RA1979/11/2779 -138 ANAHEIM REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY November 27, 1979, 1 :00 P.M. Council Chamber Anaheim City Hall PRESENT: AGENCY MEMBERS: Kaywood, Bay, Roth and Overholt ABSENT: AGENCY MEMBERS: Seymour PRESENT: CITY MANAGER: William 0. Talley CITY ATTORNEY: William P. Hopkins SECRETARY: Linda D. Roberts EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR: Norman J. Priest REDEVELOPMENT MANAGER: Susan Schick Chairman Pro Tem Overholt called the regular meeting of the Anaheim Redevelopment Agency to order. MINUTES Approval of minutes was deferred to the next regular meeting. FINANCIAL DEMANDS AGAINST THE ANAHEIM REDEVE AGENCY in the amount of $125,841.55, in accordance with the 1979 -80 Budget, were approved. 161: MONTHLY STATUS REPORT - OCTOBER 1979 On motion by Mrs Kaywood seconded by activities filed. Mr. Mr. Roth, the Monthly,Status Report covering Redevelopment for the month of October 1979, was ordered received and Seymour was absent. MOTION CARRIED. 161.158: AUDIT REPORT - REDEVELOPMENT RELOCATION ACCOUNT. SEPTEMBER 30, 1979 In accordance with report and recommendation by the Executive Director, Mr. Bay moved that Audit Report of the Redevelopment Relocation Account for the three -month period ending September 30, 1979 be ordered received and filed. Mr. Roth seconded the motion. Mr. Seymour was absent. MOTION CARRIED. 161.107: CHANGE ORDER NO. 1, CONTRACT NO. D79 -15 In accordance with recommendation by the Executive Director, Mrs. Kaywood moved that Change Order No. 1, Contract No. D79 -15, for additional work and faith- ful performance bonds, in the total amount of $250, be approved, bringing the original coritract price to $4,350; Marcus P. South and Associates, contractors. Mr. Bay seconded the motion. Mr. Seymour was absent. MOTION CARRIED. 79 -139 ANAHEIM REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, NOVEMBER 27, 1979, 1 :00 P.M. 161.157: ANAHEIM TOWN CENTER FINANCING Executive Director Norman Priest briefed his report dated November 19, 1979, advising of a new approach to redevelopment financing under the California SB -99 Pro- gram, wherein the proceeds of mortgage- backed revenue bonds may be used to make construction loans or permanent financing loans which are secured by deeds of trust, with principal and interest payments on the loans then used to repay the bonds. It has been indicated by bond counsel that he can give an opinion that such bonds are tax - exempt, which would result in a lower interest rate, and that the Redevelopment Agency has the authority to issue the bonds for a commercial center in Downtown Project Alpha. He further advised that initiating a resolution of inducement would not delay the commencement of Town Center construction, and would not irrevocably commit the Agency should the program not appear feasible after further investiga- tion and consideration. It was noted that the plan was proposed to be offered to former merchants of the downtown area over a five -year period on an incremental basis, and no sale of the Town Center would be allowed for three years. Mrs. Kaywood inquired how the five -year subsidy would be affected if a tenant of the Center were to sell in three years. Mr. Priest advised that if one of the formerly displaced merchants were to sell his business to another displaced party, the subsidy would continue throughout the five -year term. Mr. Herb Weiser, Special Agency Counsel, pointed out that the proposed resolution would be an official action declaring the intent only; further action would be necessary to implement the financing plan. In response to question by Mr. Bay as to the 5,200 square feet of commercial space proposed to be made available under the program, Mr. Priest stated that the Agency could possibly offer additional rent differential on more square footage. Mr. Bob Shields of Watt Commercial Properties, developers of the Anaheim Town Center, indicated there would be approximately 12,000 square feet of existing tenants. Mr. Roth stated he was in favor of the proposal, however he was concerned whether such a plan might have an effect on funds for residential assistance. Mr. Priest replied that it would be a separate package and would have no effect on other funds. If implementation was proposed in the future, Agency Members would have the opportunity to review the proposed bond contract and other documents. 79 -140 ANAHEIM REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, NOVEMBER 27, 1979, 1 :00 P.M. On behalf of the Redevelopment Agency, Chairman Pro Tem Overholt complimented the staff for presenting an innovative plan. Mrs. Kaywood offered Resolution No. ARA79 -109 for adoption. Refer to Resolution Book. RESOLUTION NO. ARA79 -109 A RESOLUTION OF THE ANAHEIM REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY RELATING TO AVAILABILITY OF FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE UNDER THE AGENCY'S RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE FINANCING PROGRAM. Roll Call Vote: AYES: AGENCY MEMBERS: Kaywood, Bay, Roth and Overholt NOES: AGENCY MEMBERS: None ABSENT: AGENCY MEMBERS: Seymour Chairman Pro Tem Overholt declared Resolution No. ARA79 -109 duly passed and adopted. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business Anaheim Redevelopment Agency, Mr. Roth moved seconded the motion. Mr. Seymour was absent. ADJOURNED: 1:27 P.M. to come before the to adjourn. Mr. Bay MOTION CARRIED. i