1965-681RESOLUTION NO. 65R-681 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF A JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE ORANGE COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT, ORANGE COUNTY WAThR DISTRICT, THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AND THE CITY OF GARDEN GROVE, FOR THE PURPOSE OF RETAINING AN ENGINEERING-GEOLOGIST TO DETER- MINE THE STRENGTH AND STABILITY OF THE BANKS OF THE SANTA ANA RIVER BETWEEN BALL ROAD AND SOUTH STREET. WHEREAS, an excavation along the westerly side of the Santa Ana River between Ball Road and South Street is being deepened through the removal of clay, sand and gravel for sale; and WHEREAS, the continuing deepening of said excavation may impair the strength and stability of the material lying between the excavation and the river channel to a degree that river flood flows might break out; and WHEREAS, varying elevations of ground water in the area and the effect of water spreading in the adjacent flood control channel might result in instability of the banks sur- rounding the excavation; and WHEREAS, a breakout of flood flows into the river into the excavation might result in the Santa Ana River seeking one of its historic routes through portions of the Cities of Anaheim and Garden Grove with widespread property damage; and WHEf,EAS, it appears advisable to determine the prob- able behavior of the banks of the excavation under various conditions of flood flows and ground water levels; and WHEI,EAS, the Orange County Flood Control District, Orange County Water District, the City of Anaheim and the City of Garden Grove desire to enter into a joint powers agreement for the purpose of retaining an engineering-geologist to make such determination. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT LESOLVILD by the City Council of the City of Anaheim that an agreement be made and entered into by and between the Orange County Flood Control District, Orange County Water District, the City of Anaheim and the City of Garden Grove providing as follows: 1. Orange County Flood Control District shall retain an engineering-geologist for the purpose of making borings along the levee, sampling materials en- countered, analyzing the properties and behavior of the encountered material and determining the probable strength and stability of the banks under anticipated extreme conditions. -1- 3. Orange County Flood Control District shall advance all of the engineering geologist's fees which have previously been estimated at less than Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000.00). This limitation shall be specified in the contract with the engineering geologist. Promptly upon demand Orange County Flood Control District shall be reimbursed for portions of said fees in accordance with the following schedule: Orange County Water District 30% of the total fees City of Anaheim 30% of the total fees City of Garden Grove 10% of the total fees BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Mayor and City Clerk be, and they are hereby authorized to execute said agreement for and on behalf of the City of Anaheim. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is approved and signed by me this 7th day of September, 1965. A TEST: 2. The choice of the engineering geologist and the specifications of the contract for his services shall meet with the approval of the Chief Adminis- trative Officers of each of the parties to said agreement. LE K sF HE Y .NAHEIM YOR OF THE CITY 0 •N.HEIM STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF ORANGE ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM I, DENE M. WILLIAMS, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 65R -681 was introduced and adopted at a regular meeting provided by law, of the City Council of the City of Anaheim, held on the 7th day of September, 1965, by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Dutton, Pebley, Chandler and Klein NOES: COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: Schutte AND I FURTHER CERTIFY that the Mayor of the City of Anaheim approved and signed said Resolution No. 65R -681 on the 7th day of September, 1965. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of the City of Anaheim this 7th day of September, 1965. (SEAL) I, DENE M. WILLIAMS, CITY CLERK CF THE CITY OF AN:':HFI DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE FOREGOING IS THE AL OF RESOLUTION NO. 65R -681 DULY 'AS`_,ED A';D ADOPXED BY THE ANAHEIM CITY COUNCIL ON 9 -7 -1965. CItY CLERK CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM