RA1976/06/2976 -11 Anaheim Redevelopment Agency - June 29, 1976, 1 :00 P.M. It was suggested that at the conclusion of any business before the Redevelopment Agency and Housing Authority, both meetings be recessed to a time following the City Council meeting today, in order that the proposed Agency and Authority Budgets for 1976 --77 may be considered at that time. REDEVELOPMENT PROGRAM REDIRECTION: With reference to the redir- ection of the Redevelopment Program as announced at the City 71 Cou €Zcil meeting held June 22, 1976, Mr. Seymour reported he had received a number of calls from business people and property owners in the area of Redevelopment Project Alpha requesting clarification. He*noted that in no way should the redirection be interpreted as a "slow- down" of the redevelopment process or as indicating a lesser effort will be made. He was of the opinion that instead, it will be a catalyst to help accomplish those projects which are achievable and will direct the redevelopment effort away from tourist- oriented development and toward a high emphasis on new residential along with the maintenance of residential neighbor- hoods. The projects currently under negotiation, such as the Village Center and the senior citizens residential facility, should be more viable than before. Mr. Seymour further advised that while the previous approach to redevelopment in the downtown area was to work with outside developers, the new emphasis is to deal with the redevelopment area as it exists, working on a one -to -one basis with people involved who live or do business in the area. At the invitation of Mr. Seymour, Mr. Larry Ulvestad, one of the principals of the Village Center Project, stated that at Anaheim Savings and Loan there have been some m_xed emotions per - taining to the scope and scale of redevelopment in the downtown area, and he expressed a sense of relief that the previous direc- tion has been reversed. The concept of neighborhoods and involve- ment of individuals in this project should be the more preeminent consideration, and determination of the scope and scale of the redevelopment effort would allow the natural progression of physi- cal structures to follow. He noted the concern that many have that the redirection might lead to a failure of momentum in cer- tain aspects of the project, however, he advised that Anaheim Savings and Loan wholly supports the change in direction. Mr. Ulvestad further noted that their concern has been di- rected toward the residential housing stock in the area, rather than commercial, and bringing competitive retail services back into what once was the retail focus of North Orange County. Anaheim Savings and Loan has held in abeyance many of its programs regarding housing stock, and in his opinion, those residential areas are dependent upon returning some viability to a retail focus, in order that certain basic community support institutions, including lenders, will be able to expand their programs. Mr. Ulvestad expressed concern about'a proposed reduction in the Community Development Department staff and felt that an in- crease should be strongly considered in order to accomplish the tremendous amount of work ahead in a short period of time. In his opinion, de- elopers who have expressed an interest in the area would interpret a staff reduction as a negative signal. He was of the opinion that it was important for the City to reiterate its intention with respect to the location of the new City Hall, 76 -12 Anaheim Redevelopment AZency - June 29, 1976, 1:00 P.M. and reminded the Agency Members of Anaheim Sevings and Loan's previous expression in favor of preserving the facility in the downtown area. He felt that the question of the possible rerout- ing of Lincoln Avenue should be answered as a natural outcome of the theme to be established. In conclusion, Mr. Ulvestad advised that the current debate and consensus- forming period is healthy, and even more leadership from the Redevelopment Agency and City Council will be required to bring the consensus into focus and alleviate some doubts and concerns. _ Chairman Thom expressed appreciation for Mr. Ulvestad's remarks and advised that the Agency Members look-at the redirect- ion as an acceleration of immediate and future projects such as the Village Center, Shapell Government Housing, and Commercial Block "A ", with no loss of momentum to the redevelopment process. The entire thrust was to emphasize these viable projects ant. it was anticipated that the increased attention in that directiQ, possibly would require fewer staff members. Mr. Seymour noted that at a recent Steering Committee meeting, the committee members determined to meet three afternoons each wee';.., which is an indication of the commitment on their part. He was of the opinion that this redirection would have little or no impact on the location of the future new City Hall, however, the proposed location would remain within the redevelopment project area. Concerning staff reductions, it was intended to gear the Redevelopment staff to a "lean machine" which would primarily con- tract for outside services, such as property agents, whose services would be required for limited periods only. He remained confident that some solid staff reduction could be effected without any slowing of the momentum of the program. Mrs. Kay expressed the opinion that the Redevelopment Agency Members should review the position taken on the redirection of the redevelopment program from the standpoint mentioned by Mr. Ulvestad, i.e., that developers would take this new direction as a negative signal. Mr. Seymour reported that a meeting was scheduled June 30, 1976, with Mr. Ulvestadland other principals of the proposed Village Center to discuss location of their proposed project, and it was his hope that this meeting would lead to a series of on -going meetings until results were realized. He pointed out there is a need to demonstrate to developers that this re- energizing is taki- place, and Anaheim can meet their needs. Chairman Thom and Mr. Seymour expressed appreciation to Mr. Ulvestad for his comments. a JOINT MEETING - P.A.C. AND COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSION: Pursuant to a request by the Project Area Committee (P.A.C.) to hold a joint meeting with the Redevelopment Agency this evening, which was precluded by a scheduled public hearing before the City Council at that time, Mr. Seymour suggested that said meeting be rescheduled for Thursday, July 1, 1976, 7:30 P.M., in the City Council Chamber, and include Community Redevelopment Commission. Members of the Redevelopment Agency concurred, indicating that if this date and time is acceptable to the other two bodies, the Agency would adjourn this meeting to that date. 76 -13 Anaheim Redevelopment Agency - June 29, 1976 P.M. RECESS: Mrs. Kaywood moved to recess to a time after the Council meeting this afternoon to consider the proposed 1976 -77 Redevel- opment Budget. Mr. Seymour seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. (1:23 P.M.) AFTER RECESS: Chairman Thom reconvened the meeting of the Redevel- opment Agency at 5:37 P.M. 1976 -77 BUDGET - REDEVELOPMENT: On motion by Mr. Seymour, seconded by Mr. Tbtom, the proposed 1976 -77 Budget for the Community Develop- ment Department, Redevelopment, was approved as amended. (See June 29, 1976, Council minutes for discussion.) Mr. Kott tempor- arily absent. MOTION CARRIED. ADJOURNMENT: Mr. Seymour moved to adjourn to Thursday, July 1, 1976, 7:30 P.M., in the Council Chamber. Mr. Thom seconded the motion. Mr. Kott temporarily absent. MOTION CARRIED. ADJOURNED: 5 :38 P.M. ALONA M. HOUGARD, SECRETARY SIGNED: , EPUTY