RA1986/03/189 Anaheim Civic Center ANAHEIM REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY March 18, 1986, 1:05 P.M. Anaheim Redevelopment Agency was adjourned to take place at the completion of the regular City Council meeting scheduled this date. MOTION CARRIED. Adjourned: 1:05 p.m. LEONORA N. SOHL, SECRETARY By Secretary Anaheim Civic Center, ANAHEIM REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY March 18, 1986 6:17 P.M. PRESENT: AGENCY MEMBERS: Kaywood, Overholt, Bay and Pickler ABSENT: AGENCY MEMBERS: Roth PRESENT: CITY MANAGER: William 0. Talley CITY ATTORNEY: Jack White CITY CLERK: Leonora N. Sohl DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT /PLANNING: Norman J. Priest Acting Chairman Pickler called the regular meeting of the Anaheim Redevelopment Agency to order at 6:17 p.m. MINUTES: Agency Member Overholt moved to approve the minutes of the regular meetings held February 11, February 18 and February 25, 1986. Agency Member Bay seconded the motion. Agency Member Kaywood abstained on the minutes of February 18, 1986 since she was not present at that meeting. Agency Member Roth was absent. MOTION CARRIED. FINANCIAL DEMANDS AGAINST THE ANAHEIM REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY in the amount of $14,250.13 for the week ending March 7, 1986 and $421,822.10 for the week ending March 14, 1986, in accordance with the 1985 -86 Budget, were approved. CONSENT CALENDAR ITEMS: On motion by Agency Member Overholt, seconded by Agency Member Bay, the following actions were authorized in accordance with the reports and recommendations furnished each Agency Member and as listed on the Consent Calendar Agenda. Agency Member Overholt offered Resolution No. ARA86 -10 for adoption. Refer to Resolution Book. 1. 161/123: Approving the Final Landscape Plans for Acquisition Parcels A and PA, northeast corner Broadway at Harbor Boulevard for the Anaheim City Center Project. 86 -17 e� Anaheim Civic Center ANAHEIM REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY March 18, 1986, 6:17 P.M. Staff answered questions posed by Agency Member Kaywood relative to the plans specifically regarding the composition of the material to be used for the pavement. She was assured also that no cobblestones would be used and that the composition of the paver would not have spaces in it thereby providing a good walking surface. 2. 161/158: Authorizing the payment of an amount not to exceed $75,583 for a relocation claim, Case No. ARA 852 -TB. 3. 161 /123: RESOLUTION NO. ARA86 -10: A RESOLUTION OF THE ANAHEIM REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY APPROVING THE TERMS OF THE THIRD IMPLEMENTATION AGREEMENT WITH KING OF CALIFORNIA, INC. (Approving the Third Implementation agreement with King of California, Inc. for a proposed theatre -in -the round and restaurant to be located on the northeast corner of Broadway and Claudina, Parcel 16, Redevelopment Project, to provide for additional security through Certificate of Completion period. Approving the Evidence of Financing as a partial requirement in the conveyance of Parcel 16, northeast corner of Broadway and Claudina. Roll Call Vote: AYES: AGENCY MEMBERS: Kaywood, Overholt, Bay and Pickler NOES: AGENCY MEMBERS: None ABSENT: AGENCY MEMBERS: Roth The Chairman Pro tern declared Resolution No. ARA86 -10 duly passed and adopted. End of Consent Calendar. Agency Member Roth was absent. MOTION CARRIED. ADJOURNMENT: Agency Member Bay moved to adjourn. Agency Member Pickler seconded the motion. Agency Member Roth was absent. MOTION CARRIED. (6:22 p.m.) LEONORA N. SOHL, SECRETARY 86 -18