RA1981/05/0581 -39 ANAHEIM REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY May 5, 1981, 1:00 P.M. Council Chambers Anaheim Civic Center PRESENT: AGENCY MEMBERS: Overholt, Kaywood, Bay, Roth and Seymour ABSENT: AGENCY MEMBERS: None PRESENT: CITY MANAGER: William 0. Talley CITY ATTORNEY: William P. Hopkins SECRETARY: Linda D. Roberts EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR: Norman J. Priest Chairman Seymour called the regular meeting of the Anaheim Redevelopment Agency to order at 1:30 p.m. MINUTES On motion by Mrs. Kaywood, seconded by Mr. Roth, minutes of the regular meeting held April 21, 1981, were approved. MOTION CARRIED. 161: OLD EL CAMINO BANK BUILDING RESTORATION AND FINANCING Consideration by the Redevelopment Agency of financial assistance, under the Marks His- torical Rehabilitation Act of 1976 Revenue Backed Financing Program, for - restoration of the old E1 Camino Bank building, and authorization of an agreement with Wilson, Morton, Assaf & McElligott for Bond Counsel services in connection therewith, was continued from the meetings of April 21 and 28, 1981, for additional information on alternative financing. It was noted that an analysis of commercial funding under S.B. 99, contrasted with funding under the Marks Historical Restoration Act of 1976, had been submitted this date by Wilson, Morton, Assaf & McElligott,together with a report by the Executive Director recommending that the Marks Historical Restoration funding be utilized for the restoration of the old E1 Camino Bank building. Agency Member Roth offered Resolution No. ARA81 -10 for adoption. Refer to Resolution Book. RESOLUTION N0, ARA81 -10 A RESOLUTION OF THE ANAHEIM REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY STATING ITS INTENTION TO ESTABLISH A MARKS HISTORICAL REHABILITATION PRO- GRAM AND TO ISSUE REHABILITATION NOTES FOR CERTAIN HISTORIC PROPERTIES IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM, AND TO RETAIN BOND COUNSEL. Roll Call Vote: AYES: AGENCY MEMBERS: Overholt, Kaywood, Bay, Roth and Seymour NOES: AGENCY MEMBERS: None ABSENT: AGENCY MEMBERS: None Chairman Seymour declared Resolution No. ARA81 -10 duly passed and adopted. 81 -40 ANAHEIM REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MAY 5 1981 1.00 P.M. Agency Member Roth moved that an agreement with Wilson, Morton, Assaf & McElligott for Bond Counsel services relating to legal proceedings for the authorization, issuance and sale of tax - exempt bonds under the Marks Historical Rehabilitation Act of 1976, be authorized, as recom- mended by the Executive Director. Agency Member Bay seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. 161.123: AGREEMENT WITH CITY OF ANAHEIM - ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN In accordance with recommendations by the Executive Director, Mr. Overholt moved that an agreement with the City of Anaheim providing for Agency payment of $35,700 as a share of costs for preparation of studies and information relating to conditions of blight within the definitions set forth in Section 33031 or 33032 of the Health and Safety Code, be authorized. Mr. Seymour seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. 161.158: RELOCATION CLAIMS AGAINST THE CITY No relocation claims pending over a ninety -day period were reported. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Anaheim Redevelopment Agency, Mr. Overholt moved to adjourn, Mrs. Kaywood seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. ADJOURNED: 1:33 P.M. LINDA D. ROBERTS, SECRETARY