RA1975/04/08Redevelopment Agency, April 8, 1975, Continued: 75 -25 PROJECT AREA COMMITTEE (PAC) - GUIDELINES FOR SELECTING MEMBERS: Redevelopment Director Knowlton Fernald offered to answer any questions by the City Redevelopment Agency relative to his staff report submitted April 1, 1975, pertaining to Guidelines for Selecting Members of the Project Area Committee (PAC). A typoggaplUtaL error was observed by Mrs. Kaywood on page 4 of the report, Section E, "Removal from Office ", last line in the second paragraph. On the recommendations of the City Attorney, the word "of" was deleted in favor of the words "and /or ", to provide that a replacement member shall be a representative of the same interest group as the former mem- ber, i.e. the Central City area and /or the northeast industrial area. Mr. Fernald noted it was the intent that the terms of office on the committee be limited to one two -year term to provide changes in the membership. Mr. Seymour moved that the guideline procedure be approved as recommended. Mrs. Kaywood seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. ORANGE COUNTY HEALTH FACILITY PROPOSAL - WILLIAM BRASHEARS DEVELOPMENT ORGANIZATION: Mr. Fernald read his staff report just received by members of the Redevelopment Agency, recommending that the proposal dated February 24, 1975, submitted to the County of Orange for the County Health Department building, be withdrawn; that the Agency approve an Exclusive Right to Negotiate Agreement with Dr. William Bra - shears for the purpose of locating the Health Department facility near the corner of Anaheim Boulevard and Chartres Street (Exhibit "A" attached to the proposed agreement); and that the Agency approve in concept that the same terms orig- inally offered to the County regarding the site and parking cost be extended to Brashears in conjunction with his pro- posal. Responding to questions by Mr. Seymour, Mr. Fernald reported that the vacant, privately owned parcel located at the northeast corner of Anaheim Boulevard and Broadway, previously considered for the facility, was insufficient for the structure; therefore, it would be necessary to acquire additional property if this site were selected. The parcel owned by the City, depicted on Exhibit "A" and located on the north side of Chartres Street west of Anaheim Boulevard, contains 42,000 square feet, and is presently developed with the building housing the Parks Division of the Racks, Recre- ation and the Arts Department and a parking lot. The adjacent property, fronting on Anaheim Boulevard, is available for purchase, however, it may take ninety days or more for acquisition. Paragraph "H" of the proposed option agreement contains terminology which provides that by mutual consent of the parties, the site can be transferred to another loca- tion within the Project Alpha area. Mr. Seymour stated that when the previous proposal for the health facility came before the Redevelopment Agency, he voted against it due to the fact that the property would be removed from the tax rolls, and sufficient information was not available pertaining to the economic impact of the pro- posed facility on the community. He indicated he was in favor of this new proposal, based on the economic research which has been done, and the proposed construction and lease of the facility by private enterprise, thereby keeping the property on the tax rolls. In his opinion, however, the 75 -26 Redevelopment Agency, April 8, 1975, Continued: proposal to the County should include more than one site. Chairman Thom pointed out that the Cities of Garden Grove and Santa Ana were attempting to attain the health department facility in their cities, and he felt that the best possible proposal should be submitted to the County. He noted the catalytic effect the facility would have on the redevelopment of the downtown area. Mr. Fernald advised that the possible sites for the development were narrowed down to the one City -owned parcel because it can be acquired within ninety days which seemed of importance to the County. He pointed out that alternate sites could be discussed at the hearing before the County Board of Supervisors, and could be emphasized in the letter requesting withdrawal of the former proposal. (Mr. Pebley entered the Council Chamber, 1:20 P.M.) Mr. Seymour moved that the Agency proposal to the County dated February 24, 1975, for the County Health Department building be withdrawn. Mrs. Kaywood seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. RESOLUTION NO. RA75 -28: Mr. Seymour offered Resolution No. RA75 -28 for adoption. A RESOLUTION OF THE ANAHEIM REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY APPROVING THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF AN AGREEMENT GRANTING AN EXCLU- SIVE RIGHT TO NEGOTIATE FOR THE REDEVELOPMENT OF CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY AND DIRECTING THE EXECUTION THEREOF. (Dr. William Brashears - Orange County Health Department Facility) ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Mrs. Kaywood, and Mr. Thom NOES: None ABSENT: None Mr. Seymour, Mr. Pebley, Mr. Sneegas Chairman Thom declared Resolution No. RA75 -28 duly passed and adopted. Mr. Seymour moved that the Redevelopment Agency approve in concept that the same terms originally offered to the County in regard to site and parking costs be extended to Dr. Brashears.in`ceujKnation with his proposal to locate the County facility in Anaheim. This site and these terms would not be applicable to any other project by Dr. Brashears. Mrs. Kaywood seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. ADJOURNHKNT: Mr. Sneegas moved to adjourn. Mr. Seymour se- conded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. ADJOURNED: 1 :24 P.M. S IGNED : Lz�" )Y/ , d-- Secretary, Redevel pment Agency