $24503 $~4979 $45, % Cha'tge: -38% -39 (l) Based on 2-blod[ inverted rates put into effect May 31, 1991. RATE'~-; CO!.II.~ERCIALAND1NDUSTRIALCUSTOMERSWITH4-1NCH METERS '. : RArE REPLACEMENT SCHEDU! F Ct~ WA k'~J~ II.J~E HC, F (30 day~ 'g00 400 100 100 1.000 1.6~;X) 2.000 3,O00 6,000 ~,000 e. ooo i o. ooo 1 Cun4~!IBlI(1) t,1~6.~6 ~27&0~, ~3~.4~ ~i4~4.~ ~1.76 $962_75 $1,333.75 ~1;2.076.75 $3.669.76 t~4.301.76 ~5.78~.76 $7.26976 New Big 61~.e6 dla94.46 t:3a,3.06 t491.~ t~90.26 $~6.76 $t.063.26 $t.~76.26 S,?.r,62.26 t.3.0r~.2~ t,4.04t .26 t~6.027 26 $~.ot 3: % ~: *30% -3; % -3~ % Newv~ C~TeOI -3% -4% -~% ~ -13% -2~% -3o% -3~% (I) Oas~J ea Z-block; invert~ rates put into ¢~[cct May 31. 1991,