RA1966/06/28REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY June 28, 1966, (2000 p.m.) PRESENT: Mr. Pebley, Mr. Dutton, Mr. Schutte, and Mr. Krein. ABSENT: Mr. Chandler. PRESENT: CITY MANAGER: Keith A. Murdoch. CITY ATTORNEY: Joseph Geisler. SECRETARY: Dene M. Williams. REPRESENTATIVES OF THE PRESS MEMBERS OF THE URBAN RENEWAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE PRESENT: Mr. Harry I, Horn, Chairman Mr, James L, Morris. Mr. Morris Martinet, Jr. Mr., J. W. DeDapper. The City Council, at their regular meeting held June 28, 1966, 1:30 p.m., recessed to sit as the Redevelopment Agency. Mr. Krein called the meeting to order. CENTER CITY STUDY - STEP III - PRESENTATION OF FINAL REPORT Mr. Harry Horn addressed the agency, reporting that the Advisory Committee unanimously adopted the proposed Central City Plan, as outlined by Victor Gruen Associates, which is the result of work commenced in 1961. Mr. James L. Morris reported that upon approaching this project, the Advisory Committee first determined the following questions: 1. Do we have a deteriorated area in the City of Anaheim, and and would it qualify for urban renewal? 2. What would it take in money to acquire this area or sell it to developers for revitalization? 3. If the area can be acquired, what will it be used for after acquisition? 4. After the use is determined, what plan can be involved to de- velop the best situation for the City of Anaheim? Regarding the first two questions, Mr. Morris further reported that the entire City of Anaheim was studied; the Central City Area being the major study area, and it was determined that the area would qualify for an urban renewal project, and the firm of Cedric White was retained to appraise acquisition costs, either by Redevelop- ment Agency acquisition, or private development acquisition, which costs are reflected throughout the submitted report (Appraiser's Report dated 1963). Mr. Morris Martinet briefly reported the change of conditions re- sulting from the advent of the freeway, advising that the present influx of cars in the Center City Area is 100,000 cars per day. He further advised that it was evident and necessary that the traf- fic problem be studied in detail. As a result, it is recommended that a new street be established in the vicinity of Santa Ana Street, Redevelopment Agency, June 28, 1966 - Continued (2) tying in with the plans for the northeast quadrant. Also con- sidered was the establishment of a "Parking Authority ", redesign of streets, and possible one -way traffic. Mr. J. W. DeDapper advised that the Northeast Quadrant Precise Plan, and the Center Core Area must be considered together; the Northeast Quadrant Plan, providing housing to complement and supply the Center Core Commercial Area. Mr. DeDapper briefly explained the proposed plan, being a neighborhood park -type arrangement with all family units oriented toward open space, and further advised that the plan envisioned both private enterprise and land assembly. Mr. Harry Horn, regarding the Center Core Area, advised it was the feeling of the Committee, that the downtown area might eventually be a financial center with some available shopping. Further, the buildings in the Core Area were in- spected and the conditions thereof noted in the report. Mr. Horn briefly explained the proposed plan. Reference was made to the December 24 issue of "Life" magazine wherein an article was written on different cities that have gone into urban redevelopment. In conclusion, Mr. Horn called attention to the report wherein the plan can go forward with, or without, federal assistance. Mr. Ralph Martin, project coordinator of Victor Gruen Asso- ciates, reported that in addition to the report just submitted, a detailed and technical report has been prepared and furnished to the City. Mr. Martin felt two points warranted special attention, one being the planning concept for the revitalization of the Center Core Area, and the fact that this can be accomplished either by private enterprise, federal assistance, or possible use of the City's power of eminent domain, thereby giving extreme flexi- bility to the plan. The second point was that it was not their intent to create a maximum upheaval, which has been the picture painted by urban renewal projects throughout the United States; the proposed Core Area Plan has been drawn whereby revitalization can occur with existing property lines, with no property assembly; how- ever, the Northeast Quadrant Plan, in all possibility, would require property acquisition for land assembly. On motion by Mr. Schutte, seconded by Mr. Pebley, said report was received for further study. MOTION CARRIED. At the conclusion of the discussion that followed, public hearing was ordered scheduled to be held at the Anaheim Library, Wednesday, September 14, 1966, 7:30 p.m., on motion by Mr. Pebley, seconded by Mr. Dutton. MOTION CARRIED. ADJOURNMENT Mr. Dutton moved to adjourn. Mr. Pebley seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. SIGNED: ~ Sec etary, Redevelopment Agency i kca