1965-954WHEREAS, Orange County is nationally recognized as a major metropolitan area and the county with the second highest retail sales in the State of California; and WHEREAS, Orange County's twenty -four cities form a densely compacted area with a population in excess of 1.1 million people which is greater than all but five United States' cities; and WHEREAS, increase in industry and commerce has made Orange County one of the leading manufacturing c unties in the United States, particularly in the critical defense and air- space industry production; and WHEREAS, Orange County is becoming an educational center with the location of the University of California Irvine, California State College Fullerton, several junior colleges and private colleges; and WHEREAS, Orange County, under the lead rship of the City of Anaheim, its largest city, is becoming adsports and convention center of international recognition; and WHEREAS, it is a hardship for businessmen, educators, and other citizens to travel by surface transportation the long distances and extra hours tO airports outside of Orange County for air travel to the cities of San Francisco and Sacramento; and WHEREAS, direct air travel between the cities of San Francisco and Sacramento and the Orange County airport would expedite and facilitate the visitors and conventioners traveling to Orange County. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Anaheim that the California Public Utilities Com- mission be commended to grant a Certificate of Necessity to allow scheduled Direct Airline Service from Orange County Airport to San Francisco and Sacramento in that a hardship is imposed on the citizens of Orange County without such service; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Clerk of the City of Anaheim is directed to transmit a copy of this Resolution to the California Public Utilities Commission and the Board of Supervisors of Orange County. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is signed and approved by me this 21st day of December, 1965. ST: RESOLUTION NO. 65R -954 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF TH OF ANAHEIM REQUESTING THAT THE CALIFO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION GRANT CERT CATION FOR DIRECT AIRLINE SERVICE FROM ORANGE COUNTY AIRPORT TO SAN FRANCISCO SACRAMENTO. CI CLERK OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM CITY IA FI AND .0'I'd STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF ORANGE CITY OF ANAHEIM (SEAL) I, DENE M. WILLIAMS, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 65R -954 was introduced and adopted at a regular meeting provided by law, of the City Council of the .City of Anaheim,held the 21st day of December, 1965, by the follow;ng vote pf thq Members Thereof: 'AYES: COUNCILMEN: Dutton, Pebley, Chandler and Krein NOES: COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: Schutte AND I FURTHER CERTIFY that the Mayor of the City of Ahaheim,iapproved and "signed said Resolution No. 65R -954 on the 21st day of December, 1965. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of the City of Anaheim this 21st day of December, 1965. I, DENE M. WILLIAMS, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing is the original of Resolution No. 65R -954 duly passed and adopted by the Anaheim City Council on Dec'eitber 21 1965'. CITY' CLERK OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM CITY CLERK