2314140. 2314
s-1 OF OF r7. _LCITY OF
TITLE 17, C,.APr11'ER 17.08 OF
�_,.U.'_YAL M)h =LJAM
TO Z014 -I -1,11G.
That Title 17, Chapter 17.08 of tne _.�Unicilpal
Code, �;e, anu t1ie same is 'aereDy, ai ended to read as
17. Qu -- -S' U '31) IV IS IONS
"A. ?. u RP 0 SL
'SECTION 17. 08.010 'D,.'2.'ie .Dur-)ose of tjIis Lila" `ter
is to control or reuiate t -h -c eivision, of iana -v,7it11in tie
City and sucii lanc-t as -J.-..a-,\, --)e arnei:eCA- to the City.
CTIGE 17. 08. U20 Ch"", :D, UP 'P
' 7 1 C (j.'. G,
z' JL7 j 1. L� Y ',
'ursuant Lo t i e 4 U-0 1 Vi S i Q 11 j,ct' of the Z'Dtate ci�
Calas 4 t r
-42ornica, --U 3 t -S' Cilea-fter --e
tzie --'rovisions C -i tids {'iii. ''ter are su'.D'i ioment-.ai -to -L-1.0sc-
c,-.L,: said ',-ct, arCL s1iall to all 3uD(fLivisions of lan"
-'a _�ari all--
fiereafter -_,-�.raae, _ai& _L -_riC is cntirel-Y-, (:.2:
iii''its O -Z Of
Citi T'lannin,,-, iL; r _s1 -nates! as the
_'-_C:vj_scrV j0nc�'' re crrc-C to in 6a1(.anc. is cl,.ar,,j
t" -C __Ut-,7 o a in i ri v c s; t i cj ation - G!nc an,is "y I C 1- 0 Y
d' LrecteC1 to recoi.wtend apk1roval, conditional approval, or
disa7;,)roval of tentative r-aj:)s of sub(f,,ivisions ---re-ared
anc filed in accordance -uiti-. tlii: C1_1a;ter an,- the saim
u -ivis-' oil `c -t_ to r ecw:-iL-Den,_`, t.'=2 natu_
ain6 extent of --c...,uire o ,-e ins tal 1-C in
_� L, orouci—are ultilizau
10 17 17 10 0, L lij.'L lis ti,
as i,,eans. of _,econjl�"-ar
.' veiiicular access.
fare ( L
�es-"unate(�. as_. L;co
-y r cc.L!_ctor
strcc,t on the .rterial "74Lreets an(:� 1--1411-wavo 'j. ction of L-i-ic
Circula-t-ion leit.Ellt CL -'- ic- ''Ian of tT-i'e 1__Lk_1 J_
conao.-,�,.iniu-'�L 16 an stat
10 17. 3
in real-,-ro-erty consisting- of an un&ivic._ec�' interest in
coi,1[ion in z:- Lcrz._'Lon, or a 'i-arce,11 c-1-77 roul
'Iitil a se -_.orate iinterest Zil s',-1ace lIl EI res]-cential inaus-
-trial or.-.-uiluiiiq on real -,-,r0-,,nrtz7 uc' as
an aparti.ient, office or store. s conC oil iniu'i': may include ,
in addition, a separate interest in other ---ortlons of sucil
real property.
"SE;CTIOia 17. 08.104 - ;t`Sisi .T. For 'the purpose of this Chapter
an easement is a grant by the property owner of. use : )y the
oublic of a defined x_ortion of lane: for specific _-urposes.
"SLCTION 17.08.105 - PIS %-+L j.. subdivision x ap prep-ared by
or under the direction of a licensed land surveyor or
registered civil engineer in accordance v.iti the provisions
of the ubdivision(:ap pct of tike Mate of California and all
applicable codes of the City of LknaheiiYI. oinich :.tap is aesigne-u
to be placed on record in the Office of the County r ecorQer.
`'SECTIONV 17.0 3.106 --- rEIUE ':AL P I'AN . _:cans those documents, both
written and graphic, including tike lana use, public facilities
and circulation elements as adopted and amended oy the City
Council as a statement of development lolicies .
"SECTION 17.08.!U''7 For ti.e purpose of this
Chapter, 'improvements' siali be construed to ue the construc-
tion of streets, including excavation, Davina, curbs, cutters
and siuewalks; sewers, including construction of IL,.ain lines,
douse connections and structures; street lights; street signs;
the construction of c:%ater Mains and fire hydrants and :louse
laterals; drainage facilities, street trees, and any x).iscel-
laneous construction rec�uiren_ents . 11,11 such ii;prover.ents
small conform to City of naheiij standards and specifications.
"- T 17.08.108 - LI','I� '!!, VI "ICULT: j ZCCEISS RIGI`LTS. ,-'eans
;�.t�C IO1V A 1AJli V '_�X1
reservation of the right, easement or access of owners or
occupants of abuttinc, lands, to a t?ublic -%, .-ay, for vehicular
use, except at ;points specifically designated on the filial
ICiap .
"SECTION 17.08.109 --• LOT. h. defined portion of a su;bc ivision
or any parcel of real property.
"SECTION 17. 08.110 y- SUDDIVISIO�� . -L:efers to any real property
improved or uni. Liproveu or portion thereof, or conQOrllniuIII
project shown on the latest county tax roll as a unit, or as
contiguous units, which is divided for the �)urpose of sale or
lease, or financing-, whether i ziediate or future, uy any suu--
divider into :sive or core parcels or condominum, provided that
this shall not apply to tike leasing of apartments, offices,
stores, or sir.-,ilar space within an a partiiient =Duiluing,
industrial i;uilding, conz«ercial bu ld.i1l(, or trailer park.
"SECTION 17.08. 111 - SUDDIVISION i��AP t' -ICT. 'I"! Oubc lvisiorA
lap T-ct shall mean that :�ortlon of the I.."usincss and
Professions Code of the ate of California eahtitica
"Chapter 2, Subdivision:aps . '
"SECTIO=v 17.08.112 - ST .BET. ;A ric of vlay son ril'�artI
vehicular access, iDu Aicly is aintained and for t uJDiic use,
constructed in accordance witlini standara glans a proved rD,
the Cit-,,: and on file in the �''_ficc of tie City Lrlgiiieer.
I S�z U -r -,707 R "lerson recist-ereL
ECTIOJ.'-7 17.08 .113 - LIC`;_ C -E D - VL7,_,
.jy the State of: California, in accordance T%-iti. Chapter 15,
T)ivision 3, of t --Ie -usiliess can,_ -7 _-Profoss ions Code,
,ractices cr offers to practice lan(, surveying.
''SLCTIOIN 17.08.114 CIVIL
sional engineer registered _.;y State of California,,
in accordance ,-.7ith Cl-iater 7, Division 3 of the 3usincss
ane: Professions Code, wi-io ,-,',ractices or offers to -,-)--acticc
civil engineering in any of its phases. his s*nall also
include a structural encrincer registered ;j'7 the C-1tate of
-1 '- suiDdivision -.;,a--,
"SIECTION' 18.-'j'C,.120 - '27:1T_',_M47=VE .* P.
prepared _)y cr under the direction of a licensed land
surveyor or a registere(� civil engineer showinc,- the intende(
subdivision of a -1-larcel of lana, as tell as t1ie e; 4 StirC-
conditions in and aroun(. it.
- �;,-E �-
- S _� 11 ti
, �CC ' --.IG-T . I -ie
17.08.130 Tf: � CS, S _eans ti.
riu-ht, casement or access of the owners or occupants of
abutting lands to a --.u7.,--,lic Lor vehicular use.
"SECTION 17.08.200 --- SU-0—ISSION4 OFiL�FP_Q. T-:ecitar council
sillall froz,
"SECTIO -IN! 17.08.25 v +i -:t is �i=lr I1 FOI - Iti. -- DL D G��AN Ii'G
LASE!'.ZNT_'3 TO CITY. 1�:ach Subdivision, "—cord of Survey lap
or Parcel Hai filed, shall be accomi anied Dy information
ins icatinc ownership and interest in the lana., except in
cases in yViich land is registered under the band Title �=:ct
(Torrens Title), and showing the names of all ;-persons,
firms or corporations ;,,hose consent is necessary to -vass
title to road, street and other easements shown upon1 said
r«ap. - ith the exception of a subdivision n.ap, any dedica-
tion of easements to the public shall .ave I1,een legally
accomplished prior to the filing of said eccrd of Survey
or Parcel :Neap .
'iSLCTIOiN-1 17.08.260 - FINIL i AP m_ < i'Pi OVAL OF CITY
After receiving conies of the final map, the City �nginuer
shall examine the r:ap as to sufficiency of affidavits
and acknoL':ledge.`,.entS, surveying data, r-.athematical data,
and computations and suc i other -. ,titters as require checking
to insure compliance with the i�rovisions of the 16'ub ivision
Nap Act' and this Chapter. If the final reap is found to be
in correct form and the matters shown thereon are sufficient,
and the necessary fees have been paid and iinprover�,ent bond
posted., the City 'Engineer spall transmit it to the City
Council :it:a �.is rcco;�r eiz:iation for approval.
'SECTIO11 17.08.300 The 'ininum
i;:3provements-v71-Lich the subdivider will be recuired to f;,ake,
or enterea into an agree .lent to rake, in the sub(±ivision
;prior to the acceptance anti approval of the final Trap >)y
the City Council sxiall .-:,e the installation of -
(a) :pec uate :hater_ distri ;cation lines for fire
y rotectlOn tint: a (iGilieSl 1C �7ater sUj>to cuCii iOt,
UA ,..a ic':, collection
(c) -^zinc :,nate H!rainace of t -ie su-,)-Avisi on including
any necessary stows drains.
(C2) Lce,�-date circulation '.liZ:tli7 or to t -l -lc Su:DGIVIalon
inclucinq streets, or alleys.
(c) _-!k_e-auate c.raczin,� and, surfacin of stre its, 'igh-
Ja7,7S , ayw G;nu iloys .
(f) Cur'os an, utters, cross _, ittcrs anti i _C. �ii1,S.
urvc-i ionuli,cntS .
(i`i) lrc' yGrant.S at locatiGr?a C C Slijitut_�:.
U-ti1i-ties .-tirector.
(7_) .street hair; .1�^--ns, at location S C�_esicnated .Dy
t1rc City .'n•gineer.
(J) Barricades and Safety Devices as determined to be
necessary by the City Engineer.
(1 7) Ornamental street lights as deterr.,ined to "--e
necessary 3y the utilities DDirector.
(1) U17u.erc round electrical ani: coi z.ianic«tions
distribution systems .
(r,) chain lint: fence six -`eet (G') in :.eight,
the suo ivision abuts real : roperty ?ilich is Jbein,,j used
for agricultural -?ur )oses .
(n) a solid fence si.,- feet (51) in lei• ht, i;rhen the
su3uivision abuts real property ?i.ich i s rein'_; uses for
rail i n J any type of y:�oultr�° .
(o) Traffic re<<ulatcry si7n i as re uired bar tie Citi°
Engineer. w
,11 such ini-prove :eats shall confori, to t.?e standards an,&
specifications 'D-,' resolution of t e City
'v1C1 IC_17.010.30•.. 1.;:-�1.i14tsi.Lli r_1..��xN �- .i ���� �._�.�1a 1>:l.
(e.) ::ill strE ets, i Zr` 2Y3c1.�' or ,-arcels Gf lan"±. S 7o�.n G17
the aminal ::a�
an intenc`.ec'. for an,�ti`71ZC LiSz ail .'"`.ai[.tC?"lanCE
sw:all . e cf=oreU for cec ication to the Cite .
(b) Streets or ortions of �trcets a y, at t 1ae c':is
cretZon of t -II -L'-.. ,�� tl, a.>G e,4i1ZrEc: to ')e offeree., for -7-e ZcatZon
even t _oucrh Eie _ �. C:ia?to acct -,t-ance of c<e(�ication aii,a
-'.ent is not 3"cr'uirec , t't 7 - re Z" J3 1_ ecr' ,sarN to
insure t7at tr,,:�! Cit'' Can later acce t the offered dedication
a�7en said streets are determined to be necessary for the
future develop cent of tie area or adjacent areas
(C) `!':7e Suoc-'iviCCr .,:'all ].:..-;rove, c, ac roC to
all lan t e:ilCatC C, vOr Sill Eta, Z �.,:aj�, j u...-lic ':Ian;%s, ail!
case-_= lents as a cone1itlon _-.reced- ret to acce�_%tans anc; ciy'.r oval
of t_7e final 1:'^.a 7 wAon t' -- c ar�c:s of at.?,Ittini- lots c.re E, _-n acre
cr less, ane. s cb Z. �-ove:-Icn'- -a- ,.:� � c `.LLt ] "c' �,": e area
r J_ C: L L`
lots c.-cecuinG_ic'.
acre each. -:u- Z.":i=rovc-
-_:ents w=�a.li i ncluCc t ,cse �rec. wirer'' i r_ "recti ori 17 .O C . 30b .
treet, r E_'''E r, C',ra1i_FiC;E' c.il cti_er Z i.jw'rOVE. i:on-a
„l:.all Ce installer to radeAy :•rove' L ' nZty _ c -i c cr.
(e) Plans, _.rofi les an(7 , CZ 1Catloi73 SitO.'?Zn full
retails Of the ro-:o: e _ r :;--rcv�:ci.ts ;�;iall -:c 7u"): Ztt to
t', -ie City .'ncrine r for a.1�,roval.
(f) If re_c_1ulreC , c: %-crfor,;ancc one in an
�,:cnount set ;)y t<14 j .A r,� _ 1 e
' i ineer an - Gr ,_:rov�k� C,.
C it7, .! .ttorneV all ' e ; ostecc ,rior to Citi' Col'ncil az;::royal
of t . tract
17.03.310 7x
( } ,;tate I ii -,—.:L ys .,_.all confori:t to t' -.e stanctar6s of
Cx?C !`iVlSion -'c-.- art 1 .,t of �tl'b11C .,CiriyS j 6tate
of California:, an( ":'icre s a"e are ZnVolVed Zn c -.i1 :att li ZVZ-
,ion, the � ,,mall 7_:e ,inject to an- ac'., itional Stan-7arcls or
rec.uire,illents of the City. aid tanC_ s rf c 1 � ivis ioil o
1 ��.iaay�s s 7a11 '.,eec..cc.o e t.e
LLx (b) 12 e r"XtLerial ig lways, local traffic collecting an(a
other ).-ninor streets shall confor:L to the Circulation s lenent of
the General Plan and to the standarc plans as approved and
amended icy the City Council on file in the Office of the City
(c) Cul-de-sac streets shall ]De desic;ned in accordance
witih standard plans on file in thLe office of the City sungineer.
Cul-de-sac streets :greater titan five hundred feet (500 1) in
length may �e cause for disapproval.
(d) The design of special local streets riere railroads,
z;arkways, grade separation, freeways and :dills, or ot7er
dominant factors are involve:, shall ',e subject to determination
uy the Cityengineer.
(e) 4'51ong limited -access highways or freeways a service
roadway, separated from the traffic roadway by an acceptable
separation stria, :-Liay be recuirea. for access to abutting
1:1-,rivate L�roperty and local streets.
(f) treet intersections shall :.e as near right angles
as is--racticable. In no case shall the angle of intersection
be less than forty --five (45) Cecrees.
(CO Streets -0ihicll are a continuation of streets in
contic:uous territory shall De so alic;ned as to assure tilat
their center lines Shall coincide. In cases w*I-Iere straiclt
Continuations care not -; iyslcall- �:O:I:: L le, such Colter line
--all . e continued .Wy curves as u
�e aa,'p- roved ��y tie .itl
GO In areas there no o-fficial j_;lans :.exist, is la?,%0Ut Of
all :ubl? c rovE.:eIlts,1nC1UC lI? Gc:a.,�1'�,
cur S, 'ark
C'.1U1•: 1i1 J tri,:_,, .31•:..r_Y.al o, ,e�.•lct J11t1C,.:, cine.- ;vate1 .::c:1nu .?1t:illi
tiie ric lits.�-of-,'7a- of all _.i �:flays , :streets, alle ; and ease --
rents dedicated to the public, shall be in accordance -vzith
standards established by the City Council.
CTIG? 17 . ) 8 .312 ;f, �T_ Ic�'� ITh i l lcu �1 ," .c C. _ lienever
it is .ro,oseci to u.-)ctivic c ro e- rt ' �_ , a=ie a. (Alvis ioil of
lane a-iluttlnCj an arterial .h1lhV ay {silo Jil On tine Circulation
"_lement of the C. neral 7'lan, vehicular access :rot:. aouttinc{
'roL)ertV shall :De res tricte(. or ll;:iltec- ;may; :1 Cation OI: ,irC ;.
Veillcular <1CCeSa r1 lltS t0 t.'1C Cit:1I e<`<CeL:t '' erF cZ CiC]_CaZl '
C CIL' -.17'tee_ in t.'ile conditional a�.�) %rova.l Of tr -' '._.a _) .
' .s C'! IV_. 17. u8 .314 __ dal:2_1TTI `. ,',
I�, J eI-t c �eilClllclr
access richts =roiil any lot to anydglll`Tay are restricted, such
ric;hts slla ll `-1 e offereC,. for Ciedlcation to tie City of 2`_liai7el i.
1,y a ; ;ropriate certificate on the title sizeet s-nd a note
atatlnc tiiAl. uu�'�,:. CC».,., I._.L.J CAT -,D u _1..._, CIw uF
r ,1i: ie'_I S=_1x11 :'G-'-' lettered cclorig tii_e nicA,l T Z71c jacent to the
lots affectec:, on ti,.e f=inal a :.
D '( 1,"T -1 . ITY TO
'SEECTION 17.0 0.32 -- 1.'j'T_S -- COS -'-t' -- COJ'�,'O.[.
.'.11 recj-uired i.,,provei-aents small _'�e installed
at tae cost of the subdivider and shall conform to (-,,-rac--Ie ani:
specifications estal)iished jDy the City of Lnaheiini.
sup h,7ivider shall install
�C77CTIOFI 17.08.321
sewer service with connection to each lot wit'hin tile sub --
divided area not otherwise .-,rovi&ec' ,J*ith such service. .-.11
sanitar-, ' 7 sewer lines, a�),jurtenances and service connections
sliall be constructed or laid prior to paving to the Grade
established by the City En(ineer and shall je of such size
and design as recuire(--L y the City E-9ngineer.
11S7CTIO4 17.08.322 - SUPPLY. '�`-ater shall 1)e ;,�rovided. ',,Dy
the City of rxiaheimL unless other arrangeiiients have been
approved bby the Utilities Director. coater i,.,,ains shall be
construct ed to serve each lot within the subdivided area and
shall be of a size and design approveu oy the Utilities
Director. 1.11 service connections froy.,. lines in the public
right of way shall .be laid to the rear of curb or meter
location prior to paving. A
IT, -'e developer is required to
dedicate to the City of 1-.'naheim all lines for tine distribution
of domestic water, together wi-Ch the easement wit"Inin T..7hich they
are located.
`'SECTION 17.08.323 - LLLEYS. Standard alleys si'lall be -,provil-Jicd
at the rear of all lots classified for or to be used for
comimercial or multiple fai-Aly a
_iurpos. If a -3c
euate secondary
.L e
access to serve such property is shown upon the map and
approved by the City, the aforementioned requirements --,-,Lay be
i,cLodified.. C -.t the discretion of the City, additional alleys
over and above those reciuired, J.,lerein ray I
oe rec:uired. If
suc7.i additional alle-,7s are re -mired the ,7 sh.all ;-,-e constructed
in accordance with standard plans on file in the 0.2"'fice of
the City 11ngineer.
"SECTION 17.08.330 - UTILITY AN"'D
(a) Utility lines including, ',Out not limited to,
electrical, telephone, street lights and cable television
siIall J e olacea underground
cessary surface mounted trans
--orr -10 -e
I ners, pedestal - unted terrtAnal Ooxes and )-teter cabin ts,
ducts, street lighting or signal control cabinets and other
associated e(�jUi,:)T nt in an unciercirouni syste-m i -:ay be ;placed
aljove ground. '2`ie Utilities Director ..gay 'waive the rec1uire-
ments of this -,-)aragraph if topographical, soil or other
conditions maitre such unaerground installations irapractical.
This -,-_'.aragraph shall not apply to utility lines which do not
�-,rovicLe service to the area being su'_-,&ivided, or developed.
-�.-,here alleys are not -Lrovid.ed, sewer, ublic utility
and/or drainage easements s-I'lall ,De proviaed and s.-C"all -.De of
such WiCith, ty-ne anu location as '-.'3.eteriAnea to 'oe necessary
by -1--he Utilitiies :,)irector an6j, tl-Le Cit -,7 F,'ngineer or servinc;
utility as the case, j -,-.a-, ;)c.
(G) Unc erC roUnC: utility �� .�e'.� li'%a s. all ;>e :'YoviC'E' c7n{a
`all ';e of ,7,Uci1 `:;1 :t''. _-gnu location a- s :.etemlinca to
necessalr4 .,. tine t_Ll? ties i)irec'i:.or or 7^YVin utility as tale
case ,-lay De.
(c.) Public ease rents small De cleared of all :structures,
-)17 the }erson or y G rsO11S ��rovlC:illi�.� raiu case,,,.':ent, at I i o
expense tO the Clty Oi ,::.nailGlti.
(e)~;ncroachmencs are y.erF,iC.� ittein-to ":1s-�11C asci tE T1t�
Onlj after "t 7e T;rocessinrT of an cncroaC'_iC!e11t 'erillt a110
approval by the City Council.
S), -,'CT 10L7 17.08.340 0 IFF -._.LEl P_._..r:I;; -- _.S. .Llhe size,
location and layout Of special areas -irol.ose(JA! to De dedicated
to the,I-ublic use .or tale of r:Otor verlicles sizall
iDc in conformance Title 18 of this Code and ,such other
regulations as the City Council a ay ado" t.
"SEECTIOLi 17.00.350 -- LC) .
(a.) Lot areas shall ,,e such as ti,dll conform to tine stare ---
dares of cievelokjment as Cefined in `witle 13 of this Code,
entitled ' IZvning , ' or :by other_ official adopted y ur--
suant to law.
GD) Lots Navin z no 'frontage on a-puiD1ic street !.iia y
be cause for C:.lsaia�roval Of a. su-;D:1ivision.
(c) isle .Adti1 of lots :Miall :)e such as ylill confoY11 `to
standards of develolpaent as (:ieflned in 'Title 18 of tills Code,
entitled 'Zoning,' or ',:y other official -lans adozjted
-)ursuant to law. -
.cots not in confor.aity to the a ;ove sizall -e su;Dject
to individual deters ination 'by -the City.
(d) :7o lot snap i;e divic ed ':y a county, city or school
C-Astrict :boundary line.
(e) The sidelines of lots shall 'be a maroxia .ately at
ric;ilt angles to the street line on stra.i i<t streets or to
tie tangent on curvet streets.
(f) "_'le creation of dou'-�lc frontage lots .:-,a% .e cause
for disapproval.
I.SECTION 17.08.360 z
�..�. �.A-�e size, rilane, length anc<
�-tiath of Aocks shall'I)e su�ject to individual ceterrlination
and approval '�y the City. iO; LVA ,
(a) Blocks less than three=lundreu feet (3001) in
length, or leis tian t:+o liundrcd feet (G��') 'L Tl Lvidth, or
1<<ore than nine iluizc;=red ninety Feet (990') in length,
Tray be cause for cisap.aroval.
(b) in =)locks aline -,u-ncirec and ninety feet (990') lone
or over, y�euestrial� .gays at least ten feet (10 1) 1ac l:.at
13e relluireci .
(c) IJQ,11g �Aoc�ks ire dcsiral�lu uujacent to :airh
ti1GrOUglhfctre:� 1'11 (rrGE Y' 'Le re uCe lite nU1:i er G1 i,Ler:ieCt1G11S,
l)ut in no case silall a block be longer t an 1,320 feet.
OVIS S � -4i 11�C P`s'IO_a _
T i U r - -
Cl.t.l..ti 17. vU J7'J "' COL L/.L11 VL'12'1:J �dl. Llk'.L 1l/"0 1�0
Coni. itional excel tiuns t0 fife regulations _-Iereili C_ui inC:'
riay be authorized if excepLionai or apecial circuoistances
apply? to "L_lie r roeerty • «uch :special C1rCU iiStallCCS i:cay 111--
cluae liii:iteu :.size, unusual ciiiape, cxt:i ei.1E topGgrajlliy,
&o iiinating drainage rolDlerc.s, or til@ im.,`ractica-ility of
Gill 1Gying u CCiliJ Gr1cirC' 'Ian or layout i1y reason of rior
existing recorded su�uivisions of contiguous L,ro ernes.
i,te City 'Council :Miall 11aw; the right to Waive -the reuulre--
iie11LS of this C1lapter for good cause shown. `iL�plication
for 'waiver of the re Uireitents Of tills C ilapter .`-_call --e 1
at fife t.1. G t the filing O a tend 41ve ii',a .J1 L1. 'Life l 1_'Cy
Tanning Coicuuission.
17•Uv.3uiJ JIVI�IW 0 is 1J' 'T'Y � V ISG ui) OA
J t -.L i 1.Or is
- _ ,
- - --
V1\ t'll 1.. �V�a JJ I.�Pi.a 1J iV1, i`.�V_L iiia J. .I. ra� U.,
(a �lli`a l'i1v.vi vi' 1JfVl6-ICis� • zT.j7 1rCiiOSeCx uiViSioii G
a Larcel of real Nrol�erty, incluuling an air space division,
Which division results in tllc crcatlon J) an unt'ivlded
interest 1n coKuaon in a 'ortion of Said r.arcel of reai
pro ert1 , together :< it i a separate interest in a j: ortion of
said 2arcel of -real j rouerty , lay _.e re -uired uy tyle City
of �,na iei a to conforrl to any or all of tyle follow hl
1 . :.'fie laity %ouncil O% tie City of c.lia lt?1 ii i; a1-
rc-qulre tylat any ortion Gi saia real property- so civiced,
which 1s devoted_ "Lo or roposed -Co ue devoted to uses
deelaed Jy the City Council to �e recreation or leisure
uses or uses accessory Lo the . ri_-:1ary resiciential us(--,,
.be designated as not a :cuiidable lot for urii�iary
residential use, and said City Council i ay require tylat
any develoj_)mcnt on, or use of, saia designates, non--
.uui.idai,;le lot or arcel shall ue li-mite& to certain uses
accessory to tn.e residential use as said accessory.
uses 1, -.ay oe specified anu approve(~ i:,y tithe laity Council
from time to time
2 • The City Council of the City of <ihiaiiel ii 1-ua"y'
require filet the _:erSOi7 Or CntitleS C iviuing or L.Iroposinq
to divide said real iproperty syiall 1_;roviue, insofar as
t:ossible, for tyle pert:ianelt Y.G«intenance of any kiortion
of tie real -roj: rty O'evoteU to, or propusecl to iJe devoteC:
to, the aforelnentiored accessory uses and such 11.aintenance
provisions s tall be subject to the approval of the City
3. i _e 'CityCcUuncil of tiie City of :_.ilalleliii May
require that tie pt-rso s or entitia.' i lV1C 111G� or i�ropUSlilcj
to divide Saiu real rot )e rty sllali irovicte :iiet1GC_.S ani%
proccuures Dy WILlicyi it is L)roposea to insure, insofar as
eossiz-le, ti -le �,rivacy of eac'n ow-aer clan interest iii air
space or land within ic-.'ae aloreiLientioneu real -.)ropert-Y
developi-i-,ent i --)y protecting each of said owners ..row trespass
to his Marcel of air space or 'land i,y any other such o7l,',ner
witi-Lin the af-orementione6. real ',Ixoklcrty .,-'evelopi,-'L'e'nt..
0 C -IL -L-) U i � E i-ersons or entities 6i.esiring to &iviue
land, as -.-!rovide(A in 'U'I-Ia�ter 17.000, shall follow t' -.c-- pro-
cedures specified in true law of -t.'L,Lc- of caiiizornia for
tree aivis'ion of land and' shall Lollo-vv the ...jrocc-Lures speci--
H-(AChapter1; --
f in 17.080 of the- ".diaaeii,i - i
.unicival Coc
-S!"CTION J-7.08.400 --c in an aiiount set uy
resolution of t1lie City Council s; -fall -.,-)e eaILL at tyle ti --'Le 0:1
filinl- -For each tentative, final sulDdivision
of ---.'urve-,;- ,-ap or a--arcel
17.08.401e -e Eor C.-leckirJ9, I�IaPsil
and iL' rovei-,ient -.:laps snall �Lje c..arqcd in an aT-oU, Y a
resolution of tiie City C-I'cuncil. 47-n -,all lie u1CJ -rj_or
the co
co ti -1-.-,pletion o file C i t n g i rL c r S -crti-f-icate Oil tUi
final Ii at or ti -.c signing oz' fie lansicllevc-r
- Li
is the last to occur.
62EICTIL014 17.00.4002) f-ce i1i an
ali,iount 'set -'-,.v --resolution of -LL.Iie City COuncij shall -;j-e Cnargc--Q-
vihenever an inspector is re yul c t t -o 0 c
construction of Li1, rove-- n - L an,s
.P D I�e LL a I CL 'i E! e S. il a i --e L a i u
to a-cceptance o`L' trac-L ii,-.'-;JL-ov - -.- t"c ', * tV.
17. 0 '.L
U Z; . 4 �J3 -- L'- --
-i:'-I�. 6evic.,r n ian
set -')y resolution C;LE Coulicil SI'lall �aiL' ]�-y
sul-'ivL,er --n,-/o-- u-aiker c;-: -kriur to LI"nal
� - k.,L -L C" � � � L� i:' k,
a, r o v a 1 c� f t- 1 ic�! 1 -1 a 1 a e i)f S- a i U- s u I'D i v i s i cln .
,D.'- - C'2 1'- U 17 4 U-
L' � J., j �Jz'
C-,arC'-e li-i ail ai.'ount set Dy resolution of the
City council shall l. -)e charged each residential subdivision
within the City or any subdivision 4:creafter
aj-jjjeXe' to t 1 F
City :-�,
L r ,lilCll a -ina-
iias 1,0,
a�).-&-roveCL -jy l lit (Cilk---y Ccuiicii ,.rior to ti.e Uat,
o-l-uitrance .
-1 - --- , - " !-". ; '! A-6 I - - —
6 i t e ori Z'.'L:cCi6L I -fu-'--I-u 11--o ��Jc -Ilio-vvil all.,-, ueL�j-'-.""Ld-ceu uS
fun -"C)-- c�'uisi-L -' , -'L;V�-C)� 3 ,-,- , .
r Q V--
J-C:L. iona 'acilities, anu
1: arils,rc)uilcls CUIC rccr - -1 `
S & c, collec -L-unu-s s -AIG -L11 _--*"e Use 'L' or SL1 C_i yiiIr L-
auc.-i ilaces, at s Lich '.ii, i c s a n "' i n s u c 1- -- Under as shall oe
ai-)proveu, ork-:i'erec, cil i C.-Li-L-6--c-'CeLL I-)
street tree. :C iii
an amount aetl- -k.-y rez-60luic-i0n of t.-LiC-- Ci-*-,L--.Y - council iiitll 1. -.c -
LO t-heI , a,-,)rc)va1 o'
L L L� -o -L "'. - 1-' L:I:E:Lct ""ak
�_J_C.'•. li . v f1. tr' J .i �i _rte . ..ater fees in inn ali,,cunt fiat
by resolution of the Council shall :we :aia to t1.e Cit -,7
-:rior to a "� rov�.l of the final tract ~_(A
17 • V 8 . 5 V l! ••• .` .+ s.t. _. _L t.)fr iVl: TO ,.'I_ LI T L('221' _..• ... ... Cl�si l.i _: Ll=t ,
(a) =yen an owner or su.-,,,Aivic:.er eesires to skrlit one
or more lots so as to Creat-- not z:lore t an - ota.r (4) nei,7
lots ant Coes not ":71sti t0 reCCirC. a ;ti L1V1slOTi a'::a1, as
_:rovideu -,:)y t:e �,u tivision <::.ct an(A >>y otlerectiors
of this C "iapter, it shall +;.,e done in t r follo.aing r:anner. .
I . is urcel
T free (3) j%i"ints of the 'arCE'1 c � s :0`✓ 1nC; t'_lE'
proposed lot split as L.reparec. or under the crirection Of
a registered civil enaineer or licensed surveyor shall ;)e
filet, G lt7 the City _;n( ineer for review anti a proval. i'1e
'arcel _c'y� s=1x11 e 111 CO>;�11a1Ce >riL'ti t 1Fi� iV"iS10:1
`.ct and shall sxlow t exact ctir:lensions and Jearings of
each line, Donuments fount; and/or set, and all other
apl licaDle r.:atters rec_uiret. :.)y this C iapt-er ertainin< to
tentative z.:aps .
2. Deuication an(fI:: )rovez_lents
Prior to the final filing of the Parcel ;:-ap,
the City z>Lay rucluire tic dedication of
access ric- is and/or
cozipletion of dec-Aications anct is provements cetermineu. to be
necessary to serve the area anc the ,:,arcel or-arcels
jeinq split or created. ,t the discretion of -tile City
_' nyineer, a faithful performance uond in a Lorry approved
by the City 2>ttorney ant: in an amount set -K-)y the City
�nigineer z ay :�e ,ostecz to guarantee construction of the
requireu i111p rovezments .
3. Compliance -At i The Zoninc 'Code
?,111 lots created >)y the ,rol osed lot s alit shall
�e in full compliance -,pith Title 1€; (Zoning Code) of the
naheim .unicipal Cocie anu t:r1e General Plan.
4 .1,,.;proval and Recordation
If the Parcel ..-ap is in compliance .7itai
Paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 above, the Citjr ]ncjneer st�all
approve the Parcel =a siiowinC_j the lot s --:,lit.
`21.e applicant shall recor&- the a-:-, I.rovec, "i'arcel 1'_.'.ap in the
G%fice of the Grange Count -.,7 Retorter and furnish tile City
With such cronoflex anG xi.lts cf t1ne recorded i'lap as t.ie
Cite engineer shall re uuire .
UA '°-?ien an owner or suouiviC'er desires to s"a,,,li.t one
or ::lore lots so as to create .-tore than =our (4) new lots
an6 does not ,%ish to record a suD:.ivision z:.a;p as Jrovic,.eu
;:y state law and other sections of_ t1zis C=:ae?ter, ant
dedication of streets, alle'7s, or other ADublic ways or
easements is not recuired and all improveirents as rec�;;uired
in Section 17.08.300 are existinr_.;, it shall ue done in t_e
i_ollowinc; z-aanner:
1. tentative '_7ract
F, tentative tract :r.a1small ie Tllea �J1 t and
approved. :-y the Citi% Council as �:rovi; e�, In -�.iie Subdivision
_lap. -'.,Cu and other sections of this Cizaf.;ter.
. rarcel :._'a
Three (3) prints of the 'Parcel -ap s iowiny
ti.e`roposeu lot sLalit as ",re pared ;Dy or unuer the c irection
Of a registered civil engineer or licensee: surveyor shall
be filecz 'v`,'itCi the City f -Tic ineer -or review: and. ai:,,roval .
T11 -.e- arcel ;a , -,hall 1e in coirctcliaiice with to : uuuivision
;.a-o4_pct and small silos✓ the exact �.i°:'.ensian.� and :�earirc;s
of eacki line,-:-,OnuT lents faun"' and/or set, ane' all other
aA-'alica'�le-miatters reg uirea x.)y this Ci:a-pter crtaininc.- to
tentative T.,aps .
3. .- ,-.,Proval <,n( -A �.ecorCation
l:S in coi:. �llancc ; lt'a `lI L I � '
ale �8 Gf
the ,.unicipal Code anJ 1 or 2 a_Dove,
ti7.G L...l.tj --'. 91i1.:. C_i , __4.11 ci_ rove "C.i.t� .. ':u. =,.;0�:71T'i i iii.: irG_DG seC:.
lot Split, an(.}. tie: ia,, _,llcant sisall r:ecorC_ t'"Ie rove C.
r' rcel a � in t'Alc. ��10E O. i-te,
an; ti CounLy zuic
iurnls:i t`.iL Cltl' `'vltll suC l crono lei 'cooies and rints
o.% the yeCt71 .EC_ ..::uZi :s 1t T.._ i eer .1_i ! i 1 1rC
s.r'Tf`iv 10
7.uv.�lU OF
1ti.r C T 101. S:E IBJ:,_. .����. i-) C,._1_J e.7 t^. 4. v..'i..�_ r '-'i'-• r'j..v
uy 1C_=T G'r ; 1 C i Ci G iClci l GVlaenc- o= c ut'''01"ltl Gr
Ilse of Zremises s11a11 %:G issua Jror any lot or ;parcel of land
containing less than two acres, unless .:such. lot or 3arcel of
land is recordeC. in the Gfiffice o'- tie 11,ounty ::"ecori::er of
an,"e Count"' C,S _,cert C) M ._ u'_.__1VislGli G� c:. c? -irt of
?.rC( c'_A orIY.E'Ia tiG:. 10'- v_. y'.��rC�i Gy lanE.. _2CtI ar
rPCarC'seC:a a' not.�.. Clllt^C. �rO c`. ;i`llttiT'_C C?i a iot or
lotsin t _e _.:annex rem i� ter �C; t ,.i
Cr1 L C. ;1 L c.� , _GV i._
,_ A
_a aix:itiGl, la_ll IeGt 1 . uo toc.� Gr :�rG. la2zc. ..:2i Gi
�'.er ` l.Uf r E :crc "i t C "; 11C ra iZcn t''i:;; rajc—'iVC Cate C7 i. i1
C -<a 'p t c r
l a Js17.08.5220
Gcori-. of _�turJ:: ,, ...": p loCatcJi -it t'.ic incur,'
ratc-,C 11: _l i a C: F i ' E ('l ty of y' .:iG f i l C.it
i ti' .. ineer _nor rcvie:":?Clcorc,� Cf
;L rVCs' c_ 3 ;� iul1 _JC 1 P V1 't '�'C GY ii' .'--or con_m orit'.ance G tie
li cale _:,atter_., C ii:_�'G y tr,` s C-Ia--ter j"?rtzi1i11 C l G
tentative a %s <'.nC. t.._ .'Gii1'i', ter,".l 2c._1CC G i_',C: C _ _-
(u) Ii the record of survey coraplies ;lith all t 1L
iter. -,s required in(a wove, theCity 'r'nc ineer shall so
advise the Orange County Surveyor that the City of -_naheii,
-as no oojections to ti -,e recordation of said record of
(c) Zt-Fter the recordation of said record of survey,
the City engineer shall {?e y roviaed l ita a sepia trans-
arence ani four
The City Clerk shall certify to tile- - passage of this
ordinance and shall cause the sarle to .Je ;rinted once within
fifteen (15) r+ays after its au"o.,ption, in the a.naheir.: Bulletin,
a ne ,7spaper of general circulation, -publisded and
circulated in said City, and thirty �(30) daysfrora and after
its sinal ;passage it shall take effect and :;e in full force.
THE FOREGOIi-,iG is ap-proveC.: ane-, si ned J_by
this 23rd day of Z.ugust, 1966.
i YC OF r E CITi' fl ' =:y :._ �EI ATTEST. }- ,iv HEt Mi
!, Gc:lE M. MLUAyiS, CI Y CLEI(K U1- i -'f (Cif Y
2314AN v W,A
CIT ' CLERK OF TIE CITY OF T2TJA11jR,I ppli`;E fiv �Hif. Anaheim Bulletin
PUBLlSH£R - 1966
-D --� /xAyt�_ September
ns�zO�i- _y_�
I, D E,11r ILJLIL, iu, Cit`:' Clerk of the Cit --7 o '2c.TtE'.ir:t
do here by certify t .at tie foregoing ordinance T7as introduced: at
a regular meeting of the Citl% Council of the City of 7s-laheLa
held on the 2nd day of �-Iugust, 1956, and that the sane 7,.ias passed:
and adopted at a regular h«eeting of said City Council held on to
23rd day of august, 1956, by -L-hefollo:lin vote of the r e. held-on
TIYES : COU!iCILL v : Dutton, Pebley, Schutte, Chandler
and Krein
NOES : COU% CL-.:Ei : None
SENIT : CJUi _4CT_.L : 'ci : None
likiD 1 F _,-1T :1r r G ::`i I 'Y that the .a. Tor of the Citi; of
alaheii- approved and si nedt said ordinance on the 23rd day of
Iugust, 1966.
Ii ITc �1SS "hLER.,'Ot , I hav;� Thereunto set iai hand and:
affixed the official seal of the City of 1'_1_lahe1J1,, tills 23rd Clay of
,-�:ugust, 1966.
( S::�L)
C .y'NT CL:-°�T-11,71 Clu. .i OF '. i -'\i: I1'i