3761O'LO'TS: 3761 T C, 0 --IL OY' `0 E CITY OF 2, 1% EIII DOE.S 0'_D7r_ o �7 C' 7 I _j ?JC/ r-, 'rn- T, 'I , . D Z- S 0 ri i'G7 o a t.1 c) G C) 4 0 concuct, 7, cic _l ='17 7 'D 4 c-a,_le Ls in accordance with the Drovisions of this Chapter. 2- 71 k_ F L..^/_ r, -C�: - �3- "I 1�2 _Q-l.V­_'C-'__l-_'- f- -(:le bal.L 21 2337 U01)(a) 3 70- 7 0 1 1 (f) T) s I or 2-3 7!i 1 (1) a e an, 'a.--ati— L-n"T -1 1 _� r _Tl "011i Sliall 3D�� elicii`.'._!- -Lo CO 1:0 TO C:Z 1, 0Z:.r C-�- 4 0�, J ,D-1-ovis ions c; tn i S C ` A 2 o r. 4 to 01-)tr _I S UC7., iC 0 o Co C 4 -i- 7, 7 4 Vslall _-1�2 an lfae 0_`.fciC0- 0- -1 e 1CCE O �'1-1 or� 11 CO.0 Z� C 0- E, -0 >71=0V7 C .,Qi-conse L­ I'v 4 -1- SECTION 7.34.040 APPLICANT BUST BE QUALIFIED No license shall be issued to any organization unless such applicant is an eligible organization under Section 7.34.020 and its application conforms to the requirement, terms and conditions of this Chapter. SECTION 7.34.050 LICENSE FEE Each application shall be ac- companied by a license fee in the amount of fifty dollars, one-half of which amount shall be refunded to the applicant if the license is denied. Each licensee shall pay an annual license fee of fifty dollars. SECTION 7.34.060 CONTENTS OF APPLICATION Said application for a license shall contain the following: .010 The name of the applicant orga- nization and a statement that applicant is an eligible organization under Section 7.34.020. .020 The name and signature of at least two (2) officers, including the presiding officer, of the corporation, organization, or comrzurity chest, and the trustee of any trust. .030 The address of the particular property, owned or leased by the applicant and used by such applicant for an office or for performance of the purposes for which the applicant is organized, on which property bingo games will be conducted, together with the occupancy capacity of such place. .040 Proposed days of week and 'hours of day for conduct of bingo games. .050 That the applicant agrees to conduct bingo games in strict accordance with the provi- sions of Section 326.5 of the Penal Code and this Chapter as they may be amended from time to time, and agrees that the license to conduct bingo games may be revoked by tze City Manager upon violation of any of such provisions. .060 The applicant shall also submit, with its application, a Certificate or Determination of Exemption, or a letter of good standing from the Exemption Division of the Franchise Tax Board in Sacramento, showing exemption from the payment of the bank and corporation tai,, under Sections 23701(a) , 23701(b) , 23701(d) , 23701(e) , 23701(f), 23701(g) or 23701(l) of the Revenue and Taxation Code of the State of California, and a description of the charitable purposes for which all profits will be used. .07 3 Sc=ilii aJ"J1lcat?Ol shall 'bC Slgii°vCt bV the a:Jplici G' n—IL: anaer pe_malty CI.).. --a r'Jurv. 7. " . 070F ;. 10.. ' �'1 �! rl ._ J .0 i i' 'cvZ'Jt of .i a-,Dlicction ail '. 'p lc -Eez, Ifie --icense :`ol' Cc C S'zL l� reser ...1','- Sa.=.._ i'3fGri^.5:.el, � � .iG'.-p:21"t�t .�Clii.,S of ��.hC :...1LC% incl i.1C ii g, but- not -.:o, - I'le c it'.T _ a'_'ia er , c i r'l A.t-t-orney, Planninc Dep art.ment, Police 3eioa.r tment- a-11, the Fi--; ::IC�. c..i 4wt«..._t. or :.iVt_St1= at.1o_3 as ,.. or not all the S-Ccitei0ents 1n t 1fte c 1rJ! ? catlQn are ,..1_ .. e 2nCi whether Or nol: the .%ro-oerti7 of :.ale -D-Dl .can— qua1i- .LI , a.nd t±'iE' E"<Ia"!rn'G to ?'ab%1C-1 1t G?3allfiC S, as JwC'J^r'C�� on T'7hich bingo G.ar?,.cs .- aV lavfullzi be cor.6,uctell. ti_s to J. Lre, occup nC-y, zoning , a.l'±d OGi''_C_ a -i,:) :'l:,_C x.'J tions. - >a+ r;� ,z 7. ;� /� n ,r•+ n- r� ,--r-: cam"+ -p r pon bcing satisfic- 4;.'. _t the a -D- licant is fullv ama.lifle:i under law '.:O cO21«uct bingo games at the -nro;posee location in the City c- �ilaaluii,:, t. e City �,"anacTer shall issue a sic a.se to sa=cy; p:..lica?1t, which shall contain :-ie-followinc inforr anion: - .0110 orqallization to :,.hick the license is issue"'.. .020 --'he ad.dress where 'AnUo are authorized to be cone'ucte;i. .030 -,he occupanc T capacity o � the room in :,.,Iiic•:•'i bingo gai_�es are 'CO BJP coi.f_-'j cte' .~ .O/10 `ihe ;_ate of t -ie of such licensem. . 150 Suc.2 other info —ma.tion as 't.atT he necessary or (esira�Jli for the enf=orce ien.t of the oX-O i- sions a'- this chat.tcr. . L'-.,�.r� '7 ^� p T.� �`C',.Ji'..-..C-�- rig SY.C? ?Di! 7 .34 0_ Sv E ]� i S-_�w sa.a,C,,'{ Ua• G_ LIC;_ "'S pp 1-._:TDI_,,GOiir j1.tV_tiir� FOL` i iS .b1..+ _ 010 '�'_ henever it ao,,.ears to the city i''anager ttha.t the Licensee is co l S ctin bin,c-o c a'_ _e i: -i violation o'`' c_!T Qf the provisions of this c".1 twr, '.Il Ci -'L_ -z7 _' anac cr "hall have i.?G pi t 703 iY J 'tC Sts :art l :? Si_�s end 1G+ license and OrC Qr filo 13Ce}lsve '%Q cst.--lv t.: ase and -:".esist an:7 ft?rt'1Cr o alCrQ1:1 :n of any . lnuo c,"? ::a. -3- .'020 11{ 7'Or7c:iE !hJ vC) iLL_-1-L7 es L..0 r.'011d'.1Ct a 1n� O <jaz n:e a- ter i1h 7 Sit a i _J S uS �Ot1S ZOi? thereof under S1,fosection .010 Si -'Gall be ( eeI-e:_ ,uilty of a misdemeanor and conviction thereof shall be punishable by a fine not exceeuing $500.00 or by iv.l- arisonment in jail for a �-eri od not e<'ceedinq sL-I months, or by both suc=.h fine andiprisor _ent. J'� - Sub- .iJ.J�.s --.-;he order issue,"" i.7licse.l SeCtiOii .010 shall also :lo -IC -L: j7 -tie licensee "Lqat it shall have five ftiaV frOT;" the 'ate O ti Si;C°'' Orc':e-1- to request a hearing to &.� t-armLinc T`het he'' S' CIi licel' se shall be revoke . Failure to rea ues z, in w1: i i -i -1 , Such hearing b ,fore -Che r:itt! : ian c"ur wit",.iii saik_ - .tie -day period, Shall result in a revocation of the license. • J L!t on such request S..- for a jhcari ZC by a-. �' licensee whose license has been S been r.C,'.e__: Un:�ii r :subsection .010, the Cit -V 1ana;jer shall proviE_`-e such hear- ing within ten da,7S after reC L_Dt o- such reauest at which hearing the suspended licensee may ar-De ar before t'le City fanacier for -she Dur�,,oSe of p ese`s`Iti u eViE�3_enca why the license should not be revOke(7. !O license shall be revoked _ender this Section. unless no-�].c '. of the time and place of such near-ing shall have first boon given at, least five dans before the nearing t,,,—icre_oy by "e cs'ti-, in -the Ur_i-Leu States -mail a. notice Directed:. to sa.ic sus- ne?nded license at the address given in the anplication. The notice shall set :Corti, Gam. .Cii.liELnary of the around a' -_v ;.cepa s to basis of to si spension and; revocation. 7n_7 _�eci- sion by the City '-anacer to revol.e saiCl. license shall be crivcn in ifl7rltinc ttlicensee b Lo he icens_7 G'e OS 1'iiihC' u CO -f tereof in the 6nited States ail. Saic'notice shall s to te, t- e ground's _-For such revocation • TT �� 1 '/ �f /� ('x.050 C'1.1111y organ lizal.i�JS'�1 whose Ce .(�t�.�.C.�n'..shi�'e is re VOiled by t1ae �ril.j7 I:'Iana(. +.��...L L. ncie1 SSZ11bseVrliio-a- •0,1_0 Ac_"eotf shall have the richt to as -ocal suc Decision to -le- Cit_7 Council in accorca nce t<Tit h tie rocel ares s.ecifi wi i h Section iowler, such o rc+a'i ization shall 1"1O t conduct any bingo Car, III the. CZty unless 2.n unj4..il 3'tlC a time as t1he !Cit -v Council, On api-_)eai, C et-ei:.,,,i nes to Overrule the -decision of the City N'ani' --cr . vr� �-. J n7 r -r .010 7,71henever it- ap;-_ ear,s to ;:hc Ci ty >'anaCc'_r t�1a t. the licensee iS co L1CtliaCr 'J� I2U0 c c.I1;--s i_1 violation of any of the rO`?i S iO1S of tLli5 C1 =;' 3- flat t'=e lice -11 -se was C%i�e;.ai eC: a�'T=r�z.iC:L1�e:i'Cc- -Cion, and no sum: mar J Sus -.,:)-`ns 1 oih is Orrue:; aC.`_ Un -er SC-C'v- Q -' _'s, i < 4 z,> J ;� v 7.341.O90, the c� zs �a. vo„ the licensee :-:ia - c -ppecar lac+ or-? ._`he 4 i-7 _cLi a 71r iell.i 1 e.rC L 7 taer.ity :c ha �:L co V4h _ . ^�"OS t✓ t L` ! sznt? nq t : I7 uC:_=`nc a c'7.A_T �'_?ti s_? L '.y iSi, 7:.i01._ar_ -ao t .D:. ��' JE�..E C . -4_e Sjj<_i7 '-I., -7-nS- C -iV-- 4V-, 4 4 T- no n-!- 4 CC t i c a C, fress C El'�- s - set t-- 0 Z C (�CC4S40, '•yj �'�-I- 4 4,;a I'V e n i L, 7 I -IF lice-risee �',D-DOS 1 1�1-'-a"-es Pi D a t4C_ S'�,a.jl 0 ._,I?CC 'J �C-,Ca., I --a io- s -4, C) 3-C, e, a. I ED u C Cl 1 .5 1011 0 7 110 t'o-i 7 E.- v S,:. 0 r 7 Z�L j-_ Z Fj s_ -_c,;.1__ -LI -YC v saa_.ii 4 -c'm L 0s, �3 4 77 % S J=! -,-- ,-- - -L ?-" - as Clit- ��o .7 to ov-rrule the decision of the 'Cit-,", J inv 2:1:�v -r- D �lc Len r!2- vol..,---'. Com..4 01 Com: 7 7' C.n 3 ;D 17 sT-la. ca.usc t-l-Lz S 2. C, aL 7 1 %av- -,--Ie 0-, 0 c..,. a*D�D-al 02.- 0" 1 �n s -j S, 'Cil "Cou-1aC, il -DI-I ---e IDC --I Cll T.'7110SC 1� ZS f" a c v o a 77 110 cI. a i t a 7 7 -;70 - a co-n-1-7luctc�a,-3s in o of 4 i,3 4 4 z;'- .0, i t-ne su-'- ^,'^C,.. a _.'l 171 PL -U-j -evenue n i V --Or E,. 0_: S-11�- C "S USC 10 .,,.ewns a uzac'taa�lcc 111 -C, a F7D, ca--rf wi-ic- con- - -.- -L - -'- � 4- - , S � � s C'. s i a - e,,- ,-orj-.-. to cr a'- SECTION , . 34.130 OF F.IZE The total value of prizes awarded during the conduct of any bingo games shall not exceed two hundred fifty dollars (•$250.00) in cash or kind, or both, for each separate game which is held. Each progressive play in a series which continues to utilize and count any numbers or symbols called and utilized in a previous part oaf said progression shall be deemed part of the same bingo garde for purposes of this Section, even though a separate prize may be awarded for each part of said progression. SECTION 7.34.140 FALSE OF i:TISLLAOING ADVERTISING It shall be unlawful for anv person, firm, corporation or association, with intent directly or indirectly to induce, encourage or solicit any person to participate in any bingo game or games auth- orized pursuant to this Chapter, to maJ�e or disseriinate or cause to be made or disseminated before the public in this City, in any newspaper or other publication, or any advertising device, or by public outcry or proclamation, or any other manner or means whatsoever, any statement concerning any such bingo game including, but not limited to, the amount of prizes to be awarded or distributed in any game, which is untrue or i-isleading, and which is known or which, by the exercise of reasonable care, should be known to be untrue or misleading. SECTION 7.34.150 PROFITS TO BE KEPT IN SEPARATE FUND OR ACCOUNT All profits derived from any bingo game by any organization exempt from payment of the bank and corporation tax by Section 23701(d) of the Revenue and Taxation Code shall be kept in a special fund or ac- count and shall not be commingled with any other fund or account. Such profits shall be used only for charitable purposes. With respect to other organizations authorized to conduct bingo games pursuant to this Chapter, all pro- ceeds derived from a bingo garde shall be kept in a special fund or account and shall not be commingled with any other fund or account. Such proceeds shall be used only for charitable purposes, except as follows: (1) Such proceeds may be used for prizes. (2) A portion of such proceeds, not to exceed ten percent (10%) of the proceeds after the deduction for prizes, or five hundred dollars ($500.00) per month, whichever is less, may be used for rental of property, overhead, and administrative expenses. -6- Ij T T 7 . 3ZI . _%v 10) -I,o inCivi L,,:,a-!-, corporation, ?Dar t- nZrship, or otI,.er lac -.al entit-7 e.-:cejpt_ i licensea shF 4 holC]. a financial L _Lnterest La -if,-.e cor.(: uct of such billco CIN'i'I'Mie. 51.: C'_IJP 1 7 4 7 It shall be the Luty o_ -F_ evcry licensee to 3--ce-c) and -,,preserve -or a, Serio:: o Z' th e c years, all records, ledgers an", accounts _relating- ":0 -":11c -Proceed.s and an,3- the Cistri'--atio-a o--,-- a'Ll pro fi-i--s, derived f-ror,. 'JZ-''goqar-.es as are necessary to deterr,ine or establish com-oliance with -l=ire --)rovisions o*_z t1ais Cha-7,ter, whicIl- recorOs shall be -,acIe Fvailal-JIa bV L -Ithe licensee .,,-o he Citv T\_u6.itor, or his s ic,;­_aate- rasentat-ive, at all reasonable ti?'Iles US �-%7T' 0 1 7�-17 7 Wit___ ­S 7_1 Sj7�Cr_PI07�4 7•:.41•'x0 T. bingo c-c-vi'.ios ha J. 4� 1 b 0 --,,D c: r a -c- C,--. F con lucte"- urid staffed only by culbers of the licensee orcranization. Eaca licensee oruanization shall hoe -i -I ane,, a cu-_1-rcn-IC roster containing nal-Aes Of all of its Y,-teribers,, w1aich roster shall be cons -,.:D ic-aous ly on -Ezie �A,lhare such are- com-74'.u(t-O"Id anCS shal be open to pul-lic; t.eo'. at all s 1 _'l not receive uc.h. gzu�­Ies are conductedl. SuICI-I -.I-"e:�,-J'h_O'rs k.. a Y)rofi-tk--, wau_e, salary or other consi,_"'era'zic-_:'i -:­OT- bingo ;as includincF any free or ."isco-c-ate" iplav _111 t binuo cja-I-nc. 0-n! W tJie licens s I)a so I an - c L oD o, a !_-!.0 such or ­,.ixticli-,ate il- s -a- V - s J c n s,c.ri uai,,Le. or any other -.Di,-,as(-, o-, ST-rr�'To--I -C All I —a:) 3C, -not jusCo 0 __-I L-io-n. SED -12 -17 2 0 C: A - _.s t_zz:­, C7, at: oil-Icro 4C e a ny are o- e-:1 z -o 0 � 7 --ac!Z i I'l W, a_�� 60 _hD Q� L_�J'3 D_ M t_1Z OCCU On"C.. Cai? 7- 7. ivi S _-7 C) 7- �a, j Li res erve, sc;:E:n-_s o- fn r i -7 -7- 0- C�r j,) r 0 4 S 7�5e� -!--l-,7 S' r-- ari -c- o .Lor 0.- 7^ E-1 -L4 n Ls orcemiz-� -_,7 11�, Is Oln. shall -,I-ic; holder thereof to conduct bingo only on s-uc', 0 ;-s is s 7)4 i c a t -i -o---- ,_7 1 e asCC a-,-, -`sI S 0 -L-ie lici�ns.c sh-all --lave no cc-nse -3-0. 1 ap-plication -,in c:--- 2' -is j cascs pro -pc-,--ty s c .y -.-:o - an ;-Dllcc C -L- -L-le -,D ;..17 Os:'S or-za-n S 0 4 _L_ - S. -,- - - n OW! S i 10 7 31 4 9 "�c --.rson I E: u r- A- �—C� n 7 rT t -e e n C)T, 7 0 is 0' --c cc t s i a c i_._- L-0 binc,o ua-,---ilcs 'T,t'l.,. a --,l- Y 1 -7 017'C- Of C-70--7 : 7 ,io liczurlscc -U. - -'thEm sil: C) 11 S C I v c hour Dlours o -F nc, ci a CiG.-17 . SECTION 7.34.250 PARTICIPANT MUS`." BE PRESENT No Person shall be allowed to participate in a bingo game unless the Person is physi- cally present at the time and place in which the bingo game is being conducted. SECTION 7.34.260 RECEIPT OF PROFIT BY A P?'RSOIN - A MISDEMEANOR UNDER STATE LAV. It is a misdemeanor under Section 326.5(b) of the Penal Code of the State of California for any person to receive or pay a profit, wage or salary from any bingo game authorizerl under this Chapter, a violation of which is punishable by a fine not to exceed ten thousand dollars (510,000), which fine shall be deposited in the general fund of the City of Anaheim. A violation of any other provision of this Chapter shall be a misdemeanor Punishable as set forth in Section 1.01.370 of the Anaheim Municipal Code. SECTION 7.34.270 CITY MAY ENJOIN VIOLATION The City of Anaheim may bring an action in a court of competent jurisdiction to enjoin a violation of Section 326.5 of the Penal Code or of this Chapter." SECTION 2. SEVERABILITY The City Council of the City of Anaheim hereby declares that should anv section, paragraph, sentence or word of this chap- ter of the Code, hereby adopted, be declared for any reason to be invalid, it is the intent of the Council that it would have passed all other portions of this chapter independent of the elimination herefrom of any such portion as may be declared invalid. SECTION 3. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this or- dinance and shall cause the same to be printed once within fifteen (15) days after its adoption in the Anaheim Bulletin, a newspaper of general circulation, printed, published and circulated in said City, and thirty (30) days from and after its final passage, it shall tare effect and be in full force. THE FOREGOING ORDINANCE is approved and adopted by the City Council of the City of Anaheim this 4th day of October , 1977. J, ItAYO? OF TIIE CITY OF > dAIIEIF ATTES"' : CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF ANAHEII .7T.67e fm _ti— STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, LINDA D. ROBERTS, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance No. 3761 was introduced at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City ,of Anaheim, held on the 23rd day of August, 1977, and reintroduced as amended at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Anaheim, held on the-27th.day of September, 1977, and that the same was duly passed and adopted at a regular meeting of said City Council held on the 4th day of October, 1977, by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Kaywood, Seymour, Kott, Roth and Thom NOES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: None ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: None AND I FURTHER CERTIFY that the Mayor of the City of Anaheim signed said Ordinance No. 3761 on the 4th day of October, 1977. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of the City of Anaheim this 4th day of October,1977. CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM (SEAL) I, LINDA D. ROBERTS, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing is the original Ordinance No. 3761 and was published once in the Anaheim Bulletin on the 14th day of October, 1977. CITY CLERK asuaoiq ssouisng