RA1976/07/0176 -14
JULY 1, 1976 (7 :00 P.M.)
Council Chamber
Anaheim City Hall
PRESENT: AGENCY MEMBERS: Kaywood, Seymour, Kott, Roth and Thom
Fry, Mendez, Morris, Moss and Oseid
Enl Erickson, and Lee
ASSISTANT CITY MANS ti ;R: William 0. Talley
CITY ATTORNEY: A1.�;= R. Watts
SECRETARY: Alona Hougard
Chairman Thom called the Adj::_ -ned Regular Meeting of the Redeve-
lopment Agency, and joint meeting with the Community Redevelopment
Commission and Project Area Committee (PAC), to order.
reviewed the redirection of the redevelopment effort as previously
outlined by Mr. Seymour, advising it was intended to define the
general philosophy and redefine the emphasis of the program to
focus on the viable projects, including new residential projects.
Mr. Seymour commented on the redirection, advising that he
shared the concerns and frustrations of the business people and
residents in the redevelopment area, as well as those of the
Project Area Committee (PAC) and the Community Redevelopment
Commission. The administrative steering committee, comprised of
Mr. Thom, Mr. Seymour, two Redevelopment Commissioners, the Com-
munity Development Director, the City Manager, and the future
Executive Director, has agreed to meet three afternoons each week
to accelerate the redevelopment process and keep it moving. He
was of the opinion that there is a need for a team approach to
redevelopment and members of the Redevelopment Agency, Community
Redevelopment Commission and PAC should be in the field talking
to people in the area. Through this improved communication,
people will become involved, transactions will be formulated and
the process will move forward.
Mr. Roth was of the opinion that sufficient time has already
been spent in discussing and studying redevelopment, and that
there must be some definition of what will be presented in the way
of a redevelopment plan.
Mrs. Kay and Mr. Kott expressed a desire to receive com-
ments from the audience.
Chairman Thom asked whether any Community Redevelopment Com-
mission Members wished to speak at this time; the response was
Community Development Director Knowlton Fernald called atten-
tion to a series of redevelopment plan illustrations posted on the
wall, the first being a schematic drawing depicting uses within
the area of Redevelopment Project Alpha, which he compared to a
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Anaheim Redevelopment Agency - Adjourned Regular Meeting, July.l, 1976
second plan which was in accord with the earlier policy of the
Redevelopment Agency. The remaining five posted plans represented
an attempt by the redevelopment staff to illustrate the new redeve-
lopment policy indicated by the City Council's redirection, and
he noted that the street pattern is consistent throughout, and
the five residential areas which are of sufficient size for iden-
tification purposes were left intact. Commercial areas and open
spaces were located in various areas on the different plans.
In order to utilize tax increments, Mr. Fernald pointed out
it would be necessary to produce a return, and therefore, some
areas where larger buildings (eight to twelve- story) could be
constructed-must be found. Physical and economical decisions must
be trade as to the intensity of uses within the area, since highway,
si: _-�s, necessary utilities, etc. must be provided for. The plans
on display were an illustration of the available flexibility.
Mr. Gaylen Compton, local Realtor and a property owner in the
redevelopment area, was recognized, and advised that he was opposed
to the redirection of the redevelopment policies, as recently
stated by the City Council. He inquired as to qualifications of
newly appointed Redevelopment Commissioners.
Mr. Stewart Moss, Community Redevelopment Commissioner,
addressed the Agency advising that a request was made by the Com-
mission to hold a joint meeting with the Redevelopment Agency in
order to discuss aspects of the redevelopment redirection, and he
thereupon requested that the discussion at this meeting be con-
fined-to the matters at hand.
Mr. Compton stated it appeared to him, as a property owner
within Redevelopment Project Alpha, there is a possibility that
some of the members of the Commission may not be the best qualified
Mr. Gerald Bushore, Vice President and spokesman for the
sixteen- member Project Area Committee, questioned whether the
proposed steering committee would preclude the need for PAC and
the Community Redevelopment Commission.
Mr. Seymour advised that the purpose of the steering committee
would be to insure that the redevelopment process keeps moving.
As a result, workloads should be increased, and in his opinion,
the need for both bodies will be greater than before. He stated
that if any Member of the Community Redevelopment Commission can-
not philosophically accept the redirection of policy, he would
request the resignation of that Member, although he did not expect
a "rubber stamp" approval of all proposals from the Commission. He
noted that the PAC is charged with the role of communicating with
property owners.
Mr. Bushore expressed the opinion that there has been a lack
of communication between the Agency and the PAC, and stressed the
need to have the information in order to communicate with the
property owners. He was concerned that a negative response from
one property owner could hold up a redevelopment project.
In reply to a question by Mr. Bushore, City Attorney Alan R.
Watts counseled that there is no provision in the California
Redevelopment Law regarding steering committees.
During the discussion between Mr. Seymour and Mr. Bushore
which followed, Mr. Seymour outlined potential lines of approach
to residential property owners, including the alternatives for
selling properties to the City, redeveloping the properties,
joining with neighbors in a larger project, or requesting to be
Anaheim Redevelopment Agency- Adjourned Regular Meeting, July 1, 1976
left alone. If the latter alternative is chosen, the property
ox,zer should be advised that an attempt will be made to get parti-
cipation from his neighbors. In the area of "Commercial Block A ",
there is less flexibility due to the existing larger buildings.
The possibility exists that eminent domain proceedings might be
utilized in one or more instances, but only where necessary.
In response to question by Mr. Bushore, Mr. Seymour was of
the opinion that it would be beneficial if some or all of the
steering committee members could attend PAC meetings.
Mr. Bushore responded that if the steering committee was an
entity, it was requested that a representative from PAC should be
appointed. Further, due to lack of community understanding of the
redevelopment process, it was recommended that a public relations
director be employed.
Other PAC Members addressing the Redevelopment Agency were
Mrs. Vivian Engelbrecht, Mr. Darwin Stockwell, Mrs. Marguerite Lee,
Mr. Jesus Payan, Mr. Gerard Warde, Mr. Douglas Renner, and Messrs.
Gant Eickrodt and Mike Brown, the latter two also members of DATA.
Comments included the following: Any redevelopment program will
unavoidably disturb some people, but the City should not delay
progress; the redirection of redevelopment policies was commendable,
however it was questionable whether the staff should be reduced
while the workload is increasing; there should be an emphasis on
the discovery of Anaheim's history; redirection of policy automa-
tically slows the process down in the opinion of those affected;
the residential areas which would be removed under the previous
Redevelopment Plan are not blighted and should be preserved; the
Redevelopment Agency has not consulted PAC nor given adequate
direction thereto, and there should be a representative of PAC
on the steering committee; elderly people living in the vicinity
of downtown are fearful of going out on the streets; if the pro-
posed space park and museum currently under negotiation is relo-
cated to the Disneyland area, the downtown district will not
derive any benefits; and finally, the Northeast Industrial Area
portion of Project Alpha needs additional streets and utilities, as
well as a solution to undevelopable landlocked parcels.
James L. Morris, Chairman of the Community Redevelopment Com-
mission, stated that after sixteen years working on redevelopment,
he was impatient with delays. He stressed the necessity that any
plan approved must be economically feasible, increment must be
created in the downtown area to support the redevelopment project.
It is time to follow the advice accrued from two years of studies
conducted by specialist consultants.
Other Community Redevelopment Commission Members addressing
the Redevelopment Agency were Manuel Mendez, Jane Oseid and Stewart
Moss, with comments including the following: The existing Redeve-
lopment Plan is outstanding and nationally recognized, and research
by consultants answered questions subsequently expressed by the City
Council precedent to initiation of redevelopment policy redirection;
the new plan should be as good as the existing plan, with as much
information applied as there was to the other; the Community Rede-
velopment Commission is concerned with people problems and, together
with the excellent Redevelopment staff, is people- oriented; there
has a minimum of public participation and support regarding
redevelopment at Commission meetings, and the prime responsibility
lies with the people, whose views should be communicated to their
government; increasing the number of residential facilities in the
doT,,mown area will not increase employment, which must be accom-
plished under the Redevelopment Law.
76 -- "i7
Anaheim Redevelopment Agency - Adjourned Regular Meeting, duly 1, 1976
Mrs. Oneida Copeland, 207 South Claudina Street, Member of
PAC, was recognized and expressed the opinion that the projected .
space park and museum should be placed in the downtown district,
preferably in the area surrounded by Broadway, Harbor Boulevard,
Lincoln Avenue and Clementine Street. She further stated that
several people on South Claudina Street are expecting to sell
their properties to the Redevelopment Agency, and are hoping to
get re- settled as soon as possible.
It was noted by Mr. Seymour that the Agency had entered into
contracts with a number of appraisers who - ;rere working in the
redevelop. rnt area to appraise various properties.
Mr. liil1 Payne addressed the Agency advising that he resided
within the redevelopment area near Broadway and Kroeger Streets,
and had lived in the city for sixty -six years. He briefly reviewed
the history of the city and cited the need for some revitalization
of the downtown district. He was of the opinion that a senior
citizens' facility should receive top priority, preferably not to
be a high -rise building, and he requested that some action be
taken to insure imminent progress.
Mr. Jerry G. Ames, 1234 Arlington Avenue, addressed the
Agency commending the redevelopment effort, and recommended that
progress be made at a decreased rate to allow proof of financial
Mr. David Collins, 1077 West Ball Road, Realtor who managed
property within the downtown redevelopment area advised that the
owner of property under his management is concerned that the new
redirection of policy will cause delays in progress, and estimates
another year will go by during development of another feasible
plan. In addition, the property owner expressed the opinion that
the latest redevelopment plan was carefully thought out to be in
the best possible interests of all concerned.
Mr. Collins was of the opinion that if streets were not re-
aligned, many businesses would be forced out by the inaccessibility
during construction of new utilities. He called attention to the
deficient properties or many buildings in the downtown area which
could lead to disaster in the event of an earthquake.
In conclusion, Mr. Collins felt that redevelopment should be
accomplished in an exciting and dramatic manner, with open space
and innovative attractions to draw the people to the area.
Mr. Tom Cook, 541 South Helena Street, addressed the Agency
calling attention to the successes enjoyed in recent years by
other communities in turning the architectural resources of old
downtown districts into useful and viable buildings. He thereupon
suggested that the Redevelopment Agency reconsider the proposed
reduction in staff.
Mr. Roth stated that during his City Council campaign, he
spoke to many people and found no lack of support for redevelop-
ment. However, to get active support, some concrete evidence of
redevelopment will have to be shown.
Mr. Seymour concurred, and was of the opinion that if there
was not sufficient support for the old plan, a new plan is needed.
The redirection was not intended to stall the project, but to
accelerate it. Progress is the important issue, requiring more
people -to- people communication, together with a willingness to
7b -18
Anaheim Redevelopment Agency- Adjourned Regular Meeting, July 1, 1976
Mr. Ben Pruitt was recognized and stated he had been a resi-
dent of Anaheim all of his life, and his family owned property in
the downtown area. He requested clarification of the steering
committee activities.
Mr. Seymour briefly outlined the role of the committee in
redevelopment policy.
ix-. Pruitt stated he could not conceive how the development
of existing businesses, etc., on an individual basis would speed
up the redevelopment process. Interviewing all the people involved
would be a lengthy process, and these same people were given an
opportunity= to indicate their preferences when pamphlets were
mailed by the Community Redevelopment Commission last year.
Mr. Seymour pointed out his concern for the large majority of
people in the downtown redevelopment area who have neither the
education nor the courage to respond to such an invitation.
Mr. Pruitt was of the opinion there did not seem to be a
great deal of communication between the Redevelopment Agency and
the Community Redevelopment Commission. He protested any reduc-
tion in the Redevelopment staff, and was opposed to any further
Relative to the proposed reduction of staff, Mr. Seymour
reiterated that the idea was to utilize private enterprise to
provide expert services wherever possible. He pointed out that
a minimum of three Commissioners were aware that the redirection
of policy had not evolved overnight, but over a period of months.
For clarification, Mr. Fernald reported that four employees i
in the Redevelopment Department had been given ninety days' notice,
based on approval of the Budget for the fiscal year 1976 -77.
Mr. Joe Shingle addressed the Agency expressing the opinion
that it is not the function of political entities to attempt
projects such as redevelopment in a free enterprise country. He
suggested that a group of private citizens be solicited to purchase
properties in the redevelopment project area and coordinate new
Mr. Fred Brown, 812 West Broadway, addressed the Agency
advising he was one of the founding members of DATA (Downtown
Area Task force Association), which was formed with the objective
of being a communicating body on behalf of affected people in the
downtown redevelopment area. He was of the opinion that DATA had
had much to do with the redirection_ of redevelopment policy. The
proposed space park and museum did not seem a use conducive to
the downtown area of the community, and he stressed the need for
an "identity Anaheim," with a new look. He commended Mr. Fernald
and the Redevelopment staff for their assistance in providing DATA
with information, and was of the opinion that all members of the
staff should be retained. He stated that any representative of
DATA would be willing to work with Agency and Redevelopment Com-
mission.Members to implement the policies they have advocated.
Chairman Thom stated that the City is currently in the plan-
ning process; the existing redevelopment plan had not been formally
adopted, and the concern of the City Co,y was to accelerate the
redevelopment process.
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Anaheim Redevelopment Agency- Adjourned Regular Meeting, July 1, 1976
Mr. Gene Oster, 713 South Anaheim,Boulevard, addressed the
Agency pointing out that redevelopment involves all 192,000
citizens in the City, not just those in the area of Redevelop-
ment Project Alpha. He advised that he would like to see a h appy
medium, with aggressive business people involved in redev�: -'_;: z_eat
Mrs. Jane Cook, 541 South Helena Street, addressed t '. Agency
expressing the opinion that the type of redevelopment plan envi-
sioned must be socially and commercially viable and would require
an experienced staff to make it come about. She was also of the
opinion than those staff members proposed to be eliminated would
be difficult to replace:
During brief discussion by the Agency, Mr. Roth stated that
in his opinion, the downtown area should be redeveloped before
any additional redevelopment projects are scheduled for the North-
east Industrial portion of Project Alpha.
Chairman Thom pointed out that the great majority of redeve-
lopment funds are derived from the Northeast Industrial area taxes.
Mrs. Kaywood noted that is also where employment will be
Mr. Seymour felt that some redevelopment projects should be
continued in order to enhance development of the industrial area.
The valuation will rise and off -set any loss of value in the
emphasis of downtown residential development.
r-- Mr. Seymour pointed out that this meeting had produced healthy
discussion, and the need for communication with PAC had been iden-
tified. He requested that consideration be given to assigning a
member of the Community Redevelopment Commission,,the Redevelopment
Agency and the steering committee to serve as ex- officio members
at all PAC meetings.
Chairman Thom announced that the Agency had received a great
deal of input this evening, which would be digested and acted
upon. He expressed the hope that some of the concerns had been
allayed, and he emphasized that the redevelopment process would
be accelerated rather than sloped down as a result of the policy
redirection. The proposed Redevelopment staff reduction would
be evaluated carefully before action is taken.
Mrs. Kaywood stated she was delighted to see so many citizens
present at this meeting, and she noted that sharp differences and
feelings had been expressed. It is impossible to please everyone,
but the goal is to do what is best for the City and all its
citizens. She called attention to the substantial amount of time sin-
cerely spent by members of the Redevelopment Agency /City Council, and
called for everyone to work together on redevelopment in mutual
consideration and respect, and without suspicions as to honest dif-
ferences of opinion.
Secretary Alona M. Hougard reported that newly - appointed Community
Redevelopment Commissioners Mrs. Mary Dinndorf and Mr. Ben Bay had
each filed declarations of assets and disclosures of interests
within the boundaries of Redevelopment Project Alpha. No assets
nor interests wire declared with the exception of a personal savings
account belonging to Mrs. Dinndorf in a Savings and Loan located
within the project area.
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Anaheim Redevelopment Agency- Adjourned Regular Meeting, July 1, 1976
Commissioner Morris, seconded by Commissioner Fry, the Community_
Redevelopment Commission meeting was adjourned. MOTION CARRIED.
(11:00 p.m.)
ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business before the Redevelopment
Agency, Mrs. Kaywood moved to adjourn. Mr. Thom seconded the motion.