RA1975/03/04ANAHEIM REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY March 4, 1975, (1 :00 P.M.) Council Chambers Anaheim City Hall 75 -13 PRESENT: Mrs. Kaywood, Mr. Pebley (entered the meeting, 1 :08 P.M.), Mr_. Sneegas and Mr. Thom ABSENT: Mr. Seymour PRESENT: ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER: Robert M. Davis CITY ATTORNEY: Alan R. Watts SECRETARY: Alona M. Hougard REDEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR: Knowlton Fernald FINANCE DIRECTOR: M. R. Ringer DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIRECTOR: Ronald Thompson ZONING SUPERVISOR: Charles Roberts ASSISTANT REDEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR: Christian Hogenbirk Chairman Thom called the meeting to order at 1:00 P.M. MINUTES: On motion by Mrs. Kaywood, seconded by Mr. Sneegas, minutes of the regular meeting held February 18, 1975, were approved. MOTION CARRIED. INVITATION: Redevelopment Director Knowlton Fernald invited members of the Redevelopment Agency to attend a joint meeting of the Redevelopment Commission and consultants, to be held Wednesday, March 5, 1975, at 2 :00 P.M., at which time a progress report on findings of the consultants will be given. ,._., REDEVELOPMENT BUDGET, 1974 -75 - AMENDMENT: Finance Director M. R. Ringer noted proposed amended budget submitted previously for.Agency review, and reported that the 1974 -75 Budget was adopted by the Redevelopment Agency in the amount of $800,000., however significant changes brought about by the employment of consultants and staff necessitated that the budget amount be revised to $1,500,000. He clarified that in order for Redevelopment employees to receive full fringe benefits, the Commission and the staff feel they must be City employees; and the entire amount of $123,435. for salaries, fringe benefits and facility overhead charges would be charged back to, and included in the Redevelopment Budget. Amendment to the General Fund for the 1974 -75 City Budget was also recommended in the amount of $123,435. Chairman Thom asked whether the Agency Members had any questions. (Mr. Pebley entered the meeting, 1:08 P.M.) Mrs. Kaywood asked why the amounts on the first page of the amended budget alloted for Capital Improvements and for the total budgeted amount had been altered to figures which were $500,000. lower. Mr. Ringer explained that adjustments in the records of the Orange County Assessor's Office had caused him to suggest these amounts be revised to more realistic figures. In response to question by Chairman Thom, Mr. Fernald advised that all Redevelopment staff positions hid been filled with the exception of the Relocation Specialist, a Redevelopment Technician, and a S tenc.. C? --- rI- . 75 -14 Redevelopment Agency, March 4, 1975, Continued: RESOLUTION NO. RA75 -25: Mrs. Kaywood offered Resolution No. RA75 -25 for adoption, approving the amended 1974 -75 Redevelopment Budget, as recommended. A RESOLUTION OF THE ANAHEIM REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY APPROVING AN AMENDED BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 1974 -75. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Mrs. Kaywood, Mr. Pebley, Mr. Sneegas and Mr. Thom NOES: None ABSENT: Mr. Seymour Chairman Thom declared Resolution No. RA75 -25 duly passed and adopted. ADJOURNMENT: Mrs. Kaywood moved to adjourn. Mr. Thom seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. ADJOURNED :. 1 :12 P.M. ° SIGNED: Secretary, Redevel pment Agency