RA1964/09/15REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY (110 00 A. M.) PRESENT! Mr. Pebley, Mr. Dutton, Mr. Schutte, Mr. Krein and Mr. Chandler ABSENT o None PRESENT. CIT`! MANAGER! Keith A. Murdoch SECRETARY. Dene M. Williams Meeting of the Redevelopment Agency was called to order by Mr. Chandler, Chairman, in accordance with Anaheim City Council Minute Order of September 8, 19640 VICT GRUEN ASSOCIATES=AGREEMENT- STATEV.ENT NO. 2 In accordance with agreement dated .Tune 9, 1964, payment of Statement No. 2 in., the amount of $5,000.00 was authorized on motion by Mr. Krein, seconded by Mr. Schutteo MOTION CARRIED. COMM? JNTCA T TON -B. K. K ING. Communication dated August 29, 1964, requesting information pertaining to study of the downtown area, was submitted and read. The Secretary was instructed to advise Mro King that meetings of the Redevelopment Agency are public meetings and reports and surveys received are available for public inspection. ADJOURNME There being no further business before the Redevelopment Agency, the meeting was adjourned on motion by Mr. Dutton, seconded by Mr. Krein, MOTION CARRIED. (11.30 Po M.) SIGNED. Secre ary, Redevelopment Agency