25050.1-MINANCE 1,40. 2505 XN ORDINIUICL OF THE CITY OF A1,1AHEIid ILI- IN D 1 1,11 IG TITLE 16' OF Ti -!!i A1dikiEI1.1 kiUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO ZONING. THL CITY C01014-C!'U" OF T.11}: CITY OF D0 2Il 7 �D TEAT: Uid �,q"jERZP.S,, t io City Council , auqpt its '_'`solution 688--170 in declassification Procceaings i,.Io. 67-6b-35 an"' Rcsolu- tion -Jo. 6JR-171 in Reclassification ProcceLings '.,To. 67-60--_56 cietermining twat changes in the zones hereinafter meattioneu and described snoul& be made as lereinafter set fort, after uuly noticed Aearings aria receipt of tl'-Ie reports ani rocor. . enciatiolis of the City Planning Commission. I40"Vij THE CI12Y COUNCIL OF Ti:!E CITY OF DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOGIS; SECTION 1. Twat Title 1G of the !,xiaheim I`Iunici�)al Code relating to Zoning be, and tae same is hereby, amenueu by changing the iDoundaries of tile zones set forte in sail: Title 18 70y aLl iii 1-1 a sectional zoning or :ilia 'QS SLOV71n1 sucill change or changes as follows, -to wit. That all of the ane: area situatec- in tile City Of Anaheim, County Of Orange, State of California, more particularly nereinafter descri';.-.)ed under separate reclassification numbers, be changeLL from tae zones in whicil it is now incorporated to tale zone indicatea for the s,-1,ecific area under each reclassification. Saia property is descri . oeu and designates; as follows; Rh CLASSIFICATION NO. _67-6j-55 PARCEL 014h: 3eginning at the intersection of the Southerly -prolongation of tae v:festerly line of Lot 4 of tie _7DoriinrU.- , SilLoWn -Hic(_ in 3ooji 2, page ij of Record of Surveys in tile office of -t-ne County Record'er of said Coun-'C-v, v7it-. tl7,a sout.Lierl,- line of tie Santa 21.1-1a Valley Irrigation CorxQan­%7 s riglat of v7aY, as siiown on a, -_,.a-L-- -1--11cd in book -11, jpag'� 4.5 of saiku flecorC" of Surveys, t<i_cnc-_ 1s,rite ---iy along sail: South::rly line to its inter sect ioi-,. with tile Sout1-_4­.crj_-T -,:,,roloncaticn of iin,c. of lanc ct u.,.,, L,Jly rc;corL,._­_ .-,:iiwjrU;L1_­­- lon. ­ccorLi.s �:, I a s. 2 o -27 Official o. -Z sai.�_ County o r a suiL. ,.'rolongaticil ouic, eStr=iy lin2,, anL". alolloj ti -.e _iOrt Lolls" i4jo fCe_�. or JUz­�Lo 'Ll_Iail-'. COIIVe-�, S. east- corn- of r-.�_,corL)­c�. ",uc L _J6 in 3 0 e 134 of sail,._ -. 0 O-..-;ffic1ai 6cuti-i b:) 0 1 00 Li `0.20 -Feet to -1--e 14ortl arly lin_­ c. -L-- SFJ� laiia- of L -.a- _L iuorthwast corner thereo-f. 'L-Jilence 1'4ort._L-. 06' 00' 00" along Lie 1,Ior-1--l-ierly rolol'ija _Zl saL._ _1 a n of iialia'La-,,-, 67 -_-L-Loazc: or u as a 0. 1 S Q U t: T lin(;� of - til:illiJa'.�_ co-i-,vc to jo- ��-alc "70U--�r: Crl,7 D, 7 r,_-- c o r 3'1,L -a -s of saic 0 c i a C Csei L 17Ed_L.�� �c L11 0 ` :J U Z) 7 7 6 7 "56 Dint in zlie ILa-_,'L6L 2395; of CaliforniaalLy Lae�., recor,_.c' L Oct ou­ i: 14 1952 117.;:FOCI: ' of saic' ofHciai i,,ecor_-Is, t��-,elice_ alon­ last salc' A- 0 ZI 1 e t tie'ru �ce So'C—i Je �3.1 t" past rly linc; Scu J7° 'Ll' 07 or less, t --c t -n -e t Y Cornor of- c o n V e -Y C to zx Y -a u J_ - 2 c, C, !90, ac;- 125 o' s rccoruc�_ %. o r e c o r,s t-elicc souk . t s s of t o a Joint Sout�ierly -proionc-atiol-i, 730 fect.,. or less, t -'- -orthcri-z line of Ot 3 of saia Do�­,i qu -z S U_ 1 0 :0 A 35' 00" st 9 "_ L -jej-,Cc alone �4 .L s a ic iorti��:ciy ii--ncr Sout., Lot 4 of sai" I k- tiawest corner of zect, -more or less, to tne !.;or LO-Iyjijjguez i'istatc,, taence Sou-"�1a ajojq � e st iin_� o f s a i C-, L� , L-11 Lot122'0' feet, i'.iorc or icss, to tale. poi1tof i)eginnin(T. PIUL"'CLIj T"I"i" 0 '. :Beginning at ti -1e Southwest corner of Lot b Of Tract- '1,"'c. 936; as siown on a .a-.., rc&_- ccr"`i in :3001: 30, paucs 1 and 2 of L ty; t.acrice 1.,ortil 00 e.isceiianeous '_,acs, rc-,cor6,.s o'" sal Coup J 0()" hast alOjjg a portion of -C ie "Nesterly line Of said. Lot 1097.67 feet, more or less, to an intersectic 450 c, a ra(aius 0 f a curve concav,.'_ ani navin� 1 T ---IC feet, a radial line Laaring Soutil 170 14 5 4 2 ' i4 - -basses thcr.ce Eastcrly along a t-arougn sail; point- of interssectiozl;. I D-4 I - I angle of 750 �11.1 portion of said curve t-nrouga � central 1 - an arc distance of 62.18 feet, or less, t_qCnc-_ South 631 30' 00" i;ast 202 feet, more or less, tanq,,ent t -O saki curve to an intersection -�jitn tlja East line of sai4 Tract tnCI, '7C)r ' D"T' Last 913 T'orc or cs s .Ce 0 �j C' �4o. 936,-,, _j fCat, 4- A saia Tract 936 to an along a �.-.,ortion of the Eastcrly line o-1: 1' -n State intersection wit,-! t; -'C--1 Sout,.-Ie:: 'i line of that ccrtaJ: I-Ag'iiway cOjU-,joj-jIL-,; I. awn as tie Santa P-na Canyon toad, saiu , point of inter scctio-�e'i �)einc; ij-, a curve in saiU Sou'' r I - Z-i'ght of way line; col -Cavo .4ortzierl-y and IC:avin-g a radius Of racial jii,,.�, :)eying Souti. i_� 1° 0,11 1 5,711 '�­est- f`aet, araU. . - . : fence -c -rougil sal L -it of intersection; t'iei c, Edsarlv passes t�ojn Li along a portion of said curve, through a central angle of 1211 3.171 iV, an arc distance of 245 feet, more or less, -to an intersection witI Caine Sout7.-,er.'Ly prolongation of ti1G c'Jast­ a Orly line Of Lot 4 OIL tile.' Domn�as S JO i .!;UCZ Estate, -V7 n oil iap file::: in '.-icoi: 2, page li of a. -cora of Surveys in 'C ile office Of tele Comity`corder of said County; ti_iencz� I o r t- 1-i along said Southerly prolongation to a zoin-'C. in the Soutjlcri�..:. 'V - .-L' line of t -.11c Santa 1`"nE'-'. Vall--I irrigation Co ,Jany is rigit of age aiL a-) fil 45 of _.CcOrU Way as shown On El _!�I LCCj. III JOOJ. .-x 4 ' "L -.o an of SurvL,-,,,-z-. '"-f1crice along Sait; SoUtI-i c r j 17 ',' intersec,-01, witi-i ti -le- Southerly prolongation of ti Iesterly line Of land Convevela to f oaare L. tiuCilOYi at ux by Geed.;. rc-- 14L,- 19,:1 ijj i�o-c",- paga- 12 of Officialcorde-L February aloncJ last said:: Sout-.1- k.'.ecorus of aid L Early prolon-ration tel - -,_,-,a Sout jTj7-st corncr of Sai' I a-,'16 0 11 S O'_l C -r -jop S 4- a 3u - U -L a j I ue ortii 74" 011 a of said; lianLL Of jju,.lone _ 617.37 _-'Ifeet t. -"e SOuti.acusL- corner cii !ort_: i12' hast a- Scut - -C.Aereo-f; tjjac - 74 1,1 ' Of t -'l -C Collv_­ rocorb.c.- 66 "ic a4, -�,_ ' U o f Chi! Ja.'auary 196C in :3oc - 7 7:,' curv, i,ecords;, 7_26 - 17 E'. O a- c: _iavj_-,.-- a rc.-_ius c- coiicay.::- li _ I C r C U, or.._ a S, sai.L_ CUZVC� ta' 0 3 3 Lc_ -,-'r 2 I I'L: Of i3* 47 awl arc Z 0 'ji), ox curv-,:!, U'j all-roI o nczi c - c - io L c -L n- CG i v,� y 0 -36 of sai,, 0 recorao-, r11 a- I, i3 o o j: J27, Ci al !-'ecorcaOz -C.L10-11ce South 290 iV 15" East along last said prolongation and along saic! 'tVestcrly line, 4i'60 feet, --Zore or iess, -L-O Soutiiwez;t corner of sai1-: lan.-i of ZiA"ic-7-nsit i:G - - — I - -1-0 "f'' '77� alon- -'I e of sai--' !a. -i--.;. Sout.-L OLO .'Ut,je7- Q r j,1.3 �.O al"I 111,CC-i:scc-�- CIO', I o Gf col-V�: `C -C 2 Ja-o of .7a -L'-,., -0 -.Li c a -e C;:--! o U .ej- u 1t L, .c r C-% u. t C, cif L I t- r s C-, C t -*L 0 1-1 4d1t..i tj,.!l; 0 of Irric,ation Of J_j_jj: �.S s cJn O -n D 1). .>0021, 2U Q-1- IZ--cort-, of Surv,-ys i I- C - Of C'oun J i,:J- L C r o-- C)run,--,c� Couiity, Caiifc;rn', a or Lo 5, Z?10-�c- 0. --,)Q-,-tJGII J- 7 "1 0 2t:° 0 " ;,`- ly ol: �ax� 7 i 1 4 o -L��Iia Sou t-, c r �Szi.:ita veil 4 ion �,71t-:1 t1ic of Ii -iiiut- Can7,-o---) g11U-C cCD r t4ai-n service roa"' co,; on-",;' mo, �;n as i a -),Oac:L; as sail..-,. cz;nterj--,If-- is -.oscrILC. in ParcuI Onin -L.�-c - e e to t:,10 Cof �-Inai-i& icL racorau ovc-Lbe- 19, i96," 111 o.I-. .4 - 7 Of O-PfiC4 i;ooK 3709, :,jage 77 1J J- -Lal aecorns Of- Oran(,c C'ouritzy, ,Cali f:ornia. sai.--, oin-c 0-27 ill---zersEC f -)II -)E-2-11'J I I - Z' Ir- -1 . , -,V, , -, - .1� ("_ 4 US Of C, SaiC, C011Cc-I and -iziving a ra Ci v er:.t, a radial i in c:! b c a r il-I 9 S o u 7 8' 1 2v ' 40 a s -C D a s s e s t!7,roucjn saiu eoint of intersection, ti enc e Soutierl.;: alo1 saik--- curve L.,rou-:j. a f 31' 357' 05" all arc uis- t a n c e of 334h. Z-) 9, Y- e e -L: , thence 13, o u t i 16* 36' U 0 Mast 219 feet tangel-it to saiL, c u r v,-, to tie I iDeginnin- of a taiic;L-nI-- curvc- concave Easterly and .-iavinj a raJI-Lus of 600 fect, tnencc Sout'ii-- Sa4La , Curve t erl-y along roug c-Lritra-1 angle of 130 49' 23" an arc ddstanco of i65.70 feet,. tillencz! South 01 21' 57;' �� est 710.00 feet tangent to said curve to a -.point; thence Last - 376'.76 feet, leaving Lae said centerline, of said "Talnut Canyon Road, to an intersacti-i-on wit -i -I t -e line of t7!iat c,-,rtai-,,-. ,--arccl of lana s.--Llow� i on a t ccorc. of Survey il:a-3 filet in *3oo-j,,. 62, 1�age 2U'--,. taer-ce Sout-Ii 410 37' 37"1 East 200 feet, -more or less, to an angle point in said v1esterly line, of tit^ lana shown on saik--i, 1--,,ecord of Survey," ti-Loncc -followinc- alone T a --arics of the land' shown or, sai�" portion of tie �Doui-iLk of Survey, the followilic'; courses and distances., Sou -t' --Ii 30' 32' 17;` Last 273. 8,7 rein, -.-,ortii 630 431 58 Last 2`;%/d. 9eezip �iort-sl 51 431 021; vi'estt. 3722 .00 fect-, 114orta-. t0 02" 3G` East 49.91 feet, South 470 JV 051' Last 93.01 feet, 'hiort-L'I 621 106 25` mast 23-:-J.85 feet, Soutn 00 :53' 110'' 11u;ast 312.76 feet; Soutii 440 341 40" Last 227.13 feet, Souti-, 10 27' 02` a s t 511.71 feet, ortii 4300o .i2' 00,4 lest 100.00 -ec-- -*vort- 90 00" West 99.90 fe,-,t;, i8l, 00 1"ast -Luu.10 wort -1100 42' V .•.1 '- 0 L `south go ij, C;J'i i0j.10 feet, 1�,.'o r - 310.27 feet to ti -le Soutlawest corner of the parcle! of land shown in tie last- iii lltioneu ,ecora of Survey thence ilfort'-! SS, to S0Ut,.,e-s-?- 66* 30, 00�5 -Vvlast 650 f.��et, �aiora or ic corner of that certain -.;areal of iar.& uescribe-,. as Parcel i4o. one in tree -�-,eea to Ru, -y 1.1e.-itiaii and Ella E. Hentan, -16 ilus)alid and WI:CC , et al, recorded DZecei-Ler 22, 11-- i in Boo': 6954, page 996, Of Official - cords of orange Count -y, Cali - ie f o r n i a . t.L-i eli c e- -10'"47 C, -- t 424', . 71 fec-C, along the soutJacrly line Of ti -ie lanCI, arescriijeL;. in Parcoi One of tier last to t i Soutof su., o. One, sal - D"Ou-'Cli- - corm: � Ii - west corner also oeinc the Nor -Ci ie-ast corner of tLat certain �Jarcei of ianL� Collvovc," to !-'Iose -LLary i.aag zyrueaC. recor,,:-.. July 2�3r 1930 in `300 i I --. 394, 470 of official ",-�-?Ccor(-Z of -3- Orange County, califorilia t .erice continuing '63est u"95.29 feet along the Northerly line of tiic lane: conveyed to saiu ,=e i dry ;zaaa to tie LLortiiwest corner of sa.i a Narcerl; -�lncnc: S1. cut1 5 3 f 9.71 ee"c, .ttor or l=ess, aloncr I.1-iC- Y�cstc=? ' ieiz, ort= i" ..,_ _ ti c "-o sa.lc lose- -arT� Ida, to c_re Sout_ic�ec -1 Corder Of said -.� ,.. Os me s ,� ,.:�.sc�l 0� lall. sale aOut�".«�Ut co�`t also .Ile Sout cast corner of iYo-'u 2 of tai:, :°o.aingue'z Istat:, as shown on a-'LCCru Of :� 1rV' a's: il:ei? in00 : r 3 C 15 O '_,Dcor i Of Surve-s in til` Of�iC' Of t1i County OCOr' r O?= OraiiD,e C ou-n , 1i4-CiiiiiC, 1 110E .+Ol it 074. LC::"C, iLiore Or i-ess , a101 j ti.-_- Soutii rl y line of Lot 2 Of saic, i:)oiiinguez estate to the Southwest corner of said Lot 2', said Southwest corner of Lot 2 also being tile Southeast corner a:Ch of Loi: 1 Of sait:i3ln i )oiuuez 'Ls".a.t-e as shown on 'Che last 'lone—c: i:tac:or�. off S i,tr`%' j" � .0 �.l_ i':ot "10 ': J i 7C j 1 _LU • 1 L A.cet, :. toil: or Iess, a1v..� t i:. .`�OLl I e.r1 / ii! o f saia .LO% 1 '`G tiic JOl1C:ivJc C COrnE r of sai Tot i/ : cti :. SOUtiivTE sic Cornu also n eiii� t.1G Sout:i 3_S L. collier 01-- LC`t v of �i'raCC ;`i0. i '>C ; c_ :i_'_Ct:T11 oil c La. r CO��. d_ 1:_ COCl. 30i.c re. .i 1 ai• _. 2 Ci _ l:,C i _?' )? _ .0 5 p r'✓CC tv S o �raiit�C : Ou l is Gu L_L"_!_ iJ_ o J3 llt,s t 325 . , _5 :rt=: i :2Cr' Or l 1z; Z3 3, al_o is "-�10 :�OU'i ilii: Of Lot v of sulC! 1"race ,_ O . :; 3 u 'CO "k--lo'-join- Of eg lid' l ii"1 LXcC!';tin 4-iiari frC:.iflit _011Ovvlil. Ci--SCri-bac. parcels of lanc-,, C.esi nat'C'. as Pard._ 3 L ai-1u C: Parol : Ai" c:� `i'ract as s loWn on a -a.) rvcorce : i_ ,l _ ii .'Soon. .}�� �dyG� ..i�1�t,; J2 Of it1:aC�'llai'C-�t�Ll.3 .:.i._i3, ieCO .:.: r of iircl.n-' c. co-cl '- , C a1 Lfornia. Parcel ..Ii of ' tract _*.-,o. 6303, as s1l"lo n. On a ta3.:..' is r: coze_ li -�'1 LjGp .:��J ,. cf i:gip 3.. .-..�...."_. :.[• ''ru -: Cour-i: ", Ca i1i 0i i11ci. parcel ( : 211at ylortiOli of Lots l an,d 2 O"i tZ (_ liomiYl jue� ';s'tc.l.c, in l.i1C.: county of Orai:',-e; Statc of California,. as i a ilieCi Iii u00ii G p L:uciC3 O :C COrC: Of SUrVcy7s in t.le office of the County recorder of Orange County, and dioscrirel as follows Lecjinnincj at a poin', said point being t o into=sec tier; of tze i��ort l::r1y right of way lime of Cicero oat , 11" f;a---t in wiut-i., %Atn the proon---atlon of thea `n`Jesta:rl DOUi7Cic.rj 11nC of Bract o. 63u3 "� l :ricc ltiortherly along said prolongation 350.03 feet to a point, saiC, -Dei"-it beinsj t.-.0 intorsection of said' prolongation wit:1 the Southerly right of way line Of .Santa f3i'lu Canyon Ycad' alon,-. sal,-. � 1 X114 x73.00 fee:.-, -lore or less,t:1enCC �OLlti1erl-,J c rid, parallel to "enc yasterly lime of the lane' as er aeea racorde::_ in Boo -J, 524, ;.age 24 of ..e�-eds, 35u. �3 1=cet thcr'ice L\or1hec�.st :rly an& parallel tC sal.:L south-14rl-'_lt of Way line Of Santa ima Can -on `:OaC to a point, saiCX ;JOi13t being the intersection of tie r -,or t7 richt of Way line of Cicero Roac`, 64 fe:_:t, in wiLtth, with, t le ". Ortlier1V --roloncra- tion of ti1C i'Jc Steib iDouil::dary% Oi `i'ract i'1o. 6303, said' y_)oint �.- also acing the true point of bei inning. PLilhC,.,.0 TIE! _". `f lat portion of Lots 1 arlct c. of "i i e UO 11a7yUE z ';S"Cate, in t.ic County of Oran ,e, State Of California, as per Elie,:= in ook 2, LJage- 15 of 'lecoru of SurV 1::s iii t�ie Office Of 'Cil11 ' Cou lt;' Recorvc:r of O a iC e County, anGa c-escti::i as f011o --4- 3e�4innin­ at a saiu obit k)e-L.Li>j the in'L:c=-_ction cf- I'C- Or- way line of Cicero Road, 0-4 fect in Width, wlzn the rolongation of t ricVie­stczly bounc I =y Of Tract ilo. 6.303'. tiiellce _.fort ierly along saiL prololic a- ion feet to a Oint, SaiLPOin` e itcsect 'U CirCa tnn_r A t �c -a roion�iation witii -r-I c, Sou i.-riy ric fht of way i-ine of Sai,�ta An Cal'IyOn 1- 1 Oaa r Z iICnC(_' SOUtiIWeS_';__CriY alOna- Saul riCjiit of Way iin-- 673.00 fee -C, morc or less" -Licnce Southerly a1IL_ jDarall,�.i to r t.ie 'Lastcri�, iine of -&--j-.1c ianL�L as GLc__o scrj_ca jp,ULl��ea recor'Lz,_1 .11 :600'L foot; ti"ience Llorti._ J124, 1�age of Dee- s, u) e,asterly amd para-i-Ici to saikA jouti-ICK-l'." o-ff wa-,.7 li..ne of Canyon Load -LI-0 61. Pcillt,. saiupoint iDeinq th,-; inter- section of: tile: Nortaeri-, rigat of way line of Cicero 11-1loac 64 feet in wiLLth, wit.-" the i"4ortheriy prolonfatcicn G*IE tele"iest- .Z ' I e,rly i)oun-�-_.ary of I.L'ract- _3Jo. 636 3, saimi_. poin`C_ also 1--fle Cf begin�, 4- - ,., -L-.rue point 41�. PPI]RCI]I'L FOUR: _CCj-ioj_! 1, I.L�O_�­ * � " .LIZ tiij -i s TI-lat portion of S Sou Rai S 3 . & i in -L'"'Lc Couilty Of OranT S -IL. atre o 'L C-- 3 -* foo rnil acscriiDeL as foiio'7j8-. .begiZninl at tfic inti-.,ersecticii of t.ic, .!csterl­,, lille Of a 41. _,0 :D. ,iiiacr,::"i-)arc..-�_L - - C c o r J_ 0 n � _R�.! Of Corgi: o f surveysJii of of e C u tY saiOranc.C--­jeSoUt'�e-1,.-jiloof .-CS ,-L'I _1.` lc Vailcy Irri- atioll Co: -cc of wa,ac s o ­ii ii sai. L­iunce SLL GU-, Ii0t .L U 2 L V L alun,4 tile -V-fcstz�rly of Lnz- C-�! -C)ai-,. PD 7 7 -a e. v 91"1 Oz Of-'icial s CC) LIlL 7 0 Z. carr —_ of Sal-, 3D Or _1 bouz�-�.- J U o r t J G,_r -kalph PoId and X-,7 if erly iinc� of tl,_,e lanc. convey to said to a point, sail -A point being in --ile -1.4'crtherly of a J3, I]aS4 il-ort._Ci .:7° J6 aa -vin,_..: a ciistai-.cc Oz 262. b3 fect-, Cas Show-, o -f f ii.,IU -,-- Z,". e C c o r - C.' oJEficc o"L: Cal 2 -'011C' -icwi oi-, a,� L).urv,.�­ -1 s,4 7 c S -Itionzc� CE 7, Tl 3 b _�st :�`2.6 outil '7°3 C C `7' 'T, act fc,��t an- Sou-'. .i- I . o-[: ."ainut Canyon ,icst 37 .7. fcc�t- �o I_ -.o a Li as _'OV, -r in OO'L,. i n ie c co 0 -14 Ci& 7309, _-agc 7�1 ozf saiC4 ',_,acore'. s.- z_enco aloncr sai,,.I. L cOurses 3% o4est 71j.00 fz-o' 0 112 as(;,j j rly 1.:)i%.�71 .- q alonc iLL: Sacurve 1L�o 1 3 .L.1 :-- 0 -�ect to tile. ',.'o'71 26" sai, curv,:�, " 1 -0 . /14, - og4 n-.jijj--1,,aving a i.iCf a tangen1.t curve-, co,_ncave -lestcri-,47, radius Of Guo feet an -i ;Vont` r -1y 334.59' feciC aloi-icz sai._'curv,­ 0 ri a cen-I't-rLil an-j--i'a Of .3)1 JV 35 t(_; 4 I--- -, Ji I linC.: ieavii-,j r nc, Sout".1 T)'o of ia�Y L�'ast 64U,_.J_L), fe+fit to file 'I)Oint Of RARCII'L F I V. -C15 - TAat portioii ofIract 936 as shoi-.-,n on a L -a'") rccor.__.: in :BOO': I " , . 1 -1 _4 ­ I � - C-, NO, 0 A_ S CE -1 aj. I _�' 0 U S iiao (:;co"-C:s off Orancje .L., 's I an�,_. /_ - - CoUr.;_Y, _14 a is cribe, as 'L k� Caii,ffor, J_ " �,L Dc:ginidn-g at -1 c ii -C:; t lilt 4 ()JE ti ast- Tract 11-40. '--136 wi`L_-.I c_-_ -C 0, C�_ Irl C; 1 7,,!, 2 c a;_ i;��s S_I,:�W.L� CII a -L C; u r v�� y z, id_ C� jf iii c":1- t1-,- Court-;_ of sai,,A Ora.-_�e CC-Unt-, "a' -4 _��orjji a e t 09' j7" --,Iest 13U.1010 U.L: _L.L _L __t L 11 -) A: along ca- -,por'.-ion of iint_- of saiC_,_ Tract 1:do. 936 -to 6cutil 771 2 3 " 'ViC s 1: 3 3 12" 2, f oc� -'-- t o a n c;. r - 7 s,rcticn Srvi l ii tcie of Lot v of sai_ '.ract ,o,. D3v. i 0 ,4 1 2�4" aJ'�, f 0- a' o s - - a -)or-- C I t of djo-L". 'J O. -L= S a iNo. to an I-'ou-r %-r-' c c; a. - Sec -Cion Wit'l 11�� j _L, "; - , ­_ I "'� 1 1 �, a; o v; a'! o n ��r a i -I C 1 1c, e b 0 a. 7 7 f o LL �7 Ci S C� I_ ort ion of tiie, L-ou­?L-_I.,�� i _L .1-L F Ln"a 1`,jja CL.1-170_, to the I)ejanninc- of a zaiit';,einiz curve cc)iicav,,.-_- 4 liavinl kj a raaus of f'--c-C, tllcrllcer south' ast--rly a-ionq saiccurvc ti-irouga a central anuie of 5* 311' 117'' an arc CH tance of 106 . �_i 0 feet to tiiz of PE'IRCILI'L `I, -la" -orticii of Tract ilio. 936, as si,ioweor- 'n on a �-aj) rcL A.ca in i_�oo.�z 30, pag_-s I ant, 2 of recor,".s of sai.-:L Orangc County, Caiifc)rlllc., as fclicws Coriuuencii,iCj atz 'LLIW joj_.,A: of illi -E- sec. tio-11 C) -.'L-- ti -.LE: L,as;t- li--ic Cf aLC4- 'j:o . saia Tr U 93 0" witl-i -clic Soutiricrly line of Santa Ana Canyon Roac-, as shown oil a i is reccraea in booj-. of Surv-_­yLi i -A. o-% tac Coun-'_­ Recor.der of L_Y Orange County, California, t ier.ee Sou -ca J.0 09' 57" :lest 330.00 - 4, I ,�I fee -c aioncj a jortioli of c Lile line of S a -L,:, i!ract c. 936 to tne true ,,LJoint of tnenc' continuing Sou .1 1* 09' 37" Vest: 566' -Ee.ct along a 'Ll-ortioi-, of -Lhc Easterly line of said Tract No. 93;Q- to a1 oint uistailt 1vUo `rt_IL 1' 09' 57"' East 1: 1,076.oi feet from the Southeast corner of sai­ Tract -,-.o. 936. now is ORAi\4GL COUNTY ZONING A -i, b0 -AR -10;000; 100--h4.-15,000, 100 -Eli -20,000 an(! R-_1-01,000, anu that it Le cnangeu to alid incor-- poratea in R -A, AGPICULTURAL ZONIL. RECLASSIFICATION .1:40. 67--u-6-56 Tract tJo. as si-lown on a mapreCOr L; in D,00]z 232, pages 31 an(A 32 of I'dscellaneous x_,aps, Record's of sai", Cunoil own , as s� a County, c: n"- Tract ,io. 0j 6303 J.1 '.iap recorded in Looe 232. -oac,--S �9 and 30 of said ,.isceilaneous i1aps, records of said Orange County. now is ORANGE COU 4TY MO 4IEIG I'J%.-1-8,000, SIAGLE-FA1,1ILY RESIDEN'TILL DISTRICT, anU tliat it je c4iangec, to ana incorporateL in R-1, ONE - FA .LILY RLSIDEIATIAL ZWI.L. SLCTIOi 2. The City Zoninc; shall ;De, anu the smite is i1crewy, amcnaeu, ariLL tne prorerty Wbove uescriUec sll"Dil ile excludea from tile zone in whit it is now situaLeL,, ana incor�:oratea I:Cl anU IrLaue a 1Jart of the: zone or zones as a_":)cvc set ford ,,, anu said �v ­�c.-+­a�� n,,� 4-11- City LZIoning as alLicnuc,d 'IS city E a g Lo J. a--cLac. is hereby Q:irecteu. to L,,rc are secticlial zoln' !-a ­ L, are - - - - -Co -�-ilc citv zonin�j S-07-71 1:1 L-ne cnangcs lire ado a,,-jproveL,� all(- adoo-t-CLI. S`CTIO ; . O{ i_:).1S .:.i.�.•--"- _._ _ .. 11 i Jc.'�ii (iJ) _ic:11i S c.i r s i_S civOyl"10.1 ; lii I:.<._ tii�c.i..l.:l_•l. ,=+u.i.1�: t1.A u O i ii ral :i: Ctl1u�lCs ;'1'li:'I c T �'li; 1 i c_ 11 Ci CuIai c' _ in, saki c;i_`l: i `�. _ ; � rrO-. A 1Ls i"itia-1 ssac, e 1.% s 111 La,' L Cit .:L anc. Iii I i --,O1".:e Ftii t.iJIi: _ c• G 0 L1JIiit-itiCu l ciL Li UVE Ci cii1�. ul I1 :� �7 ii.l. alis 16th u«y- of April l�6�6. _ 1-i1 Vr. OF i:iL Li - _ 01" Ei'2T—`i�S T fr:LLIAMiS, ,iTY .;LF -RK GFTHE CIT`' - d, iEIM� CITY Y ..._RTiFY TFiRT THE CIT C Cir' Th. CI 1 01 THE O iGIN L j ._�! , i „ r'��._ 2505 A,D WAS PUbL!.- 1E,-, UN i.: iN Anaheim Bulletin 1/ ON E thri _._-Aprij.._ • _196$_• _ .- . _�Ity �Srl'HTc1 Ur' Ci'iLIFOtGvlii ) '�Cierk COUrvi'Y CITY Ur' 111;ciLi1.11'. ) T1LLl�i 5 c Ci' 7 OiO� Of t1; i? uO i1Crc ii`y CCrtizy tiiat tlic _Ur yUliiy OrLdiia1lC,�! ivas 1Titio."Ucr'-.-il cit a regular iiic:c tlii_a OfA1E Ci—' -,.7 COtI:;Cl'i Of tal' CitJ of I%1l1ana I. -LI , 11cla 011 t.19th C. &y Of April i9 6J s ai Li Mat tLie same was passoc. d. LL acioy "icCi u"` a regular Of Soria City Counci .lei d ori t.Lic 16th ff April t_lE; OliOW111- VOtc--: Of t::i' T[iGi : tits 'iL i " G AYl-" > : COb CI:Lj— ' : Dutton, Krein, Schutte, Clark and Pebley iO CO CIL' 1' None i�SLi- l . COU 4'irlLir -.%-1 z None AhD I jlUL3 CLQ TIFY t eat "Cnc Mayor of tilt Cite ai ri`I' !mall`_'. a✓ Drove,-, c ni a s1-ri ecL Scil;� UrCililcA iC�^ on '�1.: 16th L: ay Of April r i966. Iii 57I`1" .SSS of f ixcd 'crle L.iay Of (SEAL) official April iJiit�S o -, I nave ic-rcunto SO't "my hanL. ail• seal of -kiatiic City of Arazeiia t�iis 16th r i960. CIrM CLLRR OP 1111' CITY OF 1>t`Jf`7i1I: --7-