1965-504RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AMENDING CERTAIN ITEMS OF THE ELECTRIC RATE SCHEDULES ADOPTED BY SAID RESOLUTION NO. 4274 ALSO CERTAIN ITEMS AS AMENDED BY SAID RESOLUTIONS 642?-, 6699 AND ALSO PART OF 65R40. 6437 NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Anaheim that the following schedules of rates be used to replace all wording and rate charges as set forth in previous adopted schedules D 3, PI -C, PI -D, pA -1 and L -S -1 and are hereby adopted es attached. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that except as amended, hereinbefore set forth Resolutions 4274, 6637, 6699 and 65R40 shall remain in full force and effect, and that amended rates hereinunder shall become effective on all bills rendered to consumers reflecting consumption for any complete billing period commencing on or after the 1st day of July, 1965. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is approved and signed by, on this day of Tune 1965 ATTEST: CITY CLERK, CITY OF ANAHEIM State of California) County of Orange City of Anaheim S. Se 65R -504 I, DENE M. WILLIAMS, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 29th day of June 1965 by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Dutton, Pebley, Schutte, Chandler and Krein NOES: COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: None AND I FURTHER CERTIFY that the Mayor of the City of Anaheim approved and signed said resolution on the 29th day of June 1965. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal of the City of Anaheim this �9th day of ,Tune 1965 AYOR OF THE CITY OF AN,`HEIM I, DENE M. WILLIAMS, CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM, DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE FOREGOING IS THE ORIGIN• AL OF RESOLUTION NO. G e- mac? l{ DULY PASSED AND ADO D BY THE ANAHEIM CITY COUNCIL ON C:' 29 G 29th CITY CLERK CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM RATE DOMESTIC SERVICES (ELECTRIC SCHEDULE D -3 ANAHEIM) APPLICABILITY Rate A: Applicable to all consumers for general domestic and household purposes in a single family accomodation. Rate B: Applicable to a single family with both electric range and water heater. Rate C: Applicable to a single family where all lighting, cooking, and heating is electric. Rate A: First 12 KWH or less per meter per month $1.10 Next 33 KWH per meter per month................ 4.4t per KWH Next 60 KWH per meter per month........°.... 3.Ot per KWH Next 105 KWH per meter per month................ 2 <Ot per KWH All Excess KWH per meter per month................ 1.4t per KWH Rate B: First 210 KWH per Rate A per meter per month Next 450 KWH per meter per month................ 1.0t per KWH Over 660XWH per meter per month................ 1.4t per KWH Rate C: First 210 KWH per Rate A per meter per month Next 450 KWH per meter per month................ 1.0t per KWH Over 660 KWH per meter per month.........,...... 1.1t per KWH MINIMUM CHARGE First 12 KW or less of connected load in major equipment: $1.10 per meter per month. All over 12 KW of connected load in major equipment: $0.30 per KW per month. SPECIAL CONDITIONS (a) Non domestic lighting will be permitted on the domestic schedule in amounts not to exceed 300 watts. For installations exceeding this amount, separate metering on appropriate schedule will be required. Non domestic service is defined as any service used in an enterprise operated for income, or any other service not requisite to the domestic habitation of a single family dwelling, in an apartment house, court group or similar multi family accomodation, service to metered multi family accommodations, laundry rooms and other common uses, will be considered as domestic, also up to 300 watts of non domestic lighting per each family accomodation will be allowed on metered service. (b) Rate "B" is applicable only where the consumer has an electric range and an electric water heater, both permanently installed and used both exclusively for all cooking and water heating on the premises, and conforming to the following specifications: (1) Water heater shall be provided with an efficiently insulated storage tank and shall be equipped with two heating units each separately controlled by an individual thermostat. The thermostat control circuit shall be interconnected to cause one heating unit to cut off when the other heating unit is on. (2) Wattage ratings shall not exceed 5000 for the higher wattage heating unit and 2500 watts for the lower wattage heating unit. (c) Rate "C" is applicable only when special condition "b" has been met and all space heating is done electrically (resistance or heat pump). (d) Major equipment is any device for domestic use of 1000 watts or more. Each horsepower of connected motor lead shall be considered as equiv- alent to 1000 watts. Connected load for water heaters will be the rating of the lower heating unit. (e) The City at its election and expense may regulate the hours of use of any water heater and space heating load under this schedule and may limit the amount of such additional load that it is obligated to accept. (f) Where all of the single family accommodations in an apartment house, court group or similar multi family accommodations are on a single meter, Rate A shall be multiplied by the number of single family accommodations on the meter, where each accommodation qualified for special conditions "b" or "c" multiply by number of accommodations. Customer has option of billing on General Service Schedule. A customer shall not resell electricity to another person at any charge higher than their pro -rata share of the total charges as rendered by the City of Anaheim. This paragraph shall not apply to a flat rate charge as a portion of the rental of the space occupied. (h) Service voltage to a single family accommodation will be 120 volts or 120 -240 volts single phase. Wattage rating on any single piece of space heating equipment shall not exceed 5000 watts. (9) Resolution Effective -2- CITY OF ANAHEIM Anaheim, California POWER GENERAL CONNECTED LOAD BASIS SCHEDULE P -1 -C SERVICE Applicable to all consumers of general power service. RATE First 100 KWH per HP of connected load per month First 100 KWH 405 Next 400 KWH 3.0 Excess KWH 2.4 Next 100 KWH per HP of connected load per month All KWH 101 All excess KWH Oo9st MINIMUM CHARGE $1025 per HP of connected load per month. But in no case shall the minimum charge be less than the charges for 2 HP, single phase or the charges for 3 HP, three phase. SPECIAL CONDITIONS (a) This schedule applies to service rendered at one standard power voltage. (b) Connected load is the sum of the rated capacities of all the consumer's equipment that it is possible to connect to the City's lines at the same time, determined to the nearest 1 /10 HP. 746 Watts equivalent to 1 HP. (c) Whenever, upon test, any motor under normal operating condition is found to be delivering more than 125 per cent of its capacity as indicated by its nameplate rating, the City may disregard the nameplate rating and base its charges upon the output as calculated from test. Any motor which is billed on a basis in excess of its nameplate rating in accordance with this special condition shall be tested upon notification by the consumer of a permanent change in operating conditions. (d) Where X -Ray apparatus is served under this schedule, the minimum charge applicable thereto shall be as follows: (1) Where X -Ray apparatus is metered separately from the other load: $3.00 per month, except where transformer capacity is installed exclusively to serve the X -Ray apparatus, the minimum charge will be $1.00 per month per KVA of such capacity but not less than $3.00 per month. (2) Where X -Ray apparatus is metered in combination with other load: $1.25 per month per KVA of X -Ray apparatus capacity as established by the City of Anaheim. (e) No adjustment in minimum charge will be made for any temporary reduction of connected load. Date issued Resolution No. Date effective CITY OF ANAHEIM Anaheim, California RATE Resolution No. POWER GENERAL DEMAND BASIS SCHEDULE P -1 -D SERVICE Applicable to all consumers of general power service where the billing demand is not less than 35 KW. First 150 KWH per KW of billing demand per month First 1000 KWH 2.8 Next 4000 KWH 2.3G Excess KWH 1.5G Next 150 KWH per KW of billing demand per month All KWH 0.9C All excess KWH 0.8 MINIMUM CHARGE First 35 KW Billing Demand or less•........._••••.• $50.00 per month All over 35 KW Billing Demand 1.00 per KW per month SPECIAL CONDITIONS (a) This schedule applies to service rendered at one standard power voltage. (b) The Billing Demand shall be the Kilowatt of measured maximum demand but in no case shall be less than either (1) 50% of the contracted for or connected load, or (2) 50% of the highest measured maximum demand in preceding eleven months, whichever is the greater. Maximum demand registration shall be con- verted to the nearest one -tenth (1 /10) Billing Kilowatt, but in no case less than 35 KW, (c) The measured maximum demand in any month shall be the maximum kilowatt input indicated or recorded by instruments to be supplied by the City, in the 15 minute interval in which the consumption of electric energy is greater than in any other 15-minute interval in the month or, at the option of the City, may be determined by tests from time to time. Where the demand is inter- mittent or subject to violent fluctuations, the maximum demand may be based upon a shorter time interval. (d) Connected load is the sum of rated capacities of all of the consumer's equip- ment that it is possible to connect to the City's lines at the same time, determined to the nearest 1 /10 KW. (e) No adjustment in minimum charge will be made for any temporary reduction of connected load. Date issued Date effective CITY OF ANAHEIM Anaheim, California SERVICE RATE POWER AGRICULTURAL SERVICE SCHEDULE PA -1 Applicable to all consumers of agricultural power service. Size of Annual Service installation HP Charge per HP 2 to 4.9 5 to 14.9 15 to 49.9 50 to 99.9 100 and over $7.50 $7.00 $6.50 $6.00 $5.5 ENERGY CHARGE IN ADDITION TO SERVICE CHARGE RATE PER KWH FOR CONSUMPTION PER HP PER YEAR 1st 1000 2nd 1000 All over 2000 KWH KWH KWH 0.77 0.77c 0.770 0.77 0.77 0.59 0.59 0.59 0.59 0.59 MINIMUM CHARGE The annual minimum charge shall be the service charge, but in no case will the total annual service charge be less than $15.00 for single phase service nor less than $22.50 for three phase service. SPECIAL CONDITIONS (a) This rate applies to service rendered at 240 or 480 volts at the option of the consumer. All necessary transformers to obtain such voltage will be installed, owned and maintained by the City of Anaheim. (b) The agricultural year upon which this rate is based shall consist of twelve consecutive months, the end of the first month being the first regular meter reading taken during the month of May and the end of the last month being the last regular meter reading taken during the month of April of the succeeding year. (c) The service charge is payable in six monthly installments during the months of May to October inclusive. Consumers, whose normal use of energy does not occur within the period May through October, may elect, if satisfactory to the City of Anaheim, another six months within which to pay the service charge, provided such period shall not begin later than the month of October. The energy charge is payable monthly as energy is used. (d) Any consumer may obtain the rates for a larger installation by guaranteeing the rates and service charge applicable to the larger installation. (e) Whenever, upon test, any motor is found to be delivering more than 125% of its capacity as indicated by its name plate rating, the City may disregard the name plate rating and base its charges upon the actual output as calculated from the test. CITY OF ANAHEIM Schedule PA -1 Anaheim, California Page 2 (f) (9) Prorating for a fractional agricultural year: Where a full agricultural year is not available to the consumer, due to the occurrence after the regular meter reading date in April, of any of the following contingencies, the above rate will be prorated for a fractional agricultural year: 1. Where a new consumer starts service. 2. Where a change of ownership occurs prior to the end of the pump- ing season the new owner continues service on the old customer's contract and pays all charges which would have accrued for continuous service. 3 Where a change in connected load occurs prior to the end of the pumping season. Method of prorating: New Customer: 1. The service charge will be applicable each month to meter readings taken in the six consecutive months of May through October inclusive. For service after the above period, service charge may be paid in two installments. 2. The size of energy blocks and service charges will be reduced by the ratio that the number of days of service in the fractional agricultural year bears to 365 days. 3. Change of Connected Load Where there is an increase or decrease in connected load during the agricultural year, no adjustments in bulling to date of change will be made. For the period subsequent to date of change, billing shall be made on the following basis. 1. Any remaining service charge installments shall be based on the new connected load. 2. Energy charge billing will be based on the new connected load using the full annual blocks less the adjusted kilowatt -hour use to date of change. This adjustment is determined by multiplying the kilowatt -hours to date of change by the ratio of the new connected load to the old connected load. Date issued Resolution No. Date effective SERVICE RATE L -S -1 LIGHTING STREET AND HIGHWAY CUSTOMER -OWNED INSTALLATION Applicable to street and highway lighting where customer owns and maintains street lighting equipment. (1) Metered Rates Forst 150 KWhrs per month per KW of lamp load............... 3.0 All excess KWhrs per month per KW of lamp load .7 (2) Flat Rate All night For each KW of lamp load $6.60 per month LAMP LOAD Incandescent Lumens 600 800 1000 2500 4000 6000 10,000 15,000 25,000 Watts 42 57 62 143 210 310 525 755 1,275 Sodium Vapor 10,000 Lumens 232 Watts Mercury Vapor Resolution Lumens 11,000 15,000 20,000 35,000 55,000 Watts 292 447 447 753 1,058 Midnight $5.00 SWITCHING FACILIT'LES The customer shall furnish, maintain and operate switching facilities. Date issued Date effective