RA1981/06/1681 -58 ANAHEIM REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY June 16, 1981, 1:00 P.M. Council Chambers Anaheim Civic Center PRESENT: AGENCY MEMBERS: Overholt, Kaywood, Bay and Seymour ABSENT: AGENCY MEMBERS: Roth PRESENT: CITY MANAGER: William 0. Talley CITY ATTORNEY: William P. Hopkins SECRETARY: Linda D. Roberts EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR: Norman J. Priest Chairman Seymour called the regular meeting of the Anaheim Redevelop- ment Agency to order at 1:17 P.M. MINUTES On motion by Mrs. Kaywood, seconded by Mr. Bay, minutes of the Anaheim Redevelopment Agency regular meeting held June 2, 1981, were approved. Mr. Roth was absent. Mr. Seymour abstained. MOTION CARRIED. FINANCIAL DEMANDS AGAINST THE ANAHEIM REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY in the amount of $564.01, in accordance with the 1980 -81 Budget, were approved. 161.123: AGREEMENT WITH THE CITY OF ANAHEIM - PARKING REQUIREMENTS FOR NEW DEVELOPMENT Executive Director Norman J. Priest reported briefly on proposed agreement with the City of Anaheim to allow the Agency to reimburse one -half of the cost to the City for a Parking Requirement Study for new developments with overlapping and multiple - structure uses and downsized automobiles. He noted that the majority of new developments for which parking facilities would be studied would be located in Downtown Redevelopment Project Alpha. On motion by Mr. Bay, seconded by Mrs. Kaywood, the proposed agreement with the City of Anaheim to reimburse one -half of the cost for the Parking Requirements Study, cost not to exceed $13,410, was authorized as recommended by the Executive Director. Mr. Roth was absent. MOTION CARRIED. 161: PUBLIC HEARING - MARKS HISTORICAL REHABILITATION FINANCING PROGRAM FOR RESTORATION OF THE OLD EL CAMINO BUILDING Public Hearing was held to discuss the Marks Historical Rehabilitation Financing Program for restoration of the former El Camino Building, as approved by the Agency on May 5, 1981. Mr. Priest briefly reported on a proposed resolution to appoint the necessary Citizen Advisory Board which would review and make recommendations regarding program guidelines and criteria. It was recommended that Don Lee, owner of Jackson's Drug, be appointed to the Board to fulfill the requirement that a tenant of an old building in the Downtown area be included on the Board. 81 -59 ANAHEIM REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, JUNE 16, 1981, 1:00 P.M. Upon invitation by Chairman Seymour, Mr. David Casnocha, representing Wilson, Morton, Assaf & McElligott, Special Counsel to the Agency for Historic Rehabilitation Bonds, briefly reported that the El Camino Building would be approximately the fourth structure in the State of California to be rehabilitated under the Marks Historical Rehabilitation Financing Program. He outlined requirements of this type of mort- gage funding, such as the finding that the project would be viable, and that the existing structure is qualified under the Marks Historical Rehabilitation Act of 1976 as amended, and that ninety percent of the loan proceeds be used for "hard" rehabilitation costs. He pointed out that the loan would be paid out of revenue from leases to the property owner. There would be no liability on the part of the Agency,nor its Members, and Mr. Casnocha noted that two public hearings were required, in addition to the adoption of the rehabilitation financing plan approximately six weeks from today, after a meeting of the Citizen Advisory Board. In response to question by Chairman Seymour, Mr. Casnocha advised that the differential in rates under this type of loan would be 60 to 65% of the prime..rate, plus 1 %. In response to a question by Mr. Bay, Mr. Harold Graham, the proposed pur- chaser of the property, advised that the economic feasibility of the --- project was the major factor in the Marks Historical Rehabilitation Financing Program guidelines for restoration of structures. Mr. Bay pointed out that the criteria of the State Historic Commission ignored economic feasibility and concentrated on other factors. It was his concern that if the E1 Camino Building met the criteria and was going to establish the criteria for future similar loans, there is a question as to whether that particular structure should be utilized in that manner. Mr. Priest recalled the names of the Citizen Advisory Board Members and pointed out that the project under consideration was a continuation of a process commenced some time ago. The Committee was in the process of reviewing a number of historic structures for possible rehabilitation., depending upon their historic value, which would be determined after staff recommendations were received on the merits of the various structures for preservation and rehabilitation financing. After such consideration, the Committee would make recommendation to the Redevelopment Agency. Chairman Seymour asked if anyone wished to address the Agency on the issue under consideration; there being no response, he declared the public hearing closed. In accordance with recommendations by the Executive Director, Mr. Seymour offered Resolution No. ARA81 -15 for adoption, appointing the Anaheim Historic_ Presdrvation Review Committee as the Citizen Advisory Board for the Agency's Historical Rehabilitation Financing Program, and naming Mr. Don Lee as a member of the Board. Refer to Resolution Book. 81 -60 ANAHEIM REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, JUNE 16, 1981, 1:00 P.M. RESOLUTION NO. ARA81 -15 A RESOLUTION OF THE ANAHEIM REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY APPOINTING A CITIZEN ADVISORY BOARD. Roll Call Vote: AYES: AGENCY MEMBERS: Overholt, Kaywood, Bay and Seymour NOES: AGENCY MEMBERS: None ABSENT: AGENCY MEMBERS: Roth Chairman Seymour declared Resolution No. ARA81 -15 duly passed and adopted. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Anaheim Redevelopment Agency, Mrs. Kaywood moved to adjourn. Mr. Bay seconded the motion. Mr. Roth was absent. MOTION CARRIED. ADJOURNED: 7_:35 p.m. LINDA D. ROBERTS, SECRETARY