RA1964/04/21REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY April 21, 1964 (10:00 A.M.) PRESENT: Mro Chandler, Mr, Schutte, Mr, Krein and Mr, Dutton. ABSENT: Mr. Coons. PRESENT: CITY MANAGER: Keith Ao Murdoch. CITY ATTORNEY: Joseph Geislero SECRETARY: Dene M. Williams. MEMBERS OF URBAN RENEWAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE PRESENT: Mr. Harry I. Horn, Chairman Mr. Jo W. DeDapper Mr. Morris Martinet, Jr. Mr. Lawrence Henderson Mr. James Lo Morris In the absence of Chairman Coons, the adjourned meeting of the Redevelopment Agency was called to order by Mr. Chandler. MINUTES: Minutes of the meeting held March 24, 1964 were approved on motion by Mr. Schutte, seconded by Mr. Dutton. MOTION CARRIED. Mr. Chandler advised that the meeting was continued for the purpose of contacting a representative of the Del Webb Corporation and others inter- ested in the redevelopment of the downtown area and thereupon invited comments from those present. Mr. George Karcher appearing on behalf of the Anaheim Downtown Merchants Association addressed the Agency advising that nearly all of their membership has been contacted and as a result request consideration of the following: Any.project that has been started within the area delineated as the downtown area be allowed to be completed as,in their opinion,this is to be a two - pronged project. The long term project such as will be predicted by Victor Gruen and Associates,and the other project, such as the day -to -day situation that faces everyone in the downtown area. Regarding the Victor Gruen and Associates survey, all but one or two members of their Association are in complete support of the program and will work with the Victor Gruen and Associates on this project. Mr. Karcher suggested a six or eight member committee be formed to work with the Victor Gruen and City staffs in an advisory capacity, and further suggested that two of said members be from the downtown area; the committee to be selected by the Mayor and City Manager and composed of persons from areas affected. Mr. Karcher urged an unanimous vote of the Agency authorizing the Victor Gruen and Associates firm to proceed with this survey and plan which in his opinion is vital, not only to the downtown area complex, but to the entire City. In answer to Mr. Schutte °s question concerning financing the project, Mr. Karcher advised that the money should come from City funds as a benefit to the entire City, that after a plan is developed methods of further financing can be established and the end result will be implementation of the best possible plan obtainable. Mr. Karcher further advised that when the survey is made it will be followed by plans and models projecting definite areas where industrial, resi- dential and commercial developments should take place and will serve as a blueprint for orderly development. In his opinion cost was negligible compared to the benefits that would be derived by the entire City. (2) Redevelopment Agency, April 21. 1964 - Continued Mr, Krein asked if after a survey is made, in his opinion would the property owners in the downtown area do anything about it,and would they be willing to pool their properties in order to develop according to a recom- mended plane Mr. Karcher replied that those he has talked to would definitely proceed with improvements in accordance to the plan, however, according to his understanding several solutions to a certain section will be offered then a choice will be made by everyone involved. I I Mr. Dutton,recognizing a problem exists and also recognizing the need for traffic circulation<,was of the opinion that any plan suggested would be flexible and further advised that a plan was essential to establish the attractive atmosphere needed to encourage redevelopment. Mr. Krein was of the opinion that development in the downtown area was less,due to the comparative cost of land elsewhere. Mr. Chandler referred to previous attempts made to redevelop a small portion of the downtown area wherein an actual plan was formulated. However, the one deficiency found in the plan was that it benefitted only a small seg- ment of a certain section of the City. Reference was also made to an offer of the California Bank to advance funds for underground electrical utilities and because of the lack of an overall plan this could not be accomplished as the City Council felt they could not embark on what might be a $4,000,000.00 program, Mr, James Morris reported that the Urban Renewal Committee has determined and recommended urban renewal; that they as a Committee are in fact saying if the Agency and City Council decide to go into urban renewal then they as a Committee suggest the employment of Victor Gruen Associates r+ to formulate a long range plan on the problem area, I I Mr, George Strachan, representing the Anaheim Chamber of Commerce, referred to a letter submitted setting forth actions taken by the Board of Directors (said letter was read in full), Mr. Strachan further advised that the Chamber of Commerce has been interested in this matter for approximately six years and that it was the feeling of the Board of Directors that the program must be completed. He further reported that many prospective developers have been stopped because of the lack of a plan and thereupon urged approval of the recommendations of the advisory committee, Mr. Krein related the statement made by Mr, Del Webb to the effect that unless they were prepared to proceed it would be a waste of time and money to have a plan developed. He further advised that if assurance can be given that something will be done he would be in favor of the plan. At the request of the Agency Mr Murdoch reported on financing the proposed plan advising that the current year's budget provides $55,000.00 for this survey and that more than $4,000,00 has been carried over from the prior year Center City Study Budget, Mr, Murdoch further reported that with the proposed stadium project it has been recommended that funds from various other projects be held in abeyance until assurance can be obtained that reimbursement will be forth - conning from the non- profit corporation which could mean a delay of expenditure for three or four months, Mr. Chandler stated that in his opinion this would be the greatest start possible for a private urban renewal program and would eliminate pos- sible development of each block in a different way. Further, it has been determined that this project is public in nature in an effort to stimulate the development of the area by private funds and certainly payment for the survey and plan could be made on a progress basis, Redevelopment Agency, April 21, 1964 - Continued: (3) Mr. Joe Farber, merchant in the downtown area, urged approval of the Urban Renewal Committee's recommendation° Mr. Dutton moved that this Agency recommend to the City Council that they proceed forthwith in the hiring of Victor Gruen and Associates to prepare a development plan for the City of Anaheim. Mr. Chandler seconded the motion. D ISCUSSION • Mr. Krein advised that he would approve of this action on one condition, that there be a full Council voting on the issue and that the full Council express themselves as getting behind the project to see that something is done after the plan is completed. Mr. Chandler advised that he has also expressed the point made my Mr. Krein many times since the commencement of the Urban Redevelopment Project. He would not favor the expenditure of federal funds or the aid from anyone except the private people from within the City of Anaheim and would not favor the expenditure of City funds except for plans and for guidance and leadership. If the downtown area or any area in need of redevelopment wants to participate he personally would cooperate with them. Further, he personally felt this project should go ahead as we have the format and the interested people to carry it through. To him this was a chance to tie the last area into an entire city complex and a chance to plan for it. If the people involved want to work for this improvemenU in his opinion,they should be assisted in every way possible. Mr. Schutte stated that he would like to see a chance for the end results; further, according to his information, the Traffic Department is for ,.`. the purpose of resolving traffic problems within the City. Mr. Dutton reported that any project involves a calculated risk. Regarding the redevelopment plan,he personally was of the opinion that it could be successfully concluded. At the conclusion of further discussion Mr. Chandler called for a voice vote on the motion before the Agency. Said motion failed to carry as two members voted "aye" and two members voted "no". Mr. George Karcher addressed the Council referring to comment made by Mr. Krein advising that his conclusion was that Mr. Krein would favor this issue if the entire Council were present and the entire Council would pledge their support. He called attention to the fact that Mr. Calvin Pebley was present and would take the oath of office as Councilman in a few hours and thereupon requested an expression from him concerning this issue. Mr. Calvin Pebley addressed the Council advising if the present Council favored the plan he would back it 100 per cent, however if the issue came before the Council after he officially occupies the position of Councilman, he could neither vote for nor against the issue without personal investigation. Mr. Pebley further advised that he would like to see the present Council con- clude the matter and stated that whether it be approved or denied he would support their action. Mr. Dutton thereupon moved that this Agency recommend to the City Council that they proceed forthwith in the employment of the firm, Victor Gruen and Associates. to prepare a development plan for the City of Anaheim. Mr. Chandler seconded the motion. Redevelopment Agency, April 21, 1964 - Continued: (4) Roll call vote was requested, AYES: Mr, Dutton, Mr, Krein, Mr. Schutte, Mr. Chandler. NOES: None ABSENT: Mr, Coons. Mr, Chandler declared the MOTION CARRIED. Mr, Chandler stated that with this assurance, negotiations can proceed on the terms of the contract with the Victor Gruen and Associates firm and that part of the terms can be the period for the expenditure of funds. Regarding the naming of the committee as suggested, Mr. Chandler advised that, in his opinion, the persons who have served so ably as the Urban Advisory Committee have proven their ability and he personally would like to ask them to continue to serve in an endeavor to coordinate some of the downtown project as the plan materializes, ADJOURNMENT Mr, Dutton moved to adjourn, Mr. Chandler seconded the motion. MOTION CAR R (11:32 A.M.) SIGNED: Secretary, Redevelopment Agency I