RA1987/12/08Anaheim Civic Center, ANAHEIM REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY December 8, 1987, 1:20 P.M. PRESENT: AGENCY MEMBERS: Hunter, Kaywood, Pickler and Bay ABSENT: AGENCY MEMBERS: Ehrle PRESENT: CITY MANAGER: Bob Simpson CITY ATTORNEY: Jack White SECRETARY: Leonora N. Sohl ASSISTANT EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT: Lisa Stipkovich A complete copy of the agenda for the meeting of the Anaheim Redevelopment Agency was posted at 2:30 p.m. on December 4, 1987 at the Civic Center kiosk, containing all items as shown herein. Chairman Bay called the regular meeting of the Anaheim Redevelopment Agency to order at 2:00 p.m. MINUTES: Agency Member Kaywood moved to approve the minutes of the regular meeting held October 27, 1987 and November 10, 1987. Agency Member Pickler seconded the motion. Agency Member Ehrle was absent. MOTION CARRIED. FINANCIAL DEMANDS AGAINST THE ANAHEIM REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY in the amount of $98,637.46, in accordance with the 1987-88 Budget, were approved. CONSENT CALENDAR ITEMS: On motion by Agency Member Pickler, seconded by Agency Member Hunter, the following actions were authorized in accordance with the reports and recommendations furnished each Agency Member and as listed on the Consent Calendar Agenda: 1. 161.107: Authorizing Change Order No. 1 to a contract with Hintz Wrecking Co., Inc., increasing the contract by $5,876.34 for additional work in connection with demolition and site clearance at 114 No. Topeka Street and 622 East Cypress Street. 2. 161.123: Authorizing an agreement with Union Pacific, in an amount not to exceed $266,994, to pay for relocating track and signals and loss of its team track (Case No. ARA 864-OB) and authorizing the Executive Director to execute all related documents. 3. 161.123: Authorizing an agreement with Keyser Marston Associates, Inc., in an amount not to exceed $120,000, for land disposition and economic consulting services, for the term July 1, 1987 thru June 30, 1989. 4. 161.123: Authorizing an agreement with Willdan Associates, in an amount not to exceed $450,000 to provide civil engineering services, for the term July 1, 1987 through June 30, 1989. 5. 161.123: Authorizing an agreement with Wilbur Smith and Associates, Inc., in an amount not to exceed $80,000, for traffic engineering services, for the term July 1, 1987 through June 30, 1989. 87- 9p Anaheim Civic Center, ANAHEIM REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY December 8, 1987, 1:20 P.M. End of Consent Calendar. Agency Member Ehrle was absent. MOTIONS CARRIED. ITEMS OF PUBLIC INTEREST: No items of public interest were addressed. ADJOURNMENT: Agency Member Bay moved to adjourn. Agency Member Pickler seconded the motion. Agency Member Ehrle was absent. MOTION CARRIED. (2:01 p.m.) ~ `~ LEONORA N. SOHL, SECRETARY 87-91